Keyword: terrylakin
I believe that an official Presidential pardon for LTC Terry Lakin is in order. I have full faith that President Trump will do the right thing when time allows First off—will Congress and/or SCOTUS please get off their collective butts and clearly, emphatically, and unequivocally define exactly what is meant by “Natural Born” from Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the US Constitution?
Four videos of speakers at a Sunrise AZ Tea Party meeting celebrating Arpaio's defeat of the recall: Joe Arpaio, Terry Lakin, Larry Klayman, and Pat Boone. Mike Zullo says to Larry Klayman on the 3rd video @ 4:22 "Larry I just want to thank you and a I just want to announce here today we've had some discussions and Larry is going to come along side of our effort to move this thing forward and try to get it into Congress. We look forward to working with you. That kind of lawyering can help us get there, so I appreciate...
For Immediate Release 2/13/2013 There is substantial interest in creating a film adaptation of the Terry Lakin Story, "OFFICER'S OATH." This is a poignant, heroic story that must not be forgotten, or falsely relegated to the "conspiracy theory" chapter in the annals of our national history. Terry knowingly sacrificed his military career, endured a court-martial, and ultimately spent nearly half a year in Leavenworth Prison simply for standing up for the Constitution he pledged to uphold and defend. His story is detailed in the book "An Officer's Oath," which is recommended reading for anybody who reveres this country and the...
TOPEKA, KS (KCTV) - A Kansas board that denied a licensed doctor of osteopathic medicine a license was primarily concerned about the man's political views. The Kansas State Board of Healing Arts is a 15-member panel appointed by the governor and decides the fate of doctors in Kansas. Terrence Lee Lakin rose to the ranks of lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army. He served on the front lines in Afghanistan and the war zone in Bosnia as well as a medical mission to Honduras. He saved lives around the world and received a Bronze Star for his service. "I like...
"Fox News Contributor Major General Paul Vallely: Retired CIA Agents I've Had Look At Obama's Birth Certificate Say It Is Fraudulent Video: Fox News Contributor Major General Paul Vallely: I've had retired CIA Agents and Investigators look at Obama's birth certificate and 10 out of 10 say it is fraudulent. The interview aired on the Terry Lakin Action Fund radio show 6/13/2011."
"Eligibility hitting New York airwaves Talk-radio host fielding questions for Lakin, Corsi The eligibility questions that have dogged Barack Obama since before his election in 2008 are hitting the airwaves in New York today with award-winning talk show host Steve Malberg interviewing two of the key players in the dispute. Malzberg's guests on his WOR NewsTalk Radio 710 program this afternoon will include Dr. Terry Lakin at 4 p.m. and author Jerome Corsi at 5 p.m. Malzberg is one of America's recognizable talk radio voices. He spent 24 years at WABC Radio in New York before arriving at WOR, where...
My family just had th ehonor of meeting Lt. Col. Terry Lakin at Baltimore Washington International Airport as he arrived home. We were priviledged to assist the Terry Lakin Action Fund by helping staff the Welcome Home. As we arrived at BWI, we got to baggage claim a few minutes before an Honor Flight of WWII vets arrived to tour the WWII Memorial. There were a few dozen of us ready to welcome Terry Lakin home so as the vets arrived, the claim area erupted in applause. A while later, Terry arrived to cheers from the crowd of about 100....
In an exclusive interview, Lt. Col. Terry Lakin spoke to the Gazette this afternoon, following his release from prison at Ft. Leavenworth, after serving a six month sentence. Lakin, a former Greeley resident said at his courtmartial he felt he had no choice but to disobey orders after attempting for more than a year to get answers from his chain of command regarding the president's eligibility to be commander in chief. Lakin was in good spirits following his release today. After exiting a white van, he met his brother Greg. Using a laptop, he called his wife and children on...
Col. Terry Lakin was released from Levenworth prison today.
(May 11, 2011) — Lieutenant Colonel Terry Lakin will be returning to Baltimore on Saturday, May 14, 2011, after serving five months in Fort Leavenworth. Terry was sentenced to confinement with loss of pay, benefits and pension due to a series of events resulting from his request for confirmation of the president’s eligibility to hold office. Those interested in greeting LTC Lakin when he returns from prison are invited to join with fellow supporter at Baltimore-Washington International Airport (BWI) on Saturday, May 14, at 10:30 am. Those planning to attend should use the free pre-event registration on the website....
It's finally happened. After three years of Americans asking one simple question, he finally answered us. "Where's the birth certificate?" had been asked by millions of Americans. The request was for information that each member of the public is asked to produce every day for various purposes. Following a USA Today poll, showing that only 38% of the American people believe he was definitely born in the US, Obama felt he had no choice. SNIP When we saw that Obama was unwilling to answer simple concerns addressed by Lakin and many others in uniform we realized there was something not...
