Keyword: gumpfacedtroll
VIDEOCheck out the extreme gloating attitude of this very smug liberal back in July when it looked like the Elon Musk purchase of Twitter would NOT be happening.
VIDEOAre you a clueless fool without the least idea of how the American political system works? Well, good news! You could be qualified to join the Undercover Feds in time for their October Surprise. Your pointless training will consist of marching to the tune of tin drummers and shield shoving classes. So if you think you qualify, then join the Patriot Front. Better hurry since there are only a few weeks left before the Undercover Feds initiate Operation Patsy.
VIDEOA debate between two major party candidates is supposed to be one on one. However, during the September 22 debate between the candidates for Arizona Secretary of State, it quickly devolved into a three against one situation when the two debate moderators joined the Democrat candidate in attacking Mark Finchem as you can see. Their antipathy towards Finchem is more than obvious especially in contrast to their utter lack of any challenges to the Democrat candidate.
VIDEOIf you have any doubts about Joe Biden's incredible mental acuity, he says "Watch me."
VIDEO Leave it to Simon Ateba of Today News Africa to ask some of the most inciteful as well as delightfully unwelcome questions at White House press conferences. Last week Ateba asked John Kirby if he is undermining White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre by often taking to the podium to answer reporter's questions. Ateba should know that Kirby doesn't need to lift a finger to undermine KJP since she does such a wonderful job of consistently undermining herself especially when she answers the very unwelcome questions that Ateba himself poses to her.
VIDEOYes, Ol' PJ and the wife are heading for the southern Caribbean aboard the Celebrity Equinox from September 8 until September 17. I know it is a cruel thing to leave you bereft of the DUmmie FUnnies videos during that time period but I really need to recharge my batteries.
VIDEOWhen U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon ruled in favor of appointing a Special Master for the documents seized during the FBI raid upon President Donald Trump's home at Mar-a-Lago, the prospect of a loooooooong delay in the politically motivated case sent much of the mainstream media into an HILARIOUS tailspin. Here are but a few examples of their highly amusing whining.
In 2018 President Donald Trump spoke before the United Nations General Assembly and specifically warned Germany about relying on Russia for their natural gas. At the time not only did the German delegation appear to laugh at Trump but much of the media joined in the mirth. Among those news organizations was CBS News which joined in the mockery with this September 25, 2018 article by Kylie Atwood: Why were UN diplomats laughing at Trump?
VIDEOJohn Harwood was finally FIRED by CNN on Friday but what took so long? We have known at least since Wikileaks revealed in 2016 that he is a complete tool of the Democrats as could be seen in his incredible suck-up emails with Clinton campaign manager John Podesta. Here is a compilation of just a small sampling of John Harwood clips that reveals what a completely unprofessional poison toad he is.
VIDEOIf you had a flashback to "V For Vendetta" while watching Joe Biden ranting about the threat MAGA poses to the nation, you are not alone. As you can see, Biden sounded eerily like High Chancellor Adam Sutler while going completely off the rails.
VIDEODoes anybody really believe that serial plagiarist Joe Biden wrote his upcoming speech on "The Soul of the Nation?" Of course not. The person who most likely wrote the speech for Biden's teleprompter is blowhard MSNBC historian Jon Meacham. In fact he even wrote a book called "The Soul of America" plus he has written the words for Biden's teleprompter in the past. Here are a few examples of Meacham going full sanctimonious pontificator in recent years which are sure to be echoed in Biden's reading of his teleprompter. Meacham should have taken care to not use too many long...
VIDEOMSNBC has a "legal" clown act by the name of Elie Mystal wondering aloud why President Trump has not already been arrested. He gets a reality check from former Neil Gorsuch law clerk Mike Davis who does not think like Mystal that "the Constitution is kind of trash."
VIDEOA parent at the Grapevine-Colleyville School Board meeting in Texas really let loose with a short burst of holy hell. Keep an eye on the priceless reaction of the woman on the lower right of the screen. Her eyeball reactions were so shocked that it was worthy of a closeup.Note to YouTube: If you don't like this video then you need to take down the ENTIRE 7 hour 52 minute video from YouTube which includes this.
VIDEOThe ironic thing about the Podcast Movement 22 groveling apology for Ben Shapiro's mere brief appearance at their Dallas conference is that it made him front and center of that event. Had they not apologized for Shapiro showing up to just say hello to a few people before quickly departing, his presence would have gone unnoticed along with their very conference. Instead they have inadvertently (and hilariously) made Ben Shapiro front and center of their conference and probably all future conferences due to their absurd snowflake overreaction to him.
VIDEOIf there is just ONE memorial quote to come out of the 2022 Florida gubernatorial campaign, it has to be Charlie Crist urgently insisting that "He offered me his lunch!"
VIDEOCharlie Crist celebrated his Democrat gubernatorial primary victory in Florida by immediately destroying his own candidacy in the general election. Watch what is basically Crist's concession speech to Ron DeSantis in advance of the official November election.
VIDEOOoops! It wasn't supposed to be like this or so Magistrate Bruce Reinhart probably thought when he signed off on the Mar-a-Lago search warrant. So instead of it being a low-key affair as the FBI and DOJ most likely assured him, the FBI raid on President Donald Trump's home has turned into a Backfire Hurricane of a political firestorm with poor Reinhart at the very center of it. And now Reinhart is showing some signs of backing off especially since the public spotlight has focused on certain unsavory activities of his in the past. In fact, if Reinhart had access...
VIDEOYou have probably heard the words "Crossfire Hurricane" a lot recently in regards to the main reason why the FBI raided President Trump's home at Mar-a-Lago. However, the interesting thing is that you absolutely don't hear liberals saying those words anymore. It is my conclusion that no liberal is now capable of saying those taboo words although other people such as those in this video are perfectly capable of saying it.
VIDEOExplosions at the August 16, 2022 Oceola School Board meeting among the members as angry castigations are hurled over the process of steamrolling no-bid contracts.
VIDEO If it is a kooky conspiracy theory as Joe Scarborough and his little sidekick Willie allege, then why do we see prospective IRS recruits at what appears to be the Alec Baldwin Weapons Training Center? Oh, and besides guns and bullets, it looks like those future IRS agents are going to need to be armed with lots and lots of glazed donuts.