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I need help with my turn page paper on the collapse of communism
| 4/30
| johnmartineu, author of the NY Times bestseller, "kittens ripped my turn page paper"
Posted on 04/30/2004 10:13:23 AM PDT by johnmartineu
Hi! My name is John Martineu. Im 18 and a student of Dover high School in Dover Delaware. I have been assigned a final term project. We are to do a 20 page turn paper on different subjects. I am doing one on the collapse of communism. Since you coservatives know alot about this, I was wondering if you could help me out.
First Id like to know what communism is and how it is different from socialism? Second I would also like to know about why Russia collapsed. Third could you tell me why you refer to certain people such as Ann Goodman and Helen Thomas as Communists? Finally Id like to know the advatages of Captialism.
Every bit of information will help me with typing this up. Its due in a month and I hope to pass with flying colors. I might even post it on Freerepublic when it's done. Thanks alot guys
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eeewwwwwwthatsmell; ekiekiekipkowzing; ekiekipathangzoobyng; esaysesnotdead; everyspermissacred; evilnaughtyzoot; fallofcommunism; farsicalsemiaquatic; findmeashrubbery; flowerpower; fnord; forgothislessons; foultemptress; freewynona; fresheggs; freshykittyfood; frodolives; fruitbat; gdaybruce; genderconfusion; getbent; getsridofcrabstoo; giveithere; giveyoumymilkmoney; gonegonegone; gooberdinky; goodbye; gorelicked; gottagogottago; gottagorightnow; grailshapedbeacon; grapejelly; greatthreads; grenadeofantioch; gripitbythehusk; grippedbythehusk; gumby; gumbythreadposting; gummytroll; hairylegs; hairymary; haltwhogoesthere; hammerofthemods; happytrailstoyou; hausratte; haveyoufoundit; hebuggeredoff; hedoesntleave; hehadanaccident; helenthomas; help; here2daygone2day; heshistory; hesscarpered; heyheyhey; hidinginaskirt; highwankingofficer; hisbrainhurts; hisnamesnotbruce; hitonheadlessons; holdmuhcheese; holdmuhkeyboard; holygrail; holyhand; holyhandgrenade; homework; howdyoubecomeking; 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To: Just mythoughts; Ragtime Cowgirl
" In the Hiss trials, where Communism was a haunting specter, but which did little or nothing to explain Communism, Communists were assumed to be criminals, pariahs, clandestine men who lead double lives under false names, travel on false passports, deny traditional religion, morality, the sanctity of oaths, preach violence and practice treason. These things are true about Communists, but they are not what Communism is about. Then again, if Whittaker had written , " In the Clintons' trials, where liberalism was a haunting specter, but which did little or nothing to explain liberalism, the Clinton's were proved to be criminals, pariahs, clandestine men who lead double lives under false names, travel on false passports, deny traditional religion, morality, the sanctity of oaths, preach violence and practice treason. These things are true about the Clintons, and they are exactly what the Clintons are about.
posted on
04/30/2004 11:45:52 AM PDT
Robert A Cook PE
(I can only donate monthly ... But Kerry's ABBCNNBCBS press corpse lies every day.)
To: William Martel
When citizens start painting their nations purple, orange, or yellow, Rand McNally has conquored them.
posted on
04/30/2004 11:47:13 AM PDT
(JFinKerry used the words Medals and Ribbons interchangeably before he didn't.)
To: Xenalyte
Sadly, I've seen college students write like this.
posted on
04/30/2004 11:47:45 AM PDT
(sola gratia)
To: camle
He'd still be spell-checkin' the first paragraph.
posted on
04/30/2004 11:47:53 AM PDT
Robert A Cook PE
(I can only donate monthly ... But Kerry's ABBCNNBCBS press corpse lies every day.)
To: johnmartineu
who it the teacher that gave you this assignment?
posted on
04/30/2004 11:48:22 AM PDT
To: Admin Moderator
Why are there so many "keywords" on this article and why was I able to add one: "Gooberdinky"? Is this the norm, because now I've noticed I can add keywords on other threads?
