Posts by formernyer

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  • How many jumped from the WTC towers?

    10/31/2001 5:51:06 PM PST · 139 of 317
    formernyer to Rome2000
    A friend in the military said the ruins on the first few days, with body parts strewn about, were way worse than anything he had seen in Bosnia. I also know someone who watched people jumping from his apartment (so he was high up too) and he still can't sleep a full night's sleep.
  • CNN Chief Orders 'Balance' in War News

    10/30/2001 8:08:06 PM PST · 15 of 104
    formernyer to Pokey78
    I will be ever astonished by people who only empathize with the enemy's victims, what about our own???? Why is there such a disconnect in these people's heads? Good for CNN guy. Not to exploit it of make light, but maybe an image of one or two of the inhalation anthrax cases fighting for his or her life in a hospital bed with a ditty about his/her worried/angry/sad family or even some gruesome photos of the cutaneous cases (even as opposed to the one man who has survived so far, which, don't get me wrong, is great, but there are many more afflicted people out there) would help.
  • Breaking: Worker at Manhattan Hospital Probable Inhalation Anthrax Case

    10/29/2001 8:43:56 PM PST · 15 of 22
    formernyer to FITZ
    "Enough" at the rate we are going might be civil war!! I am only half-joking, that is the scary part! But this is out of control!!!
  • Breaking: Anthrax outbreak in New York City!!!

    10/29/2001 8:37:14 PM PST · 47 of 61
    formernyer to ambrose
    Maybe this is what Race's German army jacket wearing friend at the demonstration was talking about, news we didn't already know about and maybe it is MUCH worse than this even. I know that there was ONLY ONE CASE to begin with down in FL... And the first or second postal cases were not a worry. Now there is "only one case" outside of mailroom and postal workers. Why should we believe that??@!%? Why can't they figure this out?? I'm going back to being super duper careful opening my mail... I was getting a little lax there.
  • Ashcroft Warns of Terror Attacks Soon Against U.S.

    10/29/2001 8:32:39 PM PST · 16 of 32
    formernyer to Angus_Day
    I'm sick of the enemy within and of the seeming inevitability of these attacks. Indeed, our leaders seem to be on a suicide mission. No, if they were, they'd be in control. Instead they are floundering and we look pathetic. Why can't we at least go on the offensive in the ME and throw some nukes around?? I mean, if we are ALL going to die then we ALL should die. I wouldn't want to think that only evil inhabited the earth after my passing
  • Heads up. Mayor Giuliani news conference within the hour subject Anthrax

    10/29/2001 8:18:01 PM PST · 81 of 105
    formernyer to KsSunflower
    Does anyone know how much anthrax was released at Sverlofsk or whatever that place was in Russia?? There was definitely a plume effect as people many miles downwind affected AND people got sick a lot later... The thing about NYC is there are a lot of nooks and crannies for this stuff to get caught in I would imagine, ie harder to disperse... Unless there are MEers still planting it around. Why don't we get serious about getting rid of these vermin!!
  • Anthrax Found at Agriculture Dept. Facility

    10/29/2001 8:12:15 PM PST · 2 of 5
    formernyer to kattracks
    When will this stop being a "scare" and just be an out-and-out attack by a WMD?!@#%$? Obviously this is completely out of control. We should nuke the ME into oblivion... not to mention kick all MEers out of the country. I can only think that the reason why nukes not currently an option is cuz OBL actually has those suitcase things!
  • Heads up. Mayor Giuliani news conference within the hour subject Anthrax

    10/29/2001 8:01:24 PM PST · 63 of 105
    formernyer to KsSunflower
    It's one thing a day... They are feeding us one major issue a day. Who knows what is really going on?!@#%?
  • Breaking: Anthrax outbreak in New York City!!!

    10/29/2001 7:58:14 PM PST · 21 of 61
    formernyer to Billy_bob_bob
    Yeah yeah One case--that's what they said when it was just Bob Stevens, the outdoorsman. What BS artists! This is VERY SCARY Why can't our people get their acts together??

    10/27/2001 8:57:40 PM PDT · 94 of 262
    formernyer to RaceBannon
    1. Maybe he does know something, like something that has already happened or has already been discovered, and that they are just waiting to "officially" tell us. (It is my opinion that there has been a timing of news so that we get pretty much one thing fed to us each day, whether it's one new place where anthrax found or another death, so we don't freak out. FR is a good example... Things happen here first! But even FR might not know all.) 2. Was this guy Middle Eastern looking?? Or did he have some sort of accent?? And, are you from NYC?? In other words, are you good at identifying crackpots?? Hopefully, it was just a crackpot (My brother ran into one of those on the subway just a couple of weeks after WTC attack who said something like we are all going to be bbq meat, crispy and such next week, that totally freaked him out. Nothing happened.) If you really feel strongly about it, definitely contact FBI and police. And see what others who were there think. Hopefully it was nothing!
  • Clinton FBI Fingers "Right-Wing Hate Groups" in Anthrax Probe

