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why do you guys keep banning me? (Zot! Because we can) (Juwish modz totally rewl!)

Posted on 06/30/2004 10:19:24 AM PDT by jj_fate

why do people keep banning me everytime I put up interesting articles? I work for a website I think some of you are familiar with called phantirath weekly world news and each time we put somthing up on FR no matter how conservative it is it keeps getting banned. Whats the matter with it?! Damn man what are you marxist socialists communists? I just got a call this mroning from a Juwish friend of mine who said that you banned an important article about Zionism and Noam Federman and about how we were to support israel. I thought you guys supported Juws and others like him!? I mean you know that god is going to punish you if you dont support them and others like Noam Federman who are being downtrodden by the leftists and the Arabs! EVEN Pat Buchanan would be outraged by this! The Juws are wonderful people who have been a blessing to this nation and other nations in the world! Why is it you hypocrites complain about bias and then you shut us up just because you dont agree with us!? Who made you god and told us what we had to do anyway! This website has got to be the most fascist naziast place ive ever been! The Juws will win someday and when the Arabs are gone and when the Juws and rightous gentils go up top you will be atr the bottom! I demand an explanation for why you are doing this to me and my boss and the Juws!

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To: cyborg


481 posted on 06/30/2004 5:29:07 PM PDT by Eaker (R.I.P Phudd 28-Jun-04)
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To: lavrenti
What, yu-deah?


482 posted on 06/30/2004 5:30:00 PM PDT by wimpycat ("The road to the promised land runs past Sinai."-C.S. Lewis)
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To: The Scourge of Yazid

You have the handle perfect for multiple meanings. It's also effective.

483 posted on 06/30/2004 5:31:19 PM PDT by lavrenti (I'm not bad, just misunderstood.)
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To: glock rocks
Or beer. Don't forget the beer.

I think jj drank all the beer on the way over here judging from the posts.

glock I think it is your turn for a beer run. I'll call the pizza guy.

484 posted on 06/30/2004 5:34:06 PM PDT by Harmless Teddy Bear (You'll think twice about that when a 6' 250 lb Viking kitty with titanium claws comes calling.....)
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To: The Scourge of Yazid

You were about to say your room is cleaner than mine, then you checked yourself before you wrecked yourself I KNOW THIS THING.

485 posted on 06/30/2004 5:35:42 PM PDT by cyborg
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To: lavrenti; wimpycat
Scourge of Yazid:

Yes, my haram friend. Scourge is a very complex fellow. It is not all fiery sermons as a muezzin and riddling jahilliyah Sunnis with bullets outside of Karachi masjids. Scourge has feelings too.


486 posted on 06/30/2004 5:36:07 PM PDT by The Scourge of Yazid ("You either ride with us, or collide with us!" (The Secrets of War.)
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To: wimpycat

The obvious response would tick off Orthodox Freepers, so I won't.

Just think "Valley Girl" lingo and the unspoken name of the big Kahuna.

487 posted on 06/30/2004 5:36:48 PM PDT by lavrenti (I'm not bad, just misunderstood.)
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To: The Scourge of Yazid

There, there. Have a hug. Here, I fixed the firing pin on your AK.

488 posted on 06/30/2004 5:38:26 PM PDT by lavrenti (I'm not bad, just misunderstood.)
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To: lavrenti; cyborg; wimpycat
'Valley girl' freeper:

Like, you have a Latin tag-line too? That is friggin' cool. Like, I'm spazzin' out here! I mean, like, this is almost as cool as that time that Sheila told Wade that she had a crush on him, but Wade was going out with Angela, who was all like: "Whatever ho!" Then, she took a...

489 posted on 06/30/2004 5:41:43 PM PDT by The Scourge of Yazid (Excelsior!)
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To: The Scourge of Yazid


Oh man, suddenly it's Nick Cage getting smacked around by the socie at the party and "A Million Miles Away" on the soundtrack.

