Keyword: taki
<p>I don’t give a FUCK if Democrat-run cities burn. I live in MAGA country where it’s clean, safe, tolerant, and people of all races live together in harmony. Shithole cities are not my problem. Rage on, morons. You get what you vote for.</p>
Meet Chicago Democrat Party official (and amateur musician) Mary Lemanski. On the evening of Nov. 21, following the mass murders at the Waukesha Christmas parade, as the bodies of Darrell Brooks’ victims were still warm, and while victim No. 6, an 8-year-old child, was still barely clinging to life, Lemanski, social media director for the DuPage County Democrat Party, went on a Twitter diatribe about how the victims “reaped what they sowed” because of “collective karma” following the Rittenhouse verdict. “The blood of Kyle Rittenhouse’s victims is on the hands of Wisconsin citizens, even the children.” Lemanski repeatedly claimed that...
So two weeks ago, I went on a rant about what I call the “smug fatalism” of rightists whose attitude is essentially to cede the nation, to write off blue America as inevitable (and therefore pointless to oppose), and to retreat to safe towns from which they can whittle away the days freed of the burden of having to work hard enough or be smart enough to counter the left. I caricatured such people’s views as, “Them blue cities is goin’ ta hell; let ’em! They voted fer it, let ’em suffer. This is what ya git in blue states!...
Last week was a good one, so it’s kind of dickish to make fun, but it’s really amusing how quickly some of you went from, in 2016, “We’re gonna get tired of winning,” to nervously awaiting the Youngkin/McAuliffe results sweating bullets, fingers nervously crossed, “Oh please please please just give us this one victory!” Trump lost the House, then the White House, then he blew two potentially winnable Georgia races to lose the Senate, then he idiotically engineered a piece of pointless theater that turned into a full-on riot that morphed into an event that will never stop haunting the...
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that it’s getting harder and harder to be a “white ally” in the service of racial justice. And yet sometimes it actually does take a rocket scientist. U.K. native Nick Berry has lived in Seattle for the past quarter century. Berry is a rocket scientist, like, fer real, man (his degree is in aeronautical and astronautical engineering). Berry’s your standard Seattle white male…Trump bad, masks good, Trump hates science, STEM needs diversity, etc. He’s even done a TEDx talk (a rite of passage in that tribe). In his spare time, he...
... Do we really think the entire world suddenly changed their mind about this in the last ten years, or was it one of the most coordinated coercive brainwashing projects ever? You have a dedicated group of sexual weirdos determined to radically alter a society not for the society’s benefit, but for spite. The aim actually seems to be to PUNISH the society not only for all that childhood bullying, but for refusing to acknowledge their utter fabulousness in the present day and age. ...
... There is a talk that nonblack Americans have with their kids, too. My own kids, now 19 and 16, have had it in bits and pieces as subtopics have arisen. If I were to assemble it into a single talk, it would look something like the following. (1) Among your fellow citizens are forty million who identify as black, and whom I shall refer to as black. The cumbersome (and MLK-noncompliant) term “African-American” seems to be in decline, thank goodness. “Colored” and “Negro” are archaisms. What you must call “the ‘N’ word” is used freely among blacks but is...
On BOARD S/Y BUSHIDO--Around 20 years or so ago, Udai Hussein, Saddam’s boy, had some of his heavies beat up a man who refused their master’s invitation to join his table in a Geneva nightclub. The Iraqi wanted to meet the man’s beautiful companion, hence the invite. Although arrested, Udai got away with it by claiming diplomatic immunity. The Swiss caved in, as they often do in such cases. As Plato pointed out, money talks. The only good thing anyone can say about Udai is that he died like a man, as did his brother. Last week a scumbag who...
For all of you out there who think G.W. Bush deserves to be impeached--I’m with you, of course--we may now have the “smoking gun” which would force the Democrats in Congress to act, even if they do not want to. This is a matter of principle, not politics. I believe a fair reading of Sidney Blumenthal’s investigative report on of last Thursday, September 6th, provides that smoking gun. The title says it all; it is what many of us have suspected for years: “Bush Knew Saddam had No Weapons of Mass Destruction”. The story concerns the Foreign Minister of...
It was only a matter of time, wasn't it? Since George Washington's executive proclamation in 1789 establishing November 26 as the day that we should give thanks to our Lord for all the favors, kind care and protection he had offered our country, and the Long Island supervisor who objected to a local Catholic priest's religious blessing of a Christmas tree. Jon Kaiman, who is Jewish, made his displeasure known in front of a large crowd which had gathered for the annual lighting of the Manhasset township Christmas tree. Kaiman is the town's supervisor and after the Rev. Nick Zientarski...
