Keyword: frlibrarians
Who is the ultimate authority on whether a homeland security surveillance measure is appropriate: the president, Congress, or the Supreme Court? According to its president, the answer is the American Library Association. Dom Giordano, talk show host for Philadelphia’s radio station WPHT 1210-AM, interviewed American Library Association (ALA) president Michael Gorman on February 9. One of issues addressed concerned the ALA’s policy towards governmental investigation of library patron’s reading materials. During the interview Gorman reiterated the policy of the ALA, which instructs librarians to ensure that any search warrants they receive from the FBI regarding library records are legal. They...
To view all related posts, use the "keyword database"-- KEYWORDS: AFTERMATH; HURRICANE; KATRINA; TROPICAL; Katrina Live Thread, Part XIII Previous Threads: Katrina Live Thread, Party XIIKatrina Live Thread, Part XIKatrina Live Thread, Part XKatrina Live Thread, Part IXHurricane Katrina Live Thread, Part VIIIHurricane Katrina Live Thread, Part VIIHurricane Katrina Live Thread, Part VIHurricane Katrina Live Thread, Part VHurricane Katrina, Live Thread, Part IVHurricane Katrina Live Thread, