Keyword: impeachobama
During the second half of his “Freedom Friday” show on May 31, co-host Carl Gallups reiterated the theme with which he ended the previous segment: that President Trump is in possession of evidence gleaned from a 5+-year investigation into the “long-form” birth certificate image said to represent Barack Hussein Obama’s original birth record showing that it is a “computer-generated forgery” and that “high-level meetings” are being held on the subject.
Professor Jeremy Rabkin is concerned about the Internet Givaway, but he attempts to 'sooth the sheeple' with his Weekly Standard article "ICANN CAN'T". But wait ... then he backs up most of my warnings. The professor also suggests an international oversight system modeled after the World Bank or the IMF. [Creepy, right?] For those who don't know it: Obama is committing an impeachable High Crime -- he's illegally refusing to renew a contract that restricts ICANN to federal control. We lose control THIS MONTH -- September 30. And people are too confused to get angry about it. "ICANN CAN'T" started...
This gets into the nitty gritty of exactly HOW Obama is giving away critical aspects of the internet to shadowy foreign entities. And I will explain why the DNC is complicit and what we can do about it. Many have sounded the horn: Senators Cruz, Lankford, and Lee along with ... 1. Drudge 2. Washinton Examiner 3. Wall Street Journal 4. Breitbart 5. [UK] Daily Mail 6. The Hill [Links to this and other info coming up.] Congress ordered President Obama to renew one of the most important contracts in history. He's illegally refusing to do so. If DNC senators...
When TransCanada filed its two lawsuits on January 6, company spokesman Mark Cooper said, "TransCanada has undertaken a careful evaluation of the [Obama] Administration's action and believe there has been a clear violation of NAFTA, and the U.S. Constitution, in these circumstances." In the federal lawsuit, filed in Texas, TransCanada is seeking to limit presidential powers to prohibit future presidents from unilaterally rejecting such projects based on how the United States might be perceived by the international community. Environmentalists want to leave untapped oil reserves in the ground and fought successfully over the past seven years to have the president...
This almost seems TOO good to be true! Reports are circling, and they are saying that the Republican National Committee is to consider a resolution drafted for the impeachment of President Barack Obama, AND it’s to include 48 criminal charges!?! The resolution, which seems to have been drafted by the North American Law Center, is to be weighed up at a January 13th meeting of the RNC, reports Brandon Hall of West Michigan Politics blog. The document is titled, "Articles of Impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama,"it begins, "Resolved, That Barack Hussein Obama, acting President of the United States, is impeached...
Two federal agents operating under the umbrella of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) are claiming that eight Syrian illegal aliens attempted to enter Texas from Mexico in the Laredo Sector. The federal agents spoke with Breitbart Texas on the condition of anonymity, however, a local president of the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) confirmed that Laredo Border Patrol agents have been officially contacting the organization with concerns over reports from other federal agents about Syrians illegally entering the country in the Laredo Sector. The reports have caused a stir among the sector’s Border Patrol agents.
<p>The number of families illegally crossing the southern U.S. border has more than doubled over the same period last fall, prompting concern about a new surge of migrants from Central America.</p>
<p>Many more unaccompanied children are also crossing, with 4,476 apprehended in September — an 85% increase over that month in 2014, according to new Border Patrol data.</p>
A huge firestorm is brewing for the Obama regime and all those in Washington who supported his decision to arm, send billions of dollars to, train militarily, and help on the battlefield to terrorist organizations in Syria who are now known as ISIS. Since Russia's Vladimir Putin decided to help the Bashar Assad government in Syria get rid of the rebels, who are now ISIS, more and more evidence is turning up on a daily basis to prove that the Obama regime has been solely responsible all along for the creation, support, and training of this radical Islamist terrorist group....
With each new extra-constitutional action taken by President Obama (they’re slowly becoming too numerous to count) a chorus of impeachment talk inevitably rises then just as inevitably fades. Conventional wisdom is that hardline establishment Republicans or Tea Party-backed hyper-partisans would be the ones to lead the impeachment charge. But in this case, conventional wisdom is flawed. The ones who ought to be doing any and everything within their power to impeach and remove this president are our nation’s Democrats! Barack Obama is doing damage to the Democrat Party that, while not irreparable, may well take decades if not longer to...
A new radio spot supporting Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.) says that Republicans will impeach President Barack Obama if her runoff opponent, Rep. Bill Cassidy (D-La.), wins. “They have shown our president so much disrespect,” says Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-La.) in the ad, which was first reported by BuzzFeed News. “They said he wasn’t a U.S. citizen, they even sued him — and if Cassidy wins, they will impeach him.” The ad ends with the message that it is "[a]uthorized by Friends of Mary Landrieu, and paid for by the Democratic State Central Committee of Louisiana.” Landrieu lends her approval...
