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Keyword: iraqspeech

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  • Damning the Dems in fall's election

    09/02/2010 2:49:02 AM PDT · by Scanian · 9 replies
    NY Post ^ | September 1, 2010 | Charles Hurt
    WASHINGTON -- Declaring the Iraq war over last night, President Obama at the same moment waved the white flag for Democrats in the November elections. Speaking in prime time, Obama made a mockery of his -- and his party's -- longstanding opposition to this war in Iraq. He undermined the very campaign that ushered him into the White House and gave Democrats their huge majorities in Congress. It was as if, in keeping his promise to end the war in Iraq, Obama had become a convert to it. He heralded the very success he had predicted could never be attained....
  • Barack the neocon

    09/01/2010 3:33:19 AM PDT · by Scanian · 34 replies
    NY Post ^ | September 1, 2010 | John Podhoretz
    Last night, President Obama did something amazing. He delivered -- dare I say it? -- a rather neoconservative speech, in the sense that neoconservatism has argued for aggressive American involvement in the world both for the world's sake and for the sake of extending American freedoms in order to enhance and preserve American security. Perhaps Obama did not even realize it, but when he said that "as the leader of the free world, America will do more than just defeat on the battlefield those who offer hatred and destruction -- we will also lead among those who are willing to...
  • A Review Of Obama's Lies, Incompetence As He Gives His Iraq Speech

    08/31/2010 1:31:32 PM PDT · by Michael Eden · 30 replies
    Start Thinking Right ^ | August 31, 2010 | Michael Eden
    National Review has a record of Obama's pretzel twisting flat-out LIES. We should review them as Obama gives his speech celebrating the troops coming home. First, let's listen to Obama administration spokesman Vice President Joe Biden: I am very optimistic about -- about Iraq. I mean, this could be one of the great achievements of this administration. You're going to see 90,000 American troops come marching home by the end of the summer. You're going to see a stable government in Iraq that is actually moving toward a representative government. Now first see how Obama massively contradicted himself, all while...
  • LEAK: Bush Anniversary Speech Admits Iraq Failures

    03/19/2006 3:31:46 AM PST · by peyton randolph · 12 replies · 883+ views
    Scrappleface ^ | 03/18/06 | Scott Ott
    President George Bush will mark the third anniversary of the invasion of Iraq by admitting he made mistakes, and asking Americans and Iraqis for forgiveness, according to a draft of the speech, leaked to journalists today. On Monday the president will tell a nonpartisan group in Cleveland that despite the best efforts of American troops... -snip-
  • BBC: Bush to defend policies on Iraq ~ on Monday with the first in a new series of speeches

    03/12/2006 10:06:07 PM PST · by Ernest_at_the_Beach · 29 replies · 1,114+ views
    BBC ^ | Monday, 13 March 2006, 01:15 GMT | Matt Davis BBC News, Washington
    By Matt Davis BBC News, Washington Fighting continues in Iraq nearly three years after the invasion President George W Bush renews his push for the hearts and minds of the American people on Monday with the first in a new series of speeches designed to convince a sceptical public that the US has a coherent strategy to win the war in Iraq. The speech at George Washington University comes amid great concern in the White House at polls suggesting a growing number of Americans disapprove of the president's handling of the war, and doubt the prospects for success. Conflict...
  • Bush Speech to Focus on New Iraq Efforts ~~ March 13, 2006 ~ Cspan showing now

    03/13/2006 1:37:15 PM PST · by Ernest_at_the_Beach · 22 replies · 911+ views
    Las Vegas Sun ^ | March 13, 2006 at 10:55:10 PST | ASSOCIATED PRESS
    WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush will launch a fresh bid Monday afternoon to persuade Americans his policies are making progress in Iraq and that sectarian violence can be stemmed before it breaks out into full-scale civil war. In a speech at George Washington University -- the first in a series of appearances leading up to the three-year anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion -- Bush will try to put the latest bloody episodes of sectarian bloodshed in context. Bush's speech will focus on the role of Iraqi security forces. U.S. military planners have made training Iraqi troops a primary objective. Bush...
  • Bush To Mark Anniversary of Iraq War with Series of Speeches

    03/11/2006 8:45:36 AM PST · by mdittmar · 12 replies · 275+ views
    U.S. Department of State ^ | 11 March 2006 | President Bush
    for=search>border=0> Advanced Search/Archive   Español | Français | Pycckuú |   |   |     You Are In: USINFO > Products >Washfile   11 March 2006 Bush To Mark Anniversary of Iraq War with Series of Speeches Says, despite difficulties, U.S. better off with Saddam Hussein out of powerPresident Bush plans to give a series of speeches on Iraq to update the American people on the U.S. strategy for victory, and to mark the three-year anniversary of the beginning of the coalition military operation that overthrew Saddam Hussein’s regime.Speaking March 11 in his weekly radio address, Bush said that beginning with his March 13 speech on the...

