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skywatchtv ^ | 10/18/20 | SW Editor

Posted on 10/20/2020 6:31:55 PM PDT by Roman_War_Criminal

As pointed out by Dr. Thomas Horn and “Into the Multiverse” host Josh Peck in the internationally-acclaimed books On The Path Of The Immortals (FREE IN OFFER HERE) and Abaddon Ascending, when the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) first started up on September 10, 2008, director for research and scientific computing at CERN, Sergio Bertolucci, provoked a whirlwind of speculation with his enigmatic remark that the LHC might open a door to another dimension. During a regular briefing at CERN headquarters, he told reporters, “Out of this door might come something, or we might send something through it.”[i] The notion of higher dimensional beings traversing such doorways conjures up the denizens of legend, orcs, ogres, elves, fairies, dwarves, and giants. A British military analyst later quipped:

We’re looking here at an imminent visit from a race of carnivorous dinosaur-men, the superhuman clone hive-legions of some evil genetic queen-empress, infinite polypantheons of dark mega-deities imprisoned for aeons and hungering to feast upon human souls, a parallel-history victorious Nazi globo-Reich or something of that type.[ii]

While that was amusing, more serious researchers like Richard Bullivant had already connected the dots:

The most plausible explanation the next time Bigfoot or a lizard man or a flying dragon is sighted—or perhaps even a UFO ascending into the earth and disappearing into the side of a hill—surely has to be that it is evidence that portals to parallel worlds are serving as doorways where strange beings, vehicles and entities occasionally stumble into our universe—and sometimes we in turn stumble into theirs.[iii]

It did not help that the LHC was named after the Hindu destroyer of worlds “Shiva”, a fact that prompted a teenage girl in India, Madhya Pradesh, to commit suicide.[iv] Whether the scientists responsible for the name believe it or not, wormhole portals are studied very seriously.

Now, it is recycling in the news again that researchers at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider are confident they will soon “make contact with a parallel universe.” They have since opening hoped to actually open a door into another reality with the astoundingly complex LHC “atom-smasher” at CERN, as it is fired up to its maximum energy levels in an endeavor to identify—or perhaps generate—tiny black holes that will serve as doorways.

Mir Faizal, one of the three-strong group of physicists behind this experiment, said a while back: “Just as many parallel sheets of paper, which are two-dimensional objects [breadth and length] can exist during a dimension [height], parallel universes can even exist in higher dimensions […]

“If successful a very new universe is going to be exposed—modifying completely not only the physics books but the philosophy books too.

“It is even probable that gravity from our own universe may ‘transfer’ into this parallel universe…

“If we do detect mini black holes at this energy, then we are going to know that… additional dimensions are correct.”[v]

In 1935, Albert Einstein and his student, Nathan Rosen, proposed that connecting two black holes would form a tube-like gateway between two regions. This passageway is called an Einstein-Rosen Bridge. The math works. Traversable wormholes provide a valid solution to field equations of general relativity.[vi] According to theory, one could enter a black hole and exit a white hole in another universe. A white hole is a region of space-time that cannot be entered from the outside, but from which matter and light may escape. Thus, a black hole serves as the entry portal and a white hole marks the exit portal. Yet, prior to the discovery of spinning Kerr black holes, traversing the magic sphere meant being obliterated down to the atomic level by the enormous gravitational force. Consequently, during Einstein’s day, no one took the possibility of traveling through such a gate very seriously.

But what’s really behind CERN’s interest in making contact with a parallel universe?

Hold onto your hat.

The laboratory we know as CERN was born in 1952, not long after World War II and the emergence of the nuclear bomb. Since that time, some of the research at CERN has entered the public lexicon and nearly become a household word. This European facility began as a post-war physics project and blossomed into an international cabal searching for nothing less than God.

