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Keyword: vulture

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  • How decline of Indian vultures led to 500,000 human deaths

    07/30/2024 10:48:19 AM PDT · by algore · 19 replies
    Once upon a time, the vulture was an abundant and ubiquitous bird in India. The scavenging birds hovered over sprawling landfills, looking for cattle carcasses. Sometimes they would alarm pilots by getting sucked into jet engines during airport take-offs. But more than two decades ago, India’s vultures began dying because of a drug used to treat sick cows. By the mid-1990s, the 50 million-strong vulture population had plummeted to near zero because of diclofenac, a cheap non-steroidal painkiller for cattle that is fatal to vultures. Birds that fed on carcasses of livestock treated with the drug suffered from kidney failure...
  • Brian Kilmeade Fills Tucker Carlson’s Fox News Slot After Firing: ‘I Wish Tucker the Best’

    04/24/2023 7:41:21 PM PDT · by conservative98 · 82 replies ^ | Apr 24, 2023 | Daily Wire News
    Brian Kilmeade, co-host of “Fox & Friends,” addressed the network’s firing of Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Monday night as he hosted Carlson’s former show during the 8 p.m. EST hour. “As you probably have heard, Fox News and Tucker Carlson have agreed to part ways,” Kilmeade said. “I wish Tucker the best. I’m great friends with Tucker and always will be. But right now, it’s time for ‘Fox News Tonight,’ so let’s get started.”
  • Report: Mother of George Floyd’s Daughter Announces $250 Million Lawsuit against Kanye West

    10/18/2022 4:09:41 PM PDT · by conservative98 · 54 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 18 Oct 2022 | DAVID NG
    The mother of George Floyd’s daughter has reportedly announced a $250 million lawsuit against Kanye West, claiming the billionaire rapper and fashion mogul’s recent comments in which he seemed to attribute Floyd’s death to fentanyl and not police brutality have “retraumatized” her daughter. Roxie Washington’s lawyers allege West’s comments constitute “harassment, misappropriation, defamation, and infliction of emotional distress,” according to a letter obtained by Yahoo Entertainment. It remains unclear how West’s remarks are defamatory since the dead cannot be defamed under the law. “The interests of the child are priority. George Floyd’s daughter is being retraumatized by Kanye West’s comments...
  • As Biden struggles, Hillary waits for the call (vulture lady clrcles Biden)

    04/30/2020 3:52:49 PM PDT · by amnestynone · 53 replies
    The Hill ^ | 4/30/20 | Liz Peek
    Hillary Clinton continues to waver in the wings should Joe Biden fall. Don’t look now, but Joe is failing. Not only has his campaign been rocked by sexual assault allegations from one-time staffer Tara Reade, but the public is beginning to give up on the former vice president. A new Emerson College poll showed 57 percent of likely voters think President Trump will win reelection in November. Remember, Establishment Democrats put forward Uncle Joe because he was the “safe” candidate, bound to defeat Trump. Oops. That’s not the only problem that crops up in the Emerson Poll. It also shows...
  • Ginsburg hospitalized with possible infection

    11/23/2019 6:03:03 PM PST · by Reagan80 · 149 replies
    The Washington Post ^ | 11/23/2019; 8:09pm EST | Robert Barnes
    Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was admitted to Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore on Friday night with a possible infection, the Supreme Court said Saturday night, the latest health scare to confront the 86-year-old senior member of the court.
  • Vulture Writer Compares Photo of Melania holding Orphaned El Paso Baby to Handmaid's Tale Villain

    08/14/2019 7:18:03 AM PDT · by EdnaMode · 7 replies
    Vulture ^ | August 14, 2019 | Valentina Valentini
    Q: When we see Serena holding Nichole, it might also call to mind the picture of Melania Trump holding the El Paso baby who was orphaned in the recent shooting. A: I don’t blame you for seeing similarities there. Anyone who feels the same way about the presidency and everything that brings up, they’re going to look at that picture and think of Serena immediately. I totally get it.
  • Biblical prophecy building up before our very eyes!

