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  • Path to 9/11

    07/01/2016 6:58:27 AM PDT · by LS · 28 replies
    ABC | July 1, 2016 | Self
    Over the weekend I had the fortune of getting an embargoed copy of the 2006 television miniseries on ABC, "The Path to 9/11." After its only broadcast, ABC embargoed this---it was never released on DVD. It is easy to see why. Clinton's fingerprints were all over the failure to stop 9/11. Sandy Berger is portrayed as a completely gutless political hack. Richard Clark is depicted as knowledgable but completely in cover-your-@ss mode all the time. But even the good FBI agents, including John O'Neill, were so constrained by the "laws of evidence" they were utterly helpless. The CIA and the...
  • Hillary's Path to 9/11

    04/10/2015 7:14:37 AM PDT · by afraidfortherepublic · 11 replies
    The American Thinker ^ | 4-10-15 | Howard Hyde
    We will probably never know specifically what was on Hillary's email server (unless, as suggested by the Wall Street Journal, we subpoena China's military intelligence). But if the spell is finally and definitively broken, as the willingness of less-than-right-wing pundits at the New York Times, Time magazine and others to criticize Hillary without restraint suggests it might be, then we may yet learn many things about the world in which we live that we had no idea were being suppressed out of rapturous worship, or mortal terror, of the Clintons. We may emerge into a world of freedom and democracy...
  • Remembering, 6 years after his death: Massoud's Letter To The People Of America

    09/09/2007 10:07:14 AM PDT · by Andy from Beaverton · 16 replies · 775+ views
    Afghanistan Online ^ | 1998 | Ahmad Shah Massoud
    Massoud's Letter To The People Of America Date: 1998 A Message to the People of the United States of America I send this message to you today on behalf of the freedom and peace-loving people of Afghanistan, the Mujahedeen freedom fighters who resisted and defeated Soviet communism, the men and women who are still resisting oppression and foreign hegemony and, in the name of more than one and a half million Afghan martyrs who sacrificed their lives to uphold some of the same values and ideals shared by most Americans and Afghans alike. This is a crucial and unique moment...
  • Clinton Couldn't Pull Trigger on Osama

    05/01/2012 1:16:22 PM PDT · by Kaslin · 11 replies
    Rush ^ | May 1, 2012 | Rush Limbaugh
    BEGIN TRANSCRIPT RUSH: This is Walter in Modesto, California. Hey, Walter, I'm glad you called. Hi. CALLER: Yes, I want to say I agree with the Democrats that not everyone would have pulled the trigger on Bin Laden. How many chances did Bill Clinton have to do it? RUSH: That's true. That's true. Clinton was handed Bin Laden on a silver platter two or three times and rejected it. CALLER: We still have him. RUSH: That's right. See, what Walter's point here is while Obama is out there trying to say Romney wouldn't have pulled the trigger (laughing), it's Bill...
  • Does Omar Bin Laden’s Tell-All Reveal the Contents of Sandy Berger’s Pants?

    10/15/2009 1:39:07 PM PDT · by gaijin · 32 replies · 2,645+ views
    Pajamas Media ^ | Sept 18, 2009 | Annie Jacobsen
    In its pages, Omar (and his mother) reveal that the Clinton administration failed in a major assassination attempt of Osama bin Laden, just days after the 1998 East Africa embassy bombings. This is something that has often been speculated but never confirmed. Former insiders like Richard Clarke say Omar bin Laden’s account of the assassination failure appears to be credible. And if this is the case, it might explain a little more about what documents Sandy Berger really had stashed away.
  • Disney Censors F-Bomb From CEO Iger to Conservative Activist

    03/11/2009 3:39:07 PM PDT · by Free ThinkerNY · 35 replies · 1,585+ views ^ | March 11, 2009
    WASHINGTON D.C. -- The Walt Disney Company has edited out of the webcast version of its March 10 annual shareholder meeting an incident in which Disney CEO Robert Iger dropped the "f-bomb" on conservative activist and Disney investor Tom Borelli. Iger scowled at and said "f--- you" to Tom Borelli, director of the National Center for Public Policy Research's Free Enterprise Project, at Tuesday's annual Disney shareholder meeting after Borelli told shareholders about Iger's refusal to sell the DVD or the distribution rights of the miniseries "The Path to 9/11." Borelli, who was attending the meeting on behalf of the...
  • How Obama Got Elected

    12/01/2008 2:32:22 AM PST · by Cindy · 51 replies · 3,160+ views
    FRONTPAGE ^ | December 1, 2008 | Interview By Jamie Glazov
    INTERVIEW SNIPPET: "Frontpage Interview’s guest today is John Ziegler, a former talk show host who is the director of the documentary Blocking 'The Path to 9/11’. He is now working on a new project, HowObamaGotElected. FP: John Ziegler, welcome to Frontpage Interview. Ziegler: Thanks. It has been a weird and rather rough time. FP: Why has it been weird and rough? Ziegler: Well, when I released the Zogby poll of Obama voters I never anticipated the level of outright hatred and irrationality that would be unleashed on me. I spent most of that week deleting nasty e-mail from my inbox...
  • ** Blocking the Path to 9/11 ** DVD Hits Blockbuster, Amazon this week! (John Ziegler - Producer)

    10/10/2008 1:47:07 PM PDT · by reformjoy · 10 replies · 692+ views
    Reuters/Hollywood Reporter ^ | October 8, 2008 | Reuters/Hollywood Reporter
    9/11 documentary targets Disney, Clinton Wednesday October 8 9:28 PM ET *************************************** If Cyrus Nowrasteh wants to work for Disney again, he's got a funny way of showing it. Nowrasteh wrote the ABC miniseries "The Path to 9/11," but in a new documentary he scolds the network and its parent company for allowing powerful politicians to effectively censor the show. And therein lies a main premise of "Blocking the Path to 9/11," the straight-to-DVD movie that hits Blockbuster, Best Buy, Netflix and on Tuesday, and is also available for $19.95 from the movie's Web site ( Why is a...
  • New Film Lifts Veil on Effort to Kill ABC Docudrama on 9/11

    09/11/2008 3:01:58 PM PDT · by fightinJAG · 10 replies · 294+ views
    Fox News ^ | Sept 11, 2008 | Maxim Lott
    WASHINGTON — Out in time for the seventh commemoration of the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks, a new documentary alleges that powerful politicians and a biased media effectively censored the controversial ABC miniseries “The Path To 9/11." The new release, titled “Blocking “The Path To 9/11,'” claims that powerful Democratic figures and popular left-wing bloggers managed to scuttle an earlier version of the 2006 docudrama after spreading several baseless allegations in an attempt to get the program cut from ABC's prime time line-up. The new film refutes those allegations using official documentation about the terror attacks and interviews with industry...
  • Disney still keeping public from REAL 9/11 truth

    09/11/2008 2:34:55 PM PDT · by thinkingIsPresuppositional · 28 replies · 342+ views
    Modern Conservative ^ | September 11, 2008 | Mr.EPluribus
    Blocked, in the name of huh??? By Mr.EPluribus Though it goes without saying (but shouldn't), today marks the seventh anniversary of the vicious attacks on the United States by Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda. Though not as delicate an anniversary, it should also be said that today marks the third anniversary of the last time the general public got to see The Path to 9/11, ABC television's two-night miniseries that chronicled the years leading up to this generation's day of infamy. So, you may be asking, why can't we see this amazing piece of filmmaking? How can the powers-that-be...
  • The Clinton Coverup: Blocking The Path To 9/11 (2 Videos)

    09/11/2008 8:41:51 AM PDT · by Quaker · 1 replies · 97+ views
    Stuck On Stupid ^ | Sept. 11, 2008 | Quaker
    The Clinton Machine and it’s liberal allies has and continues to block and censor a 2006 Movie produced by Disney shown on ABC.
  • Blocking “The Path to 9/11”--how Bill Clinton and associates banned a film from public dissemination

    09/11/2008 5:21:58 AM PDT · by SJackson · 18 replies · 519+ views
    Frontpagemagazine ^ | 9-11-08 | Jamie Glazov
    Blocking “The Path to 9/11”   By Jamie | Thursday, September 11, 2008 Frontpage Interview’s guest today is John Ziegler, a former talk show host who is the director of the new documentary Blocking 'The Path to 9/11’. Visit the film's web site at FP: John Ziegler, welcome to Frontpage Interview. Ziegler: Thanks for having me. FP: Let’s begin with The Path to 9/11. What was this documentary about and what happened when it came time for it to be shown? Ziegler: "The Path to 9/11' was by far the most ambitious of all the 9/11 related...
  • Cyrus Nowrasteh On "The Path"

    08/24/2008 5:36:09 AM PDT · by bocopar · 6 replies · 227+ views
    Bob Parks: Black & Right ^ | 8/24/08 | Bob Parks
    As you know, my biggest pet peeve is media bias The outright censoring of the movie The Path To 9/11 is a blatant example of how liberals whitewash history, and in particular, how post-Clinton Administration officials could strongarm a television network into altering an artist's work, later to keep that work from the American people. It also shows how irrelevant and unnecessary The Fairness Doctrine is when liberals are motivated and work in concert. Last week, I had the honor of asking Cyrus Nowrasteh, screenwriter and producer of The Path To 9/11, a few questions.
  • Who was blocking 'The Path to 9/11'?

