Keyword: obamatruthfile
Though we have not over the years accused Barack Obama of anti-Semitism, we did feel even prior to his election in 2008 that Obama was uncomfortable with the idea of Jewish sovereignty, as well as Jewish rights in and of themselves, disconnected from intersectionality. In his recent book, Promised Land, it is crystal clear that Obama is uncomfortable, perhaps even hostile to a specific Jewish state in the Land of Israel and used his tenure as president to undermine the proud and glorious history of Zionism. He spent excessive zeal and capital to reshape American and world policy so as...
In April, 2008, after the story became public, candidate Obama told a San Francisco crowd that during his college years he took a trip to Pakistan. This came as a surprise to reporters, and the candidate’s two autobiographies, Dreams from My Father (1995) and The Audacity of Hope (2006), made no mention of any trip to Pakistan. What the college student did there is not exactly clear, and some in the region found it disturbing. “Why did he keep mum on his visit to Pakistan till this question was raised?” wondered India’s former counterterrorist chief Bahukutumbi Raman. “Has he disclosed...
Jason Kessler is the man who organized the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. One person is dead and at least twenty were injured when a car smashed into protestors who were on the road. There were some curious facts surrounding this event, so we decided to do some digging. What we found raises serious questions about who Jason Kessler is actually working for… First of all, the ACLU defended Jason Kessler and forced the city to keep his permit in place. This was after the city raised concerns about the ability of Law Enforcement to keep Antifa, BLM,...
Obama Responds to Philippine President Who Called Him Son of a Whore 9 5 16
BEGIN TRANSCRIPT RUSH: Folks, I have a question. Barack Obama, he goes into this radical mosque in Baltimore yesterday, he talks about how Islam has always been part of the fabric of America, and I stopped. I said, "Really?" I didn't know that. I didn't know that Islam had always been such a major, major part of America. But, anyway, he's constantly talking it up, is he not? President Obama is routinely defending it, talking it up, promoting it. He talks about how awesome Islam is all the time, one of the most beautiful sounds he's ever heard is the...
Behind the rise of ISIS, the Libyan Civil War, the unrest in Egypt, Yemen and across the region may be a single classified document.That document is Presidential Study Directive 11.You can download Presidential Study Directive 10 on “Preventing Mass Atrocities†from the White House website, but as of yet no one has been able to properly pry number 11 out of Obama Inc.Presidential Study Directive 10, in which Obama asked for non-military options for stopping genocide, proved to be a miserable failure. The Atrocities Prevention Board’s only use was as a fig leaf for a policy that had caused the...
During Sunday's address to the nation, President Obama went to bat for Islam, as he so often does. It matters not when, where, or how he defends it. His compulsion to advocate for the ideology he so adores is relentless. If he shills for Islam immediately following an Islamic terror attack, no problem. Perhaps he even enjoys it, like poking his finger in our eye. His sickness knows no bounds. And so, among other things, Sunday he said: ISIL does not speak for Islam. They're thugs and killers, part of a cult of death. And they account for a tiny...
Born to a Muslim father and raised in his early childhood by a Muslim stepfather in a Muslim nation, where he was registered in school as Muslim, Barack Obama has many ties to Islam that have caused some to doubt his profession of Christian faith. Obama, who as president has supported the Muslim Brotherhood, even referred in a television interview to “my Muslim faith.†Apparently, he’s done it again. The headline on C-SPAN following a recent Obama speech in Turkey read: “Did President Obama Just Admit He Was Muslim?â€
(Watch Video At Link) Hi. I'm Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty(r). I'm reporting today on the greatest fraud in the history of world politics: the cover up by the mainstream media of Barack Obama's college records. But there is one ray of hope to report. The mainstream media just opened the door for all conservatives to demand that Obama release his Columbia University college records immediately. How nice of the mainstream media. Thank you! How did the Obama-loving frauds in the media manage to allow this to happen? They decided to try to ruin Ben Carson's candidacy. An articulate...
The shadowy shyster Obama January 20, 2009, was the date; the infamous date when the destroyer of the country called the United States of America began his crusade to kill off as many citizens as possible, and as many symbols and patriotic sayings as he possibly could annihilate. If some took actual lives with his deadly thrusts, the happier he was and the more he enjoyed being the “Messiah” of doom. O1/20/09 was also the date when nearly half of the country abandoned their citizenship and bowed down to this fakir who could not even produce a legitimate birth certificate....
