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Posts by ritewingwarrior

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  • U.S. shifts approach to deporting illegal immigrants (Obama's amnesty thru non-enforcement)

    09/10/2010 6:33:58 AM PDT · 13 of 13
    ritewingwarrior to pissant

    What would be better is to just arrest them and deport them instantly. Criminals etc. If they have pending immigration applications then let them handle that in Mexico, Honduras, Guatamala etc. They can wait down there not up here. Then we can get our lazy youth and welfare people to go work in the fields for minimum wage and watch the economy recover.

  • AP source: Obama writes letter to NKorean leader

    12/16/2009 7:12:37 PM PST · 29 of 29
    ritewingwarrior to Free ThinkerNY

    Dear Your Great Lordship Kim ‘Kong’ Il;

    Please please please help me look like my weak foreign policy can really work. If you would just entertain the idea of meeting with one of my representatives i will come and bow before you in front of the entire world, in deference to your greatness. You don’t have to agree to anything but ,if we could make it look like you are interested in hearing my ideas, it would really help me out. I am desperate please please help me. My con is being revealed and i don’t know if i will make it through my entire term if i dont achieve something. They might even ask for my Nobel Prize back. I would even considering sharing it with you, because i know you have been cheated from receiving a Nobel Prize in Science and Math and Literature so many times when you clearly earned it.

    Please please please help me.

    Your Servant, Barack H. Obama

  • Waxman: mGovt will need to help shape U.S. media:

    12/02/2009 11:43:30 AM PST · 21 of 28
    ritewingwarrior to libh8er

    Uh Hi Henry, over here. American business!! We took losses majorly the last year and a half. Can we extend out our losses? Can you tell vendors and suppliers why we have trouble paying them timely when our customers don’t pay us timely? How about you just forgive our vendor debt since you seem so anxious to do it for the new media.

    Why don’t you insist on the Tax Incentives of 2008 being extended now before it is too late, so that we can recoup our losses from the overage of taxes we paid in the last few years?

    When the tax incentives were passed in 2008 i bought a business, new equipment and hired new personnel. Now with the failure by the government and the banking industry to support our economy some of those jobs have been lost.

    Get with the program.

  • Pelosi Hints another Stimulus Bill on the Way

    11/29/2009 9:30:05 PM PST · 20 of 22
    ritewingwarrior to John Semmens

    They have to actually fund the original stimulus money first instead of holding onto it until next year before the election. The stimulus should be renamed, “The Money we promised to the people now, but will deliver later, so we can get reelected fund.”

    What a joke. They are waiting to fund stimulus money in hopes of spurring the economy right before the 2010 elections and avoiding a takeover by the right.

  • Insurers dropping Chinese drywall policies (ChiNazi Commerce Terrorism!)

    10/16/2009 2:56:13 PM PDT · 26 of 26
    ritewingwarrior to happygrl

    And to top it off, if you really knew how many products within your home are made in China you would have to move out and build your own house. Plumbing is another one that comes from china. Plastic and metal piping. Nails, and screws, electrical conduit, doors, closet organizers, furniture, lighting, sinks, tubs, showers, roofing material. the list goes on and on. 90% of Walmart’s non food products are from China. So don’t act like buying goods in China is not common, and yes there are flawed products, but it is the fault of the person purchasing those products for not specifying what they want.

    Do you know how many ‘American’ manufacturers have their products made over seas and then assembled in the states so they can say. ‘Made in America’? Wake up and get with the program, most of the non consumable products you use everyday are made in another country because unions have made it to expensive.

  • Insurers dropping Chinese drywall policies (ChiNazi Commerce Terrorism!)

    10/16/2009 2:50:43 PM PDT · 25 of 26
    ritewingwarrior to Wiz

    Shame on me? for protecting my employees jobs? If we cant produce product at a cheaper price then we cant compete any longer because non certified people working out of their garages are killing us. I pay my employees benefits and good wages and there is no union. I haven’t taken any personal wages in 3.5 years. Every dollar goes back into improving the company and expanding our customer base. Yet we are at the mercy of the banking industry, and i am sorry you feel that my 65 employees deserve to be laid off, rather than trying to do everything to cut costs, and not support unionized business.

