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Keyword: av1611

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  • King James Bible anniversary marked by Queen

    11/17/2011 7:03:02 AM PST · by US Navy Vet · 28 replies
    The Christian Science Monitor ^ | November 17, 2011 | By Associated Press
    Queen Elizabeth II attended a ceremony at London's Westminster Abbey Wednesday to mark the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible, often considered the most influential book ever printed in the English language. It came about when King James I summoned a conference at Hampton Court Palace near London in 1604, hoping to thrash out differences between Church of England bishops and Puritans. Failing to make progress on other issues, Puritan leader John Reynolds proposed a new translation which emerged in 1611
  • King James and His Translators

    09/03/2003 10:22:51 AM PDT · by Jean Chauvin · 129 replies · 553+ views
    Darkness to LIght ^ | NA | By Rick Norris
    King James and His Translators by Rick Norris The Great Hypocrite or Great Dissembler: Was "godly" King James a Liar, a Compromiser, or Both? While king in Scotland, Benjamin Brook noted that James had declared in the general assembly at Edinburg, with his hands lifted to heaven, "that he praised God that he was born to be the king of the purest kirk [church] in the world." "As for our neighbor kirk [church] of England," said he, their service is an evil-said mass in English." James also said "that the Book of Common Prayer was the English mass book, and...
  • Ronald Reagan and the King James Bible

    08/30/2003 11:01:30 AM PDT · by Commander8 · 102 replies · 271+ views
    Dial the Truth Ministries ^ | September 6, 1977 | Ronald Reagan
    The following transcript is one of Ronald Reagan's famous radio addresses. In this address (which aired September 6, 1977), Ronald Reagan, the great orator, eloquently gives his thoughts on the "Good News Bible" (also called the Good News for Modern Man and Today's English Version) in comparison to the Authorized Version or the King James Bible. emphasis added -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What would you say if someone decided Shakespeare's plays, Charles Dicken's novels, or the music of Beethoven could be rewritten & improved? I'll be right back. . . Writing in the journal "The Alternative", Richard Hanser, author of The Law &...
  • Can The 21st Century King James Bible Be Trusted?

    04/07/2003 1:43:07 PM PDT · by Commander8 · 13 replies · 435+ views
    QUESTION: What about the 21st Century King James Bible? Isn't it supposed to be an exact reprint of the original 1611 version but archaic words replaced for the closest modern word? Can it be trusted? Why does the original 1611 version have "strain out a gnat" and modern King James versions misprint that by saying "strain at a gnat" When will this error be corrected? ANSWER: The 21st Century King James Bible is not really a King James Bible at all. I trust only what God has blessed. Do you have any evidence of the massive revival sweeping the land...
  • Erasmus

    04/05/2003 3:18:00 PM PST · by Commander8 · 15 replies · 419+ views
    QUESTION: Wasn't Erasmus, whose work led to the Textus Receptus and ultimately the King James Bible, really a Roman Catholic? Doesn't this mean that the King James Bible is just another Roman Catholic Bible? ANSWER: Erasmus was raised a Catholic and did not openly "leave" the Roman Catholic Religion, but he did not believe in Roman Catholic doctrine either. In fact, his best friends and defenders were the Christians, like the Anabaptists and Martin Luther. Here is proof from researcher Gail Riplinger.
  • Wasn't The King James Bible Translated From Only A Few Late Manuscripts?

    04/04/2003 10:32:08 AM PST · by Commander8 · 7 replies · 187+ views
    QUESTION: Isn't it true that the King James Bible was translated by only half a dozen manuscripts, and that none of them was earlier than the 10th Century (900s) AD?
  • Ruach

    04/02/2003 7:00:53 PM PST · by Commander8 · 9 replies · 160+ views
    QUESTION: Why is the word in Hebrew for the Holy Spirit a female noun? I am not saying God is a woman or a man. I am saying the word for Holy spirit in Hebrew is of feminine gender.
  • "Bible Codes"

