Free Republic 1st Qtr 2025 Fundraising Target: $81,000 Receipts & Pledges to-date: $30,649
Woo hoo!! And we're now over 37%!! Thank you all very much!! God bless.

Keyword: jimrob

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  • Jim's Birthday celebration 11/03/2024

    11/07/2024 2:52:23 PM PST · by Miss Yvonne G 75 · 141 replies
    11/07/2024 | Yvonne
    It was a beautiful birthday dinner for our Sailor:)Happy Blessed birthday to him! With many more to come!
  • Thanks Jim Robinson

    11/06/2024 1:06:18 PM PST · by sopo · 124 replies
    vanity | sopo
    Thanks Jim. It was gratifying to hear Charlie Kirk play Rush Limbaugh's bumper music today. Jim Robinson deserves the laurels of a victor as well, as a pioneer of the alternative information infrastructure that's doing this.
  • Happy Birthday, Jim Robinson, 2024!

    11/03/2024 3:27:10 PM PST · by Albion Wilde · 267 replies | November 3, 2024
    Freepers, this is Jim Robinson's special day! Be sure to vote early, be sure to vote conservative, and be sure to wish JimRob a very happy birthday! Without Jim and his brainchlld FreeRepublic, this nation would have gone completely to the dark side a couple of administrations ago!
  • Dear FRiends, unfortunately it looks like our merchant account for processing credit cards is down for a couple of days. [FReepathon]

    10/13/2024 3:32:17 PM PDT · by Jim Robinson · 21 replies
    Jim Robinson
    <p>Apparently our merchant account company that we've used for 28 years or so has either merged with or has been bought out by another company. We missed an important email from the company, and important deadline, because we thought it was somebody fishing for information.</p>
  • Administrator - Donation Page Not Accepting My Credit Card

    10/12/2024 8:01:46 AM PDT · by zeestephen · 26 replies
    12 October 2024
    My CC is fine - Rejection only happens on Free Republic
  • Dear FRiends, Our FReepathon is way behind schedule. We're gonna need lots of your help to make it this time, but have faith. We can do this. Let's get 'er done.

    09/03/2024 1:03:21 PM PDT · by Jim Robinson · 8 replies
    Dear FRiends, We need your continuing support to keep FR funded. Your donations are our sole source of funding. No sugar daddies, no advertisers, no paid memberships, no commercial sales, no gimmicks, no tax subsidies. This means no spam, no pop-ups, no ad trackers. And because we are not a 501C, we have preserved our God-given, constitutionally protected right to free speech without government intervention. If you enjoy using FR and agree it's a worthwhile endeavor, please consider making a contribution today: Click here: to donate by Credit CardOr here: to donate by PayPalOr by mail to: Free Republic, LLC...
  • Dear FRiends, Our FReepathon is way behind schedule. We're gonna need lots of your help to make it this time, but have faith. We can do this. Let's get 'er done.

    09/04/2024 10:15:28 AM PDT · by Jim Robinson · 1 replies
    Dear FRiends, We need your continuing support to keep FR funded. Your donations are our sole source of funding. No sugar daddies, no advertisers, no paid memberships, no commercial sales, no gimmicks, no tax subsidies. This means no spam, no pop-ups, no ad trackers. And because we are not a 501C, we have preserved our God-given, constitutionally protected right to free speech without government intervention. If you enjoy using FR and agree it's a worthwhile endeavor, please consider making a contribution today: Click here: to donate by Credit CardOr here: to donate by PayPalOr by mail to: Free Republic, LLC...
  • A reasonable request [Clarification at reply 38]

    08/16/2024 3:29:37 PM PDT · by Jim Robinson · 48 replies
    If someone asks you to stop posting to them, then please stop. Also, please remove that name from your ping lists. Thanks.
  • Disney poised to purchase Free Republic?

    06/21/2024 4:49:41 AM PDT · by Libloather · 43 replies
    6/21/24 | Me
    Just wondering what would happen if FR ceased to exist. Talk about a lifestyle change. Inflation is roaring and taking a trip is much more costly. Groceries - fegedaboudit. Brandonomics is hitting everyone very hard. And that's even before buying that very first mandatory EV! Times are tough for everyone.
  • Hello, My name is Miss Yvonne and I am Jim Rob’s caregiver

    03/28/2024 12:35:42 PM PDT · by Miss Yvonne G 75 · 167 replies
    Miss Yvonne
    Hello Free Republic 😊 Let me introduce myself, I have been Jim Rob’s caregiver since November 15 2023 I am so blessed to have met him🙏 I prayed for a new job and asked God to put me where I needed to be and here I am.Not knowing Jim was also praying for the right caregive,My sister happened to be Jim’s Nurse and they got to talking and she discovered Jim was in search of a caregiver, So my sister recommended me and made it Happen 😊And I just want you all to know he is in good hands,God is...
  • Wish Jim Robinson a Happy Birthday today!