(Apr. 25, 2011) — Terry will be returning to Baltimore on May 14, 2011, at around 10:30 am. We would like to have a couple of hundred people on hand to greet him and welcome him home. Here are details: - DO THIS FIRST: We request that you pre-register your attendance. Why? We need approximate counts for the BWI security teams and we need to be able to communicate with you via email and/or text if there are any changes. (Note that will only provide counts, not names). CLICK HERE TO REGISTER: - We will meet in the Southwest...
Great video. On April 11, 2011, Marco of Terry Lakin Action Fund Radio interviewed Cpt Pamela Barnett, U.S. Army, Ret. about her Obama eligibility hearing Barnett, Keyes et al v. Obama on May 2 at the 9th Circuit in Pasadena, her other activism and her new soon to be released book "Never Vetted/Unlawful President." Within the interview she stated that an immigration record does exist for Barry Soetoro an alias of Obama.
Attention, The Donald: have I got a talking point for you! Whether or not you can prove Obama's ineligibility to be Commander-in-Chief, he's already proven himself to be morally ineligible. How? His ice-cold indifference to the tragic fate of Lt. Colonel Terry Lakin, now rotting in prison because Obama refuses to release his birth certificate. Lt. Colonel Terry Lakin is a highly decorated army doctor who received deployment notice to Afghanistan, and asked to see Obama's birth certificate to prove his eligibility as Commander-in-Chief. In the words of Lakin's website: LTC Terry Lakin chose to selflessly defend the Constitution as...
News sources are pulsing with reverberations about Donald Trump's remarks on Obama's eligibility and great and mysterious unseen long form birth certificate. Liberally biased media is showing signs of the nervous jitters with their usual "why don't they just shut up" response. Whether you think Mr. Trump should take a run at the presidency or not, he has to be credited for taking on the question that others are only skirting in abject fear of being labeled a conspiracy theorist, a kook or something much worse. (Can't mention those names in this article) One thing can be safely concluded from...
A military doctor who was court-martialed and sent to prison after questioning Barack Obama's eligibility to be president and refusing to follow orders that descended from the commander-in-chief is somewhere past half-done with his sentence. And now he has suggested in his writings the nation ponder the question of whether it is bound by the Constitution. Dr. Terry Lakin, an Army doctor who refused to deploy again to Afghanistan when his chain of command refused to verify that Obama legitimately is president, is serving a six-month term given him at his court-martial at Ft. Leavenworth in Kansas. He remains under...
. . . . . LTC Terry Lakin, M.D. sits in a cell at Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary for daring to ask. Tonight we talk with his brother Dr. Gregg Lakin and Marco Ciavolino, trustee for the Terry Lakin Action Fund. The ANDREA SHEA KING SHOW9 pm ET Please if you can, make a donation to the Terry Lakin Action Fund to help support his wife and children while he is in prison. He stood up for us and our Constitution. Now its our turn to stand up and help him. http://www.terrylakinactionfund.comCDR Charles Kerchner (Ret) http://www.protectourliberty.orgVideo: Brother of Lt. Col. Terry...
The appointed military defense counsel for Terry Lakin, the Army doctor who challenged Barack Obama's eligibility to be president by refusing to deploy again to Afghanistan, has confirmed that a request for clemency for the decorated officer will be submitted to the "convening authority," Maj. Gen. Karl Horst. In an e-mail to WND, Maj. Matthew Kemkes said he would request clemency from Horst. "I have already received e-mails and phone calls from many members of the public who support clemency for LTC Lakin," he confirmed. Lakin was convicted at court martial of failing to deploy as ordered by Obama and...
Despite what Chris Matthews, Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck say, so-called "birthers" aren't crazy. In fact, they represent the clear majority of the American people – not some fringe element of society. It wasn't that long ago that Matthews and O'Reilly were waiving copies of Barack Obama's certification of live birth, claiming it was a birth certificate that answered all the questions anyone needs to have answered regarding his constitutional eligibility. They went even further, ridiculing anyone who demanded to see actual detailed and unquestionable documentation of Obama's birth in Hawaii in the form of an actual birth certificate with...
"Via Terry Lakin Action Fund and Some; - Prison Diaries: Jan 2, 2011: Terry's First Letter from Prison: Dec 21, 2010 - Hope all is well. Don't know how to start a letter or what to say. I hope I made a difference in a very important matter. It cost me a lot. But I now have to believe it turned out okay. There certainly are no do-overs. The important thing is for the work to carry-on so we never have this situation again. Today is my fourth day at Leavenworth and my first day with supplies to write and...