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  • Civil War History Meets Twitter @Discovercivwar

    03/23/2010 9:17:07 PM PDT · by stainlessbanner · 19 replies · 414+ views
    Archives ^ | March 23, 2010
    Civil War History Meets Twitter @Discovercivwar Follow the National Archives’ Upcoming Civil War Exhibit on Twitter Washington, DC…You can now follow the National Archives’ exhibition marking the sesquicentennial of the Civil War, Discovering the Civil War on Twitter []. Followers can discover the Civil War for themselves through tweets highlighting the people and stories of the Civil War linking to images of items that will be featured in the exhibition such as letters, diaries, photos, maps, petitions, receipts, patents, amendments, and proclamations. @discovercivwar will also alert the public to exciting, free programs related to the exhibition that will be held...
  • Local Confederate Veterans' Group Can’t March in Ohio Parade

    05/24/2009 6:22:51 AM PDT · by kellynla · 113 replies · 4,007+ views
    The Morehead News ^ | May 22, 2009 | staff
    The Morehead chapter of the Sons of Confederate Veterans have been denied a request to march in the Ironton Lawrence County Memorial Day Parade. The 5th Kentucky Infantry Camp #2122 received a letter from Arthur J. Pierson, parade grand marshal, rejecting the group’s request to participate in the parade, without giving any reasons why. “Your parade request for SCV, 5th Kentucky Infantry camp #2122 Morehead, KY, has been considered and NOT APPROVED,” the letter stated. The 5th Kentucky wanted to march with a color guard that would feature two Confederate flags – the Kentucky Confederate flag and the Confederate battle...
  • Confederate re-enactor pleads not guilty in shooting

    04/09/2009 10:21:22 PM PDT · by stainlessbanner · 40 replies · 1,468+ views
    hamptonroades ^ | April 9, 2009
    A Confederate re-enactor has pleaded not guilty to reckless handling of a firearm in the accidental shooting of a Union re-enactor during the filming of a Civil War documentary in September. Joshua Owen Silva of Norfolk appeared in court Wednesday on the misdemeanor charge, which stemmed from the shooting of 72-year-old Thomas Lord Sr. of Suffolk. A June 24 trial date was set, but prosecutors say they hope to reach a plea agreement with Silva before that. Lord was struck in the right shoulder by a .45-caliber musket ball during the filming of the "Civil War Overland Campaign Web Series...
  • Event brings home true meaning of Jubilee Day (NAACP leaders on the Emancipation Proclamation)

    01/02/2009 8:15:20 AM PST · by Between the Lines · 21 replies · 819+ views
    Rock Hill Herald ^ | Jan. 02, 2009 | Toya Graham
    They had hoped to celebrate freedom -- freedom for blacks once bound by chains of slavery. What the 100 people who gathered for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People's annual Emancipation Proclamation program Thursday got was a wake-up call and a history lesson. President Abraham Lincoln's signing of the Emancipation Proclamation 146 years ago had less to do with freedom and more to do with a need to beef up Union forces during the Civil War, Lonnie Randolph said. "The Emancipation Proclamation really didn't do anything," the state NAACP president said from Rock Hill's Agape International Ministries....
  • Ancient Cannon Ball Explodes

    05/05/2008 9:46:50 AM PDT · by Abathar · 41 replies · 578+ views ^ | 05/05/08 | Unknown
    May 5, 2008: The U.S. Civil War continues to kill. Sam White, a Virginia based collector of Civil War munitions, died recently while cleaning up a nine inch, 75 pound, cannon ball. White had previously restored or examined over 1,500 of these shells. But the one that killed him was different. It was fired from a ship board gun, and was designed to be more waterproof than shells used by land based artillery. This kept the fuze, and black powder explosive charge, dry and viable after 150 years. Mister White was using metal tools to clean up the shell, which...
  • Confederate Flag In Pickup Prompts Battle At Fla. Company

    05/02/2008 8:56:18 AM PDT · by stainlessbanner · 223 replies · 3,223+ views
    local6 ^ | May 2, 2008
    JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- A Central Florida man's Confederate flag prompted a free-speech battle with his employer, who doesn't want it displayed on company property. The flag is attached to Bobby Tillett's pickup truck, which he drives to work every day, WJXT reported. Because his employer has banned the flag from his parking lot, Tillett is forced to park far from his job. "If I take it down, that means you know the politically correct people would have won, and that's wrong," Bobby Tillett said. "If you believe in something that strong (you) should have no problem whatsoever to fly it."...
  • Student Sues 'Anti-Christian' Teacher Over Remarks in Class