CERN is a French acronym based on the name of the working committee that imagined the possibilities for a physics laboratory governed by another emerging body, the Common Market, which would eventually rise as the revived Roman Empire, the European Union. The name for the committee was the Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire (European Council for Nuclear Research). Just two years later, in 1954, the working committee disbanded, the formal organization commenced work, and the official name was changed to Organisation Européenn pour la Recherche Nucléaire (European Organization for Nuclear Research).[vii] Oddly enough, when the official name changed, the acronym should have changed as well—after all, the earlier “committee” had been a temporary entity that had helped birth a major research laboratory; the CERN acronym and the French designation Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire hadn’t yet propagated enough that renaming it would have proven problematic. So why didn’t the founders change the acronym along with the name?

Enter Werner Karl Heisenberg, a renowned German Nobel laureate physicist who is often called “the founder of quantum mechanics.” He served as head of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute during World War II, heading up the Nazi push to create an atomic weapon. Many in the West say that the Allies owed much to Heisenberg, for it is believed that he actually stalled and intentionally misled the Nazis, hoping the Allies would win the race to “find the bomb.” Lew Kowarski, one of Heisenberg’s colleagues, claims that Heisenberg had inexplicably insisted that the original acronym CERN remain in effect.

Werner Heisenberg understood quite well what quantum physics implied for humanity. Inherent within this theoretical realm, populated by obtuse equations and pipe-smoking scientists, lies what I call the “Babylon Potential.” This is the “secret knowledge”—the scientific imperative, informed and driven by spiritual advisers—that the Bible cites as the key to opening a gateway for the “gods.” It is Entemenanki, Baba-alu, the opening of the Abzu, the doorway to Hell.

How is the Babylon Potential related to a simple acronym—CERN? Here’s the answer: CERN is an abbreviated title for the ancient god worshipped by the Celts: Cernnunos. The name means “horned one,” and his stern image appears in various forms, usually wearing “stag’s horns” upon his head, and he is oftentimes accompanied by a ram-headed serpent. His worshippers celebrated Cernunnos’ birth in December during the winter solstice. As the Celtic god of the underworld, he parallels Hades and Pluto. Cernunnos controls the shadows, and he is a dying/rising god after the order of Osiris and Horus who was so elaborately summoned by CERN occultists during the June 1, 2016 Gotthard Rail Tunnel Opening Ceremony. Cernunnos alternates control of the world with the moon goddess Danu (another form of Diana/Isis/Semiramis). This intertwined and sometimes antagonistic relationship is similar to that of Shiva and Kali—an important point to make because it is Shiva’s statue that welcomes visitors to CERN’s headquarters in Geneva.

The Shiva statue depicts the Hindu god in his “nataraja” position, a cosmic dance that destroys the old universe in favor of a new creation.[viii] This ritual is performed on the back of a demon named Apasmara who is said to represent ignorance. Much like the mystery religions and secret societies (of which Freemasonry is a prime example), the initiates receive hidden knowledge that is passed down from mentor to apprentice, and each level achieved brings with it additional clarification as to the true purpose of the organization (or cult). Members are considered “enlightened,” while all those who do not belong are mundane and walk in darkness. We are ignorant. Therefore, the Shiva dance illustrates the superposition of the enlightened over the backs and souls of the blind. Of course, to the Illuminati, the truly ignorant are the foolish Christians. As I’ve said many times in my previous books, the lowest-level members of these mystery religions and secret societies rarely know the truths reserved for the few who actually run the show.

Shiva has been compared to Dionysus,[ix] another fertility god associated with vegetation, forest, streams, and dancing—powers also attributed to Cernunnos. All three have dominion over the underworld: Dionysus, the son of Zeus and the mortal Semele, is a type of beast-god (one who inspires his followers to behave as “beasts”—witness the Maenads, the mad women who followed and tended to the needs of Dionysus, who is called Bacchus in the Roman pantheon. The Maenads danced and drank themselves into an ecstatic frenzy, usually dressing in fawn skins (something the followers of Cernunnos also do), carrying a long stick or staff adorned with a pine cone (symbol of the pineal gland, itself considered a doorway into another realm). As with Osiris and Nimrod, Dionysus journeyed to the underworld—in this case, to rescue his mother. Semele is yet another moon goddess, and she fits the Semiramis/Isis/Danu/Diana model.

It also seems fair to examine indigenous spiral petroglyphs (described elsewhere in this book) that very often feature horned humanoid figures in close proximity to a vortex. While scholars admit to speculating as much as anyone else, they typically interpret these spirals as symbolizing the portal to a long journey. [x] Could these ancient petroglyphs also be omens of the horned beast god emerging from a vortex spiral?

What is my point? With its name and by placing a bronze Shiva sculpture prominently in front of its headquarters, CERN is indicating to those with “eyes to see” that the collider’s true purpose is to open a portal to the underworld—to create a stargate or “god-gate,” which would serve as a doorway between worlds. Ordo ab chao, “order out of chaos,” has been the plan for millennia, and the invasion commences when the Abyss is finally opened, and its monstrous inhabitants are set free.

Sound far-fetched?

Location, Location, Location

Saint-Genis-Pouilly is a township within the county of Ain in eastern France. It lies on the border with Switzerland, nestled into the foothills of the Jura Mountains and Lake Geneva (Lac du Leman to the French)—and, because of its unique location, it is governed by the cross-border area of Geneva.The ALICE, ATLAS, and MERYN experiments lie within this region. The township consists of four towns: Saint-Genis (sometimes spelled Saint-Genix), Pouilly, Pregnin, and Flies. “Jura,” in Old Norse, means “beast.” Dionysus, Cernunnos, and, to a degree, Osiris are all “beast” gods. Osiris, with his “green” skin, reflects the forest nature of Cernunnos and Dionysus. But, more to the point, if this CERNunnos Illuminati experiment succeeds, it will open the gateway to a beast. However, the term “Jura” also refers to the Latin word for “law.” This is another reflection of the ancient goddess Columbia, Athena, Maat, Themis, Dike, and all those who are “Lady Justice,” a deity that weighs our souls in the balance. The Jura Mountains loom over the CERN campus like ancient judges who oversee the construction and implementation of the new Babylon Portal. The book Zenith 2016 explains the occult significance of these deities with Lady Justice:

According to Virgil and the Cumaean Sibyl, whose prophecy formed the novus ordo seclorum of the Great Seal of the United States, the New World Order begins during a time of chaos when the earth and oceans are tottering—a time like today. This is when the “son” of promise arrives on earth—Apollo incarnate—a pagan savior born of “a new breed of men sent down from heaven” when “heroes” and “gods” are blended together. This sounds eerily similar to what the Watchers did during the creation of the nephilim and to what scientists are doing this century through genetic engineering of human-animal chimeras. But to understand why such a fanciful prophecy about Apollo, son of Jupiter, returning to Earth should be important to you: In ancient literature, Jupiter was the Roman replacement of Yahweh as the greatest of the gods—a “counter-Yahweh.” His son Apollo is a replacement of Jesus, a “counter-Jesus.” This Apollo comes to rule the final New World Order, when “Justice returns, returns old Saturn’s [Satan’s] reign.” The ancient goddess Justice, who returns Satan’s reign (Saturnia regna, the pagan golden age), was known to the Egyptians as Ma’at and to the Greeks as Themis, while to the Romans she was Lustitia. Statues and reliefs of her adorn thousands of government buildings and courts around the world, especially in Washington D.C., as familiar Lady Justice, blindfolded and holding scales and a sword. She represents the enforcement of secular law and is, according to the Sibyl’s conjure, the authority that will require global compliance to the zenith of Satan’s dominion concurrent with the coming of Apollo. What’s more, the Bible’s accuracy concerning this subject is alarming, including the idea that “pagan justice” will require surrender to a satanic system in a final world order under the rule of Jupiter’s son.[xi]

