Keyword: arabmedia
Baghdad (Agenzia Fides) - The Iraqi government has appointed an inter-ministerial committee to work on the suggestions and proposals that emerged during Pope Francis' recent visit to Iraq. This is reported by the Arab newspaper Al Araby Al Jadeed, citing generically and anonymously "high-level sources" of the Iraqi government. The "recommendations" contained in the dossier at the center of the work of the Government Committee - reports the source cited, also referring to the conversations of Pope Francis with Iraqi President Barham Salih and Prime Minister Mustafa al Kadhimi during the papal visit - aim to suggest solutions to problems...
Transcript - The Doha Debates Dec 12, 2011 – Khaled Almæena, [Editor-at-large of Arab News, the first English language newspaper in Saudi Arabia. He travels and speaks widely and is a regular contributor to regional and international publications]... Well, all Arab media is biased, unfortunately. But what we can do is use other means. And there is an alternative media across the Arab world which young people are using. Because nobody takes seriously a media that ignores the aspiration of 80 percent of the people - which would be biased.
Syria Al-Baath newspaper op-ed: From Hillary Clinton to the Head of the NATO Anders Rasmussen … Those who condemned the publication of Wikileaks documents, not a single person said “sorry” for the killing of Iraqi civilians at U.S. checkpoints. In the history of racism, there are no racists more than those people, O, with the exception of the fascist terrorist entity of Israel. From Saudi Arabia newspaper Al-Riyadh: If crimes were prosecuted on behalf of the [international] law, then what happened in Iraq is no less horrible of what happened in Bosnia and Herzegovina, or what said on the extermination...
In case you’re wondering exactly what the Israeli’s are up against there’s this (video). It may be 2 years old but I think it’s emblematic of the situation. Watch the video again and let it sink in how chilling this is. A crazed anti-semite comes out saying that Muslim men should sexually harass and even rape Israeli women and what does this arab tv network do? They invite her on and interview her as though she were just another political commentator with a provocative position.
The former press secretary to George Bush has announced he is backing Barack Obama in the race to replace his ex-boss as US president. Scott McClellan said on Thursday that he had decided to back the Democrat because he wanted to support the candidate with the best chance of changing the way Washington - the political heart of the US - works and gets things done. His announcement is yet another blow to the campaign of John McCain, the Republican contender, who is struggling to erode Obama's opinion poll lead. McClellan is the second former Bush administration figure this week...
Among the international broadcasters that will cover the Democratic National Convention in Denver is al-Jazeera, the Arab satellite news network based in Qatar. Al-Jazeera English (launched in 2006) and al-Jazeera Arabic, separate but collaborative networks, will send two dozen staffers each. "This presidential election is the biggest story of the year, even on the international level," according to Camille El Hassani, senior producer for al-Jazeera English, based in Washington. "The next president's ideologies and his philosophies affect our viewers. Al-Jazeera is making a commitment to be at all the big events, including the conventions, Democratic and Republican." Al-Jazeera English will...
An Arab-language television network and radio station, founded by the Bush administration to promote a positive image of the United States, has aired anti-American and anti-Israeli viewpoints, has showcased pro-Iranian policies and recently gave air time to a militant who called for the death of American soldiers in Iraq. So far, U.S. taxpayers have spent nearly $500 million to fund those broadcasts. The television station, called Alhurra, and the radio network, Sawa, were meant to provide an American perspective on world events and counter the wave of global criticism that had been building against the Bush administration since the invasion...
(CBS) American taxpayers are paying for a Middle Eastern television network that broadcast an anti-Israeli diatribe as recently as last month, a joint investigation by 60 Minutes and ProPublica reveals. This, despite the fact that Al Hurra management promised Congress nearly two years ago that they would take measures to prevent such mistakes, which had occurred repeatedly before. The joint investigation will be broadcast on 60 Minutes this Sunday, June 22, at 7 p.m. ET/PT and be detailed on ProPublica's Web site simultaneously. Al Hurra is headquartered in Springfield, Va.; it was created four years ago by the Bush Administration...
Al Jazeera English’s only bureau in the western hemisphere occupies five floors of a nondescript office building on Washington, D.C.’s K Street. The lobby is drab — just a hallway and two elevators. There is no sign on the door, no gold symbol affixed on the wall. In fact, the name Al Jazeera does not appear anywhere. If you didn’t know better, you might think the building was home to dentist’s offices or mid-level lobbying firms, instead of the most controversial news channel in the world. To get upstairs, a non-employee must have an escort, and on a cold day...
