Keyword: undertheradar
Old witch Pelosi on her way to Taiwan after she disappeared from the radars🤣🤣 wait for it..
Obama's quiet ally: Who's behind gun control bill no one is talking about As President Obama comes to Chicago to talk gun control, Illinois' Republican senator, Mark Kirk, is pushing a bill to target gun trafficking. It's under the radar, but could have a greater impact than other bills. As President Obama pushes for gun control in Chicago Friday, an unexpected ally from his home state, Sen. Mark Kirk (R) of Illinois, is crossing party lines to propose legislation that could have a greater impact than higher-profile proposals to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, experts say. Senator Kirk and...
Watergate is arguably the most sinister crime a Democrat can find to present to the American people when trying to silence a Republican. But it pales in comparison to the lies, illegal gun sales, weapons trafficking, and wholesale slaughter of innocents we've seen as a result of Fast and Furious. Think about it -- Watergate was a break-in, the goal of which was secure some "dirt" on Democrats to help Richard Nixon during his re-election bid in 1972. Nixon, the man vilified for it, didn't even know about it until after the break-in had already happened, and his crime was...
Scandal: A Univision special documents how weapons provided by the administration to Mexican drug cartels repeatedly have taken a deadly toll as families on both sides of the border wait for true answers and accountability. We may never know how many deaths, kidnappings and other criminal activities were facilitated by more than 2,000 weapons that were allowed to "walk" into Mexico under the Obama administration's Fast and Furious program, but a Univision special aired Sunday exposes more of the carnage. The special, put together by Univision's investigative unit and aired as a special edition of Univision's "Aqui y Ahora" ("Here...
The Spanish language television news network Univision unleashed a bombshell investigative report on Operation Fast and Furious Sunday evening, finding that in January 2010 drug cartel hit men slaughtered students with weapons the United States government allowed to flow to them across the Mexican border. “On January 30, 2010, a commando of at least 20 hit men parked themselves outside a birthday party of high school and college students in Villas de Salvarcar, Ciudad Juarez,” according to a version of the Univision report in English, on the ABC News website. “Near midnight, the assassins, later identified as hired guns for...
The following is from an interview of John Lott by Dave Bose, substituting for Michael Medved on the Michael Medved radio show. Lott is currently a professor at the University of Maryland and is the author of "More Guns, Less Crime" and "Freedomonics." Lott taught at the University of Chicago the same time Obama was an instructor at Chicago. The transcript picks up approximately half way through the audio file... Dave Bose: Just before the break, Professor Lott, I was mentioning that actually know Barack Obama. You met at the college. John Lott: We were both at the University of...
President Obama’s spokesman blamed Congress for the lack of stronger gun control legislation and promised that the Justice Department would improve background checks to enhance security. The president’s approach is that we should work with Congress when possible and administratively when allowed,” White House Press Secretary Jay Carney told reporters when asked about strengthening gun control laws — laws that must respect Second Amendment rights, he said.
White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Monday that President Obama will "evaluate" a new bill that would ban online ammunition sales in the wake of the shooting massacre in Aurora, Colo. That left 12 dead and dozens more injured. During the daily press briefing, Mr. Earnest was asked whether Mr. Obama supports the measure, which aims to end sales of unlimited amounts of ammunition on the Internet and other mail orders. The bill also would force ammunition dealers to report large sales of bullets and other munitions to law enforcement authorities
“Obama still wants Congress to reinstitute a federal ban on military-style assault weapons … but the president is not and has not been pushing for that ban … There are things that we can do short of legislation and short of gun laws.” - White House Press Secretary Jay Carney In yesterday’s column, I noted that President Obama seems to be responding to pressure from gun control advocates in a way that he has previously avoided. I must not have been the only one to sense the change in the political winds flowing from the White House because today, White...
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The White House says President Barack Obama is not pushing for new gun control legislation even though he still supports a ban on assault weapons. Spokesman Jay Carney says Obama intends to focus on other ways to combat violence. Carney's comments Thursday are the latest sign that Obama won't engage lawmakers in a drive for new laws, bowing to congressional opposition to additional gun restrictions.
The United Nations is putting the finishing touches on an Arms Trade Treaty that transcends borders and may even trample our Constitutional right to bear arms. Every indication is that the president will sign it. Like the New Start and Law of the Sea treaties before it, as well as the Kyoto Protocol and Agenda 21, the Arms Trade Treaty being finalized at the U.N. this month is one of those feel-good, can't-we-all-get-along pieces of parchment whose net effect is to accomplish little except to eat away at American sovereignty and freedom.
"Obama is the pioneer of the White House attempt to cover-up the federal government gun scandal," gun rights expert John M. Snyder said here today. Human Events has noted that Snyder is the gun dean. "There's no doubt about it now," said Snyder. "President Obama has put himself right in the middle of the Fast and Furious scandal. His invocation of executive privilege places him at the center of the situation as he seeks reelection." Snyder said that, "Obama's move could be a crucial factor in November. The Fast and Furious scandal has upset the entire Second Amendment community. It...
BEGIN TRANSCRIPT RUSH: April 16, 2009. This from CNN's website: "Reviving a ban on assault weapons and more strictly enforcing existing gun laws could help tamp down drug violence that has run rampant on the US-Mexican border, President Obama said Thursday. Speaking alongside Mexican President Felipe Calderon, Obama said he has 'not backed off at all' on a campaign pledge to try to restore the ban. It was instituted under President Clinton and allowed to lapse by President George W. Bush. 'I continue to believe that we can respect and honor the Second Amendment right in our Constitution -- the...
Seven US conservation groups on Thursday filed a lawsuit against the Environmental Protection Agency, accusing the government of failing to regulate the use of toxic lead bullets in hunting. Lead bullets have been shown to fragment upon impact, leaving bits behind in carcasses that other animals scavenge. The practice can cause lead poisoning in species such as the endangered California condor, eagles, swans and more. A petition by 100 environmental groups to the EPA in March, asking for the agency to regulate the components of ammunition used in hunting under the Toxic Substances Control Act, was refused amid strong opposition...
The Mexican ambassador to the United States told a Capitol Hill forum that his government was “kept in the dark” about U.S. government-condoned and abetted “gunwalking” operations, and also questioned the intent behind Operation Fast and Furious, The Los Angeles Times is reporting today. Appearing before “the New Democrat Network...a center-left think tank and advocacy organization, and the New Policy Institute, one of its sister organizations,” Arturo Sarukhan’s claims raise questions as to why major news outlets like The Times are just now getting around to reporting on information raised in this column and on the Sipsey Street Irregulars blog...
Gun rights advocates recently discovered that the gun control group Mayors Against Illegal Guns has burrowed its "gun violence prevention coordinators" (read "anti-gun lobbyists") into city payrolls from Augusta, Maine to Seattle, Washington, at taxpayer expense. MAIG is the brainchild of New York City's zealous anti-gun billionaire mayor, Michael Bloomberg, who formed the group at a 2006 gun control summit held in Gracie Mansion and co-hosted by Boston Mayor Thomas Menino. MAIG touts an agenda of "commonsense reforms" that gun rights advocates see as being somewhere on the far side of repealing the Second Amendment. With a membership that started...
Rawles: “It Would Be Impossible To Disarm The People Of This Country” Mac Slavo May 21st, 2012 How likely is it that we will actually experience a disaster that brings down our national power grid? Will the government seize all guns in the United States? If Continuity of Government response plans are initiated, will they be able to effectively lock down every major city and the country as a whole under a martial law scenario? Is an economic collapse in our near future? These and a host of other critical topics are covered in the latest interview from SGT Report...
Fast & Furious Gun Scandal: Is This the Obama Administration's Greatest Cover-Up? (You Tube) Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit at PJMedia interviews Katie Pavlich. Her new book, "Fast and Furious, Barack Obama’s Bloodiest Scandal and Its Shameless Cover-Up", just hit the NYT bestsellers list.
The Obama administration is threatening to veto the House Appropriations bill, HR 5326 by Rep. Harold Rogers (R-KY) because, among other things, it would roadblock a multiple long gun sales reporting requirement in four southwest states for the embattled Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. This new angle should get the attention of Northwest gun owners who faithfully follow the Fast and Furious scandal at WaGuns, Seattle Guns, Northwest Firearms, Shooters Northwest and GunRights Media forums. A message from the Obama administration on the proposed legislation says this:
Mexican authorities have recovered around 68,000 guns that traced back to the United States in the past five years, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) said on Thursday. “Since 2007, trace data shows a trend in recovered and submitted crime guns from Mexico shifting from pistols and revolvers to rifles,” the ATF said in a statement. The agency added that reports from officials in Mexico show “certain types of rifles, such as the AK and AR variants with detachable magazines, are used more frequently to commit violent crime by drug trafficking organizations.” The ATF said it was...