This excerpt from Zenith 2016 and the CERN relationship with the Jura Mountains becomes even clearer when we examine the second of the towns mentioned earlier—Pouilly, established by the Romans as Apolliacum, which reportedly served as the location for a temple to Apollo. Apollo, or Apollyon, is listed in the book of Revelation as belonging to the king of the hybrid-fallen angel creatures that rise up from the pit—Abyss—when it is unsealed. It should also be mentioned that at the time of the Roman occupation of the area, the predominant inhabitants were the Celts, which takes us back to Cernunnos. In a roundabout way, pun intended, the rings of CERN encompass a variety of ancient deities who are all connected to the underworld:

And the fifth angel blew his trumpet, and I saw a star fallen from heaven to earth, and he was given the key to the shaft of the bottomless pit.

He opened the shaft of the bottomless pit, and from the shaft rose smoke like the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air were darkened with the smoke from the shaft.

Then from the smoke came locusts on the earth, and they were given power like the power of scorpions of the earth.

They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any green plant or any tree, but only those people who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads.

They were allowed to torment them for five months, but not to kill them, and their torment was like the torment of a scorpion when it stings someone.

And in those days people will seek death and will not find it. They will long to die, but death will flee from them.

In appearance the locusts were like horses prepared for battle: on their heads were what looked like crowns of gold; their faces were like human faces,

their hair like women’s hair, and their teeth like lions’ teeth;

they had breastplates like breastplates of iron, and the noise of their wings was like the noise of many chariots with horses rushing into battle.

They have tails and stings like scorpions, and their power to hurt people for five months is in their tails.

They have as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit. His name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek he is called Apollyon. (Revelation 9:1–11)

Both Apollyon (Greek) and Abaddon (in the Hebrew) mean “the destroyer,” just as Shiva is the destroyer. These “gods,” these fallen angels from the pit, intend to set up a new world order on the ash heap of the old—on the backs of “ignorant dwarves” like you and me. Peter Goodgame sheds further light on the identity of this “king” locust:

And just who is this Greek god Apollyon who makes his strange appearance in the book of Revelation? Charles Penglase is an Australian professor who specializes in ancient Greek and Near Eastern religion and mythology. In his book, Greek Myths and Mesopotamia: Parallels and Influence in the Homeric Hymns and Hesiod, Penglase carefully and methodically demonstrates that the Greek myths and legends of Apollo were simply Greek retellings of the Babylonian myths involving the rise to power of the god Marduk, which were themselves based on earlier legends of the Sumerian hunter/hero known as Ninurta. Furthermore, according to David Rohl, the original name for Ninurta was in fact Nimurda, whose historical identity can be traced back to King Enmerkar of Uruk, the very same figure who is known in the Bible as Nimrod.[xii]

Is it not astonishing that, following upon the heels of two world wars in which millions upon millions of human lives were sacrificed—and upon the discovery of a mighty weapon that changed history forever, that being the atomic bomb—the victors in both wars would come together to form a scientific endeavor that would unlock the secrets of the universe? And is it not even more astonishing that this collective of the world’s finest minds mirrors one of the darkest events in biblical history, that of the Tower of Babel?

It is said that one possible location for the tower was directly over the presumed location of the Abzu, the Abyss! Was Nimrod actually trying to unleash the locusts in defiance of God’s ultimate timing? Nimrod, deified as Apollo by the Greeks and Osiris by the Egyptians, is considered by many theologians to be the same “spirit” that will return to earth in the last days as the Antichrist. In fact, in the New Testament, the identity of the god Apollo (repeat-coded on the Great Seal of the United States as the Masonic “messiah” who returns to rule the earth in a new Golden Age), is the same spirit—verified by the same name—that will inhabit the political leader of the end-times New World Order. Again, from Zenith 2016 we read:

According to key Bible prophecies, the Antichrist will be the progeny or incarnation of the ancient spirit, Apollo. Second Thessalonians 2:3 warns: “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition [Apoleia; Apollyon, Apollo]” (emphasis added). Numerous scholarly and classical works identify “Apollyon” as the god “Apollo”—the Greek deity “of death and pestilence,” and Webster’s Dictionary points out that “Apollyon” was a common variant of “Apollo” throughout history. An example of this is found in the classical play by the ancient Greek playwright Aeschylus, The Agamemnon of Aeschylus, in which Cassandra repeats more than once, “Apollo, thou destroyer, O Apollo, Lord of fair streets, Apollyon to me.” Accordingly, the name Apollo turns up in ancient literature with the verb apollymi or apollyo (destroy), and scholars including W. R. F. Browning believe apostle Paul may have identified the god Apollo as the “spirit of Antichrist” operating behind the persecuting Roman emperor, Domitian, who wanted to be recognized as “Apollo incarnate” in his day. Such identifying of Apollo with despots and “the spirit of Antichrist” is consistent even in modern history. For instance, note how Napoleon’s name literally translates to “the true Apollo.”

Revelation 17:8 likewise ties the coming of Antichrist with Apollo, revealing that the Beast shall ascend from the bottomless pit and enter him:

The Beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the Bottomless Pit, and go into perdition [Apolia, Apollo]: and they that dwell on the Earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the Beast that was, and is not, and yet is.[xiii]

Many prophecy scholars equate Nimrod with Gilgamesh, the hero of the ancient Sumerian creation story composed circa 2000 BC. Gilgamesh claimed to be two-thirds “god,” which seemed impossible until today, when babies are born every day with three parents (a process where one “parent” is a woman who donates her enucleated ovum as carrier for the DNA of the other two parents). But Genesis refers to Nimrod as a man who “began to be a mighty one in the earth” (Genesis 10:8 emphasis added). The Hebrew word translated as “began to be” is khalal, which implies sexual profanity or genetic pollution—and a process. Nimrod was becoming a Gibbowr (mighty one), which is most often used when referring to giants. Nimrod most likely was a product of a profane mating of fallen angel (god) and human. He is Apollo, Cernunnos, Abaddon, Osiris, and Horus, and he is returning as king of the locusts (hybrid fallen angels) from the pit! And CERN may be the stargate that will open this unholy portal very soon.

TOPICS: Conspiracy; Religion; Science; UFO's
KEYWORDS: cern; demons; fauxiantroll; fauxiantrolls; fringe; lhc; multiverse; newagenutjob; ohsomysteriouso; physics; qanon; satanism; science; scifi; stringtheory
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To: Larry Lucido

81 posted on 10/20/2020 7:42:01 PM PDT by mylife (The Roar Of The Masses Could Be Farts)
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To: Larry Lucido

I’ll bet Vargas wouldn’t have bitten Feldmann, even if Feldmann had parmesan and oregano spilled all over him, and sticking to him because of the Sun-baked butter.

82 posted on 10/20/2020 7:43:36 PM PDT by SaveFerris (Luke 17:28 ... as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold ......)
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To: Roman_War_Criminal

Klaatu barada nikto!

83 posted on 10/20/2020 7:44:44 PM PDT by E. Pluribus Unum ("Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts." --Richard Feynman)
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To: Noumenon

Yeah, don’t mess with the elder gods.

(a side note. There is a pretty funny and somewhat bloody movie called “The Last Lovecraft” where a descendent of HPL has to save the world, even though he is a basic nerd. Free on amazon prime)

84 posted on 10/20/2020 7:44:47 PM PDT by dynachrome (The panic will end, the tyranny will not)
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To: Roman_War_Criminal

Well, maybe we all should pray.
According to some scientists (I kind of see their point), they will create a black hole, which will then quickly swallow the whole Earth. We all will be squashed and disappear into this quagmire and nothing will remain.
Basically the end of the world is near!