    01/11/2006 4:52:19 AM PST · by conservativecorner · 8 replies · 1,235+ views
    New York Post ^ | Jan. 11, 2006 | DEBORAH ORIN
    President Bush yesterday warned Iraq war critics to make sure they don't give "comfort to our adversaries," as the debate heats up in the run-up to the November elections for Congress. Bush also said more U.S. troops may come home later this year "if Iraqis continue to make progress" — in addition to the 20,000-plus already slated to return. But in his first Iraq speech of 2006, Bush sought to frame the debate for next fall's election — when Republican control of Congress will be at stake — just as he energetically defended his tax cuts in an economic speech...
  • President Addresses Veterans of Foreign Wars on the War on Terror

    01/10/2006 5:12:38 PM PST · by SandRat · 7 replies · 275+ views
    White House ^ | Jan 10, 2005
    10:17 A.M. EST THE PRESIDENT: Thanks for the warm welcome. It is an honor to stand with the men and women of the Veterans of Foreign Wars -- again. This is one of America's great organizations. I appreciate the proud and patriotic work you do across America. Thanks for your hard work in our nation's capital to make sure our government listens to the concerns of our veterans. (Applause.)
  • Bush, Cheney Upbeat On Terror War

    01/04/2006 1:44:19 PM PST · by ncountylee · 2 replies · 296+ views
    CBS/AP ^ | Jan. 4, 2006
    President Bush and Vice President Cheney teamed up Wednesday to offer an upbeat assessment of the war on terror and press for renewal of the Patriot Act. "There's a lot of work to be done in this war on terror," Mr. Bush said at the Pentagon after a meeting with top military brass. "But the American people can rest assured this administration understands the task, and understands the challenges and understands our obligation to protect you, to protect the American people." Mr. Bush heard reports from Gen. George Casey, the top U.S. commander in Iraq; Gen. John Abizaid, chief of...
  • Public swayed by Bush speeches

    12/21/2005 8:28:05 PM PST · by Aussie Dasher · 56 replies · 1,486+ views
    The Washington Times ^ | 22 December 2005 | Ralph Z. Hallow
    President Bush's stiff-arm to Democrats' demands for a military withdrawal from Iraq and his insistence on fighting the war on terror his way are bringing little joy to his critics. A poll of 1,003 adults shows an 18 percentage point surge in the number of Americans who think the Republican president is making progress in democratizing Iraq. After his five speeches rejecting calls for pulling out U.S. forces from Iraq, and in some cases defending his domestic intelligence practices, Mr. Bush's job standing in the polls -- boosted by the successful elections held in Iraq last week -- also has...
  • President's Speech Boosts Confidence in War on Terror

    12/21/2005 7:09:17 AM PST · by LdSentinal · 11 replies · 436+ views
    Rasmussen Reports ^ | 12/21/05 | Scott Rasmussen
    December 21, 2005--The President's Sunday night speech has increased the nation's confidence concerning the situation in Iraq and the War on Terror. Confidence is up among Republicans and unaffiliateds, but not among Democrats. Fifty percent (50%) of Americans now believe that the U.S. and its allies are winning the War on Terror. That's up from 44% immediately preceding the speech. It's also the highest level of confidence in more than a year. Just 25% of Americans believe the terrorists are winning. Rasmussen Reports has asked this survey question more than 70 times over the past two years. Just once, in...
  • Mr. Bush's plea - An appeal for patience about the war in Iraq is awfully late in coming

    12/20/2005 6:27:53 AM PST · by smithone · 39 replies · 867+ views
    It comes to this. More than 2 1/2 years after going to war in Iraq, President Bush is asking for the nation's patience and its trust. It's a rather audacious request. The humility and candor, relatively speaking, that came in Sunday night's speech from the White House are woefully late. The commander in chief still has failed to articulate a convincing plan for securing an otherwise elusive peace. If only Mr. Bush had displayed such awareness of his critics long ago. A candid admission of just how difficult it would be to prevail in a pre-emptive war might have kept...
  • President Bush' Address to the Nation: Renewal in Iraq (FULL TRANSCRIPT)

    12/19/2005 12:00:42 AM PST · by FairOpinion · 20 replies · 965+ views
    White House ^ | Dec. 19, 2005 | President George W. Bush
    President's Address to the Nation The Oval Office In Focus: Renewal in Iraq 9:01 P.M. EST THE PRESIDENT: Good evening. Three days ago, in large numbers, Iraqis went to the polls to choose their own leaders -- a landmark day in the history of liberty. In the coming weeks, the ballots will be counted, a new government formed, and a people who suffered in tyranny for so long will become full members of the free world. This election will not mean the end of violence. But it is the beginning of something new: constitutional democracy at the heart of the...
  • Bush's Candor on Iraq Draws Praise

