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Keyword: naive

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  • How Hamas Fooled the Experts

    10/14/2023 5:57:21 AM PDT · by FarCenter · 55 replies
    For the past 20 years, the best minds in Washington and Jerusalem treated Hamas as a pragmatic political operator whose leaders were satisfied living in the same world as the rest of us. Their charter, first adopted in 1988, endorsed a set of bloodcurdling millenarian goals. But despite the open madness and world-making ambitions of their public pronouncements, Hamas remained a semi-legitimate player, treated as just one unremarkable thread in the Middle East’s rich tapestry of mildly threatening, gun-toting political dreamers. Even to the most hardened Israeli security officials they were a Muslim Brotherhood offshoot whose extreme rhetoric and regrettably...
  • Bill Maher Calls Jane Fonda ‘Naive’ for Demanding End of Fossil Fuels: ‘Never Going to Happen’

    12/02/2024 5:09:06 PM PST · by ChicagoConservative27 · 39 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 12/03/2024 | David NG
    Comedian and HBO host Bill Maher called Jane Fonda “naive” during their “Club Random” podcast conversation during which the Hollywood actress demanded the end of fossil fuels as we know it. “It’s never going to happen,” Maher said. Jane Fonda appeared on Monday’s episode of the “Club Random” podcast during which she and Bill Maher chatted on a wide range of subjects, including getting old (Fonda turns 87 this month), marriage, and politics. At one point, Fonda steered the conversation to her favorite activist cause — climate change.
  • Senator Graham: The ceasefire will protect Israel from another October 7th

    11/26/2024 3:13:56 PM PST · by Eleutheria5 · 40 replies
    Arutz Sheva ^ | 27/11/24
    US Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) welcomed the ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah, which is set to take effect at 4:00 a.m. (Israel time) Wednesday morning. “I am very pleased to hear that a ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah has been reached regarding the conflict in Lebanon. Well done to all those involved in reaching this agreement,” said Graham. “I appreciate the hard work of the Biden Administration, supported by President Trump, to make this ceasefire a reality,” he added. “This ceasefire will protect Israel from another October 7th and will give the people of Lebanon a break from the fighting....
  • Trump says Ukraine could have avoided conflict

    09/18/2023 12:00:17 PM PDT · by Rattlesnake_Snook · 144 replies
    Ukraine could have avoided hundreds of thousands of deaths and lost less land if it had reached a peace deal with Russia before the conflict began last February, former US President Donald Trump told NBC News in an interview aired on Sunday. The loss of Ukrainian territory to Russia is “something that could have been negotiated,” Trump told NBC host Kristen Welker, adding that “a lot of people expected” Kiev to abandon its claims to “Crimea and other parts of the country” in exchange for peace. “So they could have made a deal where there’s less territory [lost] than Russia...
  • Sen. Warner: ‘Remarkably Naive’ to Not Understand Aiding Ukraine Vital to Our National Interests

    03/26/2023 7:47:49 AM PDT · by ChicagoConservative27 · 30 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 03//26/2023 | Pam Key
    Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that it was “remarkably naive” to not understand it is in the U.S. national interests to aid Ukraine in its war against Russia. Anchor Jake Tapper asked, “We learned yesterday, shifting topics to overseas, that Russia is planning to station tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus. It’s yet another escalation of tensions with the west and tensions with Ukraine. Russia says it’s just doing what the US already does with countries in Europe. What’s your response to the Russian move?”
  • Alarming Study Finds Most Bottled Water Is Full of Microplastics

    08/01/2022 5:26:37 PM PDT · by ransomnote · 79 replies ^ | August 1, 2022 | Kirk Miller
    That plastic bottle of water? Apparently it’s full of plastic. According to the organization Agir pour l’Environment (Acting for the Environment), 78% of bottled water from the best-selling brands in France is contaminated with microplastics.A new study suggests most plastic water bottles in France are full of microplastics, which might have a detrimental effect on the environment and your health“Every week, we ingest an average of 5 grams, the equivalent of a credit card,” the NGO notes in its latest report. These microplastics then contaminate the water cycle, soil, food chain and even our own bodies. Microplastics are tiny, virtually...
  • OnlyFans Has Guys On Campus Encouraging Your Daughter's To Do Porn For "Financial Freedom"

    02/12/2022 1:05:15 PM PST · by Enlightened1 · 60 replies
    Twitter ^ | 02/10/22 | Hyein
    OnlyFans has guys on campus encouraging your daughter's to do porn for "financial freedom" - The colleges are lost. Don't send your kids there.
  • Kinzinger: Trump was naive on Afghanistan, Biden acted without a plan

