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1996 -- Another Self-Serving clinton Thanksgiving Jaunt
| Mia T
Posted on 11/27/2003 8:56:28 PM PST by Mia T
- 1996 -- Another Self-Serving clinton Thanksgiving Jaunt
Mr. Grafeld told me, referring to Judicial Watch's allegations that Commerce Department trade mission seats were sold in exchange for campaign contributions, that "(Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel) Klayman is right on target" but that he believes that the trade mission issues were "only the tip of the iceberg -- that the really big money went towards Presidential access." Mr. Grafeld indicated to me that he believes that Ms. Moss was asking for political contributions in exchange for seats on Commerce Department trade missions, likely at the direction of Hillary Rodham Clinton, but that documents showing this illegal activity had "left the building." In fact, there were effectively no security procedures at the Commerce Department to ensure that sensitive and secret documents and/or any documents which might evidence criminal activity stayed in the building. The purported letters referenced by Mr. Grafeld and Nolanda Hill could easily have "left the building" absent sufficient procedures to secure them.
Clinton reviewing inaugural plans
by Helen Thomas, 29-NOV-1996 14:29
The president, still suffering from a raspy voice, and ordered by his doctor to rest his vocal chords, carried a briefcase as he strolled to the waiting helicopter to return to Camp David. He wore a leather jacket and was followed by an aide carrying a huge box of inaugural papers.
ASHINGTON, Nov. 29 (UPI) -- President Clinton [upon the discovery of the body of Barbara Wise in the Commerce Department offices] briefly interrupted his Thanksgiving holiday weekend at Camp David Friday with a quick trip to the White House to gather data he wants to study in planning his second inauguration and then returned to the mountaintop retreat.
The president returned to the Executive Mansion with his wife Hillary and daughter Chelsea, 16. Along with him was Hollywood producer Harry Thomasson, who with his wife Linda Bloodworth Thomasson, a prominent sitcom writer, spent Thanksgiving Day with the Clinton clan at the mountaintop retreat.
Clinton conferred with Thomasson in the Oval Office on his return and discussed preliminary plans for the inaugural on Jan. 20, including choosing a poem he will have read at his second swearing in as president.
The Thomassons played a prominent role in writing the script for his first inauguration in 1993.
The president, still suffering from a raspy voice, and ordered by his doctor to rest his vocal chords, carried a briefcase as he strolled to the waiting helicopter to return to Camp David. He wore a leather jacket and was followed by an aide carrying a huge box of inaugural papers.
But before plunging into further study, Clinton arranged to take time out to play golf with Hillary's brothers at a course near Camp David.
The first lady and Chelsea did not return to the presidential hideaway with him. Mrs. Clinton had the Christmas decoration of the White House to supervise as it got underway Friday and Chelsea had to attend a rehearsal for her performance in the Washington Ballet's annual Christmas performance of "The Nutcracker Suite."
In addition, an aide said Mrs. Clinton had to prepare for her trip to Bolivia Monday afternoon where she will attend the annual meeting of the first ladies of the Americas. Before she departs, she will host a press preview of the White House Christmas decorations.
The president arranged to deliver his weekly Saturday radio address from Camp David. White House press secretary Mike McCurry said the subject would be: "Thanksgiving."
Clinton plans to return to the White House on Sunday, and will face a busy week ahead as he makes important decisions on the make up of his next national security team.
Clinton took a binder of recommendations with him to Camp David on possible Cabinet appointments prepared by his transition team. Most of the interest centered on who he would pick to succeed Secretary of State Warren Christopher who is leaving the Cabinet.
The president wants to have his chief diplomatic and military advisers on deck before Christmas, and the entire new Cabinet selected by Inauguration Day.
On the social side, next week the President and Mrs. Clinton will begin a series of nightly Christmas parties leading up to the holiday. The Clintons, in keeping with tradition, will spend Christmas in the White House.
