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Posts by Advil

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  • Paternity Case Marks Progress for Defrauded Fathers

    09/07/2005 3:08:27 PM PDT · 16 of 31
    Advil to raisincane

    He should sue for custody then. He may not win, but he can make it clear to her that he will keep her in court for the rest of her natural life, and demand to see his "son" every week. After all, he's going to be paying for him for the next 18 years.

    That's just a sick situation. There should be legal recourse for that kind of thing. One more reason to be terrified of modern american women.

  • Dungeon Siege 2: Cheap shot by game programmers/developer

    08/22/2005 1:32:01 AM PDT · 7 of 25
    Advil to Justin714

    I play lots of games, and I've played the demo for this one. I am NOT amused. Cheat codes usually don't have political garbage like that in them.

    As a matter of fact Gas Powered Games DOES need to fire someone over that. It's the kind of thing that wrecks sales, and makes the marketing and legal departments go bonkers. There's no up side to sales, and only potential loss.

    I can't even imagine how a project head for a big budget, "A" title game like this ever let this slip by. If my goal was to make maximum money selling a computer game, you won't see me putting in cheat codes that push my political preference. Example: goresux, secondamendment, freedominiraq

    Well, one more reason I won't be playing more Dungeon Siege. (Nice job Microsoft, how about you keep a closer eye on your game developers from now on eh?)

  • Another illegal house ordered shut (Farmingville, NY)

    08/11/2005 5:22:50 PM PDT · 7 of 17
    Advil to sharkhawk

    Perhaps this is the legal "out" to start taking care of the problem. Think of it, if we started forcing overcrowding and code violation laws, then illegals would have to start living in homes in reasonable numbers, and keep those home up to code like the rest of us. They'd each have to make more money, and start paying normal bills like the rest of us for housing. Suddenly, they'd be keeping so little of their paychecks (like WE ALL DO) that going home wouldn't look so bad. Plus, employers would have a harder time hiring them since they'd complain about the substandard wages not being enough to pay for their housing. (DUH!)

    The down side is I hate, hate, hate the idea of government telling us how many people can live in a home. Of course, when people take things to extremes it ruins it for everyone.

  • U.S. backs Iran civilian nuke program for first time

    08/05/2005 10:55:13 PM PDT · 34 of 47
    Advil to Paul_Denton

    IMHO. My guess is that we're executing a bluff. We have to get the world to officially see them reject an incredibly reasonable and one sided deal so that when the war eventually ends up in Iran we have enough moral high ground to justify. We've got to prove to the international court of popular opinion that they are as insane as N. Korea. They've been playing too close to the chest, we need to get them to open up and show everyone in a political arena that they are impossible to appease or negotiate with.

    If justification of war is a balanced scale, it's about to lean heavily in our favor.

  • GOP courts consensus on border policy (There's a lot to chew on)

    08/01/2005 12:38:24 AM PDT · 9 of 54
    Advil to Oldexpat

    Foolish statement. There's no comparison between the Bush family and the Clintons. After everything the Clintons have done, and you can sit there and threaten to let Hillary in with your vote solely over Bush's border policy? You think Hillary cares? You think she will help legislation that will EVER close our borders? More than just lip service?

    Lets just assume you needed to vent and leave it at that.

  • Archives yield day-after Nagasaki aerial photos (If we are not vigilant we will see this here)

    07/26/2005 1:47:21 AM PDT · 15 of 33
    Advil to LesbianThespianGymnasticMidget

    I'd really like to see the high res images if they are made available on the net. Those above photos look like about 12x20 city blocks, and the destruction is total all the way out to the edge of the second photo... So how far does the "nothing but dust and splinters" area go? And you know that for at least a mile after the buildings remained intact, that everyone died soon afterward.

    Scary stuff.

    Did anyone see the videos posted a while back of the cameras on board the old WW2 ships during a nuclear test? It's creepy watching a warship hull melt and disintegrate in just a couple of seconds.

  • Police: Egg-Throwing Boy Killed

    07/26/2005 12:46:36 AM PDT · 458 of 536
    Advil to Texas Mom

    Definately a bit extreme, but I have to wonder if the guy deserves life in prison. He was being goaded, heavily. And 7 teenagers throwing eggs at a moving car is not just your average couple of kids egging a garage door in the middle of the night. 7 teens is pretty much a mob.

    I think the guy is going to have to get some time for overreacting but it's hard for me to give him murder 1.

    This entire situation never should have happened. 7 teens should never have been out at 11pm throwing eggs at moving cars, and neither should the driver have gotten so angry that he opened fire on the kids.

    Ick. What a mess.

  • More Tour de France: Armstrong in seventh heaven

    07/24/2005 12:32:51 AM PDT · 5 of 31
    Advil to Carling

    People who don't view cycling as other mainstram sports may not yet understand how big he is about to become. For all intents and purposes he will be another Michael or Tiger. He will take home a half million for winning the tour, and untold millions in future advertising endorsements.

    Not to mention that he's likely to be heavily involved in training up the next team... and his cancer foundation...
    and hopefully NOT as a political lapdog for Kerry. (I can't believe they gave Kerry face time today.)

    What about announcer for future tours? That's a possibility. He's very tactful with words when he wants to be.

  • MORFORD - Why do you work so hard?

    07/10/2005 12:41:31 AM PDT · 13 of 29
    Advil to Ultra Sonic 007

    My opinion:

    Whenever editorials like this come up, it always leads back to the age old questions. Such as, "Why do we work so hard?" or "I thought technology was supposed to help us work less!"...

    Well, in the USA, we made a major mistake that started decades ago. We started to cave in to all the external world interests that want a piece of our wealth. We also started to tax ourselved into a hole in the ground.

    There's nothing wrong with "trust fund babies". Its amazing how many people here on FR despise those with wealth. It SHOULD have been the goal of every American for the last hundred years to obtain independent wealth. That is, an individual's investments and personal business interests generate enough income to keep them going indefinately.

    Poblem is, we gave all that up. Now, in this supposed "Land of plenty" all the baby boomers and mid life worker bees are wondering what the point was since they can never get ahead. Well, we created our own problem.

    Use your vote to start fixing it. Less taxation, more freedoms, more opportunity for an individual to work hard and actually get to keep and invest the money they make.

    That is how you enjoy the fruits of labor. What's the point of working 14 hours a day, if you're dead before you reach a point where you can acutally enjoy your wealth?

    That's also a dangerous line of thinking. Because if we ever reach a point where the majority of people say, "Why bother?" Then you know we've reached a socialist or communist state as bad as the USSR used to be.

    Yikes, I rambled a bit there, but I think the point was clear.

  • Romney eyes penalties for those lacking insurance

    06/24/2005 1:18:35 PM PDT · 120 of 124
    Advil to Final Authority

    The problem isn't that people can not afford health insurance then rack up hundreds of thousands in health care bills...

    The problem is that it's even POSSIBLE to rack up hundreds of thousands in health care bills. It's easy, and the type of care doesn't even have to be all that extraordinary.

    We need to reform the system that makes a bandage $100 or an injection $250, or a day in a hospital bed $1500. If the prices were what they should be, insurace would be cheap.

  • Hybrids will not likely save buyers money, studies show

    06/16/2005 12:07:47 AM PDT · 100 of 121
    Advil to tom h

    Right, and lets get even more practical:

    Bought a 1987 Ford Tbird, with a gas guzzling V8 302 that gets 20mpg on a good day.

    Let's see, paid $5500 in 1995, and I've owned it outright ever since. I've got another $2500 in maintenance in it over the last 10 years, including a totally new tranny. So, $8000 for 10 years of driving. I can buy a LOT of gas for the $20k difference in price to a new hybrid, and I get a heavy, smooth, quiet, safe car. And it didn't even depreciate much.

    And if it blew up and died tomorrow, I'd dispose of it and get another used car, while smiling all the way to the bank.

  • US Intel: Plutonium Sent By North Korea This Year Makes Iran Direct [Nuclear] Threat

    05/28/2005 4:15:04 PM PDT · 86 of 98
    Advil to cherokee1

    I'll have to go confirm this. We don't move fifteen aircraft that cost anywhere from hundreds of millions to a billion dollars EACH if we don't think they may be needed for imminent use.

    While it could be a show of force, I'm going to assume that we generally don't move that many of them to a hot spot without very good reason.

    My assumption from the F117 movements would be that this situation is escalating behind the scenes and is now likely very tense.

  • Girls' Dad Pulls Gun on Frat Boys

    05/21/2005 2:26:34 PM PDT · 35 of 254
    Advil to surely_you_jest

    Doesn't matter. If the angry father of two seventeen year old girls shows up at a drinking frat party, storms in the door, and says I want my daughters back right now...

    The only response from the partygoers is, "Yes sir, right away." Anything else can and should get them hurt, bad.

    They were MINORS.

  • How to automate a DoS attack using the Post Office - (My daughter was victim of attack)

    05/03/2005 11:06:34 PM PDT · 24 of 24
    Advil to Yehuda

    Not really. You can set your MAC address to be whatever you want. Just change it hourly or daily. And there's no way to identify anything from someone accessing an unsecured wireless internet connection. You'd have to get lucky and happen to have a random camera in the area happen to catch the person in the act.

    Assuming you're halfway computer saavy, you wouldn't ever get caught.

  • Burrito causes gun scare at Clovis school (Terminal Hysteria)

    04/28/2005 5:18:38 PM PDT · 11 of 45
    Advil to passionfruit

    I wore camo and brought a large bag with paintball gun and gear to my community college once for a speech class. No one even looked at me twice as I walked into the building... no kind of dress surprises people anymore.

    I don't think I'd like to try that now though...

  • Microsoft Raises the Speed Limit With the Availability of 64-Bit Editions

    04/25/2005 8:51:59 PM PDT · 114 of 188
    Advil to softwarecreator

    Exactly. I'm a computer hardware guy, and I know from experience you don't expect the average programmer to have clue one about his hardware needs. It is two totally separate fields and usually you won't be a pro in both unless you take up the other one as an off hours hobby.

  • Iran plans to knock out U.S. with 1 nuclear bomb(EMP missile attack from a ship?)

    04/24/2005 11:54:24 PM PDT · 30 of 124
    Advil to datura

    And that video right there should be a convincing enough reason why we should both maintain a mighty milrary and fight with everything with have to keep insane power hungry nations from getting these weapons.

    Most of the footage was of older weapons as well, a good example of the exact kinds of weapons N. Korea and Iran would like to use on us.

    I don't think I have seen the footage from the inside of the ships before. The hulls were just melted away like a tinfoil movie set. Nothing man-made can survive that.

  • In Patrick Henry's footsteps (Great Read on Homeschooling!)

    04/24/2005 11:40:32 PM PDT · 81 of 88
    Advil to yooper

    The quality of the academic education isn't the main problem, not by a longshot. Even though the academics in public schools are terrible, the behavior and interaction of the students is unbelievable. I was private schooled for all 12 years of my primary education, except for being in a public school for 4th and half of 5th grade. The reason for the half year in 5th was because the environment I was in day in and day out with the sick twisted little people we call children these days had nearly destroyed me. I was raised a Christian and ingrained with a strong sense of right, wrong, and work ethic to excel at my studies. This instantly made me the #1 target in the entire school. I aced my academics and even got into a special program that existed then for particularly talented students. Too bad I was quickly going downhill socially and emotionally.

    Did you know that 4th graders (10 year olds) in a public school will cuss at other students 24 hours a day with every word you can imagine? You'd think you were in a porn studio the whole day with the phrases I rapaidly learned. No discipline, no one listening in on what these students are saying or taking action to make them behave properly. And this was over 17 years ago. By 5th grade I remember a few discussions of disgusting sex acts that couples in my gradeschool had done. Seventeen years ago. They wanted to put me on medication because I was distraught at being bullied and beat up every day on school property. And no, these weren't the kind of normal kid things where you just throw a few punches and end up as friends. These were the kind of kids that would come back with their gang and you wind up in the hospital. And I wish I was talking about middle school and high school. I'm not. This was all in a typical middle class neighborhood gradeschool, not some urban ghetto. Why don't you ask your gradeschooler if they recognize a few of the most horribly vulgar phrases you can imagine. I bet they can describe it better than you can. Ask them how many people they've said them to... they've lost count. Ask them how many times they've used those phrases in anger at someone and not just joking with friends... again, they've probably lost count. This is our public school system. There is no discipline, or order, or sanity.

    Sleep well tonight, and don't send your kids to public shcools.

  • Skydiver Collides With Airplane In Mid-Air

    04/23/2005 8:34:42 PM PDT · 19 of 54
    Advil to Jorge

    You have to have an understanding of skydiving and general aviation. They work together. Most skydiving happens AT an airport. The idea is the skydivers are taken up and dropped so they return to the airport or a point near it. You can't just stop all air activity around most airports because of some skydiving. At major sites, it's marked on a pilots charts, or if facilities are available, a radio message may be announced on the airports frequency when skydiving oprations are currently happening. It IS the pilots job to know where these areas are, and to steer well clear of the specific area of skydivers. Generally you see the aircraft that takes them up circling over the airport and you know to stay out from under it... but the sky is a big place. I'm sure the pilot didn't want to hit anyone. The tragic part is at 600' the parachute was undoubtedly open, which should have made him more visible. But don't think that just because you have a "big" parachute that you are instantly visible to a pilot. Any number of things from the angle of approach to the skydiver, to the background color or clutter behind him, to the flare of the sun could impede the pilots ability to see him.

    It's horrible, and the pilot will have nightmares about this for the rest of his life. Try to feel badly for them both. I'm positive the pilot did not get up this morning thinking "gee, I'll go run over a skydiver today."

    As someone who flies in small aircraft frequently, It's one of those horrible things that give you nightmares when you think about it, right up there with the power line you don't see coming. Hitting a single bird can be a very violent and dangerous impact in a small plane... hitting a human is unthinkable.

    May God grant mercy and peace to them both.

  • 'Fix' in pledge raises concern--- Jeffco school's counselor alters phrase 'under God

    04/22/2005 12:13:30 PM PDT · 3 of 20
    Advil to kingattax

    How the pledge would read if our liberal school system ran the entire country:

    One world because nationalism is bad,
    under your own belief system,
    easily divisible since we share no common beliefs,
    with no true liberty or justice for anyone.