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Keyword: philippi

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  • A white supremacist tried to bomb a power station with a drone, the FBI says

    11/05/2024 8:13:58 PM PST · by E. Pluribus Unum · 13 replies ^ | 11/05/2024 | Jiselle Lee
    A man has been charged after allegedly trying to blow up a Tennessee power substation as part of a white supremacist plot to upend American society, another potential instance of extremism targeting critical infrastructure. Skyler Philippi, 24, spent months plotting an attack on the Nashville area, where he hoped to further his “accelerationist” goals of bringing about an all-white culture, according to charging documents. While communicating with confidential sources and undercover FBI agents, Philippi said that he wanted to “attack high economic, high tax, political zones” and that it was “time to do something big.” Philippi, of Columbia, Tennessee, was...
  • Remnants of Nearly 2,000-Year-Old Hercules Statue Unearthed in Greek Excavation

    09/30/2022 6:20:23 PM PDT · by nickcarraway · 26 replies
    Artnews ^ | September 26, 2022 | Angelica Villa
    Remnants of a statue depicting Hercules that derives from ancient Roman times was unearthed during an excavation of an archeological site in Greece, according to a report by Greek City Times. The larger-than-life statue of a young Hercules, dated to the 2nd century C.E., was uncovered at a site formerly known to be the ancient city of Philippi, located the country’s northern region by researchers at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AuTH). The team was led by Natalia Poulos, a professor at AuTH, in collaboration with her colleagues there Anastasios Tantsis and Emeritus Professor Aristotle Menzos; 24 students (18 undergraduates, 3...
  • What Does the Arrest of St. Paul at Philippi Teach a Sometimes-Timid Church?

    05/12/2015 7:11:30 AM PDT · by Salvation · 4 replies
    Archdiocese of Washington ^ | 05-12-15 | Msgr. Charles Pope
    What Does the Arrest of St. Paul at Philippi Teach a Sometimes-Timid Church? By: Msgr. Charles PopeIn daily Mass we are following the missionary journeys of St. Paul. Yesterday we heard of his going over to Macedonia and of the baptism of the first “European” converts: Lydia of Thyatira and her family.Unfortunately, in today’s reading (Tuesday of the 6th Week of Easter) important lines are cut out that describe why Sts. Paul and Silas were in jail. The whole story serves as a metaphor for the radical nature of true Christianity and explains why it so perturbs many in this world....
  • Why Did Paul Get Arrested at Philippi, and What Can a Sometimes Timid Church Learn From It?

    11/04/2014 7:21:25 AM PST · by Salvation · 27 replies
    Archdiocese of Washington ^ | 11-04-14 | Msgr. Charles Pope
    Why Did Paul Get Arrested at Philippi, and What Can a Sometimes Timid Church Learn From It? By: Msgr. Charles PopeThere is a story of St. Paul’s arrest, beating, and imprisonment at Philippi that serves as a kind of metaphor for the radical nature of true Christianity and why it so perturbs many in this world. The Christian faith, its message, and the transformation it can effect can be very unsettling to a world that figuratively and literally “banks on” sin. Let’s consider this lesser- known story of Paul and see what it ought to mean for us if we take the Christian...
  • Why Did Paul Get Arrested at Philippi and What Should We Learn From It? [Ecumenical]

    11/03/2011 3:15:05 PM PDT · by NYer · 10 replies
    Archdiocese of Washington ^ | November 2, 2011 | Msgr. Charles Pope
    There is a story of St. Paul’s arrest, beating and imprisonment at Philippi that serves as a kind of paradigm for the radicality of true Christianity and why it so perturbs many in this world. For, of itself the Christian faith, its message and the transformation it can effect, is very unsettling for a world that quite literally and figuratively banks on sin. Lets consider this lesser known story of Paul and see what it ought to mean for us, if we take the Christian faith seriously and do not try to “tame” it.Philippi was the first “European” city that...
  • Just Who Is It That Has God's Blessing?

    02/02/2004 3:19:24 PM PST · by Theodore R. · 12 replies · 401+ views
    Chuck Baldwin Ministries ^ | 02-03-04 | Baldwin, Chuck
    Just Who Is It That Has God's Blessing? By Chuck Baldwin Food For Thought From The Chuck Wagon February 3, 2004 I constantly marvel at the thinking of today's professing Christians. The majority of them seem incapable of comprehending anything above the spoon-fed diet of religious and political propaganda that is daily disseminated from the ivory towers of "anointed" Christian institutions. In no place is this "sound bite" mentality more apparent than when reference is made regarding those people whom they believe are qualified to speak on their behalf. When speaking of those leaders who seem to have a robot-like...