    11/03/2023 11:00:08 AM PDT · by Albion Wilde · 382 replies ^ | November 3, 2023 | The Author of Creation made Jim
    Our fearless leader marks another year young today! Let's hear it for James Robinson, founder of this forum and mentor to thousands of conservatives across the nation and around the world for the past quarter century!
  • Update on Jim Robinson's health issues

    10/30/2023 10:11:14 PM PDT · by Jim Robinson · 724 replies
    Spent the entire month of June in the va hospital. Again (second year in a row). And then 4 1/2 months in a skilled nursing rehab facility. Solved some of the medical issues but I'm still under the weather. Arms and hands still extremely weak. Still in bed for most of my time. Still can't sit in my powerchair very long. Still can't feed myself, etc. Still can't type. Still using voice recognition software to enter posts, etc. Very slow. Our big problem right now is Chris is overwhelmed and stressed out. We're now looking for a full-time, live-in 24/7...
  • My dad is back in the hospital. [JimRob update at 242]

    06/18/2023 11:00:32 PM PDT · by Chris Robinson · 432 replies
    06/18/23 | Chris Robinson
    But no serious problems. It's been decided, however, that from now on, I'll bring his home and work to him at a care facility. Treating his pressure sore has resulted in a slough of other emerging difficulties -- breaking-down of the skin on his back being the main one. It's in his best interest that he will be admitted into a facility where he can get the adequate care he needs, and as mentioned, I'll bring his home and his work to him at the facility.
  • God created man and then He created woman and He created them differently for a purpose. Viva la difference!

    04/26/2023 5:21:41 PM PDT · by Jim Robinson · 107 replies
    04/26/23 | Jim Robinson
    And then God commanded man to take a woman to be his wife for life and for them to go forth and multiply. Today's God-hating democrats have scrambled their brains with their evil perversions to the point where they refuse to recognize eons-old simple scientific Truth. Their goal is to totally destroy our Christian society and rebuild under Marxism. They've been steadily brainwashing our children for decades but it's now shifted into high gear. Our job is simply to say no. Call them on it at every opportunity. Support the legislators and governors who are fighting against it. Most importantly,...
  • Thanks, Jim Robinson, for 25 great years!!!

    03/22/2023 1:02:39 PM PDT · by 4Liberty · 84 replies
    Free Republic ^ | 03/22/2023 | 4Liberty
    I just want to thank Jim Robinson and everyone who works at Free Republic for 25 years of this great website. It will be 25 years for me this coming June. I have gained daily laughs, insights, news, and camaraderie - all due to your original idea, Jim, to start this platform so many years ago. Thanks!
  • Update on Jim Robinson's Health [update @ reply 374]

    02/06/2023 10:19:24 PM PST · by Jim Robinson · 548 replies
    I'm still flat on my back. The pressure sores that sent me to the hospital are almost healed, but still too painful for me to spend much time in my power chair, so I spend all my time in bed. The nurse says the wounds are now just superficial, and should be healed very soon. I do have a new spot on my bottom and on my back, but they haven't become sores yet. Hoping to spend more time in my chair each day until completely healed and to prevent more sores on my back. My hands and arms are...
  • Happy Birthday, Jim Robinson!

    11/03/2022 7:46:22 AM PDT · by Albion Wilde · 251 replies ^ | November 3, 2022
    We salute you, fearless leader!

    03/05/2022 5:46:21 PM PST · by Fawn · 100 replies
    me ^ | today | Me
    Why over the last 20 yrs plus will the search is still not working???? I select KEYWORD and it still keeps the TITLE in the search. I delete it and nothing is found.....
  • Reminder: No profanity, no racism, no personal attacks, no threats, no violence, etc.

    12/18/2018 2:11:53 PM PST · by Jim Robinson · 237 replies
    by Jim Robinson
    Some of this is starting to creep into our forum again, hence the reminder. Debate the issues all you want, but please don't make it personal. Keep it clean, above board and above belt. Also, whether pro or con, keep the q stuff off our regular forum threads. Post it on the q thread in chat/conspiracy. But again, keep it clean, don't make it personal, no name calling, no attacks, no threats, no violence. Don't be a TROLL. Stay on topic, don't flame, don't engage in flamewars, feuds, cross-thread arguments, stalking or harassment. If you don't like the subject or...
  • President Biden Remarks on Russian Invasion of Ukraine LIVE Feb 24, 1:30 pm ET

    02/24/2022 10:23:02 AM PST · by Jim Robinson · 261 replies
    President Biden [Hero of Afghanistan and soon to be Hero of the new USSR] delivers remarks from the White House on the Russian invasion of Ukraine [as long as his battery lasts].