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Keyword: stanleykurtz

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  • A Florida Bill to Promote Fairness on Campus. HB 931 will improve campus debates and ban flagrantly ideological hiring.

    05/07/2023 5:09:35 AM PDT · by karpov · 6 replies
    James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal ^ | May 5, 2023 | Jenna A. Robinson
    Earlier this week, the Florida legislature passed a bill that may become a model for the nation. House Bill 931, sponsored by State Representative Spencer Roach, requires universities to host public-policy debates and bans the use of political litmus tests in hiring and admissions. Both provisions address the increasing ideological homogeneity on college campuses. In the past three decades, university faculty and administrators have become overwhelmingly liberal. This orthodoxy of opinion is bad for academic research, student learning, and universities’ reputations in the eyes of the public. The bill is inspired by two pieces of model legislation. Its first part...

    05/04/2021 1:26:18 PM PDT · by Hojczyk · 4 replies
    Powerline ^ | MAY 4, 2021 | PAUL MIRENGOFF
    As we have explained, per Stanley Kurtz, this legislation, coupled with the new Biden rule favoring education grants that push Critical Race Theory, is a disaster for America. It will result in the large scale indoctrination of America’s students in the teachings of BLM and others who despise America and its founding. Yesterday, the Civics Alliance convened by the National Association of Scholars issued an open letter to Sen. Cornyn and Rep. Tom Cole, the Republican House sponsor of Civics Secures Democracy. The letter appeals to them to withdraw their co-sponsorship, particularly in light of the new Biden rule. Cornyn...
  • Stanley Kurtz sheds light on Trump's latest 'tremendous accomplishment,' and why media largely overlooked it (ending Obama housing rules)

    07/27/2020 1:44:02 AM PDT · by knighthawk · 21 replies
    Fox News ^ | July 26 2020 | Yael Halon
    Stanley Kurtz, a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, spoke to Fox News about what he called a "tremendous accomplishment" of the Trump administration, one that the mainstream media apparently failed to notice. In an interview on "Life Liberty & Levin" that aired Sunday, Kurtz shed light on the "Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule," (AFFH) a law added by former President Barack Obama to the 1968 Fair Housing Act, which the conservative scholar said has aimed to expand federal influence over suburbia. On Thursday, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Dr. Ben Carson announced he's stripping...
  • Whatever Happened to the Teaching of Western Civilization?

    04/17/2020 7:33:31 AM PDT · by karpov · 26 replies
    James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal ^ | April 17, 2020 | Robert Paquette
    Stanley Kurtz ranks as one of this country’s most insightful critics of higher education. The National Association of Scholars chose wisely in commissioning him to write a report on what has happened to the teaching of Western civilization on the postmodern campus. For those worried about the future of the republic, The Lost History of Western Civilization offers little solace. The opposition has reached the red zone and appears close to putting the game away. Kurtz’s potent and well-written diagnosis does go a long way toward identifying the more prominent “scholarly” culprits responsible for what can only be described as...
  • Iranian Spy Is On The Run, And One US University May Be At The Heart Of Her RADICALIZATION

    02/21/2019 7:33:50 AM PST · by george76 · 22 replies
    enVolve ^ | Feb. 20, 2019 | Doyle Alexander
    A former U.S. Air Force intelligence specialist accused of espionage for Iran, Monica Witt, was allegedly radicalized in part during a stint at a George Washington University, which has taken $100 million from Saudi Arabia and other Muslim countries. Certain American universities have received funding from .... Middle Eastern countries. In some cases, the programs have been staffed by academics who are critical of U.S. policy and who publicly espouse fringe positions. Witt was charged Feb. 13 by the Department of Justice with sharing government secrets with Iranian officials. She was allegedly helping create a cyber-hacking operation on fellow former...
  • Scholar: Under New AP Standards, ‘American History Will Not Be About America’ [VIDEO]

    05/09/2015 10:12:26 PM PDT · by PROCON · 19 replies ^ | May 9, 2015 | Ginni Thomas
    Stanley Kurtz, a senior fellow with the Ethics and Public Policy Center, sees America being fundamentally transformed by a host of pernicious Obama policies, including education initiatives which are nationalizing school curriculum without a single vote. This month, America’s best and brightest high school students will take a controversial new advanced placement U.S. history (APUSH) test crafted by many of the same ideologues — including David Coleman — who birthed the unpopular Common Core standards for math and English. Scholarly critics of the APUSH framework, like Kurtz, are waking up to the dangers of the 70 or more pages of...
  • Radical-in-Chief

    02/23/2015 8:08:47 AM PST · by Ray76 · 13 replies
    Frontpage Magazine ^ | January 13, 2011 | Stanley Kurtz
    [I begin] with the story of a series of Socialist scholars conferences that Barack Obama attended when he lived in New York City between the years 1983 and 1985. And when I finally reconstructed what had gone on at these Socialist conferences that Barack Obama attended, I truly was amazed because what I saw was a kind of map of Barack Obama’s entire subsequent political career. It was at this Socialist conferences in New York in the mid-’80s that Barack Obama encountered the groups, the strategies, and the mentors who would guide him throughout his entire political career. [T]hese Socialist...