    07/01/2019 12:34:22 PM PDT · by David-n-NM · 26 replies
    Sandra Airey ^ | 7/1/2019 | Sandra Airey
    Sandra Airey, the Prophecy Lady, is back re-connecting current events to prophecy. In this article she ties a current crisis in Kentucky with Revelation chapter 19. She believes that biblical prophecy is building up before our very eyes. Sandra's husband was reading the latest article from the Courier Journal about Kentucky black vulture attacks. As Sandra says, "as soon as he started reading Goosebumps went all over me. It's like lightning went through me. I immediately remembered the biblical words about...
  • 'Empire' co-creator Lee Daniels ‘beyond embarrassed’ by the Jussie Smollett scandal

    06/11/2019 6:47:39 PM PDT · by Steely Tom · 10 replies
    Fox News ^ | 11 June 2019 | Mariah Haas
    Daniels opened up to Vulture -- in a new interview published Tuesday -- after he was asked about how Smollett alleged he'd been the victim of a hate crime, a claim Chicago cops later refuted, accusing the "Empire" actor of staging the entire episode to get a pay raise and to drum up publicity for his career. Smollett has maintained his innocence, strongly denying the accusations. . . . "I’m beyond embarrassed," the 59-year-old director and producer, who initially publicly supported Smollett, told the outlet. "I think that when it happened, I had a flash of me running from bullies....
  • Menstruation Finally Gets the Attention It Deserves at the Oscars

    02/24/2019 7:55:20 PM PST · by EdnaMode · 71 replies
    Vulture ^ | February 24, 2019 | Katie Rothstein
    Well, well, well, it appears the hostless Oscars came to play. The 2019 ceremony just delivered what could be an Academy Awards first: An acceptance speech dedicated to none other than menstrual periods! Period. End of Sentence. just won the Oscar for Best Documentary Short. “I’m not crying because I’m on my period, or anything,” said director Rayka Zehtabchi. “I can’t believe a film about menstruation just won an Oscar,” she continued. Zehtabchi (who is 25!!) shared the stage with producer Melissa Berton and the rest of the Period team. Period tells the story of women in rural India fighting...
  • New Apollo 11 Documentary with Never-Before-Seen Footage of 1969 Moon Landing Effort Draws [Trunc]

    01/26/2019 11:59:42 AM PST · by Cecily · 43 replies
    Daily Mail (U.K.) ^ | January 26, 2019 | Maxine Shen
    Critics are raving about the new documentary, Apollo 11, which features an unearthed treasure trove of behind-the-scenes footage of the moon landing, following the movie's premiere at the 2019 Sundance Film Festival in Utah. The movie, deemed a 'masterful work of archival research' by Vulture, was created using a cache of 65mm, behind-the-scenes footage of the 1969 moon landing, and thousands of hours of vintage audio recordings of NASA employees talking about the mission. Unlike traditional documentaries, the 93-minute-long Apollo 11 is said to not include any voice-overs or cutaways to talking heads. Instead, director Todd Douglas Miller uses a...
  • You’re Fired: Entertainment Writer Axed For Wishing Death Upon Covington Catholic High School

    01/23/2019 5:27:09 PM PST · by Kaslin · 53 replies ^ | January 23, 2019 | Matt Vespa
    .Well, death threats directed at the students of Covington Catholic High School was inevitable as soon as that clip went viral. You’ve all seen it. Student Nick Sandmann wearing his Make America Great Again hat standing next to Nathan Phillips, a Native American man, who was banging a drum at the Lincoln Memorial in what the liberal media called a racist hounding of a person of color. The same media said “build the wall” chants were spewed during the incident. All of this was false. Obscenities were hurled at the students from a group of Black Hebrew Israelites, an alleged...
  • First Journalist Fired for Fake News and Threats Directed at Catholic MAGA Kids

    01/21/2019 9:52:15 PM PST · by grundle · 58 replies
    Megan Fox ^ | Janaury 21, 2019 | Megan Fox
    It's been a bad week for the mainstream press, first with the Michael Cohen hoax by BuzzFeed and now with the Covington Catholic fake news, where journalists claimed that Catholic students mocked a Native American. That turned out to be untrue. It's safe to say that the spectacle has ruined everyone's last remaining shred of hope that the media would stop being the Enemy of the People. Clearly, that is not going to happen. The bright spot on the horizon is that The Wrap is reporting that at least one of these terrible "journalists" has been fired: Digital company INE...
  • Twitter suspends account that helped incident with Native American man go viral

    01/21/2019 9:37:38 PM PST · by yesthatjallen · 44 replies
    The Hill ^ | 01/21/19 | Justin Wise
    Twitter has suspended an account that helped a widely publicized encounter between Catholic high school school students and a Native American man go viral. CNN Business reported on Monday that Twitter took the step after receiving questions from the news network about the account. The account, @2020fight, posted a minute-long video of the interaction on Friday night with the caption, "this MAGA loser gleefully bothering a Native American protester at the Indigenous Peoples March." According to a cached version of the video seen by CNN, the post garnered at least 2.5 million views and at least 14,400 retweets. The network...
  • Tom Arnold and Penn Jillette Claim 'Racially Insensitive' Donald Trump Apprentice Tapes Exist