There are some words that, as a writer, I’ve always wanted to use. One of those words is “cadaverous,†which I think is just a lovely, almost Dickensian word. Having attended last night’s delightful PRI Gala dinner, I finally have that chance. But let me start at the beginning….I don’t usually attend galas. Indeed, I don’t ever attend galas, since I am almost pathologically cheap and, no matter how much I admire the speaker or expect the company to be delightful, I simply cannot make myself pay several hundred dollars for a dinner and speech. Add to that the fact...
Well, the short-lived honeymoon is over. What did it last … all of a week? It seems as though we didn’t even have an election the way Obama and his party are acting. The voice of the American people has fallen on deaf ears evidently, because nothing has changed on the Democratic side in Washington. The massive takeover by the GOP just seems to be a minor annoyance, and Obama is just going to push through his agenda as though the election were a mere speed bump. The move Obama is making in this political chess game just shows his...
Trey Gowdy said his party can't impeach the president over his threatened immigration overhaul – but only because Biden would become president The folksy Biden wants the top job for himself but Republicans see him as a potentially embarrassing one-man gaffe factory One senior House GOP aide said Biden is 'two floppy shoes short of a complete clown outfit' and Obama's 'insurance policy' Gowdy hinted that impeachment is being dangled by the White House as bait in the hope that the GOP will destroy its own credibility by trying it A Texas Republican congressman and a judge-turned-news-analyst floated the idea...
n writing Faithless Execution: Building the Political Case for Obama’s Impeachment, I had a purpose: Explain that the capacity of Congress to oust a lawless president is central to the Framers’ design of our governing system. Because executive power is awesome, and intended to be that way, certain abuses of it can be discouraged only by the credible threat that Congress will remove the president from power — or, if discouragement fails, can be remediated only by the president’s actual removal. That is why Madison believed that the inclusion of impeachment in Congress’s arsenal was “indispensible” to preserving the Constitution’s...
Absent the credible threat of impeachment, Obama will pardon millions of illegal aliens. There is high anxiety over President Obama’s impending unilateral amnesty order for millions of illegal aliens. How many millions? The estimates vary. On the low end, 3 to 8 million, assuming some correlation to the potential beneficiaries of the president’s already existing amnesty decrees (including DACA or Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals). On the high end, as many as 9 to 34 million, factoring in likely categorical expansions of amnesty and their ramifications over the next several years. The nation overwhelmingly objects to Obama’s immigration lawlessness, but...
‘Utter foolishness”: That’s what Ted Cruz has to say about the agenda Republican leadership is looking to pass in this next meeting of Congress, the lame-duck session. The Texas senator was in Alaska this weekend campaigning for Republican Senate nominee Dan Sullivan, but much of his fire, as always, is being reserved for Republicans themselves. He doesn’t like the idea of passing anything in the lame duck, and he doesn’t like what leadership has planned for that session or a GOP-controlled House and Senate. “I think it makes zero sense for Congress to do anything of significance in a lame...
... Adesanya's last post to Instagram on Tuesday showed an I Voted sticker captioned 'Voted for this B #ImpeachObama.'
Something I learned during the first two years of the Obama administration, when the staff infighting was at its worst: if you wanted to get somebody to say something nice, ask them about Ron Klain. Klain entered the administration as Vice President Joe Biden's chief of staff. This was, itself, notable: Klain has been chief of staff to Vice President Al Gore, too, making him the only person to serve in that position for two different vice presidents. But the esteem for Klain wasn't based on his resume. Rather, he had a mix of policy, political and bureaucratic chops that...
Congressional Democrats have talked about the impeachment of President Obama 20 times more than Republicans have on the House and Senate floors. Since the start of the 113th Congress last year, Democrats have used the word “impeach” or “impeachment” regarding Obama 86 times, according to a review of the Congressional Record by The Hill. Utterances on the floor from Republicans about impeaching Obama, in contrast, have been relatively rare. Only three Republicans in this Congress have raised the subject on the House floor, and the words have been used a total of four times by GOP members. Most of the...
Rally the base. Raise cash.You'd think the last thing any president would do is to constantly bring up his own name in connection with the idea of impeachment. It's not exactly a positive association. But why would that matter to President Persecution Complex? We're way past the point where anyone believed he could govern the nation effectively, so his only political play at this point is to make you feel sorry for him, and the way to do that is make the case that those mean old Republicans want to persecute him. How? By impeaching him! Obama is trying to...