Keyword: swiftvetsdotcom
WASHINGTON - The end of the 2004 presidential election campaign doesn't spell the end of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, the well-funded alliance of former servicemen that remains dedicated to preventing Sen. John Kerry from becoming president. The group, which recently changed its name to Swift Boat Veterans and POWs for Truth, plans to convene next month to celebrate its successes and to consider speaking out further about Kerry's military service, his anti-war activities afterward, and other issues, says William E. Franke, who ran the organization's day-to-day operations. In his first interview about his role in the anti-Kerry group, Franke,...
Mr. Leonard Downie, Executive Editor Mr. Michael Getler, Ombudsman The Washington Post On October 27, 2004 Washington Post executive editor Leonard Downie Jr. penned an op-ed entitled, “A Strict Separation”. Therein Mr. Downie, the self-described “ultimate gatekeeper” (Post, “Live Online” 10/6/04) for everything printed in the newspaper, reassures readers that there is what amounts to a Chinese wall between the editorial and news reporting departments at the Post. Mr. Downie’s op-ed has a pedantic, just-for-the-record, ‘let’s get this straight’ flavor. The purpose for the article is to stipulate that the home-stretch flurry of political endorsements by the Post has nothing...
Senator Also May Have Set Up Meetings Between Chinese Firms, U.S. Officials (WASHINGTON, D.C.) Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, today released recently declassified documents showing that Democratic presidential nominee Sen. John Kerry accepted laundered contributions for his 1996 re-election campaign from the Communist Chinese government and that, in exchange, he may have arranged meetings between Chinese aerospace executives and U.S. government officials. Obtained from the FBI through Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act requests, the documents are related to the FBI’s “Chinagate” investigation into the Clinton campaign’s acceptance of contributions from Communist...
FBI files indicate that VVAW leader Al Hubbard reported to the VVAW Executive Committee meeting upon returning from Paris the following, “Hubbard indicated that VVAW as an organization had received commitments of support from Leftists throughout the world. He indicated that following the conference he had private discussions with individuals from Laos and Cambodia, the primary topic discussed were tactics in the United States anti-war movement. In his opinion these discussions turned out to be the most important part of the conference for him. He said that during these talks he was able to confirm the fact that a seven...
Recently I have read that John Kerry has told the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth that he was not referring to them in his senate speech in 1971, but to all the other Vietnam War veterans. Well, we should apply the same standard to this that Kerry and his news pals have used, that is; That Kerry did not serve in their tent, unit, team, foxhole, aircraft, patrol unit, or squad so therefore he cannot know what these men were doing or not doing. Therefore, because by his own admission that by these standards the SBVT could not have known...
One more brick in the Kerry wall......
Nov. 3, 2004: Vietnam vets - finally, you heroes have come home You were spit on. You were called war criminals. You were called baby killers. You served your country and came home to abuse and to be shunned by your countrymen. Many never came home at all. There were lost limbs, broken lives, broken families, alcoholism, drugs, homelessness, despair, and even suicide. You could not understand why you were so hated. There was no parade welcoming you home. There was nobody to offer you their seat on a full airplane. There was no one wanting to shake your hand...
To: stockpirate I am not sure this is the proper place to put this...but here goes... To All The Vets of Viet Nam, I was born in 1955, a baby boomer...into an alcoholic and abusive family. I was 14 years old when Woodstock rocked this nation. I remember standing in front of a 12" black and white set watching it unfold on the 6 o'clock news. I also remember my father using the term..".long haired hippie pukes" and being totally disgusted with the whole mess. Being 14 with a father who like to use his fists..I naturally rejected anything he...
"...I can cite many, many instances, sir, as in combat when these men refused to fight with us, when they shot with their guns over tin this area like this and their heads turned facing the other way. When we were taken under fire we Americans, supposedly fighting with them, and pinned down in a ditch, and I was in the Navy and this was pretty unconventional, but when we were pinned down in a ditch recovering bodies or something and they refused to come in and help us, point blank refused. I don't believe they want to fight, sir..."
Go to page 21 read to 25 "[redacted] that on April four, one nie seven two, a representive of the North Vietanese Government at the Paris Peace talks telephoned the 'movement' in the United States to be ready to take action, presumably demostrations, to counter expected escalation of bombing by American air forces in South Vietnam as a result of the increased military action of North Vietnamese forces in Quang Tri Province, South Vietnam.