    04/02/2008 5:40:59 PM PDT · by Saoirise · 59 replies · 81+ views
    Fox News ^ | 4/02/2008 | Anita Vogel
    A student and his family have filed a federal lawsuit demanding that a popular European history teacher at California's Capistrano Valley High School be fired for what they say were anti-Christian remarks he made in the classroom. Chad Farnan, a 16-year-old sophomore, says the teacher, James Corbett, told his students that “Jesus glasses” obscure the truth and suggested that Christians are more likely than other people to commit rape and murder. Farnan recorded his teacher telling students in class: “What country has the highest murder rate? The South! What part of the country has the highest rape rate? The South!...
  • Excavation of home of UNC founder William R. Davie -- no evidence that it was burned by Union troops

    06/17/2006 5:55:13 PM PDT · by SunkenCiv · 5 replies · 272+ views
    Artifacts suggest that the South Carolina site that archaeology students and faculty from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill have been excavating was indeed the home of UNC founder William R. Davie, but contradict the local lore that Union troops burned the house in 1865... [T]he researchers and their undergraduate collaborators did not find the key evidence that would suggest a fire. "We would expect masses of charcoal and burned window glass, and we just didn't encounter that," Riggs said. "It's possible that such evidence was obliterated, but we really doubt it." ...Two years ago, student and faculty...
  • Henry rifle is currently the best-known Civil War-era rifle

    05/08/2006 4:21:39 PM PDT · by kiriath_jearim · 37 replies · 1,866+ views
    Carthage Press (Missouri) ^ | 5/8/06 | Bob Sheldon
    Outdoors Corner By Bob Sheldon Guest Columnist Of the cartridge repeating rifles used in the American Civil War the best known today is the colorful Henry with its yellow receiver. Total production of Henry rifles was tiny compared to quantity Spencer rifles and carbines purchased by the US Army. Total production of Henry rifles was only about 12,000 with sales to the Federal Government only about 2,000 rifles. Some states purchased Henry Rifles for their militias and other rifles were purchased by individual soldiers or their families. If a soldier had a Henry rifle the Army would issue him cartridges...
  • Definition of South, Southern Is Changing

    11/25/2005 5:17:11 AM PST · by freepatriot32 · 41 replies · 1,733+ views ^ | 11 25 05 | ALLEN G. BREED
    CARY, N.C. - The joke around here is that this town's name is really an acronym for "Containment Area for Relocated Yankees." As far as Vernon Yates is concerned, they haven't been contained well enough. Nearly surrounded by pricey subdivisions, the cinderblock Yates Grocery and Farm Supply sells neither anymore. As if things weren't bad enough, style maven Martha Stewart has chosen this Raleigh suburb to build a signature neighborhood of houses designed after her homes in Maine and New York. Holding court near a potbellied stove, the 69-year-old man in the suspenders and NASCAR shirt laments that his old...
  • The FReeper Foxhole Revisits the Sinking of the C.S.S. Alabama (6/19/1864) - July 15th, 2005

    07/15/2005 2:29:04 AM PDT · by snippy_about_it · 69 replies · 1,395+ views
    Lord, Keep our Troops forever in Your care Give them victory over the enemy... Grant them a safe and swift return... Bless those who mourn the lost. . FReepers from the Foxhole join in prayer for all those serving their country at this time. ...................................................................................... ........................................... U.S. Military History, Current Events and Veterans Issues Where Duty, Honor and Countryare acknowledged, affirmed and commemorated. Our Mission: The FReeper Foxhole is dedicated to Veterans of our Nation's military forces and to others who are affected in their relationships with Veterans. In the FReeper Foxhole, Veterans or their family members should feel...
  • 'Whites Only' Deed Sparks Lawsuit

    04/22/2005 10:54:48 PM PDT · by freepatriot32 · 259 replies · 6,145+ views
    cbsnews ^ | 4 22 05 | Dionne Walker
    The modest brick house, with its yard full of wilting tulips and rusted old cars, isn't a candidate for the pages of Better Homes and Gardens. But on a spring day in 2002, it was just what Nealie Pitts had in mind. She approached the owner, Rufus T. Matthews, and asked the price. According to court documents, Matthews said the house was selling for $83,000 - but that a deed restriction meant only whites were eligible to buy it. "I was hurt and angry, like he had slapped me in the face," Pitts, who is black, said in an e-mail....
  • World Grits Festival dishes out heaping helpings of family fun

    04/17/2005 9:33:21 AM PDT · by smoothsailing · 28 replies · 709+ views
    The Charleston Post and Courier ^ | 04/17/05 | Deneshia Graham
    World Grits Festival dishes out heaping helpings of family fun BY DENESHIA GRAHAM ST. GEORGE--Someone by the name of George got dibs on this small, Dorchester County town before grits could. Regardless of where it got its name, the town's heart belongs to the distinctly Southern staple. The love affair has been celebrated for two decades. Day two of the World Grits Festival took place Saturday. Thousands of grits-goers from near and far, some armed with flimsy paper plates of fried food, filed past one another, each heading to a variety of events. Commencing at 7 a.m., activities included a...
  • What is the South?

