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Keyword: sheehan

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  • The strawberry Pop-Tart case is just one of more than 400 lawsuits he has filed

    10/31/2021 7:05:02 AM PDT · by mylife · 51 replies
    This week, it was strawberry Pop-Tarts — with a lawsuit claiming damages over what it calls "deceptive" marketing by Kellogg's of its pastries that contain just as much apple and pear as strawberry. Before that, there were the fudge lawsuits, with claims against Keebler and Betty Crocker and others over "fudge" cookies and baking mixes that contained no milkfat. And of course, the 120 or so vanilla lawsuits, each alleging that consumers have been duped by companies marketing "vanilla" products that contain little to no actual vanilla bean. If the flavor on the label doesn't match the ingredient list, that...
  • Sheehan warns residents of second 'Re-open New York' protest (Albany - Friday)

    04/29/2020 3:14:12 PM PDT · by Libloather · 11 replies
    Times Union ^ | 4/29/20 | Steve Hughes
    ALBANY - Mayor Kathy Sheehan is asking people to reconsider plans to attend a rally Friday to protest the state’s coronavirus quarantine orders. She's also warning city residents to avoid the area around the state Capitol. Conservative groups are planning the second rally in as many weeks for Friday afternoon in the city, hoping to pressure Gov. Andrew Cuomo to lighten the restrictions placed on many commercial and social activities. Cuomo announced earlier this week that a drop in coronavirus cases should allow some upstate businesses to reopen by mid-May. Some city residents were caught off-guard by last week’s protest....
  • Antiwar activist Cindy Sheehan to discuss march on the Pentagon

    05/24/2018 2:01:16 PM PDT · by 2ndDivisionVet · 36 replies
    LNP Newspaper ^ | April 6, 2018 | Earle Cornelius
    On the morning of April 4, 2004, U.S. Army Specialist Casey Austin Sheehan was an altar server at the Palm Sunday Mass at his military base in Iraq. By nightfall he was dead. Sheehan’s death led his mother, Cindy Sheehan, to question why the U.S. was involved in the war. The rationale behind the war, she said, kept changing. She founded Gold Star Families for Peace and, in August of 2005, famously staged a month-long protest encampment at then-President George W. Bush’s Texas ranch. This Friday, Sheehan will speak in the auditorium of St. John’s Episcopal Church, 321 W. Chestnut...
  • Antiwar activists seek boost from Trump's Afghanistan announcement

    08/21/2017 2:18:03 PM PDT · by deplorableindc · 14 replies
    Peace movement leaders are debating the future of antiwar activism if President Trump announces Monday evening that he is sending more U.S. troops to the nearly 16-year-old war in Afghanistan. ... If there is more opposition to the war, however, activist Cindy Sheehan fears it will be only because of who occupies the presidency. "If Trump announces that there will be a continued U.S. military presence or an increased presence, I am afraid any opposition from the ‘left' will only be anti-Trump, because, of course, Obama escalated in Afghanistan and maintained that illegal war for the entire eight years of...
  • The Return of the Angry Demo-lib by Cindy Sheehan

    11/17/2016 7:05:21 AM PST · by TangoLimaSierra · 15 replies ^ | November 15, 2016 | Cindy Sheehan
    I was truly stunned on (S)Election Day 2016 because I was certain that Hillary Clinton had been anointed by the ruling class to be the next CEO of Empire and the First Woman President™. Without much training (but boatloads of experience), I am a practically a political savant and am rarely wrong about such things, and Trump's "victory" did surprise me. What did not surprise me, however, was the Demo-lib's angry reaction to it. The day before the "Cataclysm of the Century™" I wrote as a status update on Facebook: "My election prediction: If Trump wins, then the Democrat faithful...
  • No Cindy Sheehan–Style Media Attention for Benghazi Victim’s Father

    01/08/2016 7:35:04 AM PST · by OttawaFreeper · 6 replies
    National Review ^ | Jan 8 2016 | Jonah Goldberg
    For partisan Democrats, when the word “Benghazi” comes up, the sophisticated thing to do is roll your eyes. If the name Charles Woods comes up, the normal thing to do is say, “Who?” So let’s talk about Cindy Sheehan for a moment instead. Remember her?
  • Planned Parenthood Caught Selling Aborted Babies Did Abortion on Raped Teen, Returned Her to Rapist

