Keyword: trumplies
Donald Trump and former Wyoming Congresswoman Liz Cheney have been engaged in a war of words over her new memoir, in which she criticizes the former president and other Republicans. Among Cheney's claims is that then-House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said Trump became depressed and stopped eating after he lost the 2020 election to Joe Biden, which Trump has denied. Trump has since hit back in a series of messages including one that said she lost her Congressional seat by the largest margin in history. A post by Donald Trump on Truth Social on Wednesday, December 6, stated that Liz...
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis responded to Donald Trump's recent attack on former White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany, saying that it was "really, really bad." "Donald Trump, even his greatest supporters have acknowledged, had a tough time picking good people. He had a lot of terrible personnel decisions, people like Jerome Adams, his Surgeon we know there was a tough record, but Kayleigh was one of the greatest selections. She did a fantastic job," DeSantis, who is also a 2024 Republican presidential candidate, said while appearing on the NH Journal podcast on Friday. DeSantis added: "She's a Harvard-trained lawyer,...
Presidential primaries get very dirty, and that’s to be expected. But here in April 2023, the GOP one has already descended into a disgusting spiral of lies and insanity — because of the increasingly disordered and amateurish Donald Trump campaign. Trump has a clear lane in the primary. He has a record of accomplishment as president; he led the country to prosperity that has since sharply declined; he exposes the politicization and corruption of our government agencies when he’s personally targeted by leftist activist district attorneys like Alvin Bragg and when he is the subject of a baseless search for...
Prosecutors in the special counsel's office have presented compelling preliminary evidence that former President Donald Trump knowingly and deliberately misled his own attorneys about his retention of classified materials after leaving office, a former top federal judge wrote Friday in a sealed filing, according to sources who described its contents to ABC News.
President Trump took a shot at Fox News on Tuesday, questioning Fox chairman Rupert Murdoch’s motives in “throwing his anchors under the table” as the network dukes it out in a high-dollar defamation lawsuit.Trump’s comments were shared to Truth Social, where he commented on the lawsuit and slammed the network for looking “weak and ineffective.”Trump reiterated the goal of the America First movement on the heels of his comments about Fox News“Why is Rupert Murdoch throwing his anchors under the table, which also happens to be killing his case and infuriating his viewers, who will again be leaving in droves...
Donald Trump's tax returns will be made public at midday after a nearly four-year-long fight that saw the former president fight tooth-and-nail to shield his financial statements from public view. The Democrat-controlled House Ways and Means Committee voted last Tuesday evening to release the returns, in a debate that lasted more than three hours behind closed doors. The final vote was 24 to 16. All Democrats voted in favor of the action while all Republicans on the panel voted against.... ...Six years' worth of Trump's most recent tax returns will be covered, as well as documents from eight of his...
Contrary to President Donald Trump's June claims, the coronavirus is not going away. Trump's coronavirus-related lying spree appears here to stay, too. The President's months-long bombardment of false and misleading claims about the virus and the pandemic, many of them egregious, continued from early June to early July -- a period that included his controversial rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, a series of interviews with Fox News and other media outlets, events on the economy and the pandemic, and remarks in Texas, Arizona, Wisconsin and at Mount Rushmore in South Dakota........ And he falsely claimed nine times that he had banned...
We the media have “fact-checked” President Trump like we have fact-checked no other human being on the planet—and he’s certainly given us plenty to write about. That’s probably why it’s so easy to find lists enumerating and examining his mistakes, missteps and “lies.” But as self-appointed arbiters of truth, we’ve largely excused our own unprecedented string of fact-challenged reporting. The truth is, formerly well-respected, top news organizations are making repeat, unforced errors in numbers that were unheard of just a couple of years ago. Our repeat mistakes involve declaring that Trump’s claims are “lies” when they are matters of opinion,...
Lying has always been a part of politics. But what we’re seeing today is extreme. Politicians’ falsehoods, eagerly parroted by celebrities, are aided by a media that, rather than acting as an impartial referee, has become an agency for Democrats and the political left. Here are the top three whoppers since President Trump took office that those sick with Trump Derangement Syndrome just won’t let go of. Trump’s Supporters Are Racist “Trump is, without question, a racist,” a senior writer at The Root named Michael Harriot, who identifies himself on his Twitter account as a “master race-baiter,” wrote recently in...
But part of the campaign’s upcoming strategy includes fine-tuning previously made platforms and statements, Manafort said, And on one of his most controversial, the temporary ban on Muslims, Manafort hinted at a Trump softening. “He’s already started moderating on that,” Manafort told the Huffington Post. “He operates by starting the conversation at the outer edges and then brings it back towards the middle. Within his comfort zone, he’ll soften it some more. He’ll still end up outside of the norm, but in line with what the American people are thinking.”
