Keyword: intolerant
On Wednesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “All In,” Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) stated that the Democratic Party “became very intolerant, very judgmental of people who thought differently than us on social and cultural issues and other tough subjects like guns and climate.” And the party should be more centered around economic issues while allowing internal debates “on other social and cultural issues,” but the party has created a lot of litmus tests and become “pretty exclusionary, and is shrinking, not growing.” Murphy stated, “[W]e became very intolerant, very judgmental of people who thought differently than us on social and cultural issues...
For years, aging Americans have looked south to Florida for their ideal retirement home to escape into retirement from their four-decade grinds in the U.S. workforce. But wealthy citizens are increasingly considering a life across the Atlantic, with an unappealing showdown between Joe Biden and Donald Trump being labeled as the reason. David, a 65-year-old lawyer from Chicago, is going to Portugal on a scouting trip next month with a $500,000 budget in the hopes of finding a new second home on the Silver Coast, between Lisbon and Porto. The lawyer, who asked to remain anonymous, citing concerns he might...
The FBI is retracting a leaked document that advised the Bureau to infiltrate groups of traditionalist Roman Catholics who the assessment claimed were at risk of committing acts of extremist violence, the Daily Caller has learned. The FBI tells the Caller that the document, put forward by the Richmond field office, “does not meet the exacting standards of the FBI” and that the Bureau will be conducting an internal review.
My wife and I were taking our usual evening walk with our dog on Friday. We walk about 8 miles a day---combined before/after work and at lunch. We were walking Friday evening before meeting with friends and while coming up a hill we noticed a guy blowing leaves---he appeared to be finishing up as he walked down the driveway, then started to walk back up. His house is on the left side of the road and we walk on the left side (toward traffic). There's no sidewalks. As we approached him he kept walking towards us, stopped blowing leaves, then...
When tolerance becomes a one way street, it leads to cultural suicide -- Col. Allen West I have shared the aforementioned quote often, mainly when addressing the scourge of Islamic jihadism and terrorism in the West. However, there is a clear and present reason to apply this same quote to present day America and the scourge of progressive socialism. Just this past week Joe Biden made the telling assertion that "those MAGA people are the most extreme political organization in the history of the United States." I would like to refute this absurd claim because when one considers the Ku...
You accept these impositions in silence, and then wonder what happened to the land of the free and home of the brave America has become a strange and intolerant place. America. The country that says it is racist to expect black Americans to identify themselves when they go to vote, but don’t find it racist to insult black Americans by suggesting they are not capable of obtaining identification cards or documents.
Milkshakes and worse are being pelted at conservatives and right-wingers. When President Trump was in London, elderly men were physically attacked by leftists while the police stood watching. Across the Atlantic, an 81-year-old war veteran was similarly assaulted during European parliamentary elections. Why? For daring to express his support for the Brexit Party. Trump supporters are being brutalized in public. It is easy to reduce such incidents to statistics, Pew Research Center findings, and opinion poll numbers. We often have to see the grisly images ourselves to recognize the levels of liberal intolerance engulfing the West. Trump supporters are being...
At the Extinction Rebellion protests in London this week, a bedwetting greenie grabbed my shoulder, pushed me and told me he hoped I’d never have ****ing kids and that if I ever did they’d ****ing hate me forever. Obviously I loved this, a) because being physically assaulted by a pasty-faced soy boy is always comedy gold. And b) because it confirmed what I’ve long suspected: there’s really nothing peaceful or ‘nice’ about these posturing, deluded, ‘planet-saving’ pests. I’ve put the ‘planet-saving’ in inverted commas because the only place these soap-shunning losers are saving the planet is in their warped imaginations....
Once upon a time, America was founded on principles that all people are created equal, have equal rights under the law, and are free to think, say, and express themselves without facing official repercussion. But thanks to the hard Democrat Left, intolerance of other people’s views is now considered “tolerant.” Punishing others for holding opposing political opinions is now required. In short, modern-day Democrats have become old school tyrants just like those generations of Americans have shed blood and lost lives to defeat. That said, not all liberals have lost their minds. Not all of them have lost track of...
[...] Growing up as a conservative Christian, I was warned about secular, liberal relativism. Nothing’s really bad, who knows, it’s all relative. We had to be careful about such slippery slopes. After the gays got us to buy into such poor logic, then would come the goats, then the children, then the Satan worship would follow. But it turns out that this sort of relativism is entirely a myth of the right. The only people who ever try to implore relative logic (at this sort of crass level) are conservatives. Trying to play "gotcha" with liberals. And it’s exhausting. I...