    10/27/2001 4:43:52 PM PDT · 136 of 164
    formernyer to holden
    The facts are: 1. First anthrax case showed up within miles of where hijackers staying and learning how to fly and ASKING ABOUT CROPDUSTERS (WHY?? Well, b/c they HAVE anthrax, like they say in their letters!) [What ever happened to that govt cropduster missing from Bahamas, anyway??] And, let's not forget Atta put some thousands of miles on his rental car--driving from FL to NJ would do that. That was one of the first tidbits they released. 2. Middle Eastern people were witnessed celebrating in NJ after WTC attack and that is where a hijacked flight originated. [Oh and as an aside a family friend who was biking down by the river in NJ saw a well-dressed ME man with a Mercedes parked besides the bridge there taking pictures from UNDER the darn bridge just two days after the WTC attack! Don't worry--he called the FBI] These are indisputable facts that make it way more likely than not that the AQ people are responsible for this anthrax stuff!! I am getting really sick of the media and the govt not facing reality. So much so that when they found more anthrax in DC I was kinda like it serves you right for not being on the ball and taking this seriously from the VERY FIRST CASE, not to mention with regards to the postal workers!! I do not want to feel this way, but come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • FBI: Candy purchases seem legitimate

    10/23/2001 10:36:54 PM PDT · 27 of 73
    formernyer to tort_feasor
    I actually thought about this for a bit and what occurred to me was all of the newsstands and outdoor kiosks in Manhattan and the like that take only cash and are usually run by Indians or Pakistanis or Arabs. They probably buy their candy in bulk and with cash, and many of them probably live in NJ. ANd, believe me, I am the first to be suspicious but truly, this seems to make sense to me.
  • Anthrax Concerns Send Postal Workers Home (11 workers sick at National Repair Facility in Topeka)

    10/23/2001 7:26:53 PM PDT · 6 of 48
    formernyer to LLAN-DDEUSANT
    Is this the # that used to be 9 that was cropping up a few days ago (without a location on the ill people)?? I hope so. B/c I don't think I could handle any more! Hope these folks, and all the others who are affected, get well.
  • National Postal Equipment Repair Building Evacuated in Topeka After 8 Employees Report Illness

    10/23/2001 7:20:51 PM PDT · 46 of 83
    formernyer to umbra
    They should just stop the darn mail! Or maybe they don't mind sacrificing a few civilian (or public servant) lives to follow whatever trail to the bad guys they hope to find?!@#$? This is ridiculous. And they say OUR mail is okay. HA!
  • Is anyone concerned about this anthrax stuff

    10/23/2001 7:18:18 PM PDT · 43 of 57
    formernyer to MissAmericanPie
    First of all, to all of you who are quoting accident statistics and the like, this is so different. When you were born into this world, or at least for the last 30 years, the "contract" you made with your day-to-day existence did NOT contemplate such risks, and the fact that they are coming from WITHIN this country makes it all the more scary and sinister. The WTC attack and anthrax mailings were no accidents. Also, since I heard on the news earlier that the Daschle anthrax was so potent as to expose someone who was 20 yards down the hall, and so many postal workers (bless their souls) are droppping like flies, that is not a normal risk associated with everyday life and even if not completely unavoidable as we are "at war" should be better dealt with. This thing has the potential to get bigger, yes, but why don't we at least TRY to prevent that... And that may just start with people being very fearful of what I believe is a legitamate risk. Just the other day the CDC et al were saying the postal workers weren't really at risk but lo and behold they were, and today they say our (the USPS consumers' mail) is okay, but why should we believe that??? Especially if the stuff is so darn potent! And what's with this cropduster in Mississippi, and not being able to isolate anthrax in the body before death (as in 2 recent postal worker deaths). I do not think it is unreasonable to be scared, and to take precautions and to demand action on the part of govt to get to bottom of problem (even if this is only one in a series).
  • Anthrax found in Bahamas

    10/23/2001 7:03:48 PM PDT · 9 of 13
    formernyer to virgil
    Recall the govt cropduster that went missing in/around the Bahamas a few weeks back now. Did they ever locate that thing? Now some random cropduster is spraying targets in Mississippi (fairly easily accessible from parts south of the US I would imagine) with some unknown substance? If there is anthrax in the Bahamas (it was said I believe that postmark of Bahamas anthrax letter was also Bahamas), and the cropduster has gotten into the wrong hands, the possibilities are endless.......... Has anyone else discussed this--on FR or otherwise? Are the skies still that potentially unsafe?? Why can't our govt get its act together (for example, there is NO reason they did not close postal system even for just a day to do tests, OR heck, what about Sunday if they are so concerned with outward appearances vs. postal workers' and potentially USPS customers, ie yours and my, safety!) I am starting to get really mad, and I am afraid it is not always directed at the right target, ie the terrorists who are living all around us!

    10/15/2001 7:54:17 PM PDT · 85 of 113
    formernyer to UCANSEE2
    I do know for a fact that the CDC was at WTC site for at least two weeks after the bombing to test for disease etc. Didn't find anything then. Hopefully, that means there is nothing.
  • BREAKING NEWS: Mysterious powder found in downtown

    10/10/2001 1:52:36 PM PDT · 6 of 105
    formernyer to Cicero
    So what would anthrax look like? Would you see anything?? Could it be in envelope?? Maybe the powder is a carrier substance that when blown away would allow the spores to go with it??? Help. I want to know what I should be on the look out for. THanks