Posted on 07/27/2011 10:12:56 PM PDT by Mach9
A Vietnam veteran who defended Sen. John Kerry against "Swift Boat" attacks in the 2004 presidential race has been stripped of his Silver Star by the Navy -- more than a year after he was sentenced to prison on a child pornography charge.
But the Silver Star wasn't stripped from Wade Sanders because of the child porn conviction, per se.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
The real swiftees must have enjoyed this, the investigation revealed he didn’t really earn the Silver Star.
That is funny.
Check out the following article written by Wade Sanders [] titled "MEDALS NOT AWARDED". Apparently he is still in the business of getting medals awarded after-the-fact. He was offering free legal services to vets through a San Diego clinic as early as the 1980's (according to a 1988 article in the San Diego Union Tribune). .....774 posted on 08/28/2004 9:19:05 PM PDT by calcowgirl
I’ll bet Judson Berger was never awarded a Silver Star.
Let's ping him then!
Then again, neither was he ever stripped of one.
Well, let’s post up the fragment that gets to the heart...
>>Navy investigators looked into his record and found administrative errors surrounding how the award was created. Sources said Sanders was responsible for those administrative errors and may have lied.<<
Kerry’s brothers in arms share his moral compass and veracity.
Being driven to "research" child porn due to PTSD. That's a new one.
Pete Townsend used the same excuse when he got caught.
Seems like all most all sex maniacs and pathological liars are Democrats. Am I wrong?
I wanted to post the whole, short article, but got spooked with the FR warning about FN excerpting. Sorry.
(snip)This former enlisted man had stood by that officer in the same combat, exposed himself to the same risk, was part of the same team that prevailed, and his officer left him behind with nothing but a Purple Heart. To my mind this is a terrible injustice.
Since I belong to an association of those who served in Navy patrol boats in Vietnam, I decided to see if I could improve the situation. After all, the one mantra that was ingrained into me by my father, and by the traditions of my service, was that my number one responsibility as an officer is to take care of my men (or women, to be contemporarily correct). So, I did a bit of research and discovered that there is no statute of limitations on awards. I found the office in the Pentagon that deals with awards, and I got the guidance I needed. The process is simple. An officer in charge of a unit is fully authorized to recommend any member of his "command" for a military decoration.
Good one! A new twist on the old, "I was doing research on child pornography" story. Sounds as if PTSD made him do the research.
Too bad they didn't look into his Silver Star records back when Kerry was running. That would have saved us a LOT of trouble.
Great post - thanks.
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