Posted on 11/02/2015 8:15:28 AM PST by Alfred O. Bama
As President, Bill Clinton infuriated many in the gay community by signing into law the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which blocked federal recognition of same-sex marriages, and "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," which required gay members of the military to remain in the closet about their sexual orientation or be ejected from service.
Arguably, Clinton didn't exactly have a lot of room to maneuver. DOMA passed by an overwhelming, veto-proof majority. While it was introduced by Republicans in 1996 (by Bob Barr, who would eventually run for president as a Libertarian Party candidate in 2008 and apologize for sponsoring the legislation), it got 118 Democratic votes in the House and 32 Democratic votes in the Senate....
Clinton insisted that DOMA was an effort to protect gay people from a possible federal constitutional amendment that would have banned recognition of same-sex marriage permanently and would have been immune to Supreme Court intervention. She tells Maddow:
"On Defense of Marriage, I think what my husband believed--and there was certainly evidence to support it--is that there was enough political momentum to amend the Constitution of the United States of America, and that there had to be some way to stop that. And there wasn't any rational argument--because I was in on some of those discussions, on both 'don't ask, don't tell' and on DOMA, where both the president, his advisers and occasionally I would--you know, chime in and talk about, 'you can't be serious. You can't be serious.' But they were... DOMA was a line that was drawn that was to prevent going further."But it's just not true, and over the weekend, several prominent gay activists who were around at the time have been tweeting about what nonsense this attempt to revise history is....
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This also reminds us that, at one time, even liberals were willing to say that marriage was a man and a woman. 20 years ago, the definition of marriage was one of the least controversial issues in America.
If you go back and check the roll call vote on the Defense of Marriage Act, you would be shocked at some of the liberals who supported that legislation. And you would be surprised at the overwhelming, veto proof majority which approved of marriage as a man and a woman.
This is why Hillary Clinton lost the Democratic primary race in 2008. Leftists know all too well that the Clintons can’t be trusted.
Leftists/liberals couldn’t care less that she lies. Revising history out of existence is their specialty.
“On Defense of Marriage, I think what my husband believed—and there was certainly evidence to support it—is that there was enough political momentum to amend the Constitution of the United States of America, and that there had to be some way to stop that
Heaven forbid that the will of the people should be heard.
So slick willie signed DOMA to keep the people, who elected his sorry a$$, from using the amendment process to help defeat the 2% of our country that are perverts.
My tag line is so appropriate:
“Bill and Hillary Clinton are the penicillin-resistant syphilis of our political system”.
Alas, it is my guess that not nearly enough of the people will remember anything bad about Herself and they will line up to vote early and often for her.
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