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why do you guys keep banning me? (Zot! Because we can) (Juwish modz totally rewl!)
Posted on 06/30/2004 10:19:24 AM PDT by jj_fate
why do people keep banning me everytime I put up interesting articles? I work for a website I think some of you are familiar with called phantirath weekly world news and each time we put somthing up on FR no matter how conservative it is it keeps getting banned. Whats the matter with it?! Damn man what are you marxist socialists communists? I just got a call this mroning from a Juwish friend of mine who said that you banned an important article about Zionism and Noam Federman and about how we were to support israel. I thought you guys supported Juws and others like him!? I mean you know that god is going to punish you if you dont support them and others like Noam Federman who are being downtrodden by the leftists and the Arabs! EVEN Pat Buchanan would be outraged by this! The Juws are wonderful people who have been a blessing to this nation and other nations in the world! Why is it you hypocrites complain about bias and then you shut us up just because you dont agree with us!? Who made you god and told us what we had to do anyway! This website has got to be the most fascist naziast place ive ever been! The Juws will win someday and when the Arabs are gone and when the Juws and rightous gentils go up top you will be atr the bottom! I demand an explanation for why you are doing this to me and my boss and the Juws!
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To: Fedora
The only time I saw a pluch piggie fly fast was when it was launched from a cannon.
But it's structural stability ceased to be optimised for solidity.
posted on
07/01/2004 9:13:43 AM PDT
(I devour troll souls and derive nourishment from their accursed spirits because I'm COMPASSIONATE!)
To: Conspiracy Guy
LOL! You didn't miss any Kurt novels--I was stretching a bit, there :) Kurt based the character of Kilgore Trout partly on SF writer Theodore Sturgeon, who wrote a novella called "Killdozer!"
posted on
07/01/2004 9:13:54 AM PDT
(Kerryman, Kerryman, does whatever a ketchup can/Spins a lie, any size, catches wives just like flies)
To: Darksheare; JenB
""One of us! One of us!""
We accept her, we accept her/Gooble-gabble, gooble-gabble. . .
posted on
07/01/2004 9:14:43 AM PDT
(Kerryman, Kerryman, does whatever a ketchup can/Spins a lie, any size, catches wives just like flies)
To: Darksheare; bad company
Hey! Isn't it time for a Freepathon
posted on
07/01/2004 9:23:19 AM PDT
Conspiracy Guy
(Drove my Jaguar to the Quagmire. But the Quagmire was dry.)
To: Darksheare
Holy paradox, once we observe it's speed, we alter it's direction. Once we observe it's direction, we've altered it's speed! Diabolical..""Yes, Boy Wonder, diabolical indeed! And only one criminal genius could be twisted enough to come up with such a fiendish plan. . ."
"Holy Fu Manchu, Batman! You mean it's the Joker?"
"Yes, he's behind it--however even he couldn't hope to pull off something so brilliant on his own. There's a deeper riddle here. . ."
Chief O'Hara gasps in realization: "Saints preserve us! The Riddler! You think he's in on it, too?"
Batman: "Yes, the Riddler. But that doesn't explain the giant umbrella that Darksheare's message was delivered in. . ."
Commissioner Gordon has a horrible discovery dawn on him: "The Penguin!"
Robin: "Exactly! But there's one more piece of the puzzle missing! That preview for that awful-looking Halle Berry movie that was showing at the scene of the crime--it could only mean one thing. . ."
Batman: "Precisely again, chum! The Catwoman!"
Commissioner Gordon shakes head in disbelief: "Four of the most diabolical minds of our time, working together. They can only have one goal."
Robin: "To rob Fort Knox?"
Batman: "No--any one of them could do that."
Chief O'Hara: "To take over the country?"
Batman: "Maybe if it was any two of them. But all four--Commissioner Gordon is right. It can only mean one thing."
Altogether: "They're going to kidnap the leaders of the United Nations Security Council and dehydrate them!"
Robin, anxiously: "Where's the hope of the free world now. . .?"
posted on
07/01/2004 9:23:36 AM PDT
(Kerryman, Kerryman, does whatever a ketchup can/Spins a lie, any size, catches wives just like flies)
To: Conspiracy Guy
"It is a line from Fire Sign Theater. Bozo's on the Bus."
