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Keyword: swiftboatvets

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  • Jerome Corsi Rejects Plea Deal, Calls Mueller's 'Witch Hunt' 'Completely Fraudulent'

    11/29/2018 7:58:48 AM PST · by SeekAndFind · 28 replies
    PJ Media ^ | 11/29/2018 | Debra Heine
    Conservative author and commentator Jerome Corsi says special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigators accused him of lying under oath only after he "couldn’t give them what they wanted.” Corsi spoke with Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tuesday night, one day after he announced he would reject a plea deal that would have required him to plead guilty to perjury. "I refused to plead to a lie," Corsi told Carlson. Mueller sent Corsi a draft plea agreement earlier this month stipulating that the special counsel would allow Corsi to request a sentence of probation if he agreed to plead guilty to one count...
  • How the 2004 John Kerry Swiftboat Commercial Was Created by Brian Craig of Steve Kane Radio Show

    01/25/2018 2:14:18 PM PST · by PJ-Comix · 26 replies
    YouTube ^ | January 25, 2018 | Brian Craig
    VIDEO. [Brian Craig, co-host of the Steve Kane Radio Show (WWNN 1470 AM Radio), describes starting at about the 18:30 mark how he was the one who originally CREATED the TV commercial many credited for defeating John F. Kerry in 2004...The SwiftVets commercial. Many others have taken credit for creating that commercial but the HISTORICAL TRUTH is that Brian Craig was the creator as he explains here.]
  • John Kerry doesn't rule out 2020 White House run

    10/20/2017 12:08:01 PM PDT · by GuavaCheesePuff · 76 replies
    Fox News ^ | September 20, 2017 | Fox News/Washington Times
    Former senator and Secretary of State John Kerry said Wednesday he has no plans to run for president in 2020, but didn't rule out the idea. "I don't have any plans right now, honestly," Kerry said on MSNBC when asked if he might make another run. Host Joe Scarborough and others noted that wasn't a firm denial, and pressed Kerry to talk more about whether he would entertain a run.
  • Hanging Hillary with her own ugly words

    05/26/2016 5:49:12 AM PDT · by rktman · 13 replies ^ | 5/26/2016 | Russ Vaughn
    Donald Trump would do himself and this country a huge favor if he would do to Hillary what the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth did to John Kerry in the 2004 election: bring together the people from her past who know the off-stage, off-camera, hard-focus Hillary, and let them share with America their experiences with this woman who would be queen. Those people are the state troopers in Arkansas and the U.S. Secret Service agents who once served on her protective details. Like those brave sailors who served with John Kerry when his true lack of character was on full...
  • Carlton A. Sherwood, Reporter Behind 2004 Kerry Film, Dies at 67

    06/21/2014 5:52:43 PM PDT · by Citizen Zed · 6 replies
    NY Times ^ | 6-21-2014 | DOUGLAS MARTIN
    Carlton A. Sherwood, an investigative journalist and former Marine who lurched between accolades and controversy, most prominently with a 2004 film about the chagrin of Vietnam War veterans over John Kerry’s turning against the war as a naval officer, died on June 11 in Philadelphia. He was 67. The cause was congestive heart failure, his wife, Susan, said Friday. The Sinclair Broadcasting Group, the nation’s largest owner of local television stations, planned to show Mr. Sherwood’s film shortly before the 2004 election...(but)
  • Kerry? Really??

    01/31/2013 4:58:39 AM PST · by SMARTY · 22 replies
    January 31, 2013 | Me
    Will the Swift Boat Vets oppose Kerry as Secretary of State? I can't think of a worse choice for the position (Except Hillary Clinton)! Kerry? That's not scraping the bottom of the barrel. It's lifting the barrel and going underneath!
  • Discovered papers: Hanoi directed Kerry [2004]

    01/29/2013 3:19:13 AM PST · by RaceBannon · 81 replies
    world net daily ^ | Published: 10/26/2004 at 1:00 AM | Art Moore
    memory hole reminder The first documentary evidence that Vietnamese communists were directly steering John Kerry’s group Vietnam Veterans Against the War has been discovered in a U.S. archive, according to a researcher who spoke with WorldNetDaily. Read more at
  • Swift Boat Vets Promise To Resurface Against John Kerry

