Posted on 05/25/2015 7:10:21 PM PDT by Beave Meister
Ann Coulter is back, more fearless than ever. In Adios, America she touches the third rail in American politics, attacking the immigration issue head-on and flying in the face of La Raza, the Democrats, a media determined to cover up immigrants' crimes, churches that get paid by the government for their "charity," and greedy Republican businessmen and campaign consultantsall of whom are profiting handsomely from mass immigration that's tearing the country apart. Applying her trademark biting humor to the disaster that is U.S. immigration policy, Coulter proves that immigration is the most important issue facing America today.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
She spent a long time calling him lots of unconservative things then made the TV rounds pretending none of those things was ever spoken to get him elected.
The federal government also includes the GOP, which is also guilty of engaging in this plot.
What I mean to say is replacing “the left” with “the right” within the federal government will yield no different result.
They are all part, and they are all guilty.
“The Betrayal Papers” on shows how Obama is turning America into a stinking hell hole.
Its all or nothing around here. I haven't read ahead on the comments yet but I'm sure you are taking allot of insults for daring to say anything less than that.
But don’t forget that I asked for an author of whom you approve, and will not generate any whining from you or anyone else.
Does the truth offend you as well?
If you don't like the messenger, fine. Doesn't make the message any less true.
All- you can learn from Marx, you can learn from Alinsky, you can learn from anyone.
So Coulter is not perfect. That means you read her book from that perspective, and see if anything she says makes sense.
Let’s judge the content of the new book.
Sorry....Ann?....Go STUFF IT!
I agree with you, until I find something with which you and I disagree. In that case, I will cast you out into the wilderness. (And later wonder why I have no friends).
Point being? That you can’t answer the question put to you? So you dance around?
When you care to explain why we should trust Coulter given her ACTIONS, then let us know.
Oh theres a lot she did to trash conservatives. All of it was discussed on FR and still she has defenders. It’s no tinfoil conspiracy. But look who does the defending.
Yes of course. The RINOs are part of the left.
As I said...
The left controls the federal government.
Of course, if Eric Cantor's primary loss didn't clue in the party, not sure what will.
My point is (apparently too complex for your peabrain): Coulter’s book on illegal immigration has nothing to do with her support for Romney, unless someone here has already read it and can tell me otherwise.
Trust who you like. Learn from who you like. If Marx wrote a book promoting capitalism as good, would you believe him? Then why would you trust a person who writes on saving America by a person that promoted a man whose whole career was one big act of opposing what it stood for?
It’s not a conspiracy, but it is a conspiracy. Against people who don’t read books.
No Sir... I seek truth in all things.
Thank you.
Well, don’t expect to see the tent city in the rich LIEberal Democrat neighborhoods!
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