In January of 2017, when the political controversy over Donald Trump’s perplexing win over Hillary Clinton in the 2016 national election was at its peak, my professor began his political psychology course by asking the lecture hall the following: “How many of you wish Hillary had won the election?” The question was voluntary, yet nearly every hand in the room shot up. “Okay, and how many of you supported Trump winning the election?” The room was quiet as not a single hand was raised, followed by a few chuckles. “Next, how many of you feel that liberals are safe walking...
Father of the year. Democrat father preps daughter for career with Antifa. Video at link.
Narrenschiff – Woodcut Lacking any substance and sinking deeper into the abyss of irrelevance, the Democrat Party’s platform seems to be defined by the cause of defending illegal aliens over Americans, invaders who have broken our laws by crossing the border illegally. Mexican officials and liberals claim that immigration of any kind is a human right. Going a step further, Democrats are defending MS-13 gang members who have terrorized Salvadorans, robbing and stealing from ordinary citizens who are so scared for their lives, they give them everything they want – clothes, money, chicken, food, and anything else they demand. Now...
It turns out those who vehemently demand Christians be tolerant of their views and lifestyles, and force Christians to perform services under threat of legal retaliation are — and I can’t believe I’m writing this — intolerant of Christians, and refuse to provide services for them. In a recently released video from the group Abolish Human Abortion, a pro-life advocacy group, a gay coffee shop owner can be seen berating, insulting, and forcing the removal of the Christian group because of their beliefs. Caytie Davis and her fellows had been handing out pro-life pamphlets that targeted the homosexual community for...
I beg pardon in advance for profiling an offensive topic, but I’m here to report breaking news from the University of California at Santa Cruz: A taxpayer-funded nutjob is urging students to have sex with the Earth. That’s right, in a full-fledged insane case of “your tax dollars at work,” it seems the chairwoman of the Art Department at UCSC, Elizabeth Stephens, has coined a new term: Ecosexuality, the art of exploring the Earth as a lover – thus giving new meaning to the phrase “raping the forest.” According to her UCSC webpage and personal website, Stephens “is creating this...
Where is the moral outrage of LeBron James, et al., regarding the fact that the most hostile and dangerous place in the world for a black child is in his mother’s womb? Where is their outrage that real racists have murdered over 20 million unborn black children? Where is their outrage that approximately 36 percent of all abortions are performed on black women and that the most prolific murderer of black children is Planned Parenthood, the progeny of Margaret Sanger who openly advocated black babies should be killed and that black women should be sterilized? As does Hillary Clinton, whom...
Democrats have Republican friends and neighbors who are "some great people," President Obama said Thursday at a campaign rally in Ohio. But the Republican base includes a "swamp of crazy" -- people who deny climate change, espouse conspiracy theories, listen to Fox News and Rush Limbaugh. Obama said Republican politicians who "knew better" never spoke up. So "all that bile -- all that exaggeration, all that stuff that wasn't grounded in fact, just bubbled up," Obama said -- producing Donald Trump as the Republican Party's presidential nominee.
Over the past few decades, I’ve made a conscious effort to avoid liberals. I realize it’s intolerant of me, but I find it next to impossible to associate with people who support the politicians I believe are actively and intentionally destroying America. Even I can only talk about baseball for just so long. One of the few liberals I have retained cordial relations with is a former agent of mine. He is without a doubt the only agent I ever had that I liked. Believe me, in most cases, you really don’t want to be seen in public with these...
In the spirit of the season, Asad Shah, a Glasgow newsagent and a "devout Muslim"*[see update at the foot of the page], decided to send out an Easter greeting on his Facebook page: GOOD FRIDAY AND VERY HAPPY EASTER, ESPECIALLY TO MY BELOVED CHRISTIAN NATION X! BISMILLAH... Let's Follow The Real Footstep Of Beloved Holy Jesus Christ (PBUH) And Get The Real Success In Both Worlds xxxx Less than four hours after this ecumenical greeting, Mr Shah was savagely murdered outside his shop by his co-religionists: The victim was found seriously injured on Minard Road, Glasgow, and was taken to...
The appeal of Mr. Trump, in its face, is clear. He rips away the scourge of political correctness, a virus that is destroying the country from within. We’re all rightly concerned about terrorism, but that’s a cancer that will only finish off this nation. The tipping point for me was last week’s absurd drama surrounding new attacks by the Trump gang on Fox News’ Megyn Kelly. She’s “unfair†we’re told, and shouldn’t moderate the debate. This stemmed from the first debate when Ms. Kelly asked Mr. Trump to explain his attitude toward women many consider misogynistic. Yes, you can be...