85 posted on 10/20/2020 7:44:57 PM PDT by AZJeep (
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To: dp0622

Not only does the other you drive a Yugo, but the other you is a vegan.

86 posted on 10/20/2020 7:49:28 PM PDT by erkelly
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To: Roman_War_Criminal

Who finances this lunacy? Are the researchers saying such foolish things, “making contact with a parallel universe this week”, to placate their sponsors? I guess if there can be 57 genders, there can just as well be 57 universes.

87 posted on 10/20/2020 7:49:41 PM PDT by Tellurian (Evil's pride and joy is Fear. It's second child is Deception.)
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To: Roman_War_Criminal

well that would be the perfect end to 2020

88 posted on 10/20/2020 7:50:46 PM PDT by terart
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To: Roman_War_Criminal

All Aboard!

89 posted on 10/20/2020 7:51:36 PM PDT by thescourged1
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To: shotgun

Where’s Eleven when we need her?

Incidently, I called that evil scientist boss, the one she called Papa, Joe Biden, from the very first creepy look I saw him give her.

90 posted on 10/20/2020 7:52:55 PM PDT by Alas Babylon! (The only thing worse than COVID-19 is Biden-20!)
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To: steve in DC

Thanks. Now I have the theme song, on feadog, running through my head.

Wherever you go, there you are.

91 posted on 10/20/2020 8:01:17 PM PDT by No.6
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To: 6SJ7; AdmSmith; AFPhys; Arkinsaw; allmost; aristotleman; autumnraine; bajabaja; ...
Thanks Roman_War_Criminal.

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92 posted on 10/20/2020 8:06:32 PM PDT by SunkenCiv (Imagine an imaginary menagerie manager imagining managing an imaginary menagerie.)
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To: Noumenon

Wiseman : When you removed the book from the cradle, did you speak the words?

Ash : Yeah, basically.

Wiseman : Did you speak the exact words?

Ash : Look, maybe I didn’t say every single little tiny syllable, no. But basically I said them, yeah.

93 posted on 10/20/2020 8:08:43 PM PDT by Redcitizen
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To: blueunicorn6
I just want to go on record here that the flaming sack of dog crap I sent through the black hole to a parallel universe was just a harmless joke.

"Zorg! Our take-out order is here!" :-)

94 posted on 10/20/2020 8:09:26 PM PDT by AFB-XYZ (Option 1 -- stand up. Option 2 -- bend over.)
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The Beatles - Something
The Beatles - Something
And, the song that inspired it, version recorded live at the "Troubadour" in Los Angeles in 2007.
James Taylor - Something in the Way She Moves
James Taylor - Something in the Way She Moves

95 posted on 10/20/2020 8:12:53 PM PDT by SunkenCiv (Imagine an imaginary menagerie manager imagining managing an imaginary menagerie.)
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To: Olog-hai

Evil Spock was great. I used to tell my daughter when she was in High School and trying to come up with an idea for a science project that she should build a particle accelerator. Later on I find out that is exactly what physicist Michio Kaku did in High School.

96 posted on 10/20/2020 8:16:22 PM PDT by freefdny
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To: Roman_War_Criminal
I'm betting this is what comes out.

Why do I think that? I found this pic at

97 posted on 10/20/2020 8:18:05 PM PDT by TigersEye (In all things ... trigger discipline.)
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To: kosciusko51
I'm still waiting for HL3... >.<
98 posted on 10/20/2020 8:21:08 PM PDT by Bikkuri
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To: buckalfa

Some folks say this is a bad idea.

99 posted on 10/20/2020 8:23:08 PM PDT by rdl6989
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To: metmom
I wonder if that would be the excuse for millions of people suddenly disappearing into thin air. Somehow, the portal mysteriously sucked up all those pesky Evangelical Christians.

My thought exactly. And I do mean exactly.

100 posted on 10/20/2020 8:26:36 PM PDT by AFB-XYZ (Option 1 -- stand up. Option 2 -- bend over.)
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