    08/14/2018 7:36:06 PM PDT · by 2ndDivisionVet · 52 replies
    People Magazine ^ | August 14, 2018 | Natalie Stone and Aili Nahas
    Penn Jillette is claiming that President Donald Trump made “racially insensitive” remarks during his time on Celebrity Apprentice, which were captured on tapes that still exist. Jillette, a professional magician who appeared on season 12 of the NBC reality series, confirmed to Vulture in a new interview that series creator Mark Burnett has tapes of Trump making the controversial statements. Burnett did not respond to PEOPLE’s request for comment. Trump “would say racially insensitive things that made me uncomfortable. I don’t think he ever said anything in that room like ‘African-Americans are inferior’ or anything about rape or grabbing women,...
  • ...Jillette Says He Heard Trump Say 'Racially Insensitive Things' on 'Celebrity Apprentice'

    08/14/2018 4:37:11 PM PDT · by SoFloFreeper · 69 replies ^ | 8/14/18
    "He would say racially insensitive things that made me uncomfortable," Jillette said. "I don't think he ever said anything in that room like 'African-Americans are inferior' or anything about rape or grabbing women, but of those two hours every other day in a room with him, every 10 minutes was fingernails on chalkboard."
  • Penn Jillette: Trump said 'racially insensitive things' during 'Apprentice' tapings

    08/14/2018 9:32:27 AM PDT · by EveningStar · 77 replies
    The Hill ^ | August 14, 2018 | Jacqueline Thomsen
    Comedian and magician Penn Jillette said in a new interview that he heard President Trump "say racially insensitive things that made [him] uncomfortable" during tapings of "Celebrity Apprentice" as new claims from ex-White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman, a former contestant on "The Apprentice," make headlines. Jillette, who was a contestant on the show in 2013, told Vulture in an interview published Tuesday that Trump would "ramble" during tapings of his former reality TV show... Jillette told Vulture that he “can emotionally tell you things that happened racially, sexually, and that showed stupidity and lack of compassion when I was...
  • Actress Turned Protester: ‘Tricky to Live In America Right Now’

    06/02/2018 9:39:10 AM PDT · by rktman · 81 replies ^ | 6/1/2018 | Corinne Weaver
    It’s always something to hear a over-privileged millennial actress complain about how hard it is to live in America. But the politically charged actress Shailene Woodley didn’t mince her words in an interview with New York Magazine’s Vulture. In the standard attempt to promote her new film to a woke audience (after all, progressives are the ones Hollywood wants to entertain), she talked about her experience getting arrested for protesting the Dakota Pipeline, her year spent on probation, and her politics. Woodley told interviewer Amy Nicholson, “It’s tricky to live in America right now.” Oh please. Is that $1.3 million...
  • Turkey Vulture Sparks Martinez Wildfire After Shorting Out Between Power Lines

    06/17/2015 5:18:13 PM PDT · by nickcarraway · 17 replies
    CBS San Francisco ^ | June 16, 2015
    A wildfire sparked by a turkey vulture that caught fire after shorting out two power lines according to a witness burned parts of an RV and two properties in Martinez Tuesday morning, causing an estimated $80,000 in damage, a fire official said. Firefighters responded at 10:42 a.m. to the vegetation fire in the 800 block of Howe Road, Contra Costa County Fire Protection District Fire Inspector Steve Aubert said. The witness told KPIX 5’s Don Ford that he saw the large turkey vulture short out between two power lines. When the bird began to burn, it started the brush fire....
  • Obama Exploits Children to push gun control agenda

    01/15/2013 3:27:19 PM PST · by Marketfly1 · 32 replies ^ | January 15, 2012 | Jeff Crouere
    The Obama administration will let no political opportunity go to waste. Tomorrow, the President will unveil his gun control agenda surrounded by children who wrote him letters in the aftermath of the Newtown tragedy. Not surprisingly, children from around the country have been frightened by the mass murder at Sandy Hook elementary. They have been influenced by the non-stop media coverage of the horrible incident and are worried about safety in their own schools.
  • Vultures vex Everglades visitors

    12/30/2012 5:11:48 AM PST · by JoeProBono · 13 replies
    upi ^ | Dec. 29, 2012
    EVERGLADES NATIONAL PARK, Fla., - Park rangers in the Florida Everglades are offering visitors loaner bungee cords and tarps to protect their cars from marauding vultures. The big black birds apparently have a taste for automotive rubber, including window seals and wiper blades, and have been known to strip a parked car clean in a matter of hours. "Exactly why they do it or when they do it or why they choose one vehicle over another, any reasons for that are pretty much unknown," Skip Snow, a park biologist, told The Miami Herald. Black vultures fly into the Everglades every...