    If the unions would drop out and start going to a REAL capitalist society, unburdened with false modifiers like union wages, we would have no problems.

    So should i buy material from canada and mexico? China is no different than those NAFTA countries. Mexico has no labor laws or pollution standards either. I compete directly with canadian companies who are financed by the government and have little or no overhead. They kick our asses on price.

    Should i tell my employees, sorry guys you are out of a job, because other countries are competing in America, but i have to buy only American goods that keeps the prices high? There goes $4million in taxable income for the government a year, and a loss of about $15mil a year in corporate revenue being taken out of the system. Yes lets buy American while the rest of the world doesn’t play by the same rules.

    Very smart protectionist policies just like Obama. Everyone i know in the construction industry blames the contractor for not watching over the product he was buying. then it would never have been bad product.

  • Insurers dropping Chinese drywall policies (ChiNazi Commerce Terrorism!)

    10/15/2009 6:29:47 PM PDT · 21 of 26
    ritewingwarrior to Dr. Bogus Pachysandra

    You are exactly right. China will do whatever you ask , but don’t treat them with disrespect and cover your bases. there are plenty of services that will confirm your product before it goes on the container. The fault lies solely with the American company who brought it in and did not specify exactly what he wanted.

    I started buying plywood from china because the lumberman’s unions make prices too high to compete. The plant i went to was clean and orderly and the people wore western clothes, and they were members of at least 5 separate American industry organizations. They came to a trade show in America recently. Their product is perfect. and every container is fully inspected before it leaves the port. Capitalism is a free market and that is a world market.

    And the kicker is they take trees from northwest america, ship them to china, cut them, lay them up and ship them back cheaper than American companies will make it.

    China is not to blame, neither is mexico or canada or any other country that manufacturers products for the US. The unions are to blame 100% they are the reason why prices have inflated over the decades beyond the normal course of a free market. Unions are a false drivers of economic growth. The only reason we have a minimum wage is because ordinary people had to be able to compete with Union wages and buying power.

  • Obama says he's looking at any way to create jobs (Thought he had all the answers?)

    10/15/2009 4:56:04 AM PDT · 52 of 65
    ritewingwarrior to ken21

    It amazes me how ignorant people are. Cut taxes, continue on the Bush tax incentives, cut extraordinary fees in business, and reduce the size of government. Easy. But that doesn’t fit into the socialist plan. The AMerican people are just slaves to our government and they aren’t going to help us, they just want to keep us from breaking out and causing them problems.

    Give me a $5000 tax credit for each employee i hire over minimum wage and ill hire a bunch tomorrow, instead of looking at our company’s demise because of the government manipulation of the market.

  • Senate Finance Panel Approves Health Bill, 14-9

    10/13/2009 12:33:32 PM PDT · 51 of 106
    ritewingwarrior to Sub-Driver

    She said she was setting aside misgivings now to let it go through. Unbelievable. now that it is out of committee let the fraud begin. Of course they are going to ram it through. It should have stayed in committee and died there.

  • Media lie, ”Illegal aliens do jobs Americans won’t do” helps destroy America

    10/12/2009 4:55:44 AM PDT · 46 of 47
    ritewingwarrior to Tammy8

    “Americans are not all stupid and lazy, not by a long shot.”

    No only 53% of them are. I do verify documentation when i hire migrant workers. I always go through a legitimate American business, and request copies of payroll and ability to work legally. I never pick up day laborers. Not once in 15 years. I can’t count the times i have sent an American home because he/she was horrid. I never have done that with a migrant worker.

    And for those 53% of the population who are morons, many of them are uneducated and unskilled. They are also democrats. I would hire anyone over a democrat honestly since they tend to be apathetic and entitled. Lets ship out the democrats and let the good migrant workers come here under contract. Deport a Democrat today.

