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Republican Cong. Manzullo Wants Socialism
Manzullo Campaign email | March 20, 2009 | Wpin

Posted on 03/20/2009 4:04:34 AM PDT by Wpin

Manzullo Introduces $5,000 Vehicle Voucher Bill to Bolster Auto Sales, Put Americans Back to Work On Thursday, U.S. Rep. Don Manzullo introduced legislation to give Americans a $5,000 voucher to purchase a new vehicle, stimulating our struggling automobile manufacturing industry and putting millions of Americans back to work.

The New Automobile Voucher Act of 2009 (HR 1606) would provide a one-time, $5,000 electronic voucher from the U.S. Treasury at the point of sale of a new vehicle. After 6 months, the voucher would drop to $2,500 and would expire on Jan. 1, 2011, or until the $75 billion authorized funding is exhausted. The voucher could only be used on vehicles valued at under $50,000 and could be combined with existing tax incentives for new vehicle purchases.

The automobile industry and its suppliers account for 13 million American jobs, 20 percent of all U.S. retail sales, and billions of dollars in state and local sales taxes. The drop in U.S. vehicle sales from 16 million in 2007 to 13 million in 2008 to a projected 8 million in 2009 has been one of the leading causes of America’s economic downturn and huge job losses.

“We will not have a lasting economic recovery unless we revive our struggling motor vehicle industry, which employs 13 million Americans and is the largest manufacturing sector in the United States,” Manzullo said. “This legislation will give Americans the incentives and the confidence they need to start buying vehicles again, which will bolster automobile manufacturing and sales, put millions of Americans back to work, and restore the tax revenues our state and local government need to continue providing services to the people.”

Paid for by Donald A. Manzullo for Congress.

Manzullo for Congress | P.O. Box 7783 | Rockford, IL 61126 P 815.394.1992 | F 815.394.1650 |

TOPICS: Business/Economy; Constitution/Conservatism; Government; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: 111th; manzullo; socialism; unions; vouchers
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So now we have more evidence of former conservative Republicans buying into socialisms chains. I replied to Congressman's email in part by suggesting that after this support the socialistic union bill fails that he may want to simply bypass the consumer altogether and use taxpayer money to buy cars for people whether we want them or not. Our nation is in serious trouble when after figuring out that their bailout of the auto unions won't work, instead of resolving the problem, even Republicans are figuring out how to support this socialism with our hard earned dollars. So, vilify honest businessmen and support corrupt unions is the new Republican mantra. What difference is there then from Democrats to Republicans?
1 posted on 03/20/2009 4:04:34 AM PDT by Wpin
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To: Wpin

Even five thousand “free” dollars won’t get me to buy a car. I’m boycotting the 0bama economy. He can take my tax money at gun point, but he can’t make me spend a dime. I am purposely reducing all of my expenditures to the absolute minimum, buying only food, fuel, the minimum amount of utilities I need, and minor amounts of inexpensive entertainment. There was another thread here from some liberal idiot writing for the Boston Phoenix or some such trash making fun of us for “going Galt”. We’ll just see who wins in that war of world views.

2 posted on 03/20/2009 4:09:11 AM PDT by Hardastarboard (The Fairness Doctrine isn't about "Fairness" - it's about Doctrine.)
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To: Wpin
So let me get this straight. Because I work hard I am expected to pay someone else's mortgage, grocery bill, medical bills, home heating and now buy them a car?

Land of the free, Home of the brave" has become "Home of the freeloaders putting me in the grave

3 posted on 03/20/2009 4:10:49 AM PDT by muir_redwoods ( O.B.A.M.A. = One Big Asinine Mistake, America)
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To: Wpin
Are there any elected repubics from illinoid that are Conservative?


4 posted on 03/20/2009 4:11:03 AM PDT by LibLieSlayer (hussein will NEVER be my President... NEVER!!!)
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To: Wpin

There is no difference. WE don’t have but a handful of true conservatives in Washinton. The rest are a bunch of sellouts that are technically center left. The lefties are left of far left now, but they try to spin it like these RINO’s are conservative. The only real conservatives let in America are the hard working Americans. Washington is a cesspool of liberal ideology.

10th Amendment actions are the first start to diminishing the power of the feds.

5 posted on 03/20/2009 4:11:32 AM PDT by ritewingwarrior (Just say No to socialism.)
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To: Wpin

Actually, I kind of like the idea of eliminating ALL taxes for buying a new American-made car for one year (not this wasteful way of giving people $5,000) to give to car companies.

No sales tax, no transfer tax, no registration tax. None.

(Maybe foreign cars also, but definitely American cars.)

Bet it would give a boost and it would be in keeping with conservative message of eliminating as much tax as possible.