What the FBI files and history of Vietnam Veterans Against the War, (VVAW) reveal about, VVAW and John Kerry: 1. VVAW Plan to assassinate seven US senators. 2. VVAW was training to execute a Phoenix plan to decapitate the leaders of the US Government. 3. Member of VVAW arrested in-route to VP Agnew speech with an explosive device (BOMB). 4. VVAW running guns to a black militant group in Cairo IL. Use link 12 page 131, also same as link 10.. 5. VVAW funded by Communist party of America. 6. VVAW receiving funds from the Communist Party of a country...
It only shows Kerry for a second (at around 1:15) but you can get a feel for the radical nature of the event and organization. Listen carefully near the end and you will hear a VVAW member state that the next time he fights will be to take these steps. Referring to the steps at the US Capitol or the WH.
Recently I have read that John Kerry has told the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth that he was not referring to them in his senate speech in 1971, but to all the other Vietnam War veterans. Well, we should apply the same standard to this that Kerry and his news pals used, that is; That he did not serve in their tent, unit, team, foxhole, aircraft, patrol unit, or squad so therefore he cannot know what these men were doing or not doing. Therefore, because by his own admission that by these rules above the SBVT couldnot have known, he...
There appears to be concern here about the safty of President Nixon while he is visiting his compound in Fla. The FBI report is from the Miami office of the FBI. Start on page 10 read until bottom of page 13
I have no views on whether one or more of John Kerry’s bemedalled wounds from the Mekong Delta 35 years ago were self-inflicted — though the Kerry campaign, in its second big concession to his chastisers, now says his first Purple Heart-earning wound might have been ‘unintentionally self-inflicted’. But there’s no doubt every wound from the last 35 days is self-inflicted, beginning with the candidate’s disastrous decision at the Democratic Convention to play up Vietnam and play down Iraq, 9/11 and anything else that happened in the last 30 years. Since then Kerry’s shot himself in the foot so many...
WASHINGTON, Feb. 9 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Were John Kerry and the veterans organization he led the real reason the Republicans broke into Watergate in 1972, with information on them the target of the espionage? Was doing so an early onset of Republican political paranoia against his work, a harbinger of the pending campaign against him in 2004? Bob Weiner, the 1971-72 Youth Voter Registration director for the Young Democrats office at the Watergate headquarters of the Democratic National Committee and recently a Clinton White House staffer for six years, is asking these questions after doing a little research to refresh...
Bruce Kesler will appear with J. D. Brooks on "5 Alive" at WHAW 980 AM for 30 minutes, followed by Scott Swett at 5:30. In 1971 Bruce founded Vietnam Veterans for a Just Peace to counter John Kerry's Vietnam Veterans Against the War. That's the organization that put John O'Neill on the Dick Cavett Show to debate Kerry. Scott Swett is the primary author of Listen online.
August 19, 2004 -- Posted Swift Veteran statements in response to today's Washington Post article by Michael Dobbs, Records Counter a Critic of Kerry. Dobbs attempts to make a case that there was enemy small-arms fire during the Rassmann incident for which John Kerry obtained a Bronze Star, based on the writeup for Larry Thurlow's own Bronze Star. But who wrote the action report for the event? And why no bullet holes in any of the boats? Statement By Swift Boat Veterans for Truth member Larry Thurlow Statement By Swift Boat Veterans for Truth member Van Odell Statement By Swift...
Club for Growth Launches National Ad Campaign at Democratic National Convention in BostonWashington, D.C.— The Club for Growth, one of the nation’s leading free-market political advocacy organizations, today unveiled a new $1 million television ad campaign at the Democratic National Convention in Boston. The ad shows a spinning weather vane to represent Kerry’s many flip-flops on issues from the death penalty for terrorists to welfare reform to tax cuts. “John Kerry has never taken a position without checking the weather vane,” said Club for Growth president Stephen Moore. “He checks which way the wind is blowing and rides the breeze....
Human Events reports that the DNC and the Kerry campaign are writing to television stations, stating that the Swift Boat ads is is "false" and "libelous" and that "your station may not responsibly air this advertisement." At least one of their points in the letter is an obvious lie: "The advertisement contains statements by men who purport to have served on Senator John Kerry's SWIFT [sic] boat in Vietnam and one statement by a man pretending to be the doctor who treated Senator Kerry for one of his injuries." Horsepucky. Every vet in the ad says, "I served with John...