    12/19/2005 4:29:28 AM PST · by LouAvul · 17 replies · 673+ views
    yahoo ^ | 12-19-05
    WASHINGTON - Democrats and Republicans are applauding President Bush for acknowledging mistakes in Iraq and taking responsibility, but critics say he still has not given Americans a realistic plan that will lead to the withdrawal of U.S. forces. "I know that some of my decisions have led to terrible loss — and not one of those decisions has been taken lightly," Bush declared in a televised speech to the nation Sunday, his first from the Oval Office since announcing the invasion of Iraq in March 2003. He held out the promise that when the Iraqi military gains strength and self-government...
  • Bush Faces Press Day After Iraq Speech

    12/19/2005 7:55:57 AM PST · by NormsRevenge · 32 replies · 1,503+ views
    AP on Yahoo ^ | 12/19/05 | Pete Yost - ap
    WASHINGTON - President Bush brushed aside criticism over his decision to spy on suspected terrorists without court warrants Monday and said he will keep it up "for so long as the nation faces the continuing threat of an enemy that wants to kill American citizens." "As president of the United States and commander in chief I have the constitutional responsibility and the constitutional authority to protect our country," he said at a year-end White House news conference. When asked why he didn't go throught he appropriate courts to seek legal cover, Bush said the danger posed by terrorism and the...
  • Big crowd tunes in for Bush's speech

    12/19/2005 2:25:10 PM PST · by LdSentinal · 25 replies · 1,011+ views ^ | 12/19/05 | Diego Vasquez
    Some 36 million watch Big Four networks President Bush hasn’t made a primetime speech since September. After this weekend’s revelation that Bush authorized domestic spying on suspected terrorists in the aftermath of Sept. 11, everyone wanted to hear from the president. Last night’s 20-minute presidential address about the Iraq War on the Big Four broadcast networks averaged 36.5 million total viewers from 9-9:30 p.m., according to Nielsen fast affiliate ratings. Final viewership numbers, measuring just Bush’s speech, will be out tomorrow. The 36.5 million total viewers were a 15 percent increase over the 31.8 million who tuned into Bush’s post-Hurricane...
  • Calls to Retreat From Iraq 'Wrong Strategy,' President Says

    12/19/2005 3:40:42 PM PST · by SandRat · 6 replies · 375+ views
    American Forces Press Service ^ | Dec 19, 2005 | Gerry Gilmore
    WASHINGTON, Dec. 19, 2005 – President Bush respectfully disagreed with Americans who fault his rationale for maintaining U.S. military forces in Iraq, during a White House news conference today. Bush said many Americans, like himself, are convinced that the United States must continue fighting terrorists in Iraq until the new Iraqi government and security forces get onto their feet. The president said he too wants U.S. troops to depart Iraq as soon as possible, but not until victory is achieved over the terrorists there. "We must win, for the sake of our security," he said. On the other hand, "there...
  • Staying on Offense Key to Defeating Terrorism, Bush Says

    12/19/2005 3:24:34 PM PST · by SandRat · 8 replies · 292+ views
    American Forces Press Service ^ | Dec 19, 2005 | Gerry Gilmore
    WASHINGTON, Dec. 19, 2005 – The Sept. 11, 2001, attacks showed that the United States could no longer ignore the threat of global terrorism and that America must go on the attack, President Bush said during a nationally televised address Dec. 18. The United States did not start the war against global terrorism, Bush pointed out. Terrorists flew commercial airliners into the World Trade Center's Twin Towers in New York City, crashed another plane into the Pentagon, and commandeered another that crashed in a Pennsylvania field. "On that day, we were not in Iraq, we were not in Afghanistan," Bush...
  • Hastert Reacts to President's Iraq Speech

    12/18/2005 8:21:21 PM PST · by ncountylee · 22 replies · 809+ views
    US Newswire ^ | 12/18/2005 | Press Release
    WASHINGTON, Dec. 18 /U.S. Newswire/ -- House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-IL) released the following statement regarding the War on Terror and the military operation in Iraq: "The President has laid out his case for the War in Iraq, and it is a plan that will protect Americans, bring stability to the region and extend freedom to the Iraqi people. Any questions about the progress made in Iraq should have been answered by watching this week's historic elections. Democracy is spreading through Iraq, and the Iraqi people are actively participating in their government. The dictatorship of Saddam Hussein is over. Our...