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  • White House and GOP Conspired on Education Takeover

    01/05/2016 2:45:04 PM PST · by HomerBohn · 11 replies
    The New American ^ | 1/5/2016 | Alex Newman
    The American people went to the polls in massive numbers to vote in Republican congressional candidates over the last few elections -- but giving Republican leaders control of Congress was all for nothing, the latest GOP betrayal of the Constitution and its constituents showed. As if to rub it in, Obama's Education secretary, Arne Duncan, has been gloating about how the administration literally conspired with Republican leadership to pass a 1,061-page "education" bill that for the first time codifies Obama's radical education agenda -- including the almost universally loathed Common Core standards and much more -- into federal "law."...
  • Betrayed! Seething Sen. Sessions lets GOP have it over massive omnibus bill

    12/18/2015 9:20:51 AM PST · by HomerBohn · 84 replies
    Biz PAC Review ^ | 12/18/2015 | Michael Dorstewitz
    Sen. Jeff Sessions has had it with his Republican colleagues, and took to the floor this week to deliver a scathing speech in which he asked, "Who do we represent?" The Alabama Republican was talking about a $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill that extends tax credits to people who don't pay taxes -- including illegal immigrants. He was talking about a bill that offers sales tax deductions for those who live in jurisdictions without sales taxes. He was talking about a bill that delays implementation of Obamacare's "Cadillac tax" for two years, well after the president is out of office....