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Keyword: tribunal

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  • EU Commissars to Crack Down on “Homophobia”

    12/02/2020 6:26:51 PM PST · by marshmallow · 18 replies
    Center for Family and Human Rights ^ | 11/26/20 | Stefano Gennarini
    NEW YORK, November 27 (C-Fam) The European Commission intends to unleash a barrage of policies to impose LGBT uniformity across the European Union, including through the threat of sanctions. The powerful European Commission announced that it wants to make “hate speech” and “hate crimes” EU crimes by 2021 and to impose mutual recognition of “rainbow families” across the European Union by 2022. The EU Commission made the announcement in its first-ever EU-wide strategy for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, non-binary, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) equality on November 12. Alongside the pledge to legislate “hate crimes” and “rainbow families” the strategy sets...
  • Protesters against police brutality hold public tribunal for Craig and Duggan

    06/21/2020 4:10:47 AM PDT · by EBH · 5 replies
    Fox 2 News ^ | 6/20/2020 | By Hilary Golston
    Video at link, no written excerpt available. A public trial put on by organization Detroit Will Breath. There were no judges and no defense.
  • Pompeo pulls visas for International Criminal Court officials targeting Americans...

    03/17/2019 9:02:52 PM PDT · by caww · 23 replies
    washingtonexaminer. ^ | 3/15/2019 | Joel Gehrke
    International officials trying to prosecute American military personnel will not be allowed to enter the United States, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced Friday. “We are determined to protect the American, allied, and civilian personnel from living in fear of unjust prosecutions for actions taken to defend our great nation,” Pompeo told reporters at the State Department. Pompeo’s decision puts personal pressure on the International Criminal Court, a European-based tribunal that is trying to investigate whether “war crimes and crimes against humanity have been committed” since the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan. The top diplomat said that the court, which was...
  • Christian doctor lost his job after refusing to identify a six-foot-tall bearded man as ‘madam’

    07/12/2019 5:44:27 AM PDT · by PapaBear3625 · 71 replies
    Telegraph UK ^ | July 10, 2019 | Gabriella Swerlin
    A Christian doctor lost his job in a [UK] government department after he refused to refer to “a six-foot-tall bearded man” as ‘madam’, a tribunal heard. Dr David Mackereth, 56, claims he was sacked as a disability benefits assessor by the Department of Work and Pensions over his religious beliefs. The father-of-four alleges he was asked in a conversation with a line manager: “If you have a man six foot tall with a beard who says he wants to be addressed as ‘she’ and ‘Mrs’, would you do that?”
  • Employee used crisp packet as 'Faraday cage' to hide his whereabouts during work

    11/29/2017 7:58:42 AM PST · by Tolerance Sucks Rocks · 54 replies
    The London Telegraph ^ | Novembere 27, 2017 | Jonathan Pearlman
    A man in Australia was sacked after he relied on a 180-year-old scientific discovery to help prevent his colleagues discovering his whereabouts while he played golf during work hours. Tom Colella, a 60-year-old electrician in Perth, lost his job after an anonymous letter to his firm claimed that he left work to play golf at least 140 times over the last two years. Australia’s Fair Work Commission, a workplace tribunal, heard that Mr Colella blocked his whereabouts by storing his personal digital assistant, a phone-like device that has a GPS inside, in an empty foil packet of Twisties, a puffy...
  • The Hezbollah Connection

    02/10/2015 11:28:35 AM PST · by csvset · 7 replies
    New York Times ^ | FEB. 10, 2015 | RONEN BERGMAN
    1. Ahmad Abu Adass In 2005, the last year of his life, Ahmad Abu Adass was 22 and still living with his parents in Beirut, Lebanon. He was kind and liked people, his friends later told investigators, but none of them thought he was very sophisticated. The best way to describe him was simple, one said. He was generous and a little naïve. He was very weak, physically. A Sunni Muslim of Palestinian descent, Adass had become interested in religion and now spent many hours at the Arab University Mosque near his home. It was there, after a prayer session,...
  • Islamic tribunal in Dallas draws criticism and clients

    02/24/2015 9:14:42 AM PST · by DFG · 37 replies
    Dallas Morning News ^ | 02/23/2015 | DIANNE SOLÍS
    An Islamic tribunal, launched in Dallas last year to settle civil disputes among the growing Muslim population, is drawing quarrels over its use of Shariah law. Opponents fear it would open the door to extreme practices and corporal punishment linked to Shariah law in certain Muslim-majority countries. Still others argue it would replace the U.S. Constitution. But organizers say the panel of arbitrators issues nonbinding decisions on matters such as business disputes and religious divorces. They note its parallels with Jewish rabbinical courts and Catholic tribunals. The very word “Shariah” invokes backlash from those who don’t understand it and use...
  • Gay Totalitarians in Texas