    04/01/2003 7:38:51 PM PST · by Commander8 · 18 replies · 276+ views
    QUESTION: There are several claims that the Bible Code points to the Son of God as Yeshua. But what does the Word of God say? In Nehemiah 8:17 according to the original Hebrew Text and the Old King James of 1611, it is made certain that Yeshua (Jeshua), is the son of Nun. Obviusly, the son of Nun can never be the son of God. Therefore, isn't the Bible Code fake, and couldn't it be used for total blasphemy?
  • Why Not The Greek And Hebrew Manuscripts

    04/01/2003 6:51:35 PM PST · by Commander8 · 69 replies · 240+ views
    QUESTION: Why shouldn't I just read the Greek and Hebrew? Why should I use the King James translation?
  • The Translators

    03/31/2003 4:09:49 PM PST · by Commander8 · 2 replies · 152+ views
    QUESTION: Who were the translators of the King James Bible.
  • Translation

    03/31/2003 3:03:41 PM PST · by Commander8 · 12 replies · 141+ views
    QUESTION: What was the method that the King James translators used to translate the Bible?
  • Why And How The King James Version Got Authorized.

    03/29/2003 1:36:42 PM PST · by Commander8 · 3 replies · 181+ views
    QUESTION: Why is the King James Bible called the "Authorized Version"? How did King James Authorize it?
  • Eli, Eli, Lama Sabachthani?

    03/29/2003 12:04:27 PM PST · by Commander8 · 13 replies · 100+ views
    QUESTION: In Matt. 27:46 it quotes Jesus as saying "eli, eli, lama sabachthani?" Then it says "that is to say" with the translation behind it. Was it supposed to be written in 2 languages? If it wasn't, would the KJV translators also be guilty of "adding" to the scriptures?
  • Doxology

    03/28/2003 2:56:40 PM PST · by Commander8 · 1 replies · 117+ views
    QUESTION: Why is the doxology of the Lord's prayer ("For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and glory forever. Amen.") found in Matthew, missing in Luke's account of the same in his Gospel?
  • Isaiah 37:36

    03/28/2003 1:38:10 PM PST · by Commander8 · 3 replies · 132+ views
    QUESTION: Did dead people 'wake up' in the morning according to Isaiah 37:36 in the KJV?
  • Corn in Genesis 42:25

    03/27/2003 7:25:56 PM PST · by Commander8 · 32 replies · 498+ views
    QUESTION: Why does Gen. 42:25 refer to corn, when corn is a new world crop? Europeans did not know of its existence until the 16th Century. Surely that must be a mistranslation by the KJV translators, because the Jews would have not known about corn.
  • Canon

    03/26/2003 7:01:02 PM PST · by Commander8 · 4 replies · 115+ views
    QUESTION: I have been reading lately about how the Bible contains quotes from extracanonical texts as in Acts 17:28. Even the Old Testament quotes from rabbinical texts, right? Do you feel that these texts should have been omitted from the canon? Why would Jude quote from "The Assumption of Moses" in Jude 9 and then "The Book of Enoch" in Jude 14 if they are now considered 'apocryphal'?
  • How Do I Show Which Bible Is Correct To Those Who Refuse To Hear "King James Only" Arguments?

    03/26/2003 5:38:13 PM PST · by Commander8 · 9 replies · 953+ views
    QUESTION: How do I handle professors that don't like to hear "King James only" arguments? They are evaluating using a certain Bible version. They say that they'll listen to evidence about other Bible versions, but do not want the King James mentioned specifically. What do I do?
  • Preserved Copies

    03/25/2003 8:27:41 PM PST · by Commander8 · 3 replies · 119+ views
    QUESTION: How did God preserve His words to this day?
  • Did Peter Quote The Septuagint?

    03/25/2003 7:11:29 PM PST · by Commander8 · 1 replies · 108+ views
    QUESTION: In I Peter 1:24-25, the apostle Peter is quoting Isaiah 40:6-8. But why does it look like he is quoting the Greek Septuagint, and not the Masoretic (Hebrew) verse?