She not only no longer serves as a reporter, but her columns and statements expose her as a President-Clinton-loving, welfare-state-supporting leftist. On Oct. 9, 2001, before the Greater Washington Society of Association Executives, Helen Thomas introduced former President Bill Clinton at a gathering of worshipful supporters. Shedding any doubt of where her politics lie, Thomas gushed, "He is the man from Hope, and that is what he has given us, hope ... He [has] also brought unprecedented prosperity to our nation, and because of that, President [Bush] can use the surplus Mr. Clinton left behind to pay for many of the nation's needs in this time of crisis." And to tie it up in a nice big bow, Thomas ended the coronation with, "We miss him."
Larry Elders, Helen Thomas' Grandmother Clause | January 11, 2002 |
Helen Thomas Syndrome: THE SYMPTOMS
Mia T, January 3, 2002
The complex of symptoms associated with Helen Thomas Syndrome, (also known as 'habituated doyenne-iosis'), includes the following:
- delusions of importance
- tunnel vision -field of vision is so severely constricted that evidence of Pulitzer-quality stories are invariably missed...evidence like:
- an absurd reason ("to get a book of poetry") for a Thanksgiving trip from Camp David to DC and back by a corrupt president under subpoena
- a dead body: a Ron-Brown-posthumous, Ron-Brown-related, Thanksgiving-Day corpse in the Commerce offices (and expedited 'autopsy').
- the deposition of Sonya Stewart, which tells us that "the trade mission issues were "only the tip of the iceberg -- that the really big money went towards Presidential access." "Mr. Grafeld indicated to me that he believes that Ms. Moss was asking for political contributions in exchange for seats on Commerce Department trade missions, likely at the direction of Hillary Rodham Clinton, but that documents showing this illegal activity had 'left the building.'"
- "a huge box" hauled back to Camp David by said corrupt president under subpoena.
- the Gestalt--the synthesis of the evidence -- the absurd reason given for the president's Thanksgiving-Day Camp David-DC-Camp David trip; the Ron-Brown-posthumous, Ron-Brown-related, Thanksgiving-Day corpse (and expedited 'autopsy'); the Sonya Stewart deposition informing us that evidence of illegal Commerce activity had "left the building;" and "a huge box" hauled back to Camp David by said corrupt president under subpoena.
- left-lateral curvature of the spine -combines synergistically with tunnel vision and delusional tendencies to result in a grotesque, dysfunctional reverence for the cowardly, inept, narcissistic, seditious, corrupt rapist-pig proximate cause of 9/11.
2003 -- hillary's Iraq Turkey
"Purpose of missus clinton's Iraq-Afghanistan-Thanksgiving photo-op is to mine for material for prez campaign--HERS," charges unnamed dwarf
"The only turkeys here are the nine legitimate Democratic candidates. . . and the taxpayers, who are footing the bill."
by Mia T, 11.26.03
ASHINGTON, Nov. 25--According to an unnamed source close to his campaign, one of the nine dwarfs is charging missus clinton with exploiting the war on terror
and at taxpayer expense
even as she continues to undermine the nine Democrats running for president.
"The purpose of clinton's Iraq-Afghanistan-Thanksgiving photo-op is to mine for material for the presidential campaign--HERS," huffs the dwarf, also unnamed. He continues, "The Iraq-Iowa connection was not lost on ME. The only turkeys here are the nine legitimate Democratic candidates
and the taxpayers, who are paying for clinton's junket... who ALWAYS pay for clinton junkets."
hillary talks: L'Etat, c'est moi! (Iowa parsed)
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According to her own press release, missus clinton will not only use her Thanksgiving jaunt to defuse the clinton reputation for military effeteness and loathing; she will tackle the clinton record of rapes and other predations by arranging photo-ops with different groups of women of both countries. "I want to be sure that big-haired as well as burqaed women are involved," she said.
