Stages and treatment of covid disease (EVMS)

Updated: August 2021
Languages: German, English

Based on the available scientific evidence and current clinical experience, the SPR Collaboration recommends that physicians and authorities consider the following covid-19 treatment protocol for the prophylactic and early treatment of people at high risk or high exposure.

Numerous international studies have shown that prophylactic and early treatment can significantly reduce the risk of severe and fatal covid-19 (see scientific references below).

Note: Patients are asked to consult a doctor.

Treatment protocol


  1. Vitamin D3 (2000 IU per day)
  2. Zinc (20mg to 40mg per day)
  3. Quercetin (250mg per day)
  4. Bromhexine (24mg per day)*
  5. Mouthwashes and nasal spray

Early treatment

  1. Zinc (75mg to 100mg per day)
  2. Quercetin (500mg per day)
  3. Aspirin (325mg per day)*
  4. Bromhexine (48mg per day)*
  5. Mouthwashes and nasal spray

Prescription only

  1. Sulodexide (LMW heparin)*
  2. Fluvoxamine or cyproheptadine*
  3. Steroids: Prednisone or budesonide*
  4. High-dose vitamin D (up to 80,000 IU)*
  5. Monoclonal antibody treatment
  6. Anti-androgen treatment
  7. Ivermectin*

(*) Notes

See also

Treatment studies

Results of trials and studies on the early treatment of covid.


Ivermectin (an antiparasitic drug) has anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties.

Zinc and quercetin

Zinc inhibits RNA polymerase activity of coronaviruses and thus inhibits virus replication. Quercetin (a plant polyphenol) supports the cellular absorption of zinc and has additional anti-viral properties.


Bromhexine (a mucolytic cough medication) inhibits the expression of cellular TMPRSS2 protease and thus the entry of the virus into the cell, as first described in 2017.

Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 supports and improves the immune system response to infections.

Aspirin and heparin

Aspirin and heparin have anti-platelet and anti-thrombotic effects.

Mouthwashes and nasal sprays

Mouthwashes and nasal sprays target the initial infection and viral replication.

Anti-androgen treatment

Anti-androgen treatment inhibits the expression of the TMPRSS2 cellular protease used by SARS-CoV-2, which is driven by androgen hormones (i.e. male sexual hormones).

Fluvoxamine and Cyproheptadine

These drugs inhibit serotonin-induced pulmonary vasoconstriction.


Corticosteroids (e.g. prednisone, budesonide) reduce covid-related systemic inflammation.

Monoclonal antibody therapy

Antibody therapy is intended to inhibit viral replication.

Additional notes

The early treatment of patients as soon as the first typical symptoms appear and even without a PCR test is essential to prevent progression of the disease. In contrast, isolating infected high-risk patients at home and without early treatment until they develop serious respiratory problems, as often happened during lockdowns, may be counterproductive.

People at high risk living in an epidemically active area should consider prophylactic treatment together with their doctor. The reason for this is the long incubation period of covid-19 (up to 14 days): when patients first notice that they contracted the disease, the viral load is already at a maximum and there are often only a few days left to react with an early treatment intervention.

Early treatment based on the above protocol is intended to avoid hospitalization. If hospitalization nevertheless becomes necessary, experienced ICU doctors recommend avoiding invasive ventilation (intubation) whenever possible and using oxygen therapy (HFNC) instead.