    03/06/2005 6:59:01 PM PST · by quidnunc · 120 replies · 3,062+ views
    The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette ^ | March 6, 2005 | Paul Greenberg
    New Orleans – "What’s the South like?" said the man in the white suit at the next table, mulling over the question. "That’s what they all ask. Well, that depends on which South you mean — the antebellum mansion, the fly-specked roadhouse, or the latest of the New Souths, the Sunbelt. Or northern Mexico, aka Texas. Or one of the uncountable other Souths. Which image is the facade for which?" The man in the white suit soon warmed to his inexhaustible subject: "One South fits into the next like one of those Russian dolls. Do not be quick to decide...
  • Hidden History and Self-Destructive Southerners

    03/01/2005 1:33:00 PM PST · by sheltonmac · 320 replies · 4,981+ views ^ | 03/01/2005 | Lee R. Shelton IV
    As a Louisiana native who is now living north of the Mason-Dixon Line, I am well aware of the concerted effort to erase Southern culture from the nation's collective consciousness. I have written numerous articles addressing this social cancer, and every time I do I inevitably hear from people who have the audacity to call me an extremist. "The Civil War is over," they say. "The South lost. Get over it!" Sure. Never mind that those of us who defend the South do so in response to the increasingly virulent attacks on our heritage. Forget that political correctness has...
  • Defaced Confederate Memorial is Part of our History

    02/21/2005 8:18:34 AM PST · by Publius · 49 replies · 1,313+ views
    Seattle Post-Intelligencer ^ | 21 February 2005 | Susan Paynter
    We talk a lot in this town about diversity and embracing differences. On Presidents Day, before dashing for holiday markdowns at the mall, we may even rest a beat to reflect on our history. But if the story of your particular diversity is told in Southern accents -- especially if it dares breathe a word about historic roots stretching back to the Confederacy -- you're more apt to get a slug than a hug. Marjorie Reeves knows that from personal, painful experience. The Alabama transplant wasn't all that "Southern," she says, before moving to Seattle in 1998. But the minute...
  • 'Stroke Belt' tightens

    02/13/2005 11:59:34 PM PST · by JohnHuang2 · 31 replies · 1,040+ views
    Washington Times ^ | Monday, February 14, 2005 | AP
    DECATUR, Ga. (AP) — When Becky Cleaveland is out with her girlfriends, they all pick at salads, except for the petite Atlanta woman. She tackles "The Hamdog." The dish, a specialty of Mulligan's, a suburban bar, is a hot dog wrapped by a beef patty that is deep-fried, covered with chili, cheese and onions, and served on a hoagie bun. Oh yeah: It's also topped with a fried egg and two fistfuls of fries. "The owner says I'm the only girl who can eat a whole one without flinching," Miss Cleaveland said proudly. Click to learn more... Amid a national...
  • Southern Food Frustrates Health Officials

    02/13/2005 1:43:27 PM PST · by foolscap · 194 replies · 4,567+ views ^ | Feb 13, 2005 | DANIEL YEE
    DECATUR, Ga. (AP) -- When Becky Cleaveland is out with her girlfriends, they all pick at salads except for the petite Atlanta woman. She tackles "The Hamdog." The dish, a specialty of Mulligan's, a suburban bar, is a hot dog wrapped by a beef patty that's deep fried, covered with chili, cheese and onions and served on a hoagie bun. Oh yeah, it's also topped with a fried egg and two fistfuls of fries. "The owner says I'm the only girl who can eat a whole one without flinching," Cleaveland said proudly. Amid a national obesity epidemic and the South's...
  • The Price of Freedom

    01/25/2005 9:14:50 PM PST · by stainlessbanner · 9 replies · 680+ views
    frontpage ^ | January 25, 2005 | Ted Lapkin
    It is the sort of stuff that one can read on a regular basis in the contemporary media. An impassioned crie de coeur against American presidential tyranny of the type that is voiced at protest rallies around the world. "The men in power are attempting to establish a despotism in this country, more cruel and more oppressive than ever existed before,” declared the speaker. But these harsh words of denunciation were not uttered against the USA Patriot Act or the national security policies of President George W. Bush. Nor were these sentiments expressed by supporters of Australian Guantanamo detainees David...
  • Happy Birthday-Robert E Lee

    01/19/2005 7:38:59 AM PST · by Valin · 88 replies · 2,691+ views
    The idol of the South to this day, Virginian Robert E. Lee had some difficulty in adjusting to the new form of warfare that unfolded with the Civil war, but this did not prevent him from keeping the Union armies in Virginia at bay for almost three years. The son of Revolutionary War hero "Light Horse" Harry Lee-who fell into disrepute in his later years attended West Point and graduated second in his class. During his four years at the military academy he did not earn a single demerit and served as the cadet corps' adjutant. Upon his 1829 graduation...