    06/07/2012 5:02:35 AM PDT · by speelurker · 60 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 06/07/2012 | Joel B. Pollak
    Barack Obama was, in fact, a member of the socialist New Party in the 1990s and sought its endorsement for the Illinois senate--contrary to the misrepresentations of Obama's presidential campaign in 2008, and in spite of the efforts of Politico's Ben Smith to quash the story. Stanley Kurtz, author of Radical-in-Chief: Barack Obama and the Untold Story of American Socialism (2010), has released new "smoking gun" evidence at National Review Online. It is evidence that the mainstream media can no longer ignore--and Obama can no longer deny. When the story of Obama's association with the New Party first broke in...
  • Obama’s Third-Party History

    06/07/2012 6:42:04 AM PDT · by Servant of the Cross · 12 replies
    National Review ^ | 6/7/2012 | Stanley Kurtz
    New documents shed new light on his ties to a leftist party in the 1990s. On the evening of January 11, 1996, while Mitt Romney was in the final years of his run as the head of Bain Capital, Barack Obama formally joined the New Party, which was deeply hostile to the mainstream of the Democratic party and even to American capitalism. In 2008, candidate Obama deceived the American public about his potentially damaging tie to this third party. The issue remains as fresh as today’s headlines, as Romney argues that Obama is trying to move the United States toward...
  • Kurtz: Does Obama Support the London Riots?

    08/10/2011 6:25:56 AM PDT · by SkyPilot · 25 replies
    Fox News and National Review ^ | 10 Aug 2011 | Stanley Kurtz
    I found the press release Obama issued to get Project Vote rolling, in the ACORN archives at the Wisconsin Historical Society. (Obama worked closely with ACORN on this campaign, his later denials notwithstanding.) The release quotes Obama explaining the need for Project Vote by pointing to the rioting in Los Angeles. Said Obama in 1992: “The Los Angeles riots reflect a deep distrust and disaffection with the existing power pattern in our society.” That’s Alinsky-speak for “We’ve got to use the power of the angry underclass to put capitalism in check.” Naturally, we’ll continue to disagree about whether Obama’s...
  • The Chosen One (Who is Obama Really?) - Must Read

    07/13/2011 12:27:41 PM PDT · by mojito · 155 replies · 1+ views
    Claremont Review of Books ^ | July 1, 2011 | Angello M. Codevilla
    ...But there was never anything silly, nor light-hearted, nor casual, about Barack Obama's efforts to keep the public's eyes from the basic facts of his life, from birth to his candidacy for president. On the contrary, this opacity is a deliberate policy. Why? The presumptive answer, absent testimony from those involved, is to ensure that real facts interfere as little as possible with the image and narrative that he and his associates have carefully crafted for him. Distinguishing between reality and that narrative would require above all a skeptical attitude, sure to be characterized by Democrats and the media in...
  • Pro-Palestinian-in-Chief (Obama's Ties to the Palestinians Are Deep)

    05/26/2011 10:37:11 AM PDT · by mojito · 22 replies
    National Review Online ^ | 5/26/2011 | STANLEY KURTZ
    It’s time to revisit the issue of President Obama’s Palestinian ties. During his time in the Illinois state senate, Obama forged close alliances with the most prominent Palestinian political leaders in America. Substantial evidence also indicates that during his pre-Washington years, Obama was both supportive of the Palestinian cause and critical of America’s stance toward Israel. Although Obama began to voice undifferentiated support for Israel around 2004 (as he ran for U.S. Senate and his national visibility rose), critics and even some backers have long suspected that his pro-Palestinian inclinations survive. The continuing influence of Obama’s pro-Palestinian sentiments is the...
  • Obama’s Secret

    02/02/2011 6:42:30 AM PST · by Michael van der Galien · 24 replies
    FrontPage Magazine ^ |
    Our guest today is Stanley Kurtz, a Senior Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center and a contributing editor for National Review Online. He has also written for National Review, The Weekly Standard, The Wall Street Journal, Policy Review, and Commentary. He is the author of the new book, Radical-in-Chief: Barack Obama and the Untold Story of American Socialism. See Part 1 of the interview below:
  • Radical-in-Chief

    01/13/2011 5:25:05 AM PST · by SJackson · 8 replies
    Frontpagemagazine ^ | 1-13-11 | Stanley Kurtz
    [Below is a talk given by Stanley Kurtz at the Wednesday Morning Club on January 5, 2011.] David Horowitz: It’s been 20 years with the Center trying to tell conservatives that these people are not liberals, that they are leftists and if their dreams are fulfilled they will destroy the United States, and very, very dangerous people. And while conservatives have given me support and given our Center support, they never quite got into their system what I think is the appropriate view of our opponents in these battles. Conservatives, as you’ve probably heard me say, are far too decent...
  • Socialists’ Strategies Exposed

    12/22/2010 4:12:30 AM PST · by Michael van der Galien
    Author Stanley Kurtz has exposed the sordid underbelly of both Obama’s past and present, as I pointed out in my first post analyzing the blockbuster Radical-in-Chief. Kurtz revealed the hidden players who have shaped the president’s worldview – and it turns out, they’re all socialists! Not socialist as in a label tagged on so-called liberals in general – but real, collectivist, revolutionary, America-hating socialists. Kurtz has done all the digging the leftstream media should have been doing back in ’08, and yes, he proves far beyond a reasonable doubt that (spoiler alert) Obama is a socialist. The ties between our...
  • Keynote Speaker Stanley Kurtz Discusses "Radical in Chief," His New Book on Barack Obama [video]

    12/11/2010 8:59:42 PM PST · by T.L.Sink · 13 replies · 1+ views
    David Horowitz TV ^ | Nov. 19, 2010
    Stanley Kurtz, speaking at David Horowitz's "Restoration Weekend" in Palm Beach, FL elaborates on Obama's long involvement in a network of socialists and radical leftists who have long sought to subvert and discredit America's political, economic and social ideals and values. Nothing new, you say? One thing new is that a highly acclaimed, non-partisan scholar and author has gone beyond the usual political rhetoric and spin to give a fresh examination of Obama's origins and formative years that explain why he is what he is. The details, along with many heretofore unknown ones, are fully explained in his new book,...
  • President Obama and the Radical Socialist Agenda

    10/30/2010 1:38:20 AM PDT · by Scanian · 36 replies
    The American Thinker ^ | October 30, 2010 | Janice Shaw Crouse
    Stanley Kurtz's new book, Radical-in-Chief: Barack Obama and the Untold Story of American Socialism, is a detailed look into the forces that shaped Barack Obama. Kurtz, senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, has written a highly detailed and definitive account of the president's conversion as a radical activist; he provides minute and abundant evidence confirming the long-disputed label of "socialist" that has dogged the president since his undergraduate days. Kurtz describes Obama's ideology as "stealth socialism" and called his views "Barack Obama's secret." In the preface of the book, Kurtz writes, "The president has systematically disguised the...
  • You Just Might Be a Marxist

    10/29/2010 5:18:03 AM PDT · by Kaslin · 7 replies
    Pajamas Media ^ | October 28, 2010 | Rand Simberg
    With his new book, Stanley Kurtz has done what the media refused to do — finally vet the president and his radical past, two years too late to prevent him from becoming president, but just in time to issue a restraining order on him next Tuesday. Yet people seem to be under the misapprehension that in order to be a Marxist, one has to be as explicitly so as the president has been with his deliberate associations with socialist and communist organizations and individuals. But Marxism isn’t a doctrine so much as an attitude. It is founded on a couple...
  • Conservatives Behind the Curve on Obama

    10/22/2010 6:05:11 PM PDT · by Conservative Coulter Fan · 13 replies · 1+ views
    AIM Report ^ | October 20, 2010 | Cliff Kincaid
    Dinesh D’Souza says in his new book that Barack Obama is an anti-colonialist. Stanley Kurtz has a new book, Radical-in-Chief, which says Obama is a socialist. The new book Dupes by Paul Kengor tells the unvarnished truth. And that’s because he makes use of material we started releasing back in February of 2008 about Obama’s communist mentor, Communist Party USA member Frank Marshall Davis. New Zealand blogger Trevor Loudon broke that story and we confirmed it. I hate to say, “We told you so,” but Herb Romerstein and I held a briefing in May 0f 2008 in Washington, D.C. releasing...
  • The Rush Limbaugh LIVE Radio Show Thread - Tuesday, August 3, 2010

    08/03/2010 8:36:25 AM PDT · by IMissPresidentReagan · 134 replies · 32+ views
    The EIB Network ^ | 08/03/2010 | Rush Limbaugh
    AND NOW . . . amidst billowing clouds of fragrant, aromatic first- and second-hand premium cigar smoke. . . it is time for . . . that harmless, lovable little fuzz ball, the highly-trained broadcast specialist, having more fun than a human being should be allowed to have, from behind the golden EIB microphone, firmly ensconced in the prestigious Attila-the-Hun chair at the Limbaugh Institute of Advanced Conservative Studies, serving humanity simply by showing up, and he’s not retiring until every American agrees with him, do NOT doubt him, with shrieks of joy at the mere mention of his name...