6 posted on 03/20/2009 4:11:42 AM PDT by Edit35 (.)
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To: Edit35

Foreign cars MADE in the USA, such as Honda, Toyota, cars made in Tennessee or Kentucky etc. ... but NOT foreign cars made in Europe or Japan.

7 posted on 03/20/2009 4:14:06 AM PDT by Edit35 (.)
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To: Wpin

Why not $10,000?

Cars are expensive, and every serf has the right to one.

8 posted on 03/20/2009 4:15:04 AM PDT by bill1952 (Power is an illusion created between those with power - and those without)
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To: Wpin
I want a big TV! NOW!

If one of them Obama people come to my door, I'm going to demand one.
9 posted on 03/20/2009 4:18:43 AM PDT by Dallas59 ("You know the one with the big ears? He might be yours, but he ain't my president.")
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To: Hardastarboard

Well said, and I’m doing the same here.

10 posted on 03/20/2009 4:24:19 AM PDT by LeavingNewYork
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To: Wpin

If this idiocy passes, lets all take them and use them to buy Toyotas and other cars built in right to work states, by non UAW labor. Big, carbon spewing, globe warming, polar bear killing, SUVs, of course. :-)

11 posted on 03/20/2009 4:30:21 AM PDT by Above My Pay Grade
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To: Hardastarboard; LeavingNewYork

I was just about to post that I have gone Gault myself, but you both have beat me to it.

I am also going to claim every single entitlement that I can get.

12 posted on 03/20/2009 4:32:55 AM PDT by bill1952 (Power is an illusion created between those with power - and those without)
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To: Hardastarboard

I am also in process of “going Galt” I am tired of having my productivity wasted with this government. I am striving to be income free, debt free, produce at least 80% of my own food needs, become energy independent on farm with woodburning heat, solar and wind energy, and ride my bicycle as much as possible for transportation.

I will barter for much of what else I need when I can.

13 posted on 03/20/2009 4:42:36 AM PDT by Wpin (I do not regret my admiration for W)
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To: LibLieSlayer
Are there any elected repubics from illinoid that are Conservative?

Manzullo is my congressman. I used to think he was pretty conservative. This cuts it. These people have no clue...

14 posted on 03/20/2009 5:02:37 AM PDT by bcsco (Obama says "Buy", investors say "Bye")
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To: bcsco

No clue at all.


15 posted on 03/20/2009 5:09:58 AM PDT by LibLieSlayer (hussein will NEVER be my President... NEVER!!!)
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To: Dallas59

I’d like a nice Korean lady.

16 posted on 03/20/2009 5:10:08 AM PDT by AceMineral (Offically unapproved of since 1973)
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To: bill1952

I say $25000.

Limited to welfare recipients, ACORN employees, and illegal aliens.

Plus a $5000 gas voucher and free insurance for life.

It’s only fair.

17 posted on 03/20/2009 5:10:10 AM PDT by mike-zed
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To: Hardastarboard

right there with you, pocketing every penny and dime i can. its crazy out there. we have a phony president that is just flying around the country campaigning against the last 8 years while this country is sucked further down the drain.

18 posted on 03/20/2009 5:25:08 AM PDT by tatsinfla
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To: LibLieSlayer
No clue at all.

Well, he now has a clue about how I feel. I just sent him the following email...

Well, I've supported you throughout your career, but this cuts it. You people in Washington are spending taxpayer's money like drunken sailors and now you want to give $5000 to people to buy a car? I just bought a car in January. Where's my $5000? (sarcasm).

Seriously, If someone wants to buy a car, let them but don't use my hard-earned money paid in taxes to do it. If government really wants to help the economy then government should get out of it entirely. Period! No bailouts. No handouts. Lower the tax rates on individuals and businesses. Just stop spending my money and regulating me to death.

Oh, and regarding the AIG fiasco, you people are all bent out of shape about $165 million when you yourselves have spent TRILLIONS at taxpayer's expense. Get a clue! The biggest crooks in America aren't those in finance, they're those in Washington.

Yes, I've supported you. But now that support stops and I will actively support any good, decent, conservative candidate who seeks to oppose your re-election. You've lost it with me.

America needs representation for good strong conservative values and limited government. Yet you've gone and drunk the KOOLAID. Good bye.

I guess he shouldn't have sent me that email last week announcing his expanded communication efforts through YouTube, Facebook, Twitter & an expanded website...

19 posted on 03/20/2009 5:42:23 AM PDT by bcsco (Obama says "Buy", investors say "Bye")
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I like the idea. It’s sort of an anti-tax. It’s much better than giving more money to the auto companies.

20 posted on 03/20/2009 5:49:51 AM PDT by webboy45
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