    08/21/2008 7:59:29 AM PDT · by rightwingintelligentsia · 7 replies · 230+ views
    The Politico ^ | August 21, 2008 | JEFFREY RESSNER
    Over the past few years, perhaps no film controversy has inspired more outrage from conservatives than the Walt Disney Company’s handling of the ambitious 2006 miniseries “The Path to 9/11.” In the wake of Michael Moore’s 2004 anti-Bush documentary “Fahrenheit 9/11” and the 2003 CBS biopic “The Reagans,” the Disney censorship fiasco has been a frequent bone of contention on right-wing blogs, AM talk radio and other media outlets. In addition to making cuts in its ABC-TV telefilm after complaints from political forces, the company also shelved plans for a subsequent DVD release. --snip-- Now the imbroglio has been revived...
  • Documentary Blames Clintons for 9/11 Miniseries' DVD Holdup

    08/14/2008 4:19:56 PM PDT · by Free ThinkerNY · 8 replies · 320+ views ^ | August 15, 2008 | Lynn Smith
    In Hollywood docudramas, when the phrase "miscarriage of justice" is employed, it usually applies to the film's subject, not its creators. But a new documentary called "Blocking the Path to 9/11," to be given a screening tonight, makes the case that former President Bill Clinton and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton have pressured television and studio executives into quashing the DVD release of ABC's 2006 miniseries “The Path to 9/11." The privately financed documentary argues that the Clintons, who decried the original miniseries as a right-wing hatchet job, are out to salvage their political influence and legacy at the expense of...
  • Get Osama Bin Laden before I leave office, orders George W Bush

    06/14/2008 4:08:14 PM PDT · by melt · 91 replies · 231+ views ^ | 6/15/08 | Sarah Baxter and Michael Smith
    President George W Bush has enlisted British special forces in a final attempt to capture Osama Bin Laden before he leaves the White House. Defence and intelligence sources in Washington and London confirmed that a renewed hunt was on for the leader of the September 11 attacks. “If he [Bush] can say he has killed Saddam Hussein and captured Bin Laden, he can claim to have left the world a safer place,” said a US intelligence source. Bush arrives in Britain today on the final leg of his eight-day farewell tour of Europe. He will have tea with the Queen...
  • The Enemies of Free Speech are on the march (Get the Clintons out of my face! - Wes Vernon)

    03/25/2008 11:50:14 PM PDT · by reformjoy · 8 replies · 938+ views
    Renew America ^ | March 24, 2008 | Wes Vernon
    Wes Vernon March 24, 2008 The Clintons are at it again. There is no length to which these scheming affronts to plain decency will not go in order to protect themselves — i.e., his precious legacy and her perceived entitlement to ascend to the throne. Keep the truth from the American people Obviously embittered by the failure of their acolytes and thugs to intimidate ABC into canceling the 2006 film The Path to 9/11, they are now going to the ends of the earth to prevent the release of that film on DVD. This time, ABC's brass is cooperating...
  • Shareholder to Disney: Sell me the rights to “Path to 9/11″ so I can put it on DVD

    03/22/2008 4:36:47 PM PDT · by jdm · 14 replies · 881+ views
    Hot Air ^ | March 22, 2008 | Allahpundit
    The uproar over this has been lost in the shuffle of a thousand other outrages since, which is too bad: Threatening Disney’s broadcast license for airing it really was one of the Democrats’ filthiest moments of the past two years, of a piece with every Fairness-type speech-squashing rumble that rolls through their side from time to time. The debate’s since moved on to the curious fact that Disney has yet to issue PT9/11 on DVD, despite the fact that it cost $40 million to make and aired without commercials. Granted, the ratings were disappointing, but Disney should want to recoup...
  • Investor: Disney shelved 9/11 film

    03/22/2008 1:20:33 AM PDT · by JohnHuang2 · 14 replies · 1,365+ views
    Washington Times ^ | March 22, 2008 | By Christian Toto
    Tom Borelli is so sure the Walt Disney Co. is suppressing the DVD release of the 2006 miniseries "The Path to 9/11" for political reasons that he is ready to put up money to prove the point. Mr. Borelli, a Disney shareholder, accused Disney CEO Robert Iger at a March 6 shareholders' meeting of blocking the release of "Path" in order to protect Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign and the legacy of her husband's administration. Mr. Iger countered at the time that the decision not to release the miniseries on DVD was motivated by business considerations, not political ones. Mr. Borelli...
  • The Path To 9/11 - Disney Continues To Obfuscate

    03/03/2008 5:55:52 PM PST · by jdm · 10 replies · 132+ views
    Patterico's Pontifications ^ | March 03, 2008 | Staff
    Some important questions for Disney shareholders concerning one of the best television mini-series ever made. [Youtube link]