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Keyword: nif

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  • Boaz Golan Exposing: Some of the [secular-liberal Haaretz type] protest leaders plan to establish autonomy: "as little blood as possible" | All correspondence

    05/29/2023 7:47:41 AM PDT · by Conservat1 · 4 replies
    0404 ^ | May 29, 2023 | B Golan
    ...In the WhatsApp group called - "Establishment of Liberal Democratic Autonomy" managed by Nicham R. - a senior lecturer at the Van Leer Institute and whose members are some of the leaders of the leftist protest, one of the participants in the group, attorney Tal Nevo, asked: "So when will we reach the stage of autonomy? We want a solution Immediate to the situation, not another 5 or 10 years." Another participant by the name of Gal Efrati answered him: "It needs to be done right, yes unilateral separation, but as little blood on the streets as possible, we must...
  • Leftwing bigotry: MERETZ progressive atheist activist tells politician: "A piece of religious sh#t"

    03/13/2023 8:05:27 AM PDT · by Postel · 10 replies
    Screenshot of tweet ^ | Mar 11, 2023
    Leftwing bigotry: MERETZ progressive atheist activist tells politician Simcha Rothman: "A piece of religious sh#t" LEFT WING @leftwing2022 Replying to @newsisrael13 and @avivamar96 חתיכת חרא דתי. 12:44 PM · Mar 11, 2023 A piece of religious sh#t ___ Dpd... Mar 11, 2023 Replying to @leftwing2022 @newsisrael13 and @avivamar96:Aheist piece of sh#t|
  • [Hawara = bloody terror village] Zvi Sukkot presented photos of the murdered and wounded in Hawara at the leftist demonstration: "A village that supports terrorism and is full of incitement"

    03/03/2023 5:44:24 AM PST · by Conservat1 · 11 replies
    INN ^ | 03.03.23
    Member of Knesset Zvi Sukkot presented to the extreme left protesting in Hvara photos of the murdered and injured Jews who were hit during a trip to the village in recent times. Hezki Baruch, 10 Adar 5783. 3.03.23 A group of extreme leftists arrived this morning (Friday) in the village of Hawara and held a march in support of the residents of the village, following the events at the beginning of the week that developed after the murder of the Hillel Weigal Yaniv brothers on Sunday on the main road that runs through the village. Member of Knesset Zvi Sukkot...
  • Arab Balad's : "A lot of American liberals money went into Arab society to prevent Netanyahu from returning to power."

    11/05/2022 11:33:52 PM PDT · by Conservat1 · 9 replies
    A bombshell on Ayala Hasson's broadcast this evening. Sami Abu Shehadeh describes millions of dollars invested from abroad in the Arab sector to increase the percentage of the vote by foreign associations and foreign countries @AyalaHasson
  • Factors with Otzma-Yehudit (Ben-Gvir): the (anti-Democratic) left is trying to incite the Americans to interfere in Israeli democracy

    11/02/2022 12:08:54 PM PDT · by Words Matter · 8 replies
    0404 News ^ | 2 Nov 2022 | Eldar Maman
    Against the background of the briefings on the left against Ben Gvir and reports of the American administration's "difficulty" in working with MK Itamar Ben Gvir as a minister in the Israeli government, Otzma Yehudit sources reject the arguments and claim that the left is trying to incite the Americans to interfere in Israeli democracy Sources at Otzma Yehudit: "The undemocratic campaign that the Israeli left is trying to push continues. We know very well who in Israel is trying to incite the Americans to interfere in Israeli democracy and what their interests are."
  • Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough Confirmed: California Team Achieved Ignition

    08/13/2022 12:57:56 PM PDT · by BenLurkin · 89 replies ^ | 8/12/22 AT 9:20 AM EDT | JESS THOMSON ON
    Researchers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's (LLNL's) National Ignition Facility (NIF) recorded the first case of ignition on August 8, 2021, the results of which have now been published in three peer-reviewed papers. Nuclear fusion is the process that powers the Sun and other stars: heavy hydrogen atoms collide with enough force that they fuse together to form a helium atom, releasing large amounts of energy as a by-product. Once the hydrogen plasma "ignites", the fusion reaction becomes self-sustaining, with the fusions themselves producing enough power to maintain the temperature without external heating. Ignition during a fusion reaction essentially means...
  • Ridiculous CNN describes anti-Israel 'J Street' as (supposedly) "pro Israel"

    07/28/2022 6:58:18 AM PDT · by Conservat1 · 6 replies
    DP ^ | July 27, 2022
    From CNN, July 25, 2022 []: Editor's Note: Nathan Wolfson is the deputy digital director and social media manager at J Street, a pro-Israel, nonprofit advocacy group. Fact: There is some kind of a 'competition' between: 'J Street;' 'Haaretz;' 'B'tselem;' mondoweiss/972mag/mekomit; George Soros - 'NIF' (New Israel Fund) ; Arab group 'Adalah' et al, as to who is more anti Israel. Many using the "human rights" label as a game. BTW, the failure of contsing racist Arab-Islamic violence before and during 2021 Operation 'Guardian of the Walls,' is linked to NIF as police got "training" from twisted group. 27/07/2022: MK...
  • Another fake Haaretz "info", this time, invented a false tweet. Now, unreliable-source Haaretz is being sued, again