    I am all for building the wall all along the border to keep illegals out. As for the crime, yes criminals come here to hide out, only a wall will cut that down. Those aren’t necessarily the same people who I would employ.

  • Breaking news: Nobel Prize committee sanctifies The One

    10/09/2009 4:41:37 AM PDT · 6 of 53
    ritewingwarrior to DB9

    At least the IOC wasn’t blinded by the light of the radiant one. Not that i disagree with our efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan, but how does one win a peace prize when his entire party ran on the slate that he would end the war. The One hasn’t pulled troops out of either country, so technically he is still waging war. I guess you can get a prize if you talk out both sides of your mouth. Maybe he will convert the Dish Room into his Nobel Prize holding room in the White House.

  • Media lie, ”Illegal aliens do jobs Americans won’t do” helps destroy America

    10/04/2009 6:29:54 AM PDT · 4 of 47
    ritewingwarrior to jmaroneps37
    While i don't support illegal immigrants, and think we should have a migrant worker program, i have been hiring laborers for the last twenty years. Immigrant workers work hard and fast for the most part. They don't screw around and they don't complain about working more than 7.5 hours a day.

    You take your average American with little or no education, who already has the entitlement thinking, and they aren't worth a lick. Drug problems, being late, lackadaisical attitude, horrible decision making processes.

    Americans are buried in the ME ME ME thing and materialism. Immigrants tend to be more interested in feeding their families. Maybe we should pay the immigrants to teach our poor uneducated masses how to work. That's why they come here, because they know the American worker is to stupid and lazy to do what they would do in a second.

    Lets look at the real problem, and that is parents failing to raise their children in America with proper values and ethics. Being born to parents that have these values and ethics isn't a guarantee of performance, but it starts in the home, and not at the border.

    Lock up the border and have a guest worker program only. No more illegals.

  • Michael Jackson Fans to Rep. Peter King: BEAT IT!

    07/07/2009 8:10:02 AM PDT · 13 of 31
    ritewingwarrior to vadum

    So they shut down the freeway for the funeral procession, unbelievable. The municipalities are spending tons of money to do this, what a joke. Didn’t Farrah Fawcett and Ed McMann die recently also? Our society has devolved so much it is sad.

  • GOP Senate leaders back moderate Florida Gov. Charlie Crist's bid [Cornyn, McConnell endorse]

    05/13/2009 4:07:28 PM PDT · 40 of 40
    ritewingwarrior to domenad

    Kept Florida out of a recession? really? The housing market is done in Florida for right now, and if it hadn’t been for the citizens forcing the change in the property tax laws, the state would be more upside down than it is. Please oh please do not endorse him as President. Lets get a businessman to run our country. Someone who is clean and without question. There are guys out there, look at Bloomberg. He is fiscally conservative and more socially liberal. But he stands on the side of being fiscally responsible first, which i think we can all agree with. That is the key to a winner for us. Not saying Bloomberg is the guy, but he is way better than Crist. Newt would be great also, but he has a shady past and the party needs to distance itself from religion, unfortunately if it wants to win in the future.

    I am a hardcore conservative but lets realize the state of events in our country and the level of intelligence of the average voter. Our country is filled with stupid people who don’t want to be told what to do. What can you do for them. Making abortion (an abomination) as a key ingredient of our campaign is a sure fire way to drive people away. We are going to lose 3 seats in the SCOTUS with this president, and it is going to give the liberals much more judicial power.

    We must defeat the socialists in the next round. Clearly a RINO is the only possible winner, since a staunch conservative isn’t going to win in this environment. Obama presented himself as centrist, but was indeed a socialist. Lets get a conservative who acts like a RINO only, and not a RINO who is a RINO.


    05/12/2009 1:58:18 PM PDT · 246 of 330
    ritewingwarrior to RobFromGa
    While I have been a Fair Tax supporter for years, there are problems with it. Tax evasion would be very high. Its no different than now thought. People still barter things tax free. Happens all the time. Technically if you give a person $10 to wash your car there needs to be tax paid, even if its the kid across the street. Its crazy.