To: VRWC_minion
To which teacher do we "send" this thread?
posted on
04/30/2004 11:49:26 AM PDT
Robert A Cook PE
(I can only donate monthly ... But Kerry's ABBCNNBCBS press corpse lies every day.)
To: johnmartineu
Very funny.
People unfair on the concept... you
are aware that you are supposed to do your own research? My daughter could handle it all by herself in the 6th grade. That would be ummm... 11 years old? Think you can handle it?
On the other hand, the questions you ask are so elementary and inconsistent that the other possibility occured to me: you are 35 years old, living with mommy, and unable to grasp the real world very well. You think of yourself as sophisticated and are frustrated that you can't seem to feel comfortable among women.
The others at DU ignore your witty comments and the whole things seems like a waste of time.
Ever heard the term "ZOT!"?
To: Robert A. Cook, PE
you're making an assumption that he knows how, or can figure it out. seeing that he didn't post a thread asking for instructions, and seeing that the nature of this topic preculedes any notion that he can figure ANYTHING out, I'd guess he wouldn't be spell checking because he don't know how.
posted on
04/30/2004 11:51:39 AM PDT
(keep your mind open and somebody will fill it with something for you))
To: dirtboy
You mean like "Irish" guy yesterday?
posted on
04/30/2004 11:53:36 AM PDT
(Whoopi, God gave us free will, but he spent much of the Old Testament smiting those who chose wrong.)
To: NittanyLion
"Jenna McCarthy has since gained great fame due to her significant role in the Berlin Airdrop."
I think he may be referring to Charley McCarthyism which was what Algore studied in order to perfect his wooden persona.
posted on
04/30/2004 11:54:41 AM PDT
(I'll take "Why Me?" for a thousand, Alex.)
To: Robert A. Cook, PE
Wow, I give up! Good thing I'm not an editor, huh? In my defense, I will point out that I am at work, and I am SUPPOSED to be working, not editing some clown's post on FR!
posted on
04/30/2004 11:54:41 AM PDT
To: streetpreacher
posted on
04/30/2004 11:55:30 AM PDT
(keep your mind open and somebody will fill it with something for you))
To: Sicon
You missed that he probably misspelled his own name
From Google.....Did you mean: John Martineau
To: VRWC_minion
John Trouserseau?
posted on
04/30/2004 12:01:53 PM PDT
Robert A Cook PE
(I can only donate monthly ... But Kerry's ABBCNNBCBS press corpse lies every day.)
To: camle
"gooberdinky"?First thought that came to my mind...ummmm... moving right along...
To: camle
"...we gotta figure out how to work diarama, coservative and turn paper into vey series, hugh and "all you bases are belong to us"..."
Gawd, I love this place!
posted on
04/30/2004 12:03:51 PM PDT
(I'll take "Why Me?" for a thousand, Alex.)
To: EggsAckley
I hate to say this, Eggs. However, since my experience with high school is probably more recent than yours, I will. During my senior year, my Honors English class did a poetry project that included making dioramas or other suchb visual tools. I, of course, thougt that it was insulting to my intelligence and that of my classmates.
posted on
04/30/2004 12:04:44 PM PDT
(Whoopi, God gave us free will, but he spent much of the Old Testament smiting those who chose wrong.)
To: johnmartineu
You dont have to tell me all this just give me the weblinks. Thanks. We're only on the first 50 posts and your motivation is transparent.
You only want us to give you links, huh? And why would that be?
Maybe because you expect us dangerous right-wing fanatics to point you to neo-nazi, American guerilla, soldier of fortune type websites so you can then run back to DU and brag about how you suckered FReepers into revealing their true hateful nature?
Sorry, I don't know any of those sites. The only hate speech website I know of is here.
posted on
04/30/2004 12:05:01 PM PDT
(If there were no problems, politicians would have to invent them... wait, they already do.)
To: Just mythoughts
Thanks for posting that - I'll have to get my hands on a copy of 'Witness' and also on the Tanenhaus biography.
posted on
04/30/2004 12:05:01 PM PDT
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