Citing security concerns, the exact itinerary of the trip was not disclosed. Missus clinton, who travels with Secret Service protection, (also at taxpayer expense), said she was not concerned about her safety, but her office would not discuss what, if any, extra protective efforts were made for her trip.
We have learned, however, that continuous sweeps will be made of missus clinton's person, looking for the activation of global-positioning nanodevices, i.e., NanoVarmins, that are believed to have been planted by the burgeoning anti-clinton Democrat opposition.
It's time to take out the trash...
A Senate en passant capture is THE MOVE...
NEW AUDIO! Hear the Bill Bennett (PARDONGATE) epilogue
Happy Turkey Day to all. ;)
TOPICS: Anthrax Scare; Business/Economy; Constitution/Conservatism; Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Extended News; Foreign Affairs; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: Arkansas; US: District of Columbia; US: Illinois; US: New York; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: 1996; 60minutes; abuseofpower; abuseofwomen; agitpropmachine; antisemitism; arkansas; arnold; arnoldschwarzenegger; autoimpeach; autoindict; barbarawise; bayh; betseywright; biggestloser; bill911; billclinton; billydale; bimboeruptions; bobdole; bookdeal; bot; broaddrick; caelectoralvotes; california; charlieyahlintrie; china; chinagate; chinaresources; chinesetakeout; clinton; clinton911; clintonarrogance; clintoncontempt; clintoncorruption; clintondemagoguery; clintondysfunction; clintonfailure; clintonfelons; clintonineptitude; clintonintimidation; clintonism; clintonjunkets; clintonlegacy; clintonliars; clintonobstruction; clintonpredation; clintonpsychopathy; clintonracism; clintonrage; clintonrape; clintonrapes; clintonrevisionism; clintons; clintons911; clintonsrrapists; clintonstupidity; clintontreason; clintonviolence; collui; commercedept; confess; congenitalliar; corapist; costind; coverup; coverupqueen; denial; ethnicslurs; evanbayh; eyeswideshut; failedcrook; falseaffidavits; faustianbargain; fkingjewbatard; footinmouth; gulpingforair; halfabrain; halfahouse; harrywu; heilhitlery; helenthomas; helltopay; herheinous; hildebeast; hillary; hillary911; hillaryblog; hillarybot; hillaryclinton; hillaryconfesses; hillaryknew; hillaryliar; hillaryrape; hillaryraped2; hillaryrapedtoo; hillaryspeaks; hillarystinear; hillarytalks; hillarytalksorg; hillarytalksus; hillarywho; hoosegow4hillary; indict; inoculation; intimidation; iowa; iraq; iwontgodownalone; jamesriady; jewbatard; johnhuang; johnnychung; juanita; juanitabroaddrick; kathleenwilley; launderingmachine; letatcestmoi; lippo; lippobank; ministering; ministeringgirls; moctarriady; moneylaundering; moseleybraun; nglapseng; noeyecontact; nolandahill; notratrulock; nword; obstructionofjustice; paulfray; payoff; pla; predator; predators; quidproquo; rape; rapist; rapistclintons; rapists; recall; reddragonrising; revisionism; riady; ronbrown; ronbrowndeath; safire; schwarzenegger; secretpolice; selfimpeach; selfindict; sheknewsheraped2; simonschuster; slushfund; standbyyourman; tammywynette; tessellationsplanet; thanksgiving; thepredator; theterrorismstupid; tinear; travelgate; treason; turkey; turkeys; utterfailure; viacom; victimizer; virtualhillary; wearethepresident; whitewater; wot; zeitgeist; zipperhoisted
posted on
11/27/2003 8:56:38 PM PST
Mia T
hillary's Iraq TurkeysbumpWho in his right mind would ever want the clintons back in the Oval Office?
