Since Feb 25, 2002

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Real Name: Charles Byrd DOB: 6-20-77 Age:27 Occupation:Temp/aspiring writer Relationship Status: Single and looking. Partisan Affiliation:Republican(reluctantly) Ideology:Americanist. Religion:Independent Fundamentalist Baptist. Highlights: Politically Active Since 1995. Worked on three congressional campaigns, two assembly campaigns, two city council campaigns and three ballot initiative campigns. Met Bob Dole, Steve Forbes, John Stormer, John McManus, William Jasper. Joined online journalist Myles Kantor in fasting for the release of Dr. Oscar Elias Biscet from Fidel Castro's Prisons. Voted for Howard Phillips in 2000. Member of Young Americans for Freedom 1999-2006). Contributed to downfall of Gary Condit. Pet Causes: Human rights issues in captive nations, national defense, sovereignty, Second Amendment, Pro-Life, taxes(not necessarily in that order.)