490 posted on 06/30/2004 5:44:48 PM PDT by lavrenti (I'm not bad, just misunderstood.)
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To: lavrenti

I'm not as fluent in Valley Girl as I am in Redneck, so you'll have to 'splain that one.

491 posted on 06/30/2004 5:45:37 PM PDT by wimpycat ("The road to the promised land runs past Sinai."-C.S. Lewis)
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To: lavrenti
Heh, heh, heh.

Can't think of a come back for that one, can you?

Heh, heh, heh.

Thought so.

492 posted on 06/30/2004 5:46:24 PM PDT by The Scourge of Yazid (Excelsior!)
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To: lavrenti
I stand corrected.

Dang it!

I hate it when that happens.

493 posted on 06/30/2004 5:47:18 PM PDT by The Scourge of Yazid (Excelsior!)
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To: Harmless Teddy Bear
glock I think it is your turn for a beer run. I'll call the pizza guy.

I'm off until Tuesday. Got some pig boston butt, some lamb, some ribs, hey... and the beer fridge on the deck is stocked! Hopefully, there will be some good racin goin on this weekend. Well, when I'm not obeying the Missus.

Sheesh, do women find the heaviest labor on the hottest days for a reason? Yes, dear, I'll move that tree this weekend. I promise.

</otherwise good husband getting suckered into ridiculous tasks on an otherwise perfect weekend for golf and fishing>

494 posted on 06/30/2004 5:50:38 PM PDT by glock rocks (I didn't do it, nobody saw me do it, there's no way you can prove anything.)
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To: The Scourge of Yazid

No one can defeat Lavrenti, Master of Information Most Useless.

495 posted on 06/30/2004 5:50:44 PM PDT by lavrenti (I'm not bad, just misunderstood.)
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To: lavrenti
Is that an official, internationally recognized title, or are you just blowing smoke up my @#%?
496 posted on 06/30/2004 5:53:50 PM PDT by The Scourge of Yazid (Excelsior!)
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To: Slings and Arrows
hahahaha ! Thanks. I've added you. :^D

497 posted on 06/30/2004 5:57:39 PM PDT by MeekOneGOP (Call me the Will Rogers voter: I never met a Democrat I didn't like - to vote OUT OF POWER !)
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To: The Scourge of Yazid

Hell, this title is as legitmate as "General Field Marshal Cinque of the SLA" and "John Kerry, decorated Vietnam veteran".

498 posted on 06/30/2004 5:59:12 PM PDT by lavrenti (I'm not bad, just misunderstood.)
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To: Laura Earl
"'fraid so."

String, Thread and Rope decide to hit the town. It's Strings's birthday, and they are going to paint the town red. The three buddies walk into the bar, sit down, and start talking about what they want. The bartender walks up to the group and asks String, "Are you a String"? String replies, "Yes."

The bartender points to a sign behind the bar, "We don't serve strings", and tells him he has to leave as this bar doesn't serve Strings. Rope and Thread are supportive and tell String, "Let's go, we don't need this place, we'll go to the next bar."

So the three head off. They enter the next bar, sit down, and try to decide if they want beers or shots or both. Again, the bartender approaches, and asks String, "Are you a String", while pointing to the "We don't serve strings" sign behind the bar.

String and his buddies, Rope and Thread, are clearly upset. But, String quickly states, "yes, I'm a String, can I use your restroom, then we'll leave". Well, his buddies respected his choice and decided to wait for their friend. String finished using the restroom, came back, disguised, he tied himself into knots.

String sits down next to Rope and Thread, the bartender approaches again and asks, "Hey, aren't you that String?" and string replied, "I'm a frayed knot".

499 posted on 06/30/2004 6:00:36 PM PDT by Indy Pendance
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To: Conspiracy Guy; jj_fate
Hey Meek. Post the Troll Booth

Oh, yeah ! Here it is !:

Playing catchup tonight. :^)

500 posted on 06/30/2004 6:00:47 PM PDT by MeekOneGOP (Call me the Will Rogers voter: I never met a Democrat I didn't like - to vote OUT OF POWER !)
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