    07/29/2015 3:23:27 PM PDT · by Morgana · 4 replies ^ | Steven Ertelt Jul 29, 2015
    A Denver, Colorado-based Planned Parenthood faces a legal challenge in Colorado after Cary Smith, of Federal Heights, discovered that clinic staff failed to inquire or report about suspected sexual abuse of her thirteen-year-old daughter after giving her an abortion. This is the same Planned Parenthood abortion business that was caught on an undercover video earlier this week dissecting aborted babies to sell their body parts for research. Today, Alliance Defending Freedom filed a complaint Wednesday with the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies on behalf of Colorado Family Action against a Rocky Mountain Planned Parenthood abortionist and another employee. According to...
  • 3rd Shock Video Catches Planned Parenthood VP Selling Body Parts of Aborted Babies

    07/28/2015 6:11:34 AM PDT · by NYer · 91 replies
    Life News ^ | July 28, 2015 | STEVEN ERTELT
    After two shocking videos caught Planned Parenthood doctors discussing and arranging the sale of body parts of aborted babies, a third video has been released today catching a Planned Parenthood vice president negotiating the sale of aborted babies and attempting to get as much money as possible from the deal.As LifeNews reported, the first video of undercover footage shows Planned Parenthood Federation of AmericaÂ’s Senior Director of Medical Services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, describing how Planned Parenthood sells the body parts of aborted unborn children and admitting she uses partial-birth abortions to supply intact body parts.In the second video, Planned Parenthood...
  • John D. Byrne: The Obama experiment has run its course (failed)

    11/16/2014 7:51:01 AM PST · by Eddie01 · 14 replies
    Sudbury Town Crier ^ | November 15, 2014 | John D. Byrne
    Six years ago the White House press corps received President Obama like teenage girls at a Justin Beiber concert. His vision of hope would propel him past Franklin Delano Roosevelt as the greatest President of the people. His amnesty for 13 million illegal aliens would make him more viable than Abraham Lincoln and his three years as a U.S. Senator would give him the leadership necessary to top Washington as the greatest president in American history. [snip]
  • cindy sheehan: pelosi, dem leadership reverse racists, only support obama because he is black

    10/01/2014 7:56:28 AM PDT · by Bubba_Leroy · 40 replies
    BreitbartTV ^ | September 30, 2014 | Pam Key
    Tuesday on NewsmaxTV's "The Steve Malzberg Show," anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan said in 2005 Nancy Pelosi and top Democrat leaders in the House and Senate said to her face that if she helped them get elected they would end the wars completely, but now they have stopped supporting her even in light of President Barack Obama's escalation of drone attacks. Sheehan said the left anti war movement is being ignored by the democrats because they are "reverse racists" who are supporting Obama only because he is an African-American.
  • Satire: Cindy Sheehan Calls For Invasion of Syria (Anti-War Activist now for War)

    09/06/2013 2:55:23 AM PDT · by sr4402 · 39 replies
    The Daily Currant ^ | Apr 26, 2013 | Daily Currant
    Anti-war protester Cindy Sheehan called for the United States to invade Syria today and halt what she termed a "humanitarian catastrophe."
  • US in for 20 more years of ‘war on terror’ – official (Pentagon, Constitution)

    05/17/2013 7:22:47 AM PDT · by haffast · 23 replies
    Voice of Russia ^ | 17 May 2013 | Voice of Russia
    The US is no closer to the end of its “war on terror” than before, even after having beheaded al-Qaeda in the 2011 operation that wiped out the terror group’s leader Osama Bin Laden. Now a senior Pentagon official has predicted another 20 years of the mission against al-Qaeda. Speaking to the Senate Armed Services early Thursday, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations Michael Sheehan said the Pentagon wasn’t yet planning to wrap up its “war on terror.” When asked how long it might take the US to beat down terrorists, the official said: “At least 10 to 20...
  • Obama’s Amazing Achievements: His military intervention prompted some stunning reversals. (VDH)

    03/31/2011 12:50:22 PM PDT · by neverdem · 18 replies
    NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE ^ | March 31, 2011 | Victor Davis Hanson
    Obama’s Amazing AchievementsHis military intervention prompted some stunning reversals. By bombing Libya, President Obama has accomplished some things once thought absolutely impossible in America:(a) War-mongering liberals: Liberals are now chest-thumping about military “progress” in Libya. Even liberal television and radio commentators cite ingenious reasons why an optional, preemptive American intervention in an oil-producing Arab country, without prior congressional approval or majority public support — and at a time of soaring deficits — is well worth supporting, in a sort of “my president, right or wrong,” fashion. Apparently, liberal foreign policy is returning to the pre-Vietnam days of the hawkish “best...
  • Rosa Brooks, Special Coordinator for Rule of Law and Humanitarian Policy

    08/08/2011 3:29:49 PM PDT · by jessduntno · 21 replies
    JessDuntno | Today | Various Sources
    Rosa Brooks serves as Counselor to the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, Michele Flournoy. In May 2010 she also became Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense and then Special Coordinator for Rule of Law and Humanitarian Policy. She is running a new Pentagon office dedicated to those issues. She is on leave from her job as a law professor at the Georgetown University Law Center. Brooks is known as a columnist (most recently with the LA Times) and at the Pentagon her portfolio has included both human rights issues and global engagement and strategic communication. Her mother, Barbara Ehrenreich, is...
  • Mother of slain Navy SEAL: Romney shouldn’t politicize her son’s death (OUTRAGEOUS!)