Perfidious Albion By Taki If you think comedy is dead, take a trip to that filthy, depressing, and lawless place I wrote about last column. Yes, I’m talking once again about Britain, where the famed Scotland Yard has just launched an investigation that could land me in jail for two years. My crime? In a Spectator column last month I wrote that violent criminals in London and other big cities in the north of England were mostly black thugs that belonged to gangs. Here is the Independent newspaper reporting on the crime of the century and with a very straight...
Top Drawer-Le Maitre Taki Hold the Labels, Please To Ground Zero, or next to it, to meet Jorg Haider, the governor of Carinthia and head of the Freedom Party of Austria. There are not many politicians quite like Haider around, certainly not in Europe, where they tend to run to fat, bald, ugly and definitely hypocritical. Haider is trim, athletic, with a full head of hair, suntanned and good-looking, just like the Austrians one sees in ski movies. He also speaks his mind. I particularly liked his aides, young Austrian men with very good manners and none of that "Who...
Oh dear! "Immigrants must learn to be British," screams a headline in London’s Daily Mail. "New immigrants will soon have to pass English exams and formally swear allegiance to the Crown," is the subhed. Substitute the word American for British, and you’ll have the p.c. police and the liberal press hot on your tail. In the land of opportunity, that is. Not that the Brits are about to get away with it. The Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants has described the idea of compulsory English lessons as "clearly divisive and it goes against the fabric of multicultural society." ...
Although he’s hardly my favourite character, I’m seriously worried about Tony Blair. I feel he’s in the middle of a nervous breakdown. As a peacemaker in India, covered by a rug, looking campy and resembling a dipsophobe who has walked into a friendly pub, Blair has to have lost it. No other explanation will do. He’s always been smarmy and bogus, but this time he brought to mind a catamite in satyromaniacal ecstasy. Non-stop photo opportunities have done to Tony what cocaine and smack did to the late Lord Bristol. The man is a human wreck but he doesn’t know ...
"For Some Kuwaitis, the Ardor for America Cools." So ran the headline, in the Times, where else? Then ensued a long and rather boring piece listing the grievances of various Kuwaitis, all of whom condemned America for bombing Muslims. Needless to say, Osama bin Laden is a hero to those interviewed, none of whom were wild-eyed fanatics, but well-to-do middle-class merchants. So who gives a flying f–? is my reaction. If the Times wants to waste good trees printing what some brainwashed towelhead merchant has to say, I guess it’s their business, just as it is my business to ignore ...
A reader writes in last week’s mail that, according to yours truly, "patriotism means defending America when a Republican is in office." He reminds me that I was frothing at the mouth a couple of years ago during the bombing of Serbia. Well, yes, I sure frothed, but then I don’t exactly remember when the Serbs hijacked four airplanes and attacked the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. As far as I’m concerned, Clinton and Albright went to war against a small country because it was convenient. Serbia was not only weak, but also very unpopular with the media elite and ...
Human nature being what it is, it was only a matter of time before thoughts of misfortune turned to thoughts of money. Last week, lobbyists for Larry Silverstein, the developer who holds the lease on the World Trade Center, helped ensure that a bill passed by the House protects him from claims by victims of the attack and their families. Nobody has sued, thousands of bodies are entombed, there are tens of funerals daily, the area is a disaster, and Larry Silverstein is trying to stay rich. The reason his sharks were successfully lobbying the crooks in Congress was that ...
Sudenly, there is an explosion of media about the dark side of liberalism, exposing their down-the-nose, arrogant elitism and worse. The American Conservative magazine today exposes the elitism of liberals: "Babbittry is the idea that the average Joe lives within the passionless routine of marriage, the tyranny of consumerism, and the regimentation of small-town civic life. Babbittry judges Joe to live in a benighted, blinkered spiritual state, a gay-bashing, beer-drinking redneck whose Taliban tendencies want to ban dancing, rock-and-roll, and R-rated movies. People who don’t live in New York, Hollywood, or divide their time between Virginia, Hyannis Port, or Nantucket...
At a sugar magnate’s posh dinner party in New York City last week, the lady on my right had just called Ariel Sharon a war criminal and a terrorist. I looked at her place card: Pamela Gross-Finkelstein. “You’re not German, by any chance?” I asked her. “No, I’m New York Jewish—and not a self-loathing one either,” came the answer. Pamela and I hit it off after that, as I did with the rest of the table—most of them very rich and Jewish—who happened to agree. Now I don’t usually report on private dinner conversations, but this was a breakthrough. It’s...
So there’s always a first time. If John Kerry wins in November, he will be the premiere president of this great country of ours to be also a gigolo. The dictionary defines “gigolo” as a man supported by a woman in return for his sexual attentions and companionship. It might sound rough for John Kerry, but it’s right to the point. Let’s face it. The 44th president (maybe) is as close to a gigolo as I can think of, and I have known many. In fact, my best friend and best man for my first marriage to the beautiful French...