Keyword: jesuit
[Catholic Caucus] Why does Pope Francis want Fr. James Martin, Rupnik colleague in the Vatican communications office?The Vatican communications office includes one of the foremost LGBT advocates in the Church and a close collaborator of one of the most scandal-plagued priests in Rome.Fr Martin (far right) and Govekar (3rd from right) at the Dicastery for Communication, plenary assembly 2024.With the Vatican in dire need of well-directed communications as the Holy See attempts to promote the Synod and the 2025 Jubilee, the inclusion of Father James Martin, SJ and a close ally of scandal plagued Father Marko Rupnik in the Vatican’s...
Liberal Jesuit Fr. Thomas Reese promotes ad touting Biden as made by God to be US presidentThe dissident priest is touting a president who has promoted an act that has resulted in the death of more Americans than all of the nation’s wars combined.WASHIGNTON, D.C. (LifeSiteNews) — Liberal Jesuit Father Thomas Reese posted on X a campaign ad promoting pro-abortion President Joe Biden, whose dissent from Catholic moral teaching on the sanctity of life, homosexuality, transgender ideology, and other issues has prompted high-ranking bishops and cardinals to call for his excommunication. The ad dubs President Biden as one chosen by...
SALTILLO, Mexico – Gabby and Ana are in love. So are Marco Antonio and Juan Carlos. Under a sweeping new law allowing same-sex couples to form civil unions, they are planning to turn their love into a legal commitment. Legislators in the dusty northern border state of Coahuila have stunned Mexico by giving same-sex couples property and inheritance rights long reserved for married heterosexuals. It is a first for this predominantly Roman Catholic country, a measure so swift and so bold that it surprised even the gay community. All of a sudden, gay rights are on the national agenda. Since...
Diocese’s Creation Care Team Network joins fight against Mitsubishi cement warehouseAs the new year begins, the fate of a proposed cement warehouse that would significantly increase diesel truck traffic through Barrio Logan is uncertain. What is certain is that a coalition of neighborhood residents, people of faith and health activists will have their voices heard by the corporation that wants to build the facility and the public agency that has to approve it, the San Diego Port Commission. “No decisions about us without us!” declared Jesuit Father Scott Santarosa, pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish. He was the last...
Vatican Sec. of State Parolin to French Bishops: Help Trads "disoriented" with Traditionis Custodes Message sent by the Vatican Secretary of State, Card. Parolin, to the French Episcopal Conference meeting this week in Lourdes:The Holy Father Pope Francis wishes to assure you and all the members present [at the 2022 Fall Plenary Assembly] of his prayer and his fraternal and spiritual support. At a time when the Church of France is once again shaken by the drama of abuse on the part of some of its pastors, he invites you, with your eyes fixed on the cross of Christ,...
For the feast of the North American martyrs today, I post the account of Saint Charles Garnier's death and life as taken from the Jesuit Relation of 1650. Garnier was slain by the Iroquois on December 7, 1649 at the age of 44. Fr. Garnier's death occurred during that year of destruction, 1649, when the Iroquois erupted like a whirlwind from their base in present-day central New York and burst upon their traditional enemies to the north. Newly equipped with British muskets and schooled in their use, the Iroquois had an insuperable advantage over the Hurons, Algonquins, and Tobacco nations...
In November 2020, the priest expressed his support for a group of activists from the San Isidro Movement, who were on a hunger strike.The Cuban dictatorship has expelled Father David Pantaleón, who served as superior of the Jesuits, from the island by not renewing his residency permit. “On the morning of Tuesday, Sept. 13, Father David Pantaleón, superior of the Jesuits in Cuba, left the island because his residency permit was not renewed,” a statement from the Jesuits of Latin America announced. The communiqué noted that the priest, who is from the Dominican Republic, “is also the president of the...
Hong Kong’s Bishop Stephen Chow expressed hope April 13 for the Catholic ordination of women, joining several European bishops who have expressed similar sentiments in recent years. During his homily at the Hong Kong diocesan Chrism Mass April 13, Bishop Chow said he had “turned to English, just to address our ordained brothers, and I hope one day maybe ordained sister[s] too.”The bishop’s homily did not focus on the topic, instead calling priests and deacons to “synodality through our own ministries in collaboration with the different capacities, or different roles, among the People of God… discerning for the direction in...
Students, staff, and alumni at the College of the Holy Cross are petitioning the administration to disinvite Bishop Robert McManus of Worcester from attending this year’s graduation ceremony, although he he has already announced he will not do so, because they say his request of a local Catholic school to cease flying gay pride and Black Lives Matter flags is “antithetical to the ideals, values, and mission” of the college. A spokesman for the Diocese of Worcester, Ray Delisle, told CNA that Bishop McManus had already communicated to the Jesuit College president, Vincent Rougeau, that he would not be attending...
Nazi Mind Control Amidst the subtle cerebral circumvention of the gullible populace, through a multitude of manipulated mediums, lies one of the most diabolical atrocities perpetrated upon a segment of the human race; a form of systematic mind control which has permeated every aspect of society for almost fifty years.To objectively ascertain the following, one may need to re-examine preconceived ideologies relating to the dualistic nature of mankind. . . . . .This exposition is substantiated by declassified U.S. government documents, individuals formerly connected to the U.S. intelligence communities, historical writings, researchers knowledgeable in mind control, publications from mental health...