But Publicly Excludes Muslims @ Rally -- While the Obama campaign is allegedly publicly staying away from Muslims and reportedly barring them from pics at an Obama event (though Detroit Newsistan and Reuters photos show otherwise), privately he's hanging with them. Yesterday, Barack Hussein Obama wrapped up his trip to Michigan by meeting with a group of "community leaders." But one of those so-called leaders has been identified as an agent of Hezbollah--Osama Siblani, publisher of the Arab American News. Siblani,, an open supporter of the terrorist group, was handpicked for the invite by the Obama campaign and spoke one-to-one...
Obama's church supports Hamas and puts down Israel, and Hamas is now supporting Obama's campaign. How nice! From Obama's book the Aud... (see video at link)
Reporters from the Al Jazeera television network were questioned by Matagorda County Sheriff deputies when they were found filming near the South Texas Project Nuclear Operating Company plant site Tuesday, June 3. The reporters were from Al Jazeera English’s Washington D.C. broadcast center. Al Jazeera English is a television network — headquartered in Doha, Qatar — that purposes to be the English-language channel of reference for Middle Eastern events. According to Captain Stephen Crow, Matagorda County Sheriff Department spokesman, three individuals were spotted filming on the public road right-of-way just outside of the one-mile buffer zone in front of the...
DUBAI, March 9 (Reuters) - The leader of al Qaeda in Iraq, Abu Hamza al-Muhajir, has been arrested in Iraq, the Arabic television station al-Arabiya reported on Friday, quoting the Iraqi Defence Ministry. Arabiya said Muhajir, successor to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, had been detained in a joint Iraqi-U.S. operation in Mosul in northern Iraq.
In the very real war on terror, a nosy squabble over “fighting them there so we don’t have to fight them here” clouds a simple truth: namely, that “they” are here already. Indeed, Islamists are busy constructing a wing of jihad in America’s backyard. A potential audience of one million Arab-speaking cable subscribers of Time Warner in the greater New York area can feast on the Arabic Channel known as TAC to choose a menu that includes: A daily dose of Islamic jurisprudence from a sheik — most often Egyptian Amr Khaled, who wears a suit instead of a robe,...
Who’s fault is it that the ‘war on terror’ is so hard to overcome?1) The Islamists brain washers, from those that teach that non Muslims are Apes, Pigs, Cows, those that teach that the west in the enemy and one mush wage war on all non Muslims kafirs, those that instill extreme hatred & death cult to be glorifying death & mass murder over the value of any life, those that build up the fantasy on among young Muslims to be striving for an all out Islamic Caliphate, to be dominating the entire world. 2) Mainstream Muslim leaders, the “normal”...
The U.S. Constitution says that a president can be impeached for high crimes and misdeameanors. Knowing this, would you favor or oppose impeaching George W. Bush? Favor Oppose Not sure -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you like George W. Bush as a person or don't you like him? Like him Do not like him Not sure -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Are you proud or ashamed to have George W. Bush as your president? Proud Ashamed Not sure What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word Oklahoma? Now some questions about travel. Are you planning to relocate to another nation for...
Hot Air points readers to an excellent 43-minute documentary by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), hosted by Ron Silver, about the coverage and analysis of 9/11 in the Muslim world. It's an excellent perspective on the widespread paranoia and denial that conspiracy theorizing has brought to the ummah. If you want the short version, here it is: the Jews did it. In fact, some of the assertions made in this video sound uncomfortably similar to rhetoric emanating from far-Left circles. Also, Allahpundit also recommends this CBS site, which has unedited clips of 9/11 coverage. You'll see many scenes...
Arab Media Accuses Iran and Syria of Direct Involvement in Lebanon War Posted Friday, August 18, 2006 Paris, 19 Aug. (IPS) As pro democracy groups in Lebanon, known as the “Forces of 14 March” went into attack against what they call “a coup” by the Iran and Syria-backed Hezbollah in the one hand and “a call for sedition from the Syrian president Bashar Asad”, Arab media, except in Syria, strongly came out, accusing Damascus and Tehran on direct involvement in the Lebanon War. Saad Hariri, the son of the former Lebanese premier Rafiq Hariri assassinated last year very probably on...
The Palestinian prime minister has vowed that his Hamas-led government will not give in to force, saying Israel has to halt its Gaza offensive if it wants to free a captured soldier. "No concessions will be made," Ismail Haniya said on Friday in his first public appearance since the abduction of Israeli Corporal Gilad Shalit. Addressing Muslims praying in Gaza's main mosque, Haniya said that the Israeli offensive was premeditated to bring down the Hamas-led government, but said his government "would not fall and would not change its position". "Our people are patient. They can arrest leaders, assassinate leaders, but...