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Keyword: srilanka

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  • Communist Party of China Embraces Virtues of Religion in Diplomacy

    05/04/2015 8:28:56 PM PDT · by nickcarraway · 11 replies
    Global Times ^ | 2015-5-4 | Chen Lijun
    Even though the Communist Party of China is officially atheist, and the central government was once wary of religion, subtle signs and increasing activities show there is a changing attitude towards religion in order to unite China and its neighbors. In March last year, Chinese President Xi Jinping stood in the offices of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in Paris, and extolled the profound impact Buddhism has had on China. "Buddhism originated in ancient India," said Xi, the leader of the officially atheist Communist Party of China. "After it was introduced into China, the religion went...
  • Japanese Yakuza Leader Pleads Guilty to Nuclear Materials Trafficking, Narcotics, and Weapons Charges

    01/17/2025 4:50:12 PM PST · by ransomnote · 8 replies ^ | January 8, 2025 | DOJ Office of Public Affairs
    Takeshi Ebisawa, 60, of Japan, pleaded guilty in Manhattan, New York, today to conspiring with a network of associates to traffic nuclear materials, including uranium and weapons-grade plutonium, from Burma to other countries, as well as to international narcotics trafficking and weapons charges.“Today’s plea should serve as a stark reminder to those who imperil our national security by trafficking weapons-grade plutonium and other dangerous materials on behalf of organized criminal syndicates that the Department of Justice will hold you accountable to the fullest extent of the law,” said Assistant Attorney General Matthew G. Olsen of the Justice Department’s National Security...
  • Millions Died Thanks to the Mother of Environmentalism

    05/21/2019 5:10:13 PM PDT · by Rummyfan · 48 replies
    Foundation for Economic Education ^ | 17 June 2017 | Paul Offit
    On Jan. 24, 2017, PBS aired a two-hour special on Rachel Carson, the mother of the environmental movement. Although the program crossed the line from biography to hagiography, in Carson’s case, the unbridled praise was well deserved – with one exception. Rachel Carson was an American hero. In the early 1960s, she was the first to warn that a pesticide called DDT could accumulate in the environment, the first to show that it could harm fish, birds, and other wildlife, the first to warn that its overuse would render it ineffective, and the first to predict that more natural means...
  • 2 New Yorkers Busted in Plot to Stalk, Assassinate Trump Ordered by Iran, Bombshell Indictment Reveals

    11/08/2024 12:01:54 PM PST · by nickcarraway · 31 replies
    The Iranian government instructed one of its agents to stalk and assassinate former President Donald Trump this past September, according to a bombshell indictment unsealed by Manhattan federal prosecutors Friday. The indictment, which charges Iranian Farhad Shakeri and two New Yorkers with murder for hire and conspiracy, states that an unnamed official in Iran’s notorious Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) instructed Shakeri in the final weeks of the 2024 campaign to “focus on surveilling, and, ultimately, assassinating, former President of the United States, Donald J. Trump.” Prosecutors say that when Shakeri noted that the plot would “cost a ‘huge’ amount...
  • It’s All About Control: The Elite Plan for the Great Food Reset

    11/03/2024 4:21:52 AM PST · by MtnClimber · 65 replies
    American Thinker ^ | 3 Nov, 2024 | Janet Levy
    By getting governments to over-regulate farming, elite oligarchs like Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab aim to take control over food production in the name of sustainability. Besides ‘degrowth’ and ‘net zero,’ one other dangerous buzz phrase being bandied about by proponents of the Great Reset is “nature-positive food systems.” The stated goal of moving to new food systems is to reduce nitrogen emissions, livestock production, and meat consumption. This is to be achieved by consuming plant-based products, lab-grown foods, and insects (as a source of protein). The moot question, however, is whether such a change is at all necessary? The...
  • Gun Registration in Sri Lanka Equals Gun Confiscation

    10/14/2024 8:10:51 AM PDT · by marktwain · 18 replies
    AmmoLand ^ | October 8, 2024 | Dean Weingarten
    The Sri Lankan government has issued a gun confiscation directive requiring all people with firearms and a permit to possess them for self-defense to turn the firearms, ammunition, and permits they possess to the military authorities. The firearms must be surrendered by November 7, 2024. From The Ministry of Defense has decided to temporarily take back all firearms and ammunition issued to civilians for self defense.According to the powers vested on the Defense Secretary by Section 6 (1) and 6 (2) of the 1916 Firearms Act No. 33, these firearms and ammunition issued to civilians for self defense are...
  • Controversial Rapper Doubles Down on Trump Support at San Francisco Festival

    09/30/2024 2:43:37 PM PDT · by nickcarraway · 3 replies
    SFGate ^ | Dan Gentile | Sep 30, 2024
    SFGATE senior culture editor Dan Gentile watched M.I.A.'s politically provocative set at Portola Music FestivalDespite being barely a month out from the election, not many musicians at Portola Music Festival had much to say about politics. But there was one exception: M.I.A. Since her debut mixtape “Piracy Funds Terrorism” in 2004, M.I.A. has always been a political provocateur. As a child, she was displaced by the Sri Lankan Civil War, and her art has always been steeped in revolutionary rhetoric, refugee undertones and nothing-to-lose swagger. Her combative attitude, paired with frenetic club beats from the likes of Diplo and Switch,...
  • News Summary-Intelligence Report Monday 9/23/2024*US Sanctions Chinese Car Tech*Israel On Offense In Lebanon Nearly 500 Deaths, Over 1,000 Wounded*Muslim Michigan Mayor Endorses Trump*