[Catholic Caucus] The St Gallen ‘Mafia’ Is the ‘Skeleton Key’ Helping to Unlock Many Riddles of Francis’ Pontificate, Says AuthorAlthough the “St Gallen Mafia” is well known to most who follow the papacy and the Vatican, the vast majority of Catholics are unlikely to have ever heard of it.And yet this group’s influence on the direction of the Church and all of the current and recent upheavals of this pontificate cannot be overestimated.Founded in the mid-1990s, the clandestine group of high-ranking churchmen began gathering in the Swiss city of St Gallen to oppose a Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger papacy.Hosted by St...
Motus in fine velocior (2) - "With a Divisive, Useless, and Unjust Persecution, the Francis Crisis is Gathering Even More Speed" - by Roberto de Mattei by Roberto de MatteiOn February 11, 2014, one year after the day on which Benedict XVI made known his decision to resign from the pontificate, I published an article entitled Motus in fine velocior to signal the beginning of a dizzying acceleration of time’s pace, starting with the resignation of Benedict and the election of Pope Francis on March 13, 2013. Benedict XVI reigned from April 19, 2005, to February 28, 2013, seven...
What Does He Have on the Cardinals? "I am not speaking of you all; I know whom I have chosen; it is that the Scripture may be fulfilled, `He who ate my bread has lifted his heel against me.` " - John 13:18 Judas Iscariot at the Left as the Apostles Argue about Who Will Betray JesusDoes Pope Francis have the same relationship with the broad sweep of Papal Electors, as he has with those whose secrets he has and whom he keeps closest to him? IRONY OF JESUIT "CHAPTER OF FAULTS" It is widely reported that Francis keeps closest...
In a recent video by the Jesuit magazine America, it is admitted that Vatican 2 and the New Mass of 1969 (Novus Ordo Missae) is a RUPTURE and that the Tridentine Catholic theology of the 16th century is no longer welcome by Modernist heresiarchs in the NewChurch. James Martin, Pope Francis, and the Jesuit complex infiltrating Rome don't want the Traditional Latin Mass for THEOLOGICAL REASONS. ...
Fr. James Martin refers to God as ‘her,’ attacks so-called ‘damaging’ portrayal of God as manMartin claimed that it 'just as theologically correct to use feminine imagery about God as it is to use masculine imagery'UNITED STATES, March 11, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – Father James Martin, has defended his recent reference to God as “Her,” by penning an article in America Magazine in which he claimed that feminine imagery of God was “not contrary to our faith.” Martin also criticized a male concept of God as promoting a harmful concept of patriarchy. For the Second Sunday in Lent, the well-known Jesuit...
Joe Biden’s Catholic Priest Defends Giving Him Communion: It’s “an Encounter With God”Father Kevin Gillespie believes the Catholic Church should not deny communion to President Joe Biden even though he persists in advocating for the killing of unborn babies in abortions.ADVERTISEMENTGillespie is a Jesuit priest at the Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Georgetown, where the president attends Mass regularly. The Atlantic reports the church is associated with liberal politics and politicians; it has a Black Lives Matter banner hanging outside, and its priests often speak about social justice issues.In an interview with the news outlet, Gillespie weighed in on the...
Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism (French: Mémoires pour servir à l’histoire du Jacobinisme) is a book by Abbé Augustin Barruel, a French Jesuit priest. It was written and published in French in 1797-98, and translated into English in 1799. In the book, Barruel claims that the French Revolution was the result of a deliberate conspiracy or plot to overthrow the throne, altar and aristocratic society in Europe. The plot was allegedly hatched by a coalition of philosophes, Freemasons. The conspirators created a system that was inherited by the Jacobins who operated it to its greatest potential. The Memoirs purports...
Syrian refugees stuck between the Jordanian and Syrian borders wait to cross into Jordan in this undated photo Presumptive president-elect Joe Biden told a Jesuit charity group that when he's in office, he'll raise the refugee resettlement cap to 125,000 people, reversing a trend among the Trump administration.Biden spoke of his plans to raise the refugee resettlement ceiling to the highest numbers ever in a video message to the Jesuit Refugee Service on Wednesday in honor of the organization's 40th anniversary.During his remarks to the JRS, Biden said he believed “every society is ultimately judged by how we treat those...
Georgetown University has hired former FBI agent Peter Strzok as an adjunct professor. He is now listed on the university’s staff page. Apparently, Strzok is teaching a course on counterintelligence and national security. Strzok lacks a PhD. However, he knows something about counterintelligence. Strzok was an important member of a crew that used false intelligence in an attempt to undermine President Trump. And he succeeded in bringing down the president’s national security adviser, Michael Flynn. In a sick way, that’s impressive work.
For Sunday mass the priest at St. Xavier Catholic Church in New York City lectured his flock on “white privilege” and dismantling “white supremacy.” During the prayer on Sunday at St. Xavier Catholic Church worshippers repeated the words of Father Kenneth Boller, who had adorned the alter with giant portraits of George Floyd, Breanna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery. This was a strange sermon at a Catholic Church?! Does New York Cardinal Dolan know about this? Catholic Priest: Do you affirm that white privilege is unfair…will you commit to helping transform our church culture and worship daily at altar of “racial...