    05/04/2022 2:38:02 AM PDT · by Conservat1 · 4 replies
    DP ^ | May 2, 2022
    Now14: MK Distell is suing journalist Haim Levinson Roei Shusha, Nissan 30, 5782 (01/05/22) Galit Distel Atbrian in a harsh attack on Haaretz journalist Haim Levinson, according to Distel, the "fake" tweet posted on Twitter by Levinson led to an "unimaginable amount" of curses and insults against her, further saying she severely attacked the journalist and even said that Issued a letter of claim against him.Rotter: Galit Distel: "Haim Levinson faked tweet in my name. It led to an unimaginable amount of swearing, insults and slander. The lawsuit is on its way." May 2, 2022 It took me a while...
  • This is how the Palestinian method of fraud works [Pallywood]

    04/25/2022 6:21:42 AM PDT · by Conservat1 · 10 replies
    Rotter ^ | Apr 25, 2022
    This is how the Palestinian system works! With professional photography teams, actors, directors, sending videos to the world that Israel is allegedly attacking and injuring !!! Clip: At clip, at least two actors in disguise as if they were "religious Jews", another actor dons Israeli Army uniforms or similar, he holds a weapon. One of the team/staff makes sure the child on the floor is in the "right position", ready, set, go!
  • Hate site, hate paper: HAARETZ (Shtrasler) blamed for racist Arab terror-attack in Bnei Brak

    03/29/2022 7:48:20 PM PDT · by Conservat1 · 11 replies
    DP + ^ | March 29, 2022
    Reactions after Nehemiah Shtrasler wrote in Haaretz asking what if it were Yeshivah boys at terror attack in Hadera, Arab Palestinian Fatah terrorist attacked Haredi city Bnei Brack on March 9, 2022. [] ========================= Benwaxman (@benwaxman) Tweeted: Nehemia Shtrasler asks what would have happen if yeshiva guys had been in that restaurant in Hadera when the terrorist attack took place (instead of elite undercover soldiers). Follow up question: What would have happened if Haaretz opinion pieces writers had been there? Mar 29, 2022 ______ ינון מגל (@YinonMagal) Tweeted: The commander of the undercover officers who eliminated the terrorists said...
  • Physicists Have Broken The Speed of Light With Pulses Inside Hot Plasma

    05/21/2021 7:15:00 AM PDT · by Red Badger · 25 replies ^ | 21 MAY 2021 | MIKE MCRAE
    Sailing through the smooth waters of vacuum, a photon of light moves at around 300 thousand kilometers (186 thousand miles) a second. This sets a firm limit on how quickly a whisper of information can travel anywhere in the Universe. While this law isn't likely to ever be broken, there are features of light which don't play by the same rules. Manipulating them won't hasten our ability to travel to the stars, but they could help us clear the way to a whole new class of laser technology. Physicists have been playing hard and fast with the speed limit of...
  • Netanyahu’s Party Stops Soros Agents from Busing Arabs to Polls

    09/17/2019 4:12:40 PM PDT · by Roman_War_Criminal · 18 replies
    BIN ^ | 9/17/19 | BIN Staff
    The Central Elections Committee issued an injunction tonight (Sunday) against the left-wing NGO Zazim‘s initiative to bus 15,000 Arab voters to voting booths on election day, ruling that the initiative is in violation of the election laws. Zazim (movement) is an NGO that is backed by the New Israel Fund (NIF) which is backed by billionaire currency manipulator George Soros. The injunction came following a petition submitted by the Likud arguing that Zazim, which is heavily funded by the US-based New Israel Fund, is violating the election the laws. In 2017, the Knesset passed the “V15” law aimed at preventing...
  • Facebook's Immigration Lobbying Arm:

    02/12/2017 9:33:00 PM PST · by Fedora · 16 replies
    Original research | 2/12/2017 | Fedora
    In 2013, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg launched an immigration reform lobbying group called The staff of was initially led by Joe Green, a college friend of Zuckerberg and the inventor of a Facebook philanthropy-giving app, who had previously worked on John Kerry's Presidential campaign. In September 2014, Green's lack of success at achieving immigration reform led him to be replaced by Todd Schulte, who had previously served as chief of staff at Obama re-election Super PAC Priorities USA Action, which is led by Hillary Clinton 2008 campaign political director Guy Cecil and includes David Brock on its board...
  • Jewish Father, Daughter Leave Hershey Kisses at San Francisco Mosques