On June 6, Reverend Michael Pfleger listed recent shootings in heavily gun-controlled Chicago then said the NRA “will pay pay for the murder of our children.” He was joined by Reverend Jesse Jackson and the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence president Dan Gross.Pleger began his speech at the rally by pointing out that ten persons were shot and three were killed on the night of June 5 alone. He then said, “I’m not a gun grabber, I’m a life lover,” after which he pointed to Chuck’s Gun Shop and said, “And I love life more than the death that...
Leon Panetta and Robert Gates, two former directors of the CIA and Defence Department, on Saturday criticised President Barack Obama's micromanagement of the military. “For the past 25 to 30 years, there has been a centralisation of power in the White House,” Panetta said during a panel discussion at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation. “Because of that centralisation of authority at the White House, there are too few voices that are being heard.” Without naming the Obama administration, Panetta said that by the time you get to the White House, the staff has already decided what should be done. Panetta...
Obama's strategy on how to combat ISIS is confusing at best, but one thing is clear: the battle brewing between Obama and America's top generals about how to move forward against the terror army. Earlier this week during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Dempsey said there is potential he will recommend ground troops should the coalition with Arab countries against ISIS fail. “My view at this point is that this coalition is the appropriate way forward. I believe that will prove true but if it fails to be true and if there are...
It is becoming difficult to escape the impression that President Barack Obama heads an administration at war with itself over the appropriate strategy to combat the ISIS threat. Speaking at MacDill Air Force Base in Florida on Wednesday, the president made a point of conspicuously noting again that American troops sent to Iraq “do not and will not have a combat mission.” The clarification was not unexpected; it came just one day after Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told members of the U.S. Senate in a public hearing that there were circumstances which would lead...
Politicians from the left, right and even reporters on MSNBC are deriding President Obama’s just-minted strategy to confront the Mideast terrorist army called Islamic State, or ISIS. Coming under particular scrutiny from both left and right has been a key part of Obama’s plan: supporting so-called moderate rebels in Syria. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, appeared to express the bewilderment of many across the political spectrum, saying, “One of the more incoherent aspects of the president’s speech tonight was when he suggested the answer here is to arm rebels in Syria now.” He explained, “For more than a year, the president...
As President Obama continues to openly state U.S. ground troops on Iraq to combat terror army ISIS are not an option, a number of top military commanders have openly criticized or questioned his strategy, both in the press and in congressional testimony. Now we can add former head of the Marine Corps, General James Conway, to a long and growing list. Speaking at the Maverick PAC Conference in Washington D.C. last week, Conway didn't hold back or mince words about how he views current strategy against ISIS. The Daily Caller has the story: “I don’t think the president’s plan has a snowball’s...
Those people who say that President Obama has no clear vision and no clear strategy for dealing with the Islamic State terrorists in the Middle East may be mistaken. It seems to me that he has a very clear and very consistent strategy. And a vision behind that strategy. First, the strategy — which is to get each crisis off the front pages and off television news programs as quickly as he can, in whatever way he can, at the lowest political cost. Calling the Islamic State junior varsity months ago accomplished that goal. Saying before the 2012 elections that...
Obama’s “we-don’t-have-a-strategy” gaffe was so egregious as to distract attention from the fact that he does indeed have a strategy, which has blown up in his face. His strategy is accommodation with Iran at all costs. As I wrote earlier this month, our ISIS problem derives from our Iran problem: Bashar Assad’s ethnic cleansing, which has displaced 4 million Syrians internally and driven 3 million out of the country, was possible because of Iranian backing. The refugee flood in Iraq and Syria gives ISIS an unlimited pool of recruits. Iraqi Sunni support for ISIS, including the participation of some of...
Barack Obama’s emphatic and repeated promise not to deploy new American combat forces in Iraq now appears to have put the president into an extremely awkward and possibly indefensible position. Reports from various news sources show that Obama’s limited air campaign against ISIS has failed to stop the aggressive onslaught by the terror organization. And number of military experts have recently criticized the president’s “no boots on the ground” approach as anemic and ineffective. A senior government official in Iraq is now claiming that up to 10,000 armed fighters for the Islamic State are amassed at the very gates of Baghdad, poised to...
President Obama 'knows' how to handle Putin's 'continuation' - more sanctions (and costs for Europe) - but when it comes to beating the most "barbaric" terrorists known as ISIS, ISIL, or The Islamic State; he had this to offer... "I don't want to put the cart before the horse. We don't have a strategy yet." Rest assured Americans - who have been told that ISIS could be crossing the borders every day and a constant threat, President Obama is 'working on it'. Perhaps most crucially, while we 'joke' that the administration has no strategy, it is noteworthy that Obama stated...