    08/19/2021 10:54:29 AM PDT · by ChicagoConservative27 · 50 replies
    The Hill ^ | 08/19/2021 | OLAFIMIHAN OSHIN
    Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) on Sunday called out President Biden and former President Trump over the fall of Afghanistan, saying the actions and policies of each leader contributed to the government's collapse. In a statement on Sunday, Kinzinger criticized the “shortsighted, weak, and utter failure" on both administrations for letting the Taliban take full control of the country. “The naïve Trump Administration legitimized the Taliban by having ‘talks’ with them about peace and openly negotiating with terrorists, while the Biden Administration tried to fulfill a campaign promise without any semblance of a plan or forethought into how this would play...
  • Flubros and Flubras! Day 254 (a place for Flubros and Flubras)

    12/03/2020 4:08:36 AM PST · by impimp · 15 replies ^ | 4 December 2020 | Impimp
    It’s just the flu, bro. I am not accepting the numbers above showing Coronavirus deaths skyrocketing. I refuse to accept that any disease is that serious with an average age of death over 80. Deadly diseases kill all ages. Diseases that kill primarily people over 80 can be relabeled as “old age” for cause of death. This has a table that is updated frequently that shows Covid deaths and excess deaths in various countries. There are still many countries with very few excess deaths. This whole thing is difficult to parse out - how many excess deaths are...
  • (DEVELOPING) Resumed North Korean ICBM Testing: Possible Technical Objectives

    12/11/2019 6:08:50 AM PST · by AmericanInTokyo · 15 replies
    38North ^ | 9 December 2019 | Vann H. Van Diepen
    On December 7, North Korea claimed to have conducted a “very important test” at its Sohae Satellite Launching Station that “will have an important impact on changing the strategic position of the DPRK.”[1] The North Koreans did not describe what was tested, but prior open-source imagery suggests it was a static (ground) test of a large liquid-propellant rocket engine.[2] It remains to be seen what rocket system the engine was associated with: a previously launched intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), intermediate-range ballistic missile, space launch vehicle, or a new system. In any case, the static test could be the precursor to...
  • (BREAKING) N. Korea Launches Short Range Missile Toward Japan Sea (90 min. ago)

    05/03/2019 6:48:06 PM PDT · by AmericanInTokyo · 180 replies
    Basically leading with short dispatches saying the North Koreans did this at around 0906 am local Saturday (8:06 pm eastern USA) in Korea/Japan, about 90 minutes ago, into the Sea of Japan, traveling 70 to 200 kilometers from a launch site near Wonsan on DPRK east coast. (Report in Japanese—because fast breaking) Conservative Sankei Shimbun news, Tokyo
  • A Dream Ended on a Mountain Road ["Evil is a make-believe concept" Americans Killed By ISIS]

    08/18/2018 5:09:45 PM PDT · by daniel1212 · 56 replies
    PJ media ^ | August 10, 2018 | Bruce Bawer
    Asked why they had quit their office jobs and set off on a biking journey around the world, the young American couple offered a simple explanation: They had grown tired of the meetings and teleconferences, of the time sheets and password changes. “There’s magic out there, in this great big beautiful world,” wrote Jay Austin who, along with his partner, Lauren Geoghegan, gave his two weeks’ notice last year before shipping his bicycle to Africa... Then came Day 369, when the couple was biking in formation with a group of other tourists on a panoramic stretch of road in southwestern...
  • American couple killed in terror attack were on dream trip around the world

    08/02/2018 4:10:06 AM PDT · by Enterprise · 93 replies ^ | August 1, 2018 | Tamar Lapin
    The American couple murdered in an ISIS-claimed car attack in Tajikistan quit their office jobs last year and were in the midst of pursuing their lifelong dream of cycling around the world when they were killed. Jay Austin and Lauren Geoghegan, both 29 and living in Washington, DC, chronicled their adventures on a blog called “Simply Cycling” where they wrote that they’d decided to take on the globe on two wheels, “because life is short and the world is big and we want to make the most of our youth and good health before they’re gone.”
  • African Migrants Brutally Rape Swedish Teen, Leave Male Friend with Brain Damage