    11/21/2016 3:33:45 PM PST · by nickcarraway · 46 replies
    NBC Bay Area ^ | Lisa Fernandez
    While the incidents of hate and harassment are being reported on a daily basis across the country as concern grows over the rise of white nationalism, there are small acts of kindness occurring, too. One such act occurred this Saturday when Zoe Sokatch, 11, of San Francisco, and her dad, Daniel Sokatch, CEO of the New Israel Fund, delivered Hershey kisses to the San Francisco Muslim Community Center on Mission Street. Only one man was there, Sokoatch recalled, when he and Zoe dropped off the treats on Saturday during a downpour. They also left a handmade card with hearts that...
  • Hannity Played the Sheila Macvicar 1999 ABC News Report: TARGET AMERICA: THE TERRORIST WAR

    10/08/2004 5:29:04 PM PDT · by christie · 18 replies · 2,329+ views
    Hannity and Radio America ^ | January 14, 1999 | ABC News
    . Sean played this segment of the TV show TARGET AMERICA: THE TERRORIST WAR which is available on an MP3 file. was part of a "Crime and Justice" show originally aired January 14, 1999 on ABC News with John Miller, John McWethy, Sheila Macvica, and Cynthi McFadden. Here is the transcript of the segment on the MP3. This is just a small portion of the show. In Germany, Mamdouh Salim, alleged to be a key military advisor and believed to be privy to bin Laden's most secret projects, is also apprehended. The U.S. government alleges he was under secret...
  • Here’s Who’s Financing Push To Bring Syrian Refugees Into USA

    A new organization has 'come to light' called the 'National Immigration Forum Action Fund' and it's pretending to be an organization by conservatives. The reality is, as Breitbart has discovered, that the organization is nothing but another left wing organization backed by billionaire America-hater George Soros. The same man who has spent billions pushing far left wing ideology and programs onto Americans for years. A group masquerading as conservative but backed by left-wing foundations including George Soros' Foundation to Promote Open Society (FPOS) has launched an online advertising campaign in defense of bringing Syrian refugees to the United States. The...
  • The Iran-al-Qaeda Conundrum

    01/23/2009 11:05:27 PM PST · by Cindy · 8 replies · 192+ views
    WASHINGTON ^ | January 23, 2009 | By Matthew Levitt and Michael Jacobson
    During the designation announcement, Treasury undersecretary Stuart Levey noted, "It is important that Iran give a public accounting of how it is meeting its international obligations to constrain al-Qaeda." For the Obama administration, understanding the complicated relationship between Iran and al-Qaeda will be key as Washington begins to forge a new path in dealing with Tehran. Iran's Ties to al-Qaeda Before September 11 Links between al-Qaeda and Iran are not new and have developed over time. Ties between the two first blossomed during the early 1990s when al-Qaeda was based in Sudan. Hasan al-Turabi, the leader of Sudan's National Islamic...
  • V15: Election Day Was 'Confusing' And 'Painful'

    03/18/2015 3:34:38 PM PDT · by Dave346 · 10 replies
    Arutz Sheva ^ | 3/18/2015, 10:37 PM | Moshe Cohen
    Among the most disappointed with the results of Tuesday's elections are the activists of the V15 group – the organization that may or may not have been funded by American and European interests, but whose aim was to remove Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu from office. “A confusing night turned into a painful morning,” the group said in a statement. “It was painful not because we lost, but because we have no faith in the winners.” V15 – Victory in 2015, a project of the One Voice group – was accused of being operated and funded by anti-right groups abroad, which...
  • Likud likens V15 activity to past corruption allegations against Herzog

    02/02/2015 6:10:26 PM PST · by SJackson · 5 replies
    Jerusalem Post ^ | 2-2-15 | Lahav Harkov
    Herzog exercised his right to remain silent during the investigation, which was closed because there was not enough evidence to press charges. A public campaign to change the political leadership is the Left’s corrupt attempt to buy an election victory, a Likud campaign said Saturday. The comments referred to V15, an organization dedicated to bringing political change that is partnered with OneVoice Israel, which works with Israelis and Palestinians to lobby their political leadership to bring about a two-state solution. The Likud said V15’s activities break campaign finance laws, comparing them to the “Barak nonprofits affair,” in which former prime...
  • State Department Funds Anti-Israel Extremists

    03/04/2015 4:29:02 AM PST · by SJackson · 14 replies
    FrontPage Magazine ^ | March 4, 2015 | Ronn Torossian
    State Department Funds Anti-Israel ExtremistsPosted By Ronn Torossian On March 4, 2015 @ 12:35 am In Daily Mailer,FrontPage | No Comments The U.S. State Department’s Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI) offers what they describe as assistance, training and support to groups and individuals striving to “create positive change in society.” MEPI works in 18 countries and territories, partnering with civil society organizations, community leaders, youth and women activists and private sector groups to advance “reform.” On their website, the State Department describes their efforts as an approach that is “bottom-up and grassroots, responding directly to local interests and needs.”MEPI’s emphasis is...