hillary talks: ON STANDING BY MY MAN
![]( (viewing movie requires Flash Player 6, available HERE) hillary talks: ON VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN
![]( (viewing movie requires Flash Player 6, available HERE) hillary talks: ON CHINA
![]( (viewing movie requires Flash Player 6, available HERE) hillary talks: On White House Coverups
![]( (viewing movie requires Flash Player 6, available HERE)
hillary talks: ON CLINTON "FINANCES"
![]( (viewing movie requires Flash Player 6, available HERE) hillary talks: ON PREDATORS
![]( (viewing movie requires Flash Player 6, available HERE) hillary talks: On White House Intimidation
![]( (viewing movie requires Flash Player 6, available HERE) hillary talks: ON TRAVEL OFFICE
![]( (viewing movie requires Flash Player 6, available HERE)
hillary talks: On White House "ministering"
![]( (viewing movie requires Flash Player 6, available HERE) hillary talks: On Ethnic Slurs
![]( (viewing movie requires Flash Player 6, available HERE) hillary talks: L'Etat, c'est moi! (Iowa parsed)
![]( (viewing movie requires Flash Player 6, available HERE) hillary talks: On Terror
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copyright Mia T 2003 |
Lib Author Regrets Voting (TWICE!) for clinton
"Sickened" by clinton's Failure to Protect America from Terrorism
How clintons' Failures Unleashed Global Terror
The Man Who Warned America
(Why a Rapist is Not a Fit President)
UDAY: "The end is near
this time I think the
Americans are serious, Bush is not like Clinton."
eyes wide shut (she knew
she raped, too)
A '68 Mustang is not exculpatory
missus clinton's REAL virtual office update
posted on
11/27/2003 9:01:32 PM PST
Mia T
(Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
To: WorkingClassFilth; Gail Wynand; looscannon; Lonesome in Massachussets; IVote2; Slyfox; ...
clinton turkeys past ping
posted on
11/27/2003 9:04:28 PM PST
Mia T
(Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
To: Mia T; All
posted on
11/27/2003 9:30:04 PM PST
(Vet-Battle of IA DRANG-1965
To: Mia T
The evidence piles on weekly if not daily that Hitlery is running for Prez. There is no "is she going to"..There is only "she is!" The reality is her Prez run began the milli-micro-second she learned she won the NY Senate race, and it`s been non-stop ever since. How sure am I on this? I have a $1000 bet running on it, and I`m not rich...But if ever there was a sure thing, this is it. Prepare to see her profile go up even more in the coming months..I`m saying she will formally announce around the beginning of next year, at the latest 6 months before the election...Why so late? Because this is what bonafide Sociopaths do. They get off on playing the "savior", the all powerful one who saves the group from doom.
posted on
11/27/2003 9:32:32 PM PST
(I`m still waiting for the mass protests against Al Qaida and Saddam)
To: metalboy
I am not so sure she will run in 2004... She is simply undermining the dwarfs as she hedges her bets...
Actually, I predict that she will never run... She doesn't have the guts to do it now... and by 2008 her-- and her co-rapist partner's-- discredited has-been status will be complete. The Dean paradigm, which has rendered irrelevant clinton control of DNC coffers, their only source of power, has hastened this process; and Giuliani may finish them off in a 2006 coup de grace.
As for a last-minute entry, there is another reason that it is her only option: simply put, she cannot survive the scrutiny of a legitimate campaign.
posted on
11/27/2003 9:57:36 PM PST
Mia T
(Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
To: Mia T
Helen Thomas: Sea Hag!![](
Member Yvonne Pover (left) chats with former awardee Helen Thomas
posted on
11/28/2003 3:49:10 AM PST
(George Soros "MINOB":
To: Mia T
Good morning Mia
thanks for the ping
& bttt
posted on
11/28/2003 7:08:32 AM PST
To: Mia T
As for a last-minute entry, there is another reason that it is her only option: simply put, she cannot survive the scrutiny of a legitimate campaign.A well placed hammer on the Nail Mia T! As we began to lower our turkey into hot oil yesterday, all paused as the bird was christened Hillary then to great applause we watched as the hot oil began its work!
posted on
11/28/2003 7:33:04 AM PST
(No to Mrs. Clinton ever entering the White House as president and NO to her sexual predator spouse –)
To: Mia T
Hi Mia
Happy Thanksgiving for yesterday -- and Shabat Shalom.
