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Keyword: ssn

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  • China picks its lowest-scoring officers to command nuclear submarines

    04/17/2024 9:52:45 PM PDT · by Zhang Fei · 23 replies
    Business Insider ^ | Apr 16, 2024, 4:30 PM CDT | Michael Peck
    The job of commanding a nuclear submarine should go to smart and well-qualified officers. Or at least that's the case in Western navies. Not so in the Chinese navy. Except for engineers, Chinese submarine officers tend to come from military academies with the lowest college-entrance-exam scores, a US military analyst said. This suggests that People's Liberation Army Navy sub commanders are not the "best and the brightest" officers who may be most equipped to cope with the stresses and challenges endemic to submarine warfare. Based on China's college-entrance exam — called the gaokoa — the People's Liberation Army Navy engineering...
  • Oopsie! J6 committee exposes nearly 2,000 Social Security numbers of Republicans, GOP governors, family members

    01/08/2023 7:57:31 AM PST · by bitt · 31 replies
    hotair ^ | 1/6/2023 | ED MORRISEY
    At least no one can say that the January 6 committee didn’t have an impact! Greg Abbott, Kristi Noem, Henry McMaster, and their families will have to guard against identity theft for the rest of their lives, thanks to the committee’s work in exposing their Social Security numbers. How many numbers got exposed? “Around 1900” of them, according to the Washington Post, which came from White House visitor logs supplied to the committee. The J6 committee failed to redact those from a spreadsheet released to the public as part of its final report on the riot. Ben Carson, a Trump...
  • Barack Obama and his Connecticut social security number

    06/23/2023 5:43:45 AM PDT · by MtnClimber · 68 replies
    American Thinker ^ | 23 Jun, 2023 | Susan Daniels
    Barack Obama has used a stolen social security number most of his adult life. The one he uses was issued on March 28, 1977 to someone living in Connecticut, born in 1890 and is now long deceased. Obama was fifteen years old that day, living in Hawaii and playing on the junior varsity basketball team at Punahou. I uncovered the SSN information and include it in my memoir The Rubbish Hauler’s Wife versus Barack Obama. Obama violated federal law by using a phony number. From the United States Code: “Identity theft laws under 18 U.S.C § 1028 makes it a...
  • Washington Times Ad: Whose Social Security Number is Barack Hussein Soetoro Obama Using?

    04/11/2011 2:18:17 PM PDT · by RobinMasters · 54 replies
    Obama Release Your Records ^ | A | obama Release Your Records
    - For Immediate Release -- 11 April 2011 -Whose Social Security Number is President Barack Hussein Soetoro Obama Using? Wash Times National Weekly - 11 Apr 2011 - pg 5 - here, Ad also embedded at end of this post. Federal lawsuit* accuses putative President Obama is fraudulently using a Social Security Number which is legally not his and which was issued only to residents of the State of Connecticut, a state where Obama never legally resided and certainly not during the time frame of circa 1977 when that SSN was issued! 042-XX-XXXX* This Social Security Number is reserved for...
  • Second world war veteran twice denied absentee ballot under Texas voting law

    01/29/2022 4:01:15 PM PST · by where's_the_Outrage? · 30 replies
    The Guardian ^ | Jan 29, 2022 | Gloria Oladipo
    A 95-year-old second world war veteran twice denied an absentee ballot under a restrictive Texas voting law has attracted support from prominent figures including Beto O’Rourke, a voting rights campaigner and former presidential candidate now running for Texas governor. Kenneth Thompson, who served in the US army in Europe, told Click2Houston, a Harris county news outlet, he had voted in every election since he was 21 and even remembered paying a 50-cent poll tax in the 1950s. “I’ve been voting many, many years and I’ve never missed a vote,” he said, adding that he considers voting a duty. But under...
  • Australia to get nuclear-powered submarines, will scrap $90b program to build French-designed subs

    09/15/2021 1:28:29 PM PDT · by DCBryan1 · 27 replies
    ABC Net Austrailia ^ | 15 SEP 21 | By defence correspondent Andrew Greene, political editor Andrew Probyn and foreign affairs reporter
    Australia's next submarine fleet will be nuclear-powered under an audacious plan that will see a controversial $90 billion program to build up to 12 French-designed submarines scrapped. The ABC understands Australia will use American and British technology to configure its next submarine fleet in a bid to replace its existing Collins class subs with a boat more suitable to the deteriorating strategic environment. Australia, the United States and Britain are expected to jointly announce a new trilateral security partnership on Thursday, with a focus on aligning technology and regional challenges. But Australia's embrace of nuclear-powered submarines will have its political...
  • Senate's $2 Trillion Coronavirus Relief Plan Leaves Out Undocumented And Their Families

    03/27/2020 1:30:29 AM PDT · by Trump20162020 · 54 replies
    Gothamist ^ | March 25, 2020 | Sydney Pereira
    As part of an unprecedented $2 trillion stimulus bill expected to pass the Senate on Wednesday night, many Americans experiencing financial hardship due to COVID-19 will soon be eligible for a $1,200 check and expanded unemployment benefits. But despite promises from Democratic congressional leaders, the sweeping legislation will leave behind some of the country's most vulnerable residents: undocumented immigrants and mixed status families. According to a draft of the bill, the relief explicitly excludes those without Social Security numbers from obtaining the one-time cash assistance payments that will soon be sent to millions of Americans. Even more glaring, advocates said,...
  • JUST IN: Doxxer Jackson Cosko Threatened to Leak GOP Senators’ Children’s Health Information

    10/04/2018 1:16:10 PM PDT · by servo1969 · 67 replies
    GP ^ | 10-4-2018 | Cristina Laila
    Nothing is too low for the left. On Wednesday, Capitol Police arrested 27-year-old Jackson Cosko of DC for "allegedly posted private, identifying information (doxxing) about one or more United States Senators." It's worse than we thought.Accused doxxer 27-year-old Jackson Cosko threatened to leak Republican Senators' children's health information if any witnesses dared go to the authorities about his criminal activities.FOX News reported: According to a sworn statement by Capitol Police Captain Jason Bell, a witness Tuesday saw Cosko at a computer in a senator's office, where he used to work, a day after two other unnamed senators' information had been...
  • Exclusive—Buddy Carter Introduces Bill to Prevent Illegals from Stealing Americans’ SSN

    07/13/2018 11:59:14 AM PDT · by DFG · 51 replies
    breitbart ^ | 07/13/2018 | Sean Moran
    Rep. Buddy Carter (R-GA) told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview on Thursday about his new legislation that would prevent illegal immigrants from using Americans’ Social Security numbers, protect citizens’ privacy, and deter illegal immigration. On Wednesday, Rep. Carter introduced H.R. 6333, Tax Identity Protection Act, which would direct the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to help protect Americans from illegal immigrants from fraudulently using their Social Security numbers. In his press release this week, the Georgia Republican said that he contacted the IRS and the agency told him that they were not “in the position to notify victims” that their...
  • U.S. Navy Sub To Fire Harpoon Anti-Ship Missile Years After They Left The Force

    07/12/2018 7:16:11 AM PDT · by sukhoi-30mki · 6 replies
    The Drive ^ | JULY 11, 2018 | TYLER ROGOWAY
    As part of the many unique evolutions during the Navy's giant, biannual, multi-national naval exercise known as Rim Of The Pacific or RIMPAC, a U.S. Navy nuclear fast attack submarine will be fire a live UGM-84 Harpoon anti-ship missile at a target in the waters off of Hawaii. What's interesting is that Harpoon missiles were stripped from American submarines over 20 years ago, but the standoff range and flexibility that anti-ship missiles provide are once again becoming in-demand capability for America's submarine force and its surface fleet as well. The U.S. Navy posted shots of a UGM-84 being loaded onto...
  • A peek into India's top secret and costliest defence project, nuclear submarines

    12/11/2017 9:28:34 AM PST · by sukhoi-30mki · 11 replies
    India Today ^ | December 7, 2017 | Sandeep Unnithan
    India's top secret nuclear submarine project reached another decadal milestone last month with the launch of a second ballistic missile submarine, the Arighat . On November 19, Union defence minister Nirmala Sitharaman cracked the auspicious coconut on the fin of the submarine in the drydock of the Ship Building Centre (SBC) in Visakhapatnam in a low-key ceremony. Following this, the SBC's drydock was flooded and the submarine quietly floated out. It will be at least another three years before the navy commissions the Arighat. The event skipped the high-profile public ceremony of the Arihant's launch in 2009 even as the...
  • South Korea 'in talks to buy nuclear submarine' from US: Reports

    11/07/2017 8:07:42 AM PST · by sukhoi-30mki · 8 replies
    AFP ^ | 07th November 2017
    SEOUL: South Korea is negotiating with the United States to buy nuclear-powered submarines to guard against threats from Pyongyang, local reports said Tuesday, as President Donald Trump said Seoul would buy "billions of dollars" of US weapons. Nuclear-powered submarines can stay submerged for months, giving them a far greater range than their diesel-powered counterparts, and are also crucial to any seaborne nuclear deterrent. Such a purchase would redraw the balance of power in northeast Asia, and could trigger a regional arms race. Japan -- another US ally -- does not have nuclear-powered submarines, and is barred from having a military...
  • Equifax : Cybersecurity Incident & Important Consumer Information

    09/08/2017 7:02:03 AM PDT · by pikachu · 103 replies
    Equifax ^ | September 6th, 2017 | Equifax
    To determine if your personal information may have been impacted by this incident, please follow the below steps: Click on the below link, “Check Potential Impact,” and provide your last name and the last six digits of your Social Security number. Based on that information, you will receive a message indicating whether your personal information may have been impacted by this incident. Regardless of whether your information may have been impacted, we will provide you the option to enroll in TrustedID Premier. You will receive an enrollment date. You should return to this site and follow the “How do I...
  • Idea of an Australian nuclear submarine fleet just won’t float

    06/30/2017 10:53:14 AM PDT · by sukhoi-30mki · 13 replies
    The Australian ^ | July 1, 2017 | GREG SHERIDAN
    Here is a news flash for the Australian political community: a policy position can be true even if Tony Abbott argues for it. Abbott’s speech this week to the Centre for Independent Studies on the case for nuclear sub­marines was well researched, cogently argued and at a strategic level powerfully persuasive. There is no doubt nuclear subs would be a much better option than the conventional subs we are committed to. But, because I don’t want to be misunderstood, let me give you the punchline straight away. ­Abbott’s proposal is also completely unrealistic and, if it gains any traction, can...
  • WH Budget: Claiming Child Care Tax Credit, Earned Income Tax Credit Now Require a..(SSN)

    05/25/2017 1:47:25 PM PDT · by PROCON · 75 replies ^ | May 24, 2017 | Melanie Arter
    Full Title: WH Budget: Claiming Child Care Tax Credit, Earned Income Tax Credit Now Require a Social Security Number( – The president’s budget requires that those receiving the child care tax credit and the earned income tax credit now must have a Social Security number to claim those tax credits. “We talk about how to prioritize spending and how to look at programs that work and don't work. The childcare tax credit and the earned income tax credit. One of our proposals is that we are going to require you to have a Social Security number now to collect those,”...
  • Feds paid $1 billion in Social Security benefits to individuals without SSN.

    02/22/2017 3:31:53 AM PST · by gattaca · 47 replies
    Washington Beacon ^ | 02/22/2017 | Elizabeth Harrington
    The Social Security Administration paid $1 billion in benefits to individuals who did not have a Social Security Number (SSN), according to a new audit. The agency’s inspector general found errors in the government’s documentation for representative payees, otherwise known as individuals who receive retirement or disability payments on behalf of another person who is incapable of managing the benefits themselves. The audit released Friday found thousands of cases where there was no SSN on file. Over the last decade, the agency paid $1 billion to 22,426 representative payees who "did not have an SSN, and SSA had not followed...
  • Pakistan Likely To Acquire Chinese Nuclear Attack Submarines: NDTV Exclusive

    01/11/2017 5:06:53 AM PST · by sukhoi-30mki · 6 replies
    NDTV ^ | January 10, 2017 | Vishnu Som
    NEW DELHI: A Chinese Navy nuclear-powered attack submarine which docked at the Karachi harbour in May took aboard Pakistani naval officers and sailors to give them a first-hand glimpse of how the submarine works. This was not a simple case of access being given to a close military ally. The Indian Navy is convinced that it is a matter of time before Islamabad leases a Chinese nuclear submarine. The Pakistan Navy personnel who were on the submarine may be part of their first team to train on Chinese nuclear submarines, it is believed. On Friday, NDTV broadcast images of an...
  • China decommissions its 1st nuclear submarine

    10/16/2016 9:26:31 AM PDT · by sukhoi-30mki · 15 replies
    PTI ^ | October 16, 2016 | K J M Varma
    Beijing, Oct 16 (PTI) Chinas first nuclear-powered submarine has been decommissioned after more than 40 years of military service, state media said today. After undergoing a thorough denuclearisation process, the submarine was towed to a wharf belonging to the Chinese Navy Museum in Qingdao, a port city in east Chinas Shandong province yesterday where it will be a public exhibit, state- run Xinhua news agency reported. The submarines release from military service and the safe, thorough and reliable handling of related nuclear waste, nuclear reactor and other devices showed Chinas life-cycle maintenance ability, ranging from a nuclear submarines production, operation,...
  • China's secret stealth sub surfaces: First images released of 'Shang' nuclear submarine

    06/25/2016 7:11:58 PM PDT · by sukhoi-30mki · 58 replies
    Dailymail.Com ^ | 23 June 2016 | Cheyenne Macdonald
    China’s new nuclear attack submarine is among the military’s most secretive platforms – and the world has just been given its first glimpse. The Chinese navy has released a rare photo of the Type 093B ‘Shang’ submarine, which can launch missiles vertically at ships and other targets overhead. This model improves upon the capabilities of earlier nuclear attack submarines, and is expected to be quieter and faster. According to the Popular Science blog Eastern Arsenal, this reveal marks an extremely rare event. It’s thought that there were three Type 093B SSNs launched last year. These were preceded by two Type...
  • S. Korea should build nuclear-powered submarine: expert

    06/03/2016 6:36:07 AM PDT · by sukhoi-30mki · 3 replies
    Yonhap ^ | 2016-06-03
    South Korea needs to build a nuclear-powered submarine to better counter North Korea's possible nuclear and missile attacks, an expert at Seoul's state-run think tank said Friday. With the new atomic energy pact reached between South Korea and the United States in 2015, the last restrictions to building a nuclear-powered sub have been removed, claimed Boo Hyeong-wook, a chief research fellow at the Korea Institute for Defense Analyses (KIDA). The pact permits Seoul to make low-enriched uranium with U.S. consent that can be used as fuel. "The possession of a nuclear-powered submarine will allow us to better counter North Korea's...