Keyword: stumblebummer
The World Economic Forum (WEF) has a plan to impose a carbon allowance that will control what you buy, eat, do, and where you to. It is outlined in an article we already discussed, ‘My Carbon’: An approach for inclusive and sustainable cities. It needs to be re-stated. THE GUISE OF SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY The piece began by expressing how easy it was to get the world to submit to their view of “social responsibility” [using COVID] – they just had to nudge [strike fear in] people to get it done. “A huge number of unimaginable restrictions for public health were...
After winking at QAnon for years, Donald Trump is overtly embracing the baseless conspiracy theory, even as the number of frightening real-world events linked to it grows. On Tuesday, using his Truth Social platform, the Republican former president reposted an image of himself wearing a Q lapel pin overlaid with the words “The Storm is Coming.” In QAnon lore, the “storm” refers to Trump’s final victory, when supposedly he will regain power and his opponents will be tried, and potentially executed, on live television. As Trump contemplates another run for the presidency and has become increasingly assertive in the Republican...
Details of the 19 serious adverse events reported for children ages five and younger who have received COVID-19 vaccinations being withheld by the US Centers for Disease Control... The Internal Revenue Service says it unintentionally posted some private individuals tax information on its website... The US announcing military sales to Taiwan worth 1.1 billion dollars... Politics in the USA the Republican Trafalgar Group poll for the Washington State US Senate Race showing it surprisingly close... Eight police officers killed in a bombing-shooting attack in Colombia today... The ousted former President of Sri Lanka Gotabaya Rajapaksa returning to his homeland... As...
resident Joe Biden caused quite a stir late last week after accusing supporters of former President Donald Trump of following a political creed of “semi-fascism.” But it’s yet another case of the far-left Democratic Party projecting its own grievous sins on the political opposition. This was Saul Alinsky’s 13th rule: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” The Biden administration and the Democrats are following this rule to a T. They constantly call Republicans, conservatives and those “deplorable” moderate Americans in middle America the most vile names – “racists,” “fascists,” “Nazis,” and worse – and have launched...
Yesterday, Biden made a speech basically calling enemies, those who want to put America first and who want to make America great again. This is the latest in a long line of declarations by Biden/ Obama akin to declaring war on America and her Patriots.(Biden is getting his inspiration and/or orders from Obama, the Man Behind the Curtain) Patriots, call for action 1) confirm and strengthen the America First candidates for the November - Take back Congress!!! 2) After the Patriotic Right takes back Congress, Congress must immediately call for a fair and safe re-election. 3) Get Trump back in...
FReeQs, FReepers, LurQers and Vanity Q is the result of the sacrifices and commitment of countless patriots to win back our captured country from the Deep State and achieve the transformation President Trump promised in this campaign video. President Trump has said the awakening of the public is key to this transformation.Q describes this awakening as follows: "The Great Awakening ('Freedom of Thought’), was designed and created not only as a backchannel to the public (away from the longstanding 'mind’ control of the corrupt & heavily biased media) to endure future events through transparency and regeneration of individual thought...
Houston Democrat Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee is a terror. Everyone in Houston knows it. Everyone in Washington, DC knows it. Over the last 22 years, since she was first elected to represent Houston in the district seat once held by Barbara Jordan, Cong. Lee has become a legend for her bizarre and abusive behavior. One of Lee’s most famous eccentricities comes every year on the day of the presidential State of the Union message, which is held in the House Chamber before a joint session of congress. This is the one session of congress at which there is no reserved...
DWTS Week 4 airs tonight & will feature these celebrities: Audrina Patridge & Tony Dovolani...Argentine Tango. She set the bar high during week 3 with her 'last dance with Tony' waltz, earning a season-topping 26 points. Brandy & Maksim Chmerkovskiy...Rumba. No amount of 'I love Maks' tape across the mouth will make me love the singer & actress, whose bizarre & diva-esque behavior has taken the sizzle out of her step. Bristol Palin & Mark Ballas...Rumba. Whether or not the teen activist can pull off a sultry, sexy Rumba is one of the most anticipated mysteries. Her more voluptuous figure...
There's a BIG IDEA AT STAKE in the Democrat-Caused Financial Crisis September 22, 2008 BEGIN TRANSCRIPTRUSH: Okay, as to the bailout here, folks, a lot of people over the e-mail are very confused about this, even some of my closest circle, because they think, "Well, the bailout's a bad idea, but what if we don't? Is everything going to crash around it? This is more nuance than, you know, just cut-and-dried, up-or-down, liberal-versus-conservatism." I think, folks, a lot of people say, "You know, we're beyond the point of assigning blame here. That's not the problem. What we have to...
Madison Browning, 8, spent a recent school day coloring, playing on swings at a park and whirling to Japanese string music at a cozy dance studio. Caedyn Curto, 13, studied biblical scripture at his family's kitchen table before tackling decimals, completing a biology test and revising a journalism essay. The Browning and Curto families, both of whom live in the South Bay, have embraced very different styles of education. But they now find themselves on the same side of a battle to continue teaching their children at home in the face of an appellate court ruling that home schooling in...