Blessings -- Brian
posted on
11/28/2003 8:39:16 AM PST
Brian Allen
( Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God - Thomas Jefferson)
To: Mia T
My take on her visit is that allot of this is just to firm up her still lousy chances of winning even the Senate seat in 06.
Happy Holiday-
The catalyst appears to have been California, where Foucault began visiting in the 1970's , and where he discovered the homosexual and sadomasochistic subculture there. It was as if Sades transgress fantasies had suddenly become social reality for him.
In the autumn of 1983, after he had already collapsed and less than a year before his own death (from AIDS), he could still be found in the baths and bars.
Cite: The Reckless Mind, Intellectuals In Politics, Mark Lilla
posted on
11/28/2003 8:39:40 AM PST
(The Di-tech Guy and E-loan Girl are to Wed in Hell)
To: Mia T
Well I bet a 1000 she`s going to do it. I just know she is...Like Michael Jackson can stop thinking of kids, the Hillbeast can`t stop thinking of power. Not saying the beast will win, but she`s gonna do it, I just know it. Like water thrown on the wicked witch, the beast feels her power fading which is why she is marching in as many parades as possible (out of NY state even) going on talk shows, that dinner last week, she is just doing everything she possible can to keep her horrid visage in the publics nightmares for when she formally announces her run to rule the world. Even the rapist is keeping a low profile lest he take away attention from the beast. The beast knows that this is her last chance, and she will never get another, She will do it. I just knooow it! Hitlery turning down a chance for power is like Ted Kennedy turning down an open bar. It`s impossible, she`s a sociopath. I bet you she`s stands in front of a mirror everynight and repeats the words "President Rodham...President Rodham"
posted on
11/28/2003 9:17:09 AM PST
(I`m still waiting for the mass protests against Al Qaida and Saddam)
To: metalboy
the harold factorIt's an approach-avoidance conflict.
Her lust for power/her fast fading influence
vs. her reluctance to put her own (as opposed to HIS)
fat a$$ on the line.
(Note the symmetry:
HE, likewise, wouldn't hesitate
-- pls excuse the offensive imagery if not the mixed metaphor --
to throw HER ample a$$ into the ring.)
An interesting analogy to ponder:
- bill:dick as hillary:harold
Harold Ickes presence could be significant;
at a minimum, tho, it signals a sinking ship.
- Double, trouble TOIL for HUBBELL;
- Fire burn and cauldron bubble.
- THIRD WITCH (a stealth Conservative)
- Scale of BONIOR, tooth of WOLF,
- HILLARY'S memory, maw and gulf
- A ravin'd salt-sea shark,
- Ears of the MARTINS digg'd i' the dark,
- Gall of BILL, and McCURRY'S slips
- "Noes" of LANNY, and HUBBELL'S lips,
- Finger of ICKES ditch-deliver'd by a drab,
- Make the gruel thick and slab:
- Add thereto a Chinese squadron,
- For the ingredients of our cauldron.
- Double, trouble TOIL for HUBBELL;
- Fire burn and cauldron bubble.
- Cool it with cash and blood,
- Then the charm is firm and good.
- Enter Lady MacClinton
Mia T, MacClinton Act IV, Scene I
- Sen. KnowNothing Victim Clinton Holds News Conference
by Mia T, February 23, 2001
ASHINGTON- February 22. Sen. KnowNothing Victim Clinton held her premiere press conference today on Capitol Hill, ostensibly to answer questions about the peddling of White House pardons by her brother and her campaign treasurer. Notably absent among the press queries were any about her own involvement not only in those pardons, but in the larger universe of sold pardons--the incipient clinton scandal du jour--Pardongate.
