Alberta's Child
Since Nov 9, 2000

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I voted for Donald Trump because I was tired of draft-dodging Ivy League globalist pr!cks running this nation’s foreign policy. Anyone who still thinks the invasion of Iraq was a good idea shouldn’t even be allowed to clean the toilets in the White House.


The United States should be isolationist by nature and interventionist in rare, exceptional cases. That's the only legitimate political stature for a country that is supposed to be built on the idea of limited government. A government that pisses away thousands of lives and trillions of dollars on military campaigns in Islamic sh!t-holes halfway around the world while facilitating an invasion of Third World peasants here at home has no moral claim on any loyalty from its citizens anymore.


Pilate saith to them: "Shall I crucify your King?" The chief priests answered: "We have no king but Caesar." Then, therefore, he delivered Him to them to be crucified.
And so it was.


On the COVID-19 fiasco ...

We're all getting a first-hand look at how a society operates when it's run by people who are always catering to the mindless whims of suburban Karens. Our leaders are invariably going to end up making decisions that are idiotic and irrational ... and they're going to feel completely unaccountable when they fail.


A lot of conservatives act as if a large police presence is a good thing. I don't see anything "conservative" about that at all. The defining characteristic of a free, law-abiding society isn’t a major police presence -- it's an armed citizenry.


Why it's impossible to have conversations about race in the U.S. these days ...

It's because one group never shuts up about it, so the other group just stopped listening.


Will removing Confederate emblems from flags, toppling statues of white American historical figures, and eliminating Aunt Jemima's face from our grocery store shelves do a damned thing to make a single black person's life better in the U.S. today?


And so this is how this silly farce of what used to be a great nation ends ... U.S. Navy ships that can't even avoid crashing into other large vessels, a cheating scandal at West Point that goes unpunished, and Viking Horn Guy proudly grinning for photos while standing at the Senate President's throne dressed in his face paint and Chewbacca outfit.


Public schools should not exist. The notion that knowledge can ever be politicized has no place in a free nation of normal, civilized human beings.


Let’s give these radical Muslims some credit. They know damn well that adopting Western-style feminism is the surest path to complete subjugation and slavery.


Applying professional judgement in determining a course of treatment for a patient is a medical doctor’s defining characteristic. If he surrenders that judgement to government or corporate bureaucrats, he’s no longer a doctor and is just some @sshole with a stethoscope and an expensive education.


"How does any rational or caring human being watch us lose a 20-year war against cave-dwelling barbarians, and not just lose that war, but lose it in the most humiliating fashion imaginable, and less than a year later already have a war-boner for Ukraine?" -- John Nolte, 3/5/2022


"What Americans want, what the GOP base in particular truly desires, is a president who looks at them the way that Mike Pence looks at random Ukrainians." -- Auron MacIntyre, The Blaze (7/20/2023)


"[The political party that once brought us Andrew Jackson, Grover Cleveland, and Harry Truman is now strapped with such a dearth of talent that the best it can offer is a giggling nincompoop for the highest office in the land." -- Mark C. Ross, American Thinker (8/1/2024)