Keyword: satanism
[Catholic Caucus] Munich Archdiocese: Picture of Fat, Naked Woman to Represent "Coronation of Our Lady"New wayside shrines depicting a fat, naked woman as the 'Mother of God' are being erected in the Archdiocese of Munich.The shrines are being made for a pilgrimage route leading to the Church of Maria Eck, which is located above Siegsdorf in Bavaria.The current wayside shrines represent the mysteries of the Rosary. They are over 50 years old and need to be renewed. Students from a nearby woodcarving school have been given the task. The project is financed by the district of Traunstein.The state broadcaster
Los Angeles Democratic Mayor Karen Bass has faced a number of criticisms over her leadership amid the wildfires destroying large portions of the city. ** The move came after more than $17 million in cuts the previous year. If Bass did not want to spend money on fighting fires in a state which lives under a constant threat of such disasters, then the question of what the city funded instead must be raised. The budget resolution for the 2024-2025 fiscal year, which said on the front cover that the document was submitted by Bass herself before being modified and adopted...
Pope Francis presided over his weekly general audience Wednesday alongside a Palestinian-crafted Nativity scene that was missing its eyebrow-raising signature element: a keffiyeh-draped manger holding the infant Jesus.The wooden Nativity scene in the Vatican’s main audience hall had generated headlines when it was unveiled Dec. 7 because of the presence of the keffiyeh, the black-and-white checkered headscarf that has become a potent symbol of the Palestinian cause.This year, the Nativity scenes were made by Bethlehem-based artisans. Representatives of the Palestinian Embassy to the Holy See, as well as special representatives of Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, had been on hand at...
The Bible is pro-transgender, according to guidance promoted by an Anglican campaign group. It claims that “not everyone in the Bible is cisgender” – their gender at birth – and says that biblical stories contain “some clear queer characters”. This argument rests on the treatment of eunuchs in scripture and women taking part in apparently masculine activities in the Bible. The guidance is contained in resources hosted on the website LGBT Faith UK. A link to the document states: “The Bible affirms trans, intersex and queer people.” The text begins by stating: “Not everyone in the Bible is cisgender. Nor...
CV NEWS FEED // A satanic so-called “holiday display” is currently in the Minnesota State Capitol, according to recent reports. The office of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, who does not personally approve of it, recently told a news outlet that the display is protected by the First Amendment. CBS News Minnesota’s WCCO News reported that the group Minnesota Satanists set up the display over the Dec. 14-15 weekend. A spokesperson for Walz told WCCO in a statement regarding the display: “The First Amendment means that he does not police speech in the State Capitol. That’s true whether it’s a religious...
The Satanic Temple of Iowa is hosting the “family-friendly” “Satanic Holiday Joy” at the Iowa State Capitol this coming Saturday, where they tell attendees to expect, along with handing out coloring pages and an ornament decorating station for the kids, “Satanic holiday carols, a large Satanic altar and display, a devilish Sol Invictus/Saturnalia ornament making station, and ritual!” They will also have a costume contest with prizes for whoever dresses up as the best ‘Krampus,’ which is a horned, half-goat, half-demon figure from Central and Eastern European folklore who punishes children who misbehave. We last wrote about TST after they...
A mayor of a township in Ontario, Canada, reportedly had his personal bank account garnished after he refused to pay a $5,000 fine after a tribunal ruled he had discriminated against an LGBTQ group. On November 20, the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario ruled that the township of Emo and its mayor, Harold McQuaker, 77, had discriminated against an LGBTQ group, under the Ontario Human Rights Code, by denying its request to proclaim June as Pride Month. Borderland Pride had requested Emo make the Pride Month declaration and requested the township fly a "LGBTQ2" flag, despite Emo not having an...
@MyLordBebo 🇺🇸 WTF: Tulsa city council invites a “priestess of the goddess” to say a ‘satanic prayer’ dedicating the entire city to Satan on Nov 20th. They’re going insane?
[Catholic Caucus] Defense by Word Twisting: Mayan Rite Not a Mayan Rite, the Liturgical Dance not a Liturgical DanceThe Mexican Bishops’ Conference felt the need to justify its "Mayan Rite" in a statement last Friday. They responded to "different interpretations" which were in fact persuasive criticisms.The bishops claim that there is no Mayan rite, no ritual dances and no Mayan altars.According to them, the new Eucharist "does not constitute a new rite or a substantial change in the structure of the Roman Missal".The Mayan rite is an "optional adaptation" to the Novus Ordo.The Bishops do not want to speak of...
[Catholic Caucus] Italian judge upholds blasphemy case against archbishop, painter of sacrilegious exhibitModena Archbishop Erio Castellucci, painter Andrea Saltini, Father Don Carlo Bellini and a laywoman were charged with contempt under the Italian penal code for vilifying a religion in a place of worship or in a public place through insulting objects.Editor’s note: WARNING – The details of this article are disturbing and scandalizing. LifeSiteNews has chosen not to publish any of the images described.An Italian judge refused to dismiss a case brought against the Archbishop of Modena for outraging the religious feelings of a group of faithful Catholics.Dr. Andrea...
Attacks against priests appear to be on the rise around the globe following the latest assault in which a priest in Singapore was stabbed in the face during a Mass on Saturday Nov. 9., marking at least the third attack of its kind this month. Father Christopher Lee – parish priest of St. Joseph church in the west-central Singapore region of Bukit Timah – was attacked by Basnayake Keith Spencer with a knife while he was distributing Holy Communion ... The Father in Singapore was not the only priest to have been assaulted last Saturday, as a monastery in Spain’s...
'Amazon' Eucharist 'Approved' for MexicoThe retired bishop of San Cristóbal de Las Casas, México, Felipe Arizmendi, 84, announced on 13 November on that the Dicastery for the Novus Ordo Liturgy had "finally" approved some "liturgical adaptations" for the Eucharist in the Tseltal, Tsotsil, Ch'ol, Tojolabal and Zoque ethnic groups of his former diocese.Arizmendi is responsible for the doctrine of the faith at the Mexican Bishops' Conference (CEM) and appears also to be a Cardinal. San Cristóbal de Las Casas has 1.6 million Catholics and 135 priests.The prelate writes that "ritual dances" have been approved at the offertory, in the...
[Catholic Caucus] BREAKING: Vatican approves Mayan rite with ritual dance, female incensors and lay leadership of Mass partsThe much anticipated Mayan rite of the Mass will be implemented in certain parts of Mexico, and contains a number of element drawn from pagan, indigenous culture. A draft of the rite seen previously by LifeSite highlights the pagan theology underpinning the actions.Mayan altar on the floor of a churchVATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) — The Vatican has approved the Mayan rite of the Mass which will involve ritual dancing, women taking the place of the priest in incensing the altar, and lay leadership of...
Evangelicals have expressed "disbelief" at comments made by the Archbishop of Canterbury in which he claimed that gay sex is not sinful if it is within a committed relationship. Archbishop Justin Welby made the comments on "The Rest is Politics" podcast hosted by former Labour spin doctor Alastair Campbell and former Tory MP Rory Stewart. Campbell used the podcast to pose a similar question to one he had asked Archbishop Welby in a 2017 interview for GQ magazine about whether he believed gay sex was sinful. Asked if he now had a "better answer" to that question, Welby said he...
For years, North Point Community Church, led by Andy Stanley, has been partnering with and promoting affirming LGBTQ+ organizations when desperate parents come to see them for help with their struggling gay children, all done through their Parent Connect Ministry. Parent Connect is (was formerly?) led by Amy Blakeslee, an openly affirming queer woman, and is overseen by Debbie Causey, a gay-affirming, long-tenured pastor at North Point Community Church and the director of their Care network of ministries. Causey is also a board member at Renovus, a pro-LGBTQ+ activist and advocacy group led by many leaders within North Point church...
The Satanic Temple opened a second telehealth abortion facility to provide what it describes as “religious abortion services,” and sees the killing of pre-born babies as part of its “destruction ritual.” Despite its name, TST is not affiliated with the Church of Satan, an organization founded by Anton Szandor LaVey in the 1960s. TST also has its headquarters in Salem, Massachusetts, where it holds two virtual satanic Temple services each week. TST announced in a press release provided to The Christian Post that its new 24/7 telehealth abortion facility, “Right to Your Life Satanic Abortion Clinic,” will open in Virginia
Cardinal, exorcists have differing takes on ‘cleansing’ ritual performed on Mexican presidentA Mexican cardinal and three priests, two of them exorcists, have differing takes on the “cleansing” ritual that was performed during the inauguration of the country’s new president, Claudia Sheinbaum.Sheinbaum, a candidate of the coalition Let’s Keep Making History — which consists of the political parties National Regeneration Movement (MORENA), Labor Party (PT), and Green Ecologist Party of Mexico (PVEM) — was the winner of the June 2 presidential elections. She assumed office on Oct. 1.Sheinbaum succeeds President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, founder of MORENA who in December 2018...
... A total of 68 people were indicted as part of the “Peckerwood gang,” Estrada confirmed. Of the 68, a total of 42 are in custody. ... The Peckerwoods are based in the San Fernando Valley, Estrada confirmed, and get their name from a derogatory term used against poor white people and Caucasians in the prison system. ... They also collect Nazi paraphernalia...and then display the symbols on their tattoos, clothing and through social media posts. They also display the symbol “88,” which is the numerical symbol for “Heil Hitler,” Estrada said. ... The U.S. Attorney cited one example of...
Suspects’ tattoos and social media posts indicate possible ties to a violent Venezuelan gang. The two Venezuelan men accused of the brutal murder of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray in Houston are being investigated for possible links to the transnational criminal organization Tren da Aragua.. In June, 22-year-old Johan Jose Martinez-Rangel and 26-year-old Franklin Jose Peña Ramos — both of whom were unlawfully in the United States — allegedly lured Nungaray under a bridge after she stopped at a convenience store. The males, who were charged with capital murder for her death, allegedly stripped her, bound her wrists and ankles, and sexually...
wo people charged with conspiracy to damage energy facilities – a neo-Nazi leader and a woman with whom he had a personal relationship – allegedly planned to attack electrical substations encircling Baltimore and “completely destroy” the entire city, according to federal court documents. The Justice Department has charged Brandon Clint Russell and Sarah Beth Clendaniel with conspiracy to damage energy facilities, alleging that the Maryland-focused plot was driven by ethnically or racially motivated extremist beliefs. They “conspired to inflict maximum harm on the power grid,” Tom Sobocinski, who heads the FBI’s field office in Baltimore, said during a news conference...