KnowNothing's brother, Hugh Rodham, secured two of the 141 clinton midnight pardons, one for a cocaine kingpin and the other for a snake-oil swindler. Rodham netted a quick $400,000 for his "work" according to various rodhams and clintons and their assorted lawyers. KnowNothing's campaign treasurer, William Cunningham III, himself a law partner of longtime KnowNothing adviser Harold Ickes, helped obtain last-minute pardons for two convicted felons.
LA FAMIGLIA Displaying a willingness to throw her brother (along with her husband) to the wolves, Sen. Victim Clinton was quick to make a distinction between her big, bad brother's pardon "work" and that of her campaign treasurer, "a fine lawyer and a fine man." The "family" connection of brother Rodham to Clinton rendered Rodham's "work" offensive, whereas the campaign treasurer Cunningham's connection to the senator and her campaign coffers made his securing of two pardons in record time a sterling example of highminded, effective public service. KnowNothing is apparently not the best of thinkers. If the "family" connection makes lobbying for cocaine-kingpin and snake-oil-swindler pardons unsavory for brother Rodham, then the "family" connection makes lobbying for the Hasidim 4 (see Keating 5) pardons even more distasteful for the wife, First Lady and senator-elect. Moreover, pardons for votes is arguably a greater offense than pardons for cash. EFFECTIVELY PLEADS 5TH BY INVOKING SPOUSAL PRIVILEGE KnowNothing specifically declined to answer when asked whether she discussed the pardons with her husband, effectively pleading the 5th. Turning aside questions about the pardon decisions her husband had made, she told reporters they should address those issues with him and his staff. She refused to say whether he should agree to appear voluntarily before congressional committees investigating the pardons. Interestingly, no one asked her whether she would agree to appear voluntarily before those same congressional committees. I DIDN'T HAVE SEX WITH THAT PARDON "I did not have any involvement in the pardons that were granted or not granted," insisted Sen. KnowNothing, seeming to forget her presence at the New-Square/Oval-Office schmooze that secured pardons for the four Hasidic felons who set up a phony school in Brooklyn to swindle the government out of millions intended for the poor.
RESURRECTING RUFF KnowNothing noted that her"best memory" was that she never spoke to her brother or to Mr. Cunningham about the pardons. With variations of "I don't have a memory" and "my best memory, and avoiding the more obvious "I don't recall" and "my best recollection," KnowNothing reprised the Ruffian standard used during the clinton years to commit perjury without penalty. I GET LETTERS ...or more precisely, envelopes. During her denials of involvement in any of the pardons, KnowNothing made the curious claim: "People handed me envelopes, I passed them on [and never opened a single one. Honest.]"
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I AM VICTIM Reprising the role of victim that enabled her to win a senate seat in spite of low poll numbers, high personal negatives and consistent public failures, the senator peppered her answers about big, bad Hugh (understanding that the subtext was big, bad Bill) with "saddened" and "disappointed" and "heartbroken" and "shocked." UTTER CONTEMPT FOR THE PEOPLE This session today was cut short by a staffer when reporters appeared dissatisfied by Senator KnowNothing's lack of candor. In the end, this press conference full of poses, poll-tested phrases and prevarication was just another display of the clintons' utter contempt for the people. Bill Clinton committed the same error last Sunday in his shameless, lie-filled New York Times Pardongate Apologia. The clintons' fundamental error: They are too arrogant and dim-witted to understand that the demagogic process in this fiberoptic age isn't about counting spun heads; it's about not discounting circumambient brains. hillary talks: On White House Coverups
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missus clinton's REAL virtual office update
posted on
11/28/2003 10:16:31 AM PST
Mia T
(Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
To: Mia T
I really must admit that your posts are not only incendiary but potentially dangerous (lol). Do you have "protection", if not we can try to set up a fund to insure it. I someday look forward to burning all your works onto CDRW.
posted on
11/28/2003 3:58:36 PM PST
(The Di-tech Guy and E-loan Girl are to Wed in Hell)
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