Doh! I must've missed that one while I was reading my Kilgore Trout novel :)
posted on
07/01/2004 9:24:32 AM PDT
(Kerryman, Kerryman, does whatever a ketchup can/Spins a lie, any size, catches wives just like flies)
To: Conspiracy Guy
"Needs the sound of horse braying"
Technically, yes :)
posted on
07/01/2004 9:25:36 AM PDT
(Kerryman, Kerryman, does whatever a ketchup can/Spins a lie, any size, catches wives just like flies)
To: Fedora; JenB
The grand meeting of the BSIC Inc, LLC will now come ot order.
The pens are a success.
The droid toaster is less than successful though.
Seems one had 'issues' with the parakeet and put out a hit on him with the cat.
posted on
07/01/2004 9:26:22 AM PDT
(I devour troll souls and derive nourishment from their accursed spirits because I'm COMPASSIONATE!)
To: Darksheare
"The promo pic from Weird Science aughta be good for a Rogaine commercial."
I hear Rogaine sales have gone downhill since they hired Medusa from "Clash of the Titans" to be their spokesman.
posted on
07/01/2004 9:26:52 AM PDT
(Kerryman, Kerryman, does whatever a ketchup can/Spins a lie, any size, catches wives just like flies)
To: Darksheare
"The only time I saw a pluch piggie fly fast was when it was launched from a cannon.
But it's structural stability ceased to be optimised for solidity."
The solution to this is instead of bacon to use Sizziline.
posted on
07/01/2004 9:27:33 AM PDT
(Kerryman, Kerryman, does whatever a ketchup can/Spins a lie, any size, catches wives just like flies)
To: Fedora
Galapagos was the last one I read because it seemd Kurt lost his edge. I always liked the early character, Elliot Rosewater? Is that right? Man it's been years.
posted on
07/01/2004 9:27:33 AM PDT
Conspiracy Guy
(Drove my Jaguar to the Quagmire. But the Quagmire was dry.)
To: Conspiracy Guy; bad company
Yu mean the guy snapping the pic of that was using that for!
Uh oh.
I must remove the evidence.
I'll be right back.
posted on
07/01/2004 9:27:35 AM PDT
(I devour troll souls and derive nourishment from their accursed spirits because I'm COMPASSIONATE!)
To: Darksheare; JenB
"The grand meeting of the BSIC Inc, LLC will now come ot order."
We have order at our meetings? When did this start? :)
posted on
07/01/2004 9:29:12 AM PDT
(Kerryman, Kerryman, does whatever a ketchup can/Spins a lie, any size, catches wives just like flies)
To: Fedora
I remember the ep that is based on..
Hmm.. Halle Barry as Catwoman..
Not the role I'd imagine her in, but if she's slinkin' around the screen..
*Slaps self repeatedly*
posted on
07/01/2004 9:29:53 AM PDT
(I devour troll souls and derive nourishment from their accursed spirits because I'm COMPASSIONATE!)
To: Fedora
This is true.
Seems she could be better off promoting Viagra instead.
But yikes!
posted on
07/01/2004 9:30:41 AM PDT
(I devour troll souls and derive nourishment from their accursed spirits because I'm COMPASSIONATE!)
To: Darksheare
posted on
07/01/2004 9:30:58 AM PDT
( Happy Canada Day!)
To: jj_fate
Aloha, and meet your fate!
posted on
07/01/2004 9:31:03 AM PDT
Jonah Hex
(Only 5 cents a troll? Must be too many of the varmints around here...)
To: Fedora
posted on
07/01/2004 9:31:21 AM PDT
(I devour troll souls and derive nourishment from their accursed spirits because I'm COMPASSIONATE!)
To: Fedora; JenB
Well, more or less order.
'Tis merely a formality.
So you can actually get back to using the stun prod on that company spy.
Though I do advise against having him wear a tutu and dance the macarena, that'd be cruel and inhuman.
posted on
07/01/2004 9:33:01 AM PDT
(I devour troll souls and derive nourishment from their accursed spirits because I'm COMPASSIONATE!)
To: Conspiracy Guy
Yep, that's right!
One of the richest and smartest men in America, Eliot Rosewater is also one of the most disillusioned. His faith in American righteousness in World War II was shattered when he found that he had killed a German fireman who was trying to put out a fire that American bombers had started.
He tried drinking, but that just ruined his health without alleviating what he saw as the alarming unfairness of the modern world. So he committed himself to a mental hospital. There he meets a kindred spirit in Billy Pilgrim, who comes to share with him the one consolation Eliot has found in life: the peculiar wisdom in the science fiction of Kilgore Trout.
posted on
07/01/2004 9:34:28 AM PDT
(Kerryman, Kerryman, does whatever a ketchup can/Spins a lie, any size, catches wives just like flies)
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