    The benefit is that all of the drug dealers(there are lots) and other criminal enterprises would suddenly be paying the tax. They wouldn't care really because they could just steal more or raise the price on their drugs. So a neutral loss on tax evasion (the same people will continue to do it) and the increase in black market profits toward the tax base might actually lead to a net gain.

    The best scenario is to stop taxing corporate profits. Corporations pay out big pay and bonuses so they don't get nailed with tax. Take that tax away, and corporations would hold more money and invest it into growing the business.

    I own several companies, one being a manufacturer. The government is trying to put me out of business, and drive my employees out of private healthcare. That is not right and should not be tolerated.

    The Fair Tax isn't the big fix but should be part of the grand plan. Each state needs to claim sovereignty and take responsibility of their own citizens rather than the Federal Government running everything. Go back to limited Federal government with a Fair Tax only for their limited expenses. Social programs should be at the state level only.

  • Some Notre Dame Seniors Say No to Graduation

    05/12/2009 1:27:34 PM PDT · 45 of 50
    ritewingwarrior to STARWISE

    The worst part is that people are calling the students racists because they don’t want Obama there. They completely ignore his support of killing babies.

    Stupidity knows no bounds.

  • Obama Unveils Plan to Close Tax Loopholes

    05/04/2009 2:08:30 PM PDT · 16 of 19
    ritewingwarrior to Psalm_2

    Big deal. Lets see if he can close off this ‘loophole’ which will be the fix for taxing overseas investments. A company with an offshore branch can just divest themselves for a loss to a foreign owned holding company. Then enter into a joint venture with their now ‘non american’ company and weight all the profits to the new company.

    If Obama wants to restrain trade and try to stop joint ventures he will shut down world trade.

    Stop taxing businesses and there won’t be a problem. Stop trying to drive out private healthcare so Americans are forced into the public system.

    Its like the death tax. If everyone turned their estate into an irrevocable living trust, then they won’t have to pay the taxes. It never dies.

    The lefts idea is to tax you on the same dollar over and over. They want to tax overseas money? Then people will send post tax dollars overseas into a foreign company set up in a trust and it will be gone for good. Wealthy people are going to exodus from America if this continues, since none of us will have a business left.

  • Everyone Should Pay Income Taxes

    04/13/2009 9:15:17 AM PDT · 75 of 106
    ritewingwarrior to zerosix

    “I can even go one step further - only those who pay taxes have any right to vote!!!”

    Exactly. If you are a drain on society then you shouldn’t be allowed to vote.

  • Top hedge funds boom despite recession (Soros makes over a Billion)

    03/26/2009 3:41:42 AM PDT · 31 of 33
    ritewingwarrior to Wisconsinlady

    Yeh but your investment manager is following what he hears about guys like Soros or the other hedge fund managers. I didn’t listen to my broker, and glad I didn’t. I saw the writing on the wall a year ahead also, but not in the same position as him to risk OPM to make some more.

    This is corruption at its finest. Soros controls information, and the media. That is more powerful than money. He knew what was going to happen, because his actions directly contributed to the collapse of the economy. He knew what the government was going to do, and was doing all along. He was a major driving force behind the bailout. He is behind Geithner’s very actions. AIG money went to hedge funds, and right out of the country into Soros hands.

    Pretty slick. Where is the uproar over bailout money going out of the country to guys like this, when less than 20% of $1 billion went to some executives?

    Obama is a puppet.

  • Republican Cong. Manzullo Wants Socialism

    03/20/2009 4:11:32 AM PDT · 5 of 21
    ritewingwarrior to Wpin

    There is no difference. WE don’t have but a handful of true conservatives in Washinton. The rest are a bunch of sellouts that are technically center left. The lefties are left of far left now, but they try to spin it like these RINO’s are conservative. The only real conservatives let in America are the hard working Americans. Washington is a cesspool of liberal ideology.

    10th Amendment actions are the first start to diminishing the power of the feds.