    04/14/2017 7:58:31 AM PDT · by davikkm · 60 replies
    breitbart ^ | JACK MONTGOMERY
    Two migrants have been given sentences of three and two-and-a-half years for beating a young Swede almost to death before violently raping his female friend. The government will try to deport only one of them, temporarily. The Freie Zeiten reports that three teenage girls and one male friend met for a party at an apartment in Kista, near Stockholm, citing Solna District Court documents. One of the girls invited a 21-year-old migrant from Liberia, Richelieu Jarara, with whom she was acquainted. This man brought another African migrant, a Kenyan named Fayed Mwangi, with him.
  • ´Screw the next generation´: Anonymous congressman writes tell-all and slams ´nation of naive,

    05/12/2016 9:47:47 AM PDT · by Nachum · 57 replies
    Daily Mail ^ | 5/12/2016 | David Martosko
    A new book threatens to blow the lid off of Congress as a legislator has penned a tell-all about the worst parts of serving in the House of Representatives – saying that his main job is to raise money for re-election and that leaves little time for reading the bills he votes on. Mill City Press, a small Minnesota-based 'vanity press' publisher describes 'The Confessions of Congressman X' as 'a devastating inside look at the dark side of Congress as revealed by one of its own.' 'No wonder Congressman X wants to remain anonymous for fear of retribution. His admissions...
  • South African prophet goes to heaven, takes photos to prove it

    04/10/2016 2:49:34 PM PDT · by Gamecock · 44 replies
    News Kenya ^ | 4/3/2015 | Alfonso
    A south African pastor/prophet has claimed that he went through the pearly gates in to heaven during the Easter weekend. He even has some photos to prove it- which he took with his Samsung Galaxy smart phone The prophet is known as Mboro, the leader of Incredible ministries. According to his spokesman, Prophet Mboro was ‘captured’ by angels during the Easter Sunday service, taken to heaven and came back that same day. The spokesman added that the pictures taken in heaven are available at a cost of 5,000 Rand (almost USD 340) and can be sent to recipients via Whatsapp...
  • New Orleans Mayor Landrieu: Vitter is 'race-baiting' on immigration

    03/04/2016 3:16:46 PM PST · by ObamahatesPACoal · 7 replies ^ | March 03, 2016 | Richard Rainey
    Mayor Mitch Landrieu had harsh words for David Vitter on Thursday (March 3) after the Republican senator blasted New Orleans for its sanctuary city policies when it comes to undocumented immigrants. (SNIP) "Like Donald Trump, David Vitter wants you to believe that all immigrants are criminals," Landrieu said in a statement. "The people of our city and state saw through this kind of divisive, race-baiting politics during Vitter's failed gubernatorial campaign."
  • Conan O'Brien on his Cuban Jaunt: 'I felt really strongly about this'

    03/05/2015 6:11:48 AM PST · by SoFloFreeper · 15 replies
    NY Post ^ | 3/4/15 | Andrea Morabito
    No late-night talk show host had filmed in Cuba since Jack Paar in 1959 — so when President Obama announced plans to thaw relations with the country last December, Conan O’Brien jumped on the opportunity. His resulting four-day, clandestine trip to Havana over President’s Day weekend is documented on Wednesday’s episode of “Conan” (11 p.m. on TBS) — which finds the 6-foot-4, red-haired host in a country where the locals don’t recognize him (and he has only an eighth-grade knowledge of Spanish with which to communicate).
  • No grand bargain with the sexual revolutionaries [Biblical Studies Prof: LDS culturally naive]

    01/28/2015 8:34:23 PM PST · by Colofornian · 5 replies ^ | Jan. 28, 2015 | Denny Burk
    Yesterday, Mormon leaders announced a kind of via media on gay rights. In a public statement, leaders agreed to …support legislation where it is being sought to provide protections in housing, employment and some other areas where LGBT people do not have protections, while ensuring that religious freedom is not compromised.In other words, the church proposes to give a little in order to get a little. If I understand their statement of principles correctly, they are now willing to acknowledge sexual orientation as a protected class along with religion, race, and sex. They are willing to do this in certain...
  • Romney Blasts 'Naive' Obama's Foreign Policy

    11/08/2014 10:25:49 PM PST · by Nachum · 31 replies
    inn ^ | 11/8/14 | Elad Benari
    Former Presidential candidate Mitt Romney on Friday criticized President Barack Obama over his policy in the Middle East and his attitude towards Israel. Romney, who spoke at the inaugural Israeli American Council National Conference in Washington, accused Obama of being “naive” and of “distancing ourselves from allies”. Commenting on reports that Obama had sent a letter to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei suggesting cooperation against the Islamic State (ISIS), Romney was quoted by The Washington Times as having said, “I was frankly stunned that the President of the United States would write a letter of that nature, in effect...