    10/10/2012 12:28:30 PM PDT · by My Favorite Headache · 151 replies
    Yahoo News ^ | 10/10/12
    After Romney's remarks, Barbara Doherty told Boston's WHDH 7News that the GOP nominee shouldn't invoke her son that way again. "I don't trust Romney," she said. "He shouldn't make my son's death part of his political agenda. It's wrong to use these brave young men, who wanted freedom for all, to degrade Obama." Romney has amplified his criticisms of Obama's foreign policy and defense record with a speech on Monday that fact-checkers and the Obama campaign said was rife with errors and policy reversals
  • Terrorists had a friend in Clinton White House called Robin

    09/28/2001 4:18:10 PM PDT · by knak · 166 replies · 3,286+ views
    Our Political Bureau NEW DELHI MANY functionaries of the United States State Department, who handled South Asia under the Clinton Administration, may have to face embarrassment when the Bush regime gets down to locating the factors that made it easier for terrorists to carry out the September 11 carnage. These functionaries, it is reliably learnt, ignored the warnings about the activities and intentions of the terrorist groups operating out of Afghanistan and Pakistan. One of such reports had come from Michael Sheehan, the head of counter-terrorism wing of the State Department. Sheehan’s report also listed the measures that the ...
  • Feds sue anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan over back taxes

    02/22/2012 11:09:54 AM PST · by MissesBush · 35 replies
    10 News Tampa ^ | 02/22/12
    SACRAMENTO, CA (KXTV) - The federal government has filed a lawsuit to force anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan to provide her financial records to the Internal Revenue Service. An IRS revenue officer said Sheehan refused to answer any questions about her finances after receiving a summons at her Vacaville home. The U.S. Attorney's office on Tuesday filed a petition to enforce the IRS summons. The summons ordered Sheehan to produce bank account statements for the period from August through early November 2011. According to IRS revenue officer Jose Arteaga, the financial information may be relevant to the collection of Sheehan's federal...
  • DUmmie FUnnies 01-30-12 (Pitt remembers: "Cindy Sheehan was the first #Occupier.")

    01/30/2012 11:20:11 AM PST · by Charles Henrickson · 22 replies
    DUmmie FUnnies ^ | January 30, 2012 | William Rivers Pitt, DUmmies, and Charles Henrickson
    Ah, the Summer of '05! William Rivers Pitt was the Pied Piper of DUmmieland, prolix prog blogger supreme, leading an army of psychophants enthralled with the Pitt and the Ponderous. True, a chink had emerged in his armor through the Andyscam scandal, but Pied Piper Pitt had recovered nicely and was back to leading the anti-Bush hatefest at the DUmp. Yes, it was a young, vigorous, 33-year-old William Rivers Pitt back then, a rising star in the ranks of the barking moonbats. And William had his eye set on higher things still: talking headness, punditry, a paid position on...
  • Cindy Sheehan Tells Occupy Rose Bowl: ‘I Haven’t Paid My Taxes’ In Nearly Eight Years

    01/02/2012 1:58:32 PM PST · by george76 · 71 replies
    Breitbart ^ | January 2, 2012
    Cindy Sheehan Tells Occupy Rose Bowl: ‘I Haven’t Paid My Income Taxes ...
  • Occupy meets Open Carry in the East Bay

    12/19/2011 7:39:05 PM PST · by smokingfrog · 17 replies · 1+ views ^ | 18 Dec 2011 | Jennifer Modenessi
    Occupy protesters and open-carry advocates came together peacefully, and a little awkwardly, at a rally Saturday in Concord. Around 35 to 40 protesters gathered at noon at Todos Santos Plaza to address issues such as government reform, cuts to education and the sagging U.S. postal system, as well as to hear a talk by guest speaker and anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan. The mother of a fallen soldier [Cindy Sheehan] railed against military spending and said people deserve meaningful jobs that "pay not a minimum wage, but a human wage." They were joined by one open-carry advocate displaying an AR-15 semi-automatic...