    10/15/2014 9:27:23 AM PDT · by jazusamo · 30 replies
    PJ Media ^ | October 15, 2014 | J. Christian Adams
    Churches have received subpoenas issued by the city of Houston demanding copies of sermons. Houston is probing opposition to a ballot referendum pertaining to an ordinance proposing a local discrimination law affecting gays. (Bryan Preston posted this summary of the lawlessness taking place in Houston.) Over 50,000 petition signatures were gathered opposing the ordinance. Now the city, run by the first openly gay mayor, Annise Parker, is retaliating and demanding that churches turn over sermons. You read that correctly. This is the sort of government behavior that used to be confined to two-bit third-world regimes. The gay rights movement was...
  • Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri Military Tribunal Arraignment (Gitmo)

    11/09/2011 4:00:06 PM PST · by jazusamo · 3 replies
    Judicial Watch ^ | November 9, 2011
    Guantanamo Bay Naval Station, Cuba -- November 9, 2011 Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri was escorted into a top security courtroom at Guantanamo Bay Naval Station Wednesday morning by an army of military officers. Clean shaven and with short-cropped hair, the al-Qaeda terrorist charged with orchestrating the 2000 attack on the Navy destroyer USS Cole chose to wear his white prison jump suit to the arraignment of his military tribunal. In fact, he told the judge through his Arabic interpreter that he “intended to show up” in his “prison uniform” though he knew of his right to wear civilian clothes. Al-Nashiri...
  • Top Chile court overwhelmingly rejects same-sex ‘marriage’

    11/08/2011 8:35:10 PM PST · by ReformationFan · 7 replies · 1+ views
    Life Site News ^ | 11-8-11 | Patrick B. Craine
    Chile’s Constitutional Tribunal has rejected an effort seeking to force the country to recognize the “marriages” of three same-sex couples. The court, which is the nation’s highest authority on constitutional matters, voted 9-1 on Nov. 3rd against the suit challenging the constitutionality of Chile’s Civil Code, which recognizes marriage as the union of “a man and a woman.” The three homosexual couples, who were aided by Chile’s Homosexual Integration and Liberation Movement (MOVILH), sought to register themselves as “married” in September 2010, but were refused. Two of the couples had already contracted “marriages” in Canada and Argentina respectively. The justices...
  • Ratko Mladic: What really happened in Srebrenica?

    05/26/2011 9:26:33 AM PDT · by Ravnagora · 7 replies
    Modern Tokyo Times ^ | May 26, 2011 | Lee Jay Walker
    The government of Serbia have arrested Ratko Mladic who was the former Chief of Staff of the Bosnian Serb Army and some people are claiming that this will end the chapter of this brutal civil war. However, Srebrenica is complex because events did not happen because of one factor but were based on the cold reality of a complex civil war where innocents were killed on all sides. However, which Srebrenica is “real” and which is “unreal?” ——————————————– Srebrenica in all its complexity ——————————————– This topic is very complex and it is abundantly clear that the mass media is still...
  • Comedian, Vancouver restaurant ordered to pay for insults against lesbian

    04/21/2011 9:40:22 PM PDT · by buccaneer81 · 67 replies
    Vancouver Sun ^ | April 21, 2011 | Tiffany Crawford
    Comedian, Vancouver restaurant ordered to pay for insults against lesbian Restaurant owner Salam Ishmail has been ordered to pay woman $7,500 By Tiffany Crawford, Vancouver Sun April 21, 2011 The B.C. Human Rights Tribunal on Thursday ordered a Toronto comedian and a Vancouver restaurant owner to pay a Vancouver woman $22,000 for hurling a torrent of sexual insults at her and her same-sex partner during a comedy show three years ago.
  • Video: Holder grumpy about having to try KSM in military tribunal

    04/04/2011 1:25:40 PM PDT · by Nachum · 30 replies
    hot air ^ | 4/4/11 | Allahpundit
    They woulda coulda shoulda had a slam dunk against Mohammed in federal court but that darned legislative branch just won’t cooperate. In that context, Holder took to the podium on Monday not only to announce the new decision — that KSM will be tried in a military tribunal at Guantanamo Bay — but to blast those who criticized the notion of a federal, civilian trial. “Those unwise and unwarranted restrictions undermine our counterterrorism efforts and could undermine our national security,” Holder said of the ban imposed by Congress. Congress, in essence, doesn’t know what it’s talking about, he went on...
  • Prosecutor expands secret Hariri murder indictment

    03/11/2011 2:27:07 PM PST · by NormsRevenge · 1 replies · 1+ views
    Yahoo ^ | 3/11/11 | AP
    LEIDSCHENDAM, Netherlands – The prosecutor in the assassination case of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri says he has filed an expanded indictment. The indictment remains secret and the names of the suspects under investigation have not been released. But Hezbollah, a powerful Shiite militia, has said it believes some of its members may be named, and has warned the case could touch off renewed bloodshed in Lebanon.
  • Bolivia blames capitalism (for climate change - UN needs to approve the rights of Mother Earth)

