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why do you guys keep banning me? (Zot! Because we can) (Juwish modz totally rewl!)

Posted on 06/30/2004 10:19:24 AM PDT by jj_fate

why do people keep banning me everytime I put up interesting articles? I work for a website I think some of you are familiar with called phantirath weekly world news and each time we put somthing up on FR no matter how conservative it is it keeps getting banned. Whats the matter with it?! Damn man what are you marxist socialists communists? I just got a call this mroning from a Juwish friend of mine who said that you banned an important article about Zionism and Noam Federman and about how we were to support israel. I thought you guys supported Juws and others like him!? I mean you know that god is going to punish you if you dont support them and others like Noam Federman who are being downtrodden by the leftists and the Arabs! EVEN Pat Buchanan would be outraged by this! The Juws are wonderful people who have been a blessing to this nation and other nations in the world! Why is it you hypocrites complain about bias and then you shut us up just because you dont agree with us!? Who made you god and told us what we had to do anyway! This website has got to be the most fascist naziast place ive ever been! The Juws will win someday and when the Arabs are gone and when the Juws and rightous gentils go up top you will be atr the bottom! I demand an explanation for why you are doing this to me and my boss and the Juws!

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To: Monkey Face
Ginger. Feverfew. Lemon. Honey. Valerian (more honey to hide taste). Sage. And possible some Cinnamon or Mint.

Should reduce fever, ease the stomach, and help loosen congestion.

Unfortunately, I don't HAVE any of the above accept the cinnamon and the Honey.

Another good one for congestion is vinegar and honey. Hot. You KNOW you need relief badly when you don't even taste the vinegar.

Us Heathen/Pagan types are pretty good with the herb stuff...

64,501 posted on 12/30/2004 7:55:40 PM PST by Dead Corpse (Cum catapultae proscriptae erunt tum soli proscript catapultas habebunt.)
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To: Knitting A Conundrum

"Deck us all with boston charlie..."

Walla-Walla Wash., and Kalamazoo!

64,502 posted on 12/30/2004 7:55:54 PM PST by Monkey Face (Estne volumen in toga, an solum tibi libet me videre?)
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To: lavrenti

The space you need is actually available on the second level.

No balcony, but it is closer to the kitchen, and has plenty of alcoves. It was designed for visiting dignitaries, and their entourage.

64,503 posted on 12/30/2004 7:56:24 PM PST by NicknamedBob (AuthorHouse.Com ... BookStore ... Hawthorne ..."Outlandish!"...Science Fiction? Farce? Marital Aid?)
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To: Knitting A Conundrum

I do not come from lala land,
I do not live there, Sam I Am....

64,504 posted on 12/30/2004 7:56:27 PM PST by Knitting A Conundrum (Act Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly With God Micah 6:8)
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To: Knitting A Conundrum; Asphalt

LIke Asphalt did?

I theen not.

(btw: we all foregave you Asphalt :) )

64,505 posted on 12/30/2004 7:57:10 PM PST by freedumb2003 (When does the Revolution start? I'm going for a bike ride for a while. Please fill me in later.)
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To: Dead Corpse

Some of us medievally inclined Catholics are pretty good with the herbs, too...

64,506 posted on 12/30/2004 7:57:34 PM PST by Knitting A Conundrum (Act Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly With God Micah 6:8)
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To: Monkey Face

Norma's freezing in the trolly...

64,507 posted on 12/30/2004 7:58:19 PM PST by Knitting A Conundrum (Act Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly With God Micah 6:8)
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To: freedumb2003

But I am a published poet...I just don't think it would be suitable here...

64,508 posted on 12/30/2004 7:59:18 PM PST by Knitting A Conundrum (Act Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly With God Micah 6:8)
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To: airborne
Behold my fire!

64,509 posted on 12/30/2004 7:59:26 PM PST by Victoria Delsoul
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To: sionnsar
Now sinonnarr (OK so I've been celebrating!) Was that not the thread I suggested to you, I mean I don't want to whine or eat cheese or sound impudent or anything, but geez....I'll go where you go, pal..

To: sionnsar I vote for the "I'm so stupid" thread.
1. Because I was an original poster to that thread.
2. Because you can dance to it.

My line.."Because we can!"

62,374 posted on 12/28/2004 2:39:53 PM PST by GVgirl (If I had a Buckhead moment would I know it?) [ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 62264 | View Replies | Report Abuse ]

64,510 posted on 12/30/2004 7:59:28 PM PST by GVnana (If I had a Buckhead moment would I know it?)
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To: Knitting A Conundrum

You have me in stitches...

64,511 posted on 12/30/2004 7:59:42 PM PST by TASMANIANRED (Free the Fallujah one)
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To: Dead Corpse

Sage tea would do well, too...

But almost any hot tea will have some use.

Don't forget chicken broth.

Red pepper really helps.

64,512 posted on 12/30/2004 8:01:49 PM PST by Knitting A Conundrum (Act Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly With God Micah 6:8)
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To: sionnsar

So we're moving there soon. :-)

64,513 posted on 12/30/2004 8:02:08 PM PST by tuliptree76 (Official Prime VIXEN of the RKBA)
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To: Knitting A Conundrum
With a flourish and the ringing of bells..Congratulations
64,514 posted on 12/30/2004 8:02:50 PM PST by TASMANIANRED (Free the Fallujah one)
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To: Victoria Delsoul

LOL! The more you post, the sooner we will get this done. ;-)

64,515 posted on 12/30/2004 8:02:52 PM PST by tuliptree76 (Official Prime VIXEN of the RKBA)
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BAck Stitch? Stem Stitch? Cross Stitch? Basketweave? Florentine?

or knitting: Purl, Yarn over or Knit? Crossed or Uncrossed?

And don't get me started on Crochet stitchery...

64,516 posted on 12/30/2004 8:04:02 PM PST by Knitting A Conundrum (Act Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly With God Micah 6:8)
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To: tuliptree76

oooh...can we do another 500 before I fall asleep?

64,517 posted on 12/30/2004 8:05:18 PM PST by Knitting A Conundrum (Act Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly With God Micah 6:8)
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To: Knitting A Conundrum
But I am a published poet...

I am not published, but I can do poetry:

"There once was a man from Nantucket"...


64,518 posted on 12/30/2004 8:05:44 PM PST by freedumb2003 (When does the Revolution start? I'm going for a bike ride for a while. Please fill me in later.)
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Why, thank you for the flourising!

64,519 posted on 12/30/2004 8:05:57 PM PST by Knitting A Conundrum (Act Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly With God Micah 6:8)
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To: tuliptree76
The more you post, the sooner we will get this done.

Isn't that how we rebuild Fantasia?

64,520 posted on 12/30/2004 8:06:49 PM PST by freedumb2003 (When does the Revolution start? I'm going for a bike ride for a while. Please fill me in later.)
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