    12/21/2012 1:49:18 PM PST · by NKP_Vet · 41 replies ^ | November 16, 2012 | Tim Brown
    John O’Neill, the founder of the Swift Boat Vets for Truth, told Fox News’ Sean Hannity that the group would resurface and protest the nomination of Senator John Kerry should he be nominated as Secretary of Defense of Secretary of State...... O’Neill said that Kerry wouldn’t be suited for serving as Secretary of Defense, but would be “a much better guy at hauling up the white flag.”
  • Obama uses 'swift-boated' Kerry to slam Navy SEAL critics

    08/18/2012 7:08:52 AM PDT · by Seizethecarp · 40 replies
    WND ^ | August 17, 2012 | Art Moore
    Invoking his 2004 battle with Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., thinks he can impart lessons to Barack Obama learned from his failed White House campaign as the president faces criticism from a group of former special forces and intelligence agents for exploiting sensitive national-security information and bragging about killing Osama bin Laden for political gain. In a letter to Obama supporters, Kerry warns that “attacks, smears, and lies” can be effective, lamenting he learned the hard way eight years ago that “even completely baseless attacks can stick if people don’t call them out quickly enough.” “No...
  • John Kerry: Obama being 'swiftboated'

    08/18/2012 8:01:36 AM PDT · by Sub-Driver · 189 replies
    John Kerry: Obama being 'swiftboated' August 17, 2012 | 4:43 pm Paul Bedard Washington Secrets The Washington Examiner @SecretsBedard Sen. John Kerry, the 2004 Democratic presidential candidate on Friday charged that critics are trying to "swiftboat" President Obama with false and "ridiculous" claims and that Mitt Romney is a foreign policy rookie who embarrassed himself during a recent trip to London. In a letter to Obama's supporters, he railed on the charges Obama has been hit with, including those from the so-called "birthers." The attacks, he said, "remind me all too well of the notorious 'Swift Boat' attacks I faced...
  • Liberals Seek Swift Boat Revenge

    07/16/2012 2:04:37 PM PDT · by Kaslin · 21 replies ^ | July 16, 2012 | Rush Limbaugh
    BEGIN TRANSCRIPT RUSH: Albany in New York. This is Ed. I'm glad you called, sir. Welcome to the EIB Network. Hello. CALLER: Hi, Rush. Basically I think Obama and the Democrats, the conclusion they drew from his 2000 election is that the American people were stupid. He's the least qualified person in either field, far less qualified than even Sarah Palin, and the only person with his lack of qualifications is Hillary Clinton. Basically him and his allies in the media ran a confidence campaign, or confidence game, I should say, on the American people, and they think they're gonna...
  • John Kerry: They're swiftboating Obama

    03/29/2012 5:24:43 PM PDT · by Sub-Driver · 99 replies
    John Kerry: They're swiftboating Obama 3/29/12 4:24 PM EDT Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) has lent his name to a fundraising solicitation that raises the specter of millionaires and billionaires funding an outside effort against President Obama. "When I was the Democratic nominee for president in one of the closest and toughest elections in history, a group of billionaires did something unprecedented," Kerry wrote. "They wrote million-dollar checks to fund lies about my service on what were called "Swift Boats" in Vietnam -- and in so doing, they turned the boats my crewmates and I served on into a new political...
  • Swift-Boat Vet Slams Gingrich

    01/03/2012 10:42:50 AM PST · by nickcarraway · 72 replies
    National Review ^ | January 3, 2012 | Brian Bolduc
    Incensed by the negative ads that have spoiled his campaign, Newt Gingrich recently complained he’d been “Romneyboated,” an allusion to the group Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, whose ads helped derail Sen. John Kerry’s presidential campaign in 2004. John O’Neill, the swift-boat captain who led the anti-Kerry movement, is none too pleased with the comparison. “To me, it reflects Gingrich’s very cynical hypocrisy, which he shares with Kerry,” O’Neill tells National Review Online. That hypocrisy “is the reason why he can appear with [Nancy] Pelosi in climate-change ads and why he can take money from Freddie Mac: If you’re part...
  • 'Swift Boat' Veteran Who Defended Kerry Stripped of Silver Star By Judson Berger

    07/27/2011 10:12:56 PM PDT · by Mach9 · 15 replies ^ | July 27, 2011 | Judson Berger
    A Vietnam veteran who defended Sen. John Kerry against "Swift Boat" attacks in the 2004 presidential race has been stripped of his Silver Star by the Navy -- more than a year after he was sentenced to prison on a child pornography charge. But the Silver Star wasn't stripped from Wade Sanders because of the child porn conviction, per se.
  • Jake Tapper Claims Vietnam Swift Boat Vets Now Call Selves 'River Boat' Vets

    04/09/2011 6:52:08 PM PDT · by kristinn · 76 replies
    Saturday, April 9, 2011 | Kristinn
    ABC News White House reporter Jake Tapper wrote on Twitter this evening:"Talking to a Vietnam Navy Vet who says Swift Boat veterans now call themselves "River Boat" vets bc of 2004 campaign."Tapper did not explain what about the 2004 campaign--John Kerry or the group that challenged Kerry's Vietnam service record, the Swift Boats Vets and POWs for Truth--have caused them to change how they describe themselves.
  • To Set The Record Straight: How the Old Media Goliath was killed (book review)

    09/19/2009 6:26:42 AM PDT · by Travis McGee · 47 replies · 1,740+ views
    Matthew Bracken | Sep 19, 2009 | Matthew Bracken
    To Set The Record Straight, first pubished in 2008, is much more than a history of the 2004 presidential race, and the effects the Swiftboat veterans had on that campaign. TSTRS uses the Swiftboat veterans' story to focus upon the role the mainstream media has played in shaping American public opinion over the past forty years, from the Vietnam War until the recent past. When Senator Kerry decided to make his military record a central part of his campaign, the Swiftboat veterans who knew him the best were angered and sickened. They had had enough, and they decided literally “to...
  • Author Scott Swett will be on the Lars Larson radio show at 6:20 Eastern 06/01/2009

    06/01/2009 1:57:05 PM PDT · by Interesting Times · 28 replies · 1,773+ views
    The Lars Larson Show ^ | June 1, 2009 | Scott Swett
    I've been invited on Lars Larson's nationally-syndicated show today to talk about my recent article in the American Thinker, Media still lying about the Swift Boat Veterans and the book I co-authored with Tim Ziegler, To Set The Record Straight: How Swift Boat Veterans, POWs and the New Media Defeated John Kerry.
  • Infomercial Attacking Obama's Health Care Plan Backed by 'Swift Boat' Financer

    05/30/2009 12:25:39 PM PDT · by Sub-Driver · 18 replies · 1,792+ views
    nfomercial Attacking Obama's Health Care Plan Backed by 'Swift Boat' Financer A group called Conservatives for Patients' Rights has launched an ad campaign attacking the president's health care reform plans drawing strong opposition from the SEIU and Obama supporters. Saturday, May 30, 2009 President Obama, vowing to succeed in health care reform where President Clinton failed, claimed progress in early May after a meeting with industry officials, who seemed open to his call to reduce spending by $2 trillion over 10 years. But a major new national attack-ad campaign has the potential to put a dent in Obama's plans,...
  • Media still lying about the Swift Boat Veterans

    05/25/2009 12:23:40 PM PDT · by DakotaRed · 6 replies · 807+ views
    The American Thinker ^ | May 25, 2009 | Scott Swett
    Five years ago, a group of Vietnam veterans came forward at the National Press Club in Washington to dispute the "war hero" stories that formed the basis of candidate John Kerry's presidential campaign, and to challenge the claims of rampant US war crimes Kerry had used to launch his political career 33 years earlier -- false accusations, they said, that helped to poison the reputations of a generation of American troops. The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth included Kerry's entire former chain of command from Vietnam and dozens of eyewitnesses to his actions there. Kerry, the veterans said, was not...
  • Media still lying about the Swift Boat Veterans

    05/25/2009 2:07:35 AM PDT · by Scanian · 17 replies · 1,149+ views
    The American Thinker ^ | May 25, 2009 | Scott Swett
    Five years ago, a group of Vietnam veterans came forward at the National Press Club in Washington to dispute the "war hero" stories that formed the basis of candidate John Kerry's presidential campaign, and to challenge the claims of rampant US war crimes Kerry had used to launch his political career 33 years earlier -- false accusations, they said, that helped to poison the reputations of a generation of American troops. The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth included Kerry's entire former chain of command from Vietnam and dozens of eyewitnesses to his actions there. Kerry, the veterans said, was not...