Donald Trump is complaining that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) is racking up “voterless” victories in states such as Colorado and Wyoming, where delegates are chosen by a “small handful of elites” who are “sidelining” Republican voters. This is dead wrong. In both Colorado and Wyoming, all registered Republican voters in the state had the chance to vote and participate in the delegate selection process. The Wyoming Republican Party website explains the process clearly: “Delegates to the state convention are elected by the county conventions. Delegates to the county convention are elected by precinct caucuses in their respective counties. Any person...
Reality Check has already shown how “Neutral” Conservative News Websites Breitbart and The Daily Wire are actually fronts for the Ted Cruz Campaign. In our article “The $25 Million Dollar Trump Take Down” we clearly show that the owners of those sites donated over $25 Million Dollars to the Cruz Campaign and then use their websites to promote him. But is Talk Radio also on the take? Reality Check dug into Cruz FEC Filings and discovered the Cruz PACs paid a Talk Radio Insider over $8 Million Dollars, and the endorsements of Glenn Beck, Mark Levin and others quickly came...
Reality Check has already shown how “Neutral” Conservative News Websites Breitbart and The Daily Wire are actually fronts for the Ted Cruz Campaign. In our article “The $25 Million Dollar Trump Take Down” we clearly show that the owners of those sites donated over $25 Million Dollars to the Cruz Campaign and then use their websites to promote him. But is Talk Radio also on the take? Reality Check dug into Cruz FEC Filings and discovered the Cruz PACs paid a Talk Radio Insider over $8 Million Dollars, and the endorsements of Glenn Beck, Mark Levin and others quickly came...
Trump: Cruz supported Chinese currency manipulation By Ben Schreckinger 04/15/16 09:17 PM EDT HARTFORD, Conn. — Donald Trump charged Ted Cruz with bowing to foreign interests and supporting the Chinese government's manipulation of its currency at a rally here on Friday night Trump lodged the accusation during remarks on the decline of Connecticut's manufacturing sector, which he blamed on the entrance of China into the World Trade Organization and the country’s devaluing of its currency. “Cruz wants it to go on because somebody probably representing interests in China says, ‘This is what we want,’” Trump said. Trump may be referring...
The funniest part of this is when he says the rules in Colorado were changed to help “a guy like Cruz.” In reality the rules were changed to block guys like Cruz. Colorado used to award its delegates via a caucus, but that backfired in 2012 when Rick Santorum upset Mitt Romney there. That’s how it tends to go with caucuses — unlike a statewide primary, they benefit well-organized candidates with a passionate grassroots following, both of which are hallmarks of Cruz’s campaign. When the rules were altered last August, decoupling the caucus from the process of awarding delegates, it...
Donald Trump’s effort to reset his campaign following defeat in Wisconsin showed no signs of paying off this weekend, as a series of technical failures by his campaign set his hopes back even further. From Thursday to Saturday, Trump suffered setbacks in Colorado, Iowa, Michigan, South Carolina and Indiana that raise new doubts about his campaign’s preparedness for the long slog of delegate hunting as the GOP race approaches a possible contested convention. He lost the battle on two fronts. Cruz picked up 28 pledged delegates in Colorado. In the other states, rival campaigns were able to place dozens of...
plus 'sensational photo proof'
Usually when Trump makes a wild accusation there’s some dubious peg on which to hang it, like when he claimed that Cruz was behind the ad in Utah from Liz Mair’s anti-Trump Super PAC targeting Melania Trump. That wasn’t true, as even Trump superfan Sean Hannity eventually admitted, but the ad obviously was designed to move votes to Cruz. Trump assumed culpability, wrongly, because Cruz benefited.What’s the peg for this new claim, though? Or have we reached the point where Trump is gaslighting his fans without any tether to reality? In an error-riddled statement released Tuesday night, the Donald...
#Cruz campaign has threatened legal action against .@twitter if they let the hashtag #cruzsexscandal continue. #news #BreakingNews #TedCruz
A woman named Deborah Palfrey was accused of operating an illegal escorting empire in the nation’s capitol, and though she insisted everything she did was legal and by the books, she couldn’t prove it because she never kept names or records of her clients. All she had was phone records and those that were released made for good news fodder but couldn’t save her from a possible prison sentence of over 50 years. She killed herself in 2008. But there are some records that weren’t released. A court order has barred Palfrey’s former lawyer and the current custodian of the...