    12/10/2010 1:25:57 PM PST · by Libloather · 31 replies · 3+ views
    Daily News ^ | 12/11/10
    Bolivia blames capitalism Mexico: Bolivian President Evo Morales said capitalism was responsible for climate change in his speech at the Climate Change Summit Thursday and he insisted on the need for the developed countries to make new commitments to reduce their greenhouse effect gas emissions. “We are sometimes debating only the effects of global warming, and not the causes, and we should be responsible and debate those causes,” said the Bolivian President in the high level segment of the 16th Climatic Change Summit in Cancun. Morales recalled the responsibility of the Governments so that key decisions are adopted to face...
  • Hariri tribunal: UN prosecutor issues sealed indictment

    01/17/2011 10:40:12 AM PST · by NormsRevenge · 17 replies
    BBC News ^ | 1/17/11 | BBC
    The UN-backed Special Tribunal for Lebanon says its prosecutor has issued indictments for the 2005 murder of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. The names of the accused remain confidential for now, but are widely believed to include members of the armed Shia group Hezbollah. A pre-trial judge now decides whether to issue warrants. Last week, Hezbollah and its allies brought down Lebanon's government in a dispute over the tribunal. The group, which denies any role in the killing, has dismissed the tribunal as a US and Israeli plot that is designed to discredit it. It has demanded that Lebanon cease...
  • Trial Balloons (Mark Steyn on a comedian charged by Human Rights Tribunal for being homophobic)

    04/22/2010 9:33:51 AM PDT · by reaganrevolutionin2010 · 18 replies · 1,164+ views
    National Review ^ | 4/20/10 | Mark Steyn
    You’ve probably heard of Geert Wilders, the “far right” Dutch politician currently on trial in Amsterdam for offending Islam. But have you heard of Guy Earle? He’s a Canadian stand-up comedian currently on trial in Vancouver for offending lesbians. Two lesbians in particular. They came to a late-night comedy show he was hosting and got a table near the stage. They were drunk, and began disrupting the act, and so he did the old Don Rickles thing and put down the hecklers. So, naturally, the aggrieved party went to the British Columbia “Human Rights” Tribunal, and Mr Earle has now...
  • Comedian to face Human Rights Tribunal (offended lesbian hecklers)

    03/29/2010 7:45:22 PM PDT · by LibWhacker · 36 replies · 1,480+ views
    Canoe ^ | 3/28/10 | Sunny Dhillon
    VANCOUVER — A comedian whose put-downs of a lesbian and her companion in the audience is hoping she doesn’t have the last laugh at a B.C. Human Rights Commission tribunal this week. Was Guy Earle’s discriminatory verbal assault spurred solely by the woman’s sexual orientation, or was the professional funny man exercising his right to free speech when an audience member wouldn’t settle down? Earle, who’s been a stand-up comic for more than two decades, was the volunteer master of ceremonies at amateur night at a Vancouver restaurant in May 2007. Lorna Pardy and her same-sex partner had moved to...
  • Boob Biden Bashes Brown

    02/15/2010 12:19:16 PM PST · by Starman417 · 24 replies · 988+ views
    Flopping Aces ^ | 02-15-10 | Mike's America
    But Scott Brown could teach Biden a thing or two about Military justice!Senator Scott Brown-(R MA) got his first lesson in how nasty Democrats who demand bipartisanship can be. After Vice President Biden was all smiles at Brown's swearing in, he took a cheap shot at Brown ten days later. From Politico:Sen. Scott Brown thinks Vice President Joe Biden was “off base” when he suggested Sunday that the Massachusetts Republican get his facts straight on the legal procedures for military tribunals. “It was insulting,” said Brown, who frequently jabbed the administration during his Senate campaign for giving suspected terrorists legal...
  • Hariri tribunal moving at 'full pace': prosecutor

    12/02/2009 9:15:38 AM PST · by NormsRevenge · 4 replies · 293+ views
    AFP on Yahoo ^ | 12/2/09 | AFP
    BEIRUT (AFP) – Prosecutor of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon Daniel Bellemare said on Wednesday his investigation into the assassination of former Lebanese premier Rafiq Hariri was moving at "full pace." "The investigation is making progress and is proceeding at full pace," said a statement released by his spokeswoman, Radhia Achouri. ... Earlier, Bellemare met President Michel Sleiman on his first trip as prosecutor to Beirut, where he arrived on Tuesday for a seven-day visit during which he also will meet members of the new government. The Hague-based tribunal was set up by a UN Security Council resolution in 2007...