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why do you guys keep banning me? (Zot! Because we can) (Juwish modz totally rewl!)

Posted on 06/30/2004 10:19:24 AM PDT by jj_fate

why do people keep banning me everytime I put up interesting articles? I work for a website I think some of you are familiar with called phantirath weekly world news and each time we put somthing up on FR no matter how conservative it is it keeps getting banned. Whats the matter with it?! Damn man what are you marxist socialists communists? I just got a call this mroning from a Juwish friend of mine who said that you banned an important article about Zionism and Noam Federman and about how we were to support israel. I thought you guys supported Juws and others like him!? I mean you know that god is going to punish you if you dont support them and others like Noam Federman who are being downtrodden by the leftists and the Arabs! EVEN Pat Buchanan would be outraged by this! The Juws are wonderful people who have been a blessing to this nation and other nations in the world! Why is it you hypocrites complain about bias and then you shut us up just because you dont agree with us!? Who made you god and told us what we had to do anyway! This website has got to be the most fascist naziast place ive ever been! The Juws will win someday and when the Arabs are gone and when the Juws and rightous gentils go up top you will be atr the bottom! I demand an explanation for why you are doing this to me and my boss and the Juws!

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To: Harmless Teddy Bear
En el agua se dibujan
mil reflejos caprichosos.
Es la luz de las estrellas
que se duermen poco a poco.

46,601 posted on 11/28/2004 4:29:12 PM PST by Harmless Teddy Bear (The future is all around us, waiting in moments of transition, to be born in moments of revelation.)
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To: Harmless Teddy Bear
En el río Calle-Calle
se esta bañando la luna,
se esta bañando desnuda
y esta vestida de espumas.

46,602 posted on 11/28/2004 4:30:18 PM PST by Harmless Teddy Bear (The future is all around us, waiting in moments of transition, to be born in moments of revelation.)
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To: Harmless Teddy Bear
Voy cantando por el río
mientras la luna se baña.
La noche canta conmigo
y yo canto con el alma.

46,603 posted on 11/28/2004 4:31:06 PM PST by Harmless Teddy Bear (The future is all around us, waiting in moments of transition, to be born in moments of revelation.)
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To: Baynative; Harmless Teddy Bear
Well I think we sing quite nicely even if he doesn't
46,604 posted on 11/28/2004 4:32:34 PM PST by Harmless Teddy Bear (The future is all around us, waiting in moments of transition, to be born in moments of revelation.)
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To: Harmless Teddy Bear; Baynative
Agreed. But why does every one react that way when we sing?
46,605 posted on 11/28/2004 4:34:12 PM PST by Harmless Teddy Bear (The future is all around us, waiting in moments of transition, to be born in moments of revelation.)
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To: Harmless Teddy Bear; Baynative
Ignore them. They are just jealous. By the way I think we just sang notes never before emitted by a human throat.
46,606 posted on 11/28/2004 4:36:42 PM PST by Harmless Teddy Bear (The future is all around us, waiting in moments of transition, to be born in moments of revelation.)
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To: Harmless Teddy Bear; Baynative
Art such as ours is never understood
46,607 posted on 11/28/2004 4:38:20 PM PST by Harmless Teddy Bear (The future is all around us, waiting in moments of transition, to be born in moments of revelation.)
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To: Conspiracy Guy


46,608 posted on 11/28/2004 4:43:33 PM PST by international american (Proudly posting without reading the article since 2003.)
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To: Harmless Teddy Bear
You know a lot of people are not aware that there were actually two "Enlightenment's". One came out of france, had no moral foundation and caused nothing but suffering and bloodshed and one came out of Scotland had a moral foundation and has helped produce the good life that we currently enjoy. You could say one produced liberals and the other Conservatives.

Bingo!!! I hadn't known that, I hadn't known about the Scottish Enlightenment, until I read "How the Scots Invented the Modern World"! It's almost a pity such a title was placed on this work (though I'm sure it sold many more copies as a result).

46,609 posted on 11/28/2004 6:04:12 PM PST by sionnsar († † || Iran Azadi || All I want for Christmas is a legitimate governor.)
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To: Harmless Teddy Bear
Now I have stayed in the same city for almost 10 years and while I don't have a lot of other stuff the library has grown to well over 1200 volumes. When I move half of the boxes are books. The idea of getting rid of any of my "keepers" is almost a physical pain.

Ouch. My SF collection reached 3,000 books at its peak. It was painful, cutting it down to 300-odd in the "permanent collection" -- and sometimes I go looking for books that are no longer there...

46,610 posted on 11/28/2004 6:09:00 PM PST by sionnsar († † || Iran Azadi || All I want for Christmas is a legitimate governor.)
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To: sionnsar; Harmless Teddy Bear; Monkey Face; ZinGirl; tuliptree76
I have read Thomas Cahill’s book about the Irish, (and St. Patrick), and I have read Arthur Hermann’s book about the Scots. I highly recommend them both.

I find it rather surprising that I actually found time for the readings, but perhaps it explains why I wrote a book which invents a world and describes attempts to preserve its civilization, er, that is when they weren’t busy doing “other” things.

I would also like to thank Mmm Face for her endorsement of my book’s entertainment value. Obviously, it pays to influence your friends. I mean, it pays to have influential friends.
46,611 posted on 11/28/2004 6:38:15 PM PST by NicknamedBob (My first book,"Outlandish!"= Hot!, handle with care!...AuthorHouse.Com/BookStore, look for Hawthorne)
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To: sionnsar

I know the feeling bout cutting back on books. I hven't had the heart to actually get rid of them, but I boxed up about a thousand of them and put them downstairs in storage.

But it was painful.

46,612 posted on 11/28/2004 6:41:56 PM PST by freedumb2003 (Democrat credo: If we win, we win: if we lose it is theft!)
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To: international american; Conspiracy Guy

Hi Guys,

Is this the normal time frame for our wits to return after an overdose of tryptophan?

I think mine was complicated by a side dose of TriptoPennsy.

46,613 posted on 11/28/2004 6:53:18 PM PST by NicknamedBob (My first book,"Outlandish!"= Hot!, handle with care!...AuthorHouse.Com/BookStore, look for Hawthorne)
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To: NicknamedBob

Hello, Bob! I have one more dose of tryptophan in the fridge:)

46,614 posted on 11/28/2004 6:57:09 PM PST by international american (Proudly posting without reading the article since 2003.)
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To: freedumb2003
I hven't had the heart to actually get rid of them, but I boxed up about a thousand of them and put them downstairs in storage.
But it was painful.

I know. When we moved into our first house most of the library wound up stored, in sealed bags in moving boxes, beneath the house in "open air" (we were on a steep hillside). That's when I learned that camphor (mothballs) and some paperback glue don't mix.

But it was much later I just needed to greatly reduce the amount of *stuff* I was holding onto. The stuff that went included my old "Star Roamer" vacuum-tube shortwave radio kit... (sigh)...

46,615 posted on 11/28/2004 7:02:11 PM PST by sionnsar († † || Iran Azadi || All I want for Christmas is a legitimate governor.)
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To: international american
We were able to off-load it all to unsuspecting relatives. On the way home, we talked about how it might be nice to have ham for Christmas dinner.

I've come up with a new title for book three. I'll FReepmail it to you for your opinion.

46,616 posted on 11/28/2004 7:03:56 PM PST by NicknamedBob (My first book,"Outlandish!"= Hot!, handle with care!...AuthorHouse.Com/BookStore, look for Hawthorne)
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To: NicknamedBob

" Thus Spoke NicknamedBob"...??

Not a bad title!!

46,617 posted on 11/28/2004 7:08:01 PM PST by international american (Proudly posting without reading the article since 2003.)
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To: beckysueb; Rebelbase; tuliptree76; annyokie; Asphalt; Just Dan; stopsign; tiamat; RKBA Democrat; ...
Well, it's time to sign off for the night. Given that people have been away and probably have lots of pings awaiting them from hither and yon, it seems appropriate to issue one for the Undead Thread. So, without further ado...

Undead Thread Ping!

FReepmail me if you want on or off this list.
This is a low-volume ping list (typically once every several days).

What is this thread all about?

46,618 posted on 11/28/2004 7:09:54 PM PST by sionnsar († † || Iran Azadi || All I want for Christmas is a legitimate governor.)
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To: sionnsar


or 'mornin when you get this in the morning.

46,619 posted on 11/28/2004 7:11:11 PM PST by freedumb2003 (Democrat credo: If we win, we win: if we lose it is theft!)
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To: sionnsar

Good night!

46,620 posted on 11/28/2004 7:15:32 PM PST by Not A Snowbird (Official RKBA Landscaper and Arborist, Pajama Duchess of Green Leafy Things)
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