    09/23/2024 7:42:49 PM PDT · by Nextrush
    Nextrush Free ^ | 9/23/2024 | Nextrush/Self
    In Bolivia former Leftist President Evo Morales demanding... In Israel early Tuesday rocket fire from Lebanon rockets landing... Telegram CEO Pavel Durov saying the social media app will share phone numbers and IP addresses with authorities when presented with a valid legal request. Durov currently under the pressure... A police internal investigation order in Israel that's after confrontation between religious Jews (Haredi) and police... The US moving additional troops to the Middle East... The US sanctioning Chinese technology for cars as well as car technology from Russia... At least 30 bodies have been discovered on a boat drifting off the...
  • 'Treated like slaves' on Scottish fishing boats

    08/18/2024 6:05:51 PM PDT · by RandFan · 21 replies
    BBC ^ | Aug 18 | BBC
    Dozens of workers from around the world may have been trafficked into the UK to work for a small family-owned Scottish fishing firm, a BBC investigation has revealed. Thirty-five men from the Philippines, Ghana, India and Sri Lanka were recognised as victims of modern slavery by the Home Office after being referred to it between 2012 and 2020. The workers were employed by TN Trawlers and its sister companies, owned by the Nicholson family, based in the small town of Annan on the southern coast of Scotland. The TN Group denied any allegation of modern slavery or human trafficking and...
  • 10,000 foreign workers to arrive by June to save construction industry

    03/17/2024 6:28:29 AM PDT · by Texan4Life · 25 replies
    The Jerusalem Post ^ | 17 March 2024 | Yosi Dayan
    By the end of June, more than 10,000 foreign workers from India will be employed in Israel, and at the same time, the process of absorbing about 10,000 foreign workers from other countries such as Georgia, Sri Lanka, Azerbaijan, and more will begin. The arrival of foreign workers will save the construction industry, which is currently in collapse, and most of the construction sites are closed. The trend is to bring about 40,000 more workers to Israel to complete a quota of 65,000 foreign workers because Palestinian workers who worked in the construction industry no longer come to work in...
  • Christians in Pakistan’s Islamic Hell-While the Biden administration continues to turn a blind eye - and provide billions in "aid."

    03/01/2024 6:06:59 AM PST · by SJackson · 33 replies
    Frontpagemagazine ^ | March 1, 2024 | Uzay Bulut
    While general elections were held in Pakistan on February 8 amid allegations of fraud, Christians in the country continued suffering from severe persecution and braced themselves for a frightening future – having still been traumatized by last year’s anti-Christian pogrom.Hundreds of Christians fled their homes on August 16, 2013 when in the Pakistani district of Jaranwala, Muslim mobs launched an anti-Christian riot, vandalizing churches and committing arson against both churches and Christians’ homes — all based just on an accusation that a Quran was desecrated.At least 20 churches throughout the city were set on fire and more than 400 Christian-owned...
  • MASSIVE Groups of Military Age Males From Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, Nepal, and More Filmed Traveling Through Darién Gap in Panama to be Flown into US by Biden Regime

    03/01/2024 6:46:32 AM PST · by Roman_War_Criminal · 26 replies
    Gate Way Pundit ^ | 2/29/24 | Jordan Conradson
    Real Americas Voice correspondent Ben Bergquam is currently in the Darién Gap between Colombia and Panama, reporting on the international human smuggling operation coordinated by the cartels, globalists, and the Biden Regime. The Biden Regime is now granting asylum to illegal immigrants in South America and flying them by plane into the United States to arrive “as refugees who have already met the requirements and will be legally allowed to live and work in the U.S.,” according to the Associated Press. Bergquam shared a photo of a group he discovered on Tuesday night showing “over 50 men from Bangladesh, Sri...
  • Israel said set to replace all Palestinian workers with tens of thousands of foreigners

    01/03/2024 4:32:26 AM PST · by SJackson · 48 replies
    Times of Israel ^ | 31 December 2023
    Israel plans to permanently replace all Palestinian laborers with foreign workers, in a major, ambitious initiative aimed at ridding the country of a perceived security threat, the Kan public broadcaster reports. Thousands of construction and agriculture workers from the West Bank have been barred from entering Israel for work since Hamas’s mass invasion and onslaught of October 7. Hamas reportedly gathered some of its intelligence for the attack from Gazans who had permits to work in Israel. To prevent a potential repeat in the West Bank, Kan says the government does not intend to allow the Palestinian workers back after...
  • Former top FBI official Charles McGonigal arrested over ties to Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska

    01/23/2023 10:00:53 AM PST · by Navy Patriot · 60 replies
    ABC News ^ | January 23, 2023 | Luke Barr, Aaron Katersky, and Alexander Mallin
    A former top FBI official in New York has been arrested over his ties to a Russian oligarch, law enforcement sources told ABC News Monday. Charles McGonigal, who was the special agent in charge of counterintelligence in the FBI's New York Field Office, is under arrest over his ties to Oleg Deripaska, a Russian billionaire who has been sanctioned by the United States and criminally charged last year with violating those sanctions. McGonigal retired from the FBI in 2018. He was arrested Saturday afternoon after he arrived at JFK Airport following travel in Sri Lanka, the sources said.
  • Sri Lanka Reaches Preliminary Debt Restructuring Deal With China’s Exim Bank

    10/12/2023 2:35:03 PM PDT · by nickcarraway · 5 replies
    Financial Times ^ | 10/12 | Roula Khalaf
    Agreement on $4.2bn from largest bilateral creditor could pave way for release of IMF fundsSri Lanka said it has reached a preliminary debt restructuring agreement with the Export-Import Bank of China, a crucial step towards securing the next tranche of IMF funds to help the country recover from a financial meltdown. China is the largest bilateral creditor to Sri Lanka, which last year became the first Asia-Pacific country in two decades to default on foreign debt of $41bn amid a severe economic crisis. The agreement with Exim Bank covers about $4.2bn of the country’s debt and is the largest single...
  • China Keeps Sri Lanka in Debt Grip, Stalling IMF Relief

    10/04/2023 1:44:30 PM PDT · by nickcarraway · 3 replies
    Failed bailout review raises stakes of Wickremesinghe's upcoming trip to BeijingSri Lanka's diplomatic failure to secure a concrete debt relief framework from China, its largest bilateral lender, is blocking access to desperately needed cash under a $3 billion bailout from the International Monetary Fund. A visit by IMF officials last month highlighted once again the bankrupt South Asian nation's slow progress in restructuring its external debt. The fund, which has insisted on "financing assurances" from bilateral lenders as a key pillar, gave Sri Lanka a failing grade in the first review of the bailout, denying it a second tranche of...
  • How the IRS Allowed China Nonprofits to Buy Code Pink

    08/14/2023 8:23:39 PM PDT · by texas booster · 20 replies
    Frontpage Magazine ^ | Aug 14 2023 | Daniel Greenfield
    The ‘House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party’ was in session when a Code Pink activist disrupted it by holding up a sign reading, “China Is Not Our Enemy.” “The United States needs collaboration, not competition, with China,” she insisted. Collaboration was the correct term. While most people stopped paying attention to Code Pink in the aftermath of the Iraq War, the leftist anti-war group never went away, but beyond the backing for Venezuela, Iran and the other usual terror states, it’s become a vocal defender of China. The level of collaboration between Code Pink and China is unusual...
  • Sri Lanka’s ‘LGBT rights’ bill is a Western-driven attack on the family

    05/17/2023 3:38:36 PM PDT · by Jan_Sobieski · 5 replies
    Life Site News ^ | 05/17/2023 | Eshan Diaz
    Sri Lanka is posed to decriminalize homosexuality. The Dolawatta bill presently in Sri Lanka’s parliament seeks to change the country’s penal code to create rights even for children as young as 16 years old to privately and publicly express behavior related homosexuality, such as grossly unnatural carnal intercourse.This change in law, as with the attempts to legalize the killing of the unborn through abortion, are driven by Western governments and their representatives in the United Nations, specifically the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and the UN Human Rights Council (HRC).This bill, once enacted, will allow...
  • Sri Lanka marks 75 years of independence amid bankruptcy

    02/04/2023 7:48:01 AM PST · by Oldeconomybuyer · 17 replies
    Deutsche Welle ^ | February 4, 2023
    Sri Lanka marked 75 years of independence Saturday in bankruptcy, with many citizens somber, reflective and disappointed rather than feeling festive. President Ranil Wickremesinghe said in a televised speech, "We have reached the point of destruction." He added that everyone in the country was to blame for the nation's woes, from politicians to regular citizens as the country had long been divided by race, religion and region since the nation's inception. Sri Lanka faces its worst financial crisis since it declared independence from Britain in 1948. A severe shortage of dollars has added to inflation woes, a drop in the...
  • 'It wasn't me': Footage shows millionaire tech entrepreneur's final words after being fatally shot by a trigger-happy cop while defending his home from a suspected burglar

    12/21/2022 9:27:50 AM PST · by DFG · 116 replies
    UK Daily Mail ^ | 12/21/2022 | Sophie Mann
    A horrifying video shows Austin tech entrepreneur Rajan 'Raj' Moonesinghe being shot dead by local police as he inspected the perimeter of his home for an intruder with a rifle in his hands. Moonesinghe, 33, a successful tech entrepreneur who had moved to the area about five years ago, was killed on the front porch of his home in a wealthy South Austin neighborhood on November 15. As he lay dying, he said the words: 'It wasn't me.' At around 12.30am, Moonesinghe told a neighbor that someone was in his house and he was going to call 911, the WSJ...