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why do you guys keep banning me? (Zot! Because we can) (Juwish modz totally rewl!)
Posted on 06/30/2004 10:19:24 AM PDT by jj_fate
why do people keep banning me everytime I put up interesting articles? I work for a website I think some of you are familiar with called phantirath weekly world news and each time we put somthing up on FR no matter how conservative it is it keeps getting banned. Whats the matter with it?! Damn man what are you marxist socialists communists? I just got a call this mroning from a Juwish friend of mine who said that you banned an important article about Zionism and Noam Federman and about how we were to support israel. I thought you guys supported Juws and others like him!? I mean you know that god is going to punish you if you dont support them and others like Noam Federman who are being downtrodden by the leftists and the Arabs! EVEN Pat Buchanan would be outraged by this! The Juws are wonderful people who have been a blessing to this nation and other nations in the world! Why is it you hypocrites complain about bias and then you shut us up just because you dont agree with us!? Who made you god and told us what we had to do anyway! This website has got to be the most fascist naziast place ive ever been! The Juws will win someday and when the Arabs are gone and when the Juws and rightous gentils go up top you will be atr the bottom! I demand an explanation for why you are doing this to me and my boss and the Juws!
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To: Monkey Face
Yet another 00 in the bag. Congrats on the previous one BTW....
posted on
10/05/2004 8:20:28 AM PDT
Dead Corpse
(Albanian: O Zot! Kam sakice ne koke!)
To: Dead Corpse
Your net surfing habits really worry me at times! ;-)
posted on
10/05/2004 8:25:08 AM PDT
(liberalism - a narrow tribal outlook largely founded on class prejudice)
To: Dead Corpse
posted on
10/05/2004 8:27:06 AM PDT
(liberalism - a narrow tribal outlook largely founded on class prejudice)
To: Happygal
These guys obviously weren't watching the SS1 video. Amazing what walks around upright some times....
posted on
10/05/2004 8:28:07 AM PDT
Dead Corpse
(Albanian: O Zot! Kam sakice ne koke!)
To: Happygal
posted on
10/05/2004 8:31:53 AM PDT
Dead Corpse
(Albanian: O Zot! Kam sakice ne koke!)
To: All
Oh yeah... just in case anyone wanted to go on that "Search for the opening to the Hollow Earth" trip...
Here's the contact info...
posted on
10/05/2004 8:33:30 AM PDT
Dead Corpse
(Albanian: O Zot! Kam sakice ne koke!)
To: Dead Corpse
AMD has come a long way in the last 3 or 4 years. Their first generation Athlon Slot A processors were a disaster, from a variety of standpoints. I have some XP machines at home and they tend to run hot. Cooling will always be an issue with AMD although they have made progress in the thermal area.
I put some lower-end Dual Opteron servers out in the field also using a low end (compared to the XEON sticker price) $200 MSI K8TMASTER2FAR board; so far they haven't caught fire. It appears AMD has tightened down the QC. AMD processors take the cake for performance, yet I will always instinctively turn to Intel for long-term stability, reliability.
Best thing to do is to put the servers side by side and see which one dies first. AMD absolutely rocks when it comes to performance.
Even for the desktop, Tom's Hardware (in early 2004) showed how the Athlon 64 absolutely smoked the higher-end Intel P4 processors in a variety of categories. I believe also the Extreme Edition got toasted.
My own AMD machines are extremely fast, but they do in fact run hot. You have to pay very careful attention to the fan and heatsink and get the best quality one available. $20-$40, the max the budget will afford. A cheaper fan may very well result in a cooked processor. A lot of people make a mistake in that regard.
On the other hand, I think Intel screwed up with the Prescott. Those are running hot now also if they are not set up in a so-called "Prescott ready" chassis with the air duct.
No matter what servers FREErepublic upgrades to, I think with an OC192 line (even an OC12 or OC48), multiple Terabytes of redundant storage and a high-end dual AMD (or Intel) solution, our in-house storage and bandwidth requirement would be met for the foreseeable future. We can always cluster servers down the line also, but that would be overkill at present.
OC 192 ? (OMG). Multiple T1s or a T3 should suffice.
Then again, there is always the question: who will write the check? (heheheh)
posted on
10/05/2004 8:38:56 AM PDT
Bald Eagle777
(The only way to fight terrorism is to exterminate all of the terrorists.. VOTE FOR BUSH)
To: Bald Eagle777
The new 775 Prescott cores from Intel require you to dissipate 110 watts while the latest Opterons only require 80 watts. Heat is MUCH more of an issue on Intel boards these days. The K8's are not K7's.
Then again, a Xeon is not an Itanic. Nor can either the Itanium-2 nor the Extreme Edition keep up with the performance of even the FX-53. Don't get me started on the Sempron. That thing is gonna be the "Celeron" killer. Almost no performance to speak of, but cheap to produce and 64-bit capable.
I've got an Asus SK8N at home with and FX-51 in it. Not a bad board. Haven't had any heat problems with it yet. I'll wait and see if AMD can squeeze in PCI-Express and DDR2 into their next chip Rev before upgrading anything else.
posted on
10/05/2004 8:57:00 AM PDT
Dead Corpse
(Albanian: O Zot! Kam sakice ne koke!)
To: Dead Corpse
St. Helens is spewing again!!!
posted on
10/05/2004 9:24:34 AM PDT
Dead Corpse
(Albanian: O Zot! Kam sakice ne koke!)
To: Dead Corpse
ASUS: Good stuff. MSI is also excellent, but not historically perceived to be # 1.
I have a few hundred of the 478 pin Prescotts out there with some issues (bios revs, SP2 issues in some cases). Yes, they run much hotter than the previous P4s (the 478/533FSB and 800Mhz FSB/512K L2 w/HT). I think Intel dropped the ball on the Prescott. I think their engineers want to turn the new procs into heating elements for miniature convection ovens. You could bake a pie in some of those boxes.... AMD has closed the gap, but the "bad old days" are very fresh on my mind. If you pop a $5 fan on one, you can kiss anything above 2.x++ - 3200 goodbye. Solid copper and you're all set. Thermaltake makes some with variable speeds etc. Xoxide has some over the top equipment, which is overkill.
I don't have too many LGA 775s out there (some 520s, 530's and some 40's and 50's), about the same number of the new Semprons (under 10). The Sempron is cost effective and a lot of bang for the buck vs. Intel's Smelleron.
I bet a lot of people will fall off their tricycles when they go to pop a 754 pin Sempron 3100+ into a Socket A "Sempron motherboard" (for Sempron Socket A to 2800+).
I think someone at AMD was "smoking crack" when they had two pin arrays for the CPU with the same nomenclature/model. (( It will be pretty funny seeing how people will react in this case if they didn;t do their homework before making a purchasing decision. Oops. ))
posted on
10/05/2004 9:26:37 AM PDT
Bald Eagle777
(The only way to fight terrorism is to exterminate all of the terrorists.. VOTE FOR BUSH)
To: Bald Eagle777
A bit more difference between an FX-51 and an FX-53 than just one pin. It isn't like you can just snip the extra pin off and continue on your merry way.
And yes, AMD's marketing department has definately been smoking something that our Justice Department would not approve of. Still haven't figured all that crap out.
Hopefully, they'll drop the 754 package all together. Unless they wanna keep that as their "Mobile Only" platform. Not bad for mobile, but I wouldn't buy one for a desktop/workstation/server.
posted on
10/05/2004 9:35:33 AM PDT
Dead Corpse
(Albanian: O Zot! Kam sakice ne koke!)
To: Monkey Face
I told him we would get it!!!
At work and getting the run-around -- I'll try to check in.
posted on
10/05/2004 9:43:51 AM PDT
(Please quote me. I am an Unimpeachable Source.)
To: Dead Corpse
I don't personally know of anyone that has an FX-53. The proc. must be a fortune. The FX51 is a land rocket from what I hear (not seen). Rare birds they are.
posted on
10/05/2004 9:45:15 AM PDT
Bald Eagle777
(The only way to fight terrorism is to exterminate all of the terrorists.. VOTE FOR BUSH)
To: Bald Eagle777
$810 off of for an FX-53 939-pin proc.
posted on
10/05/2004 10:08:18 AM PDT
Dead Corpse
(Albanian: O Zot! Kam sakice ne koke!)
To: Dead Corpse
posted on
10/05/2004 10:14:27 AM PDT
Dead Corpse
(Albanian: O Zot! Kam sakice ne koke!)
To: Dead Corpse
posted on
10/05/2004 11:27:24 AM PDT
Dead Corpse
(Albanian: O Zot! Kam sakice ne koke!)
To: Monkey Face
Oh, even my dog started to type on this board about you, it was totally off the hook and out of control.
I had to put chap-stick on his paw pads!
posted on
10/05/2004 11:55:06 AM PDT
A CA Guy
(God Bless America, God bless and keep safe our fighting men and women.)
To: Chad Fairbanks
Well all post could be certifiable, but just 17 we know of have actual content.
posted on
10/05/2004 11:56:35 AM PDT
A CA Guy
(God Bless America, God bless and keep safe our fighting men and women.)
To: freedumb2003
I'm glad to see you are a man of good sense, even though you lost it for a bit during a fling with a Left Coastie.
I shall, however, forgive you with one proviso: I must see your Grovelling Trick within the next six hours.
(P.S. It had BETTER be the Grandfather of All Grovelling Tricks, or you shall be my slave forever)
posted on
10/05/2004 12:12:00 PM PDT
Monkey Face
(I don't believe in superstition; it only brings bad luck.)
To: A CA Guy
And YOU, "sir" are a cad of the lowest order to blame your midnight musings on your four-pound hairy rat-impersonator.
From you, I will accept a full-scale apology, ONLY if I see it has merit. Otherwise, you shall be ignored by me.
posted on
10/05/2004 12:17:03 PM PDT
Monkey Face
(I don't believe in superstition; it only brings bad luck.)
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