Since Nov 12, 2007

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Kennedy Dead Women Scoreboard

Kennedy Victim(s) Technique
Ted Kennedy Mary Jo Kopechne Abandoned to suffocate in car wreck
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Mary Richardson Kennedy Drove to suicide (hanging)
Michael Skakel Martha Moxley Bludgeoned and stabbed with golf club
Robert F. Kennedy Marilyn Monroe (shared credit) Drove to suicide (pills, alcohol)
John F. Kennedy Marilyn Monroe (shared credit) Drove to suicide (pills, alcohol)
John F. Kennedy, Jr. Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy Lauren Bessette Crashed their plane

Honorable Mention (Didn't quite kill the victim)
Kennedy Victim(s) Technique
Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr. Rosemary Kennedy Lobotomized and permanently institutionalized for crime of being mildly retarded
Joseph P. Kennedy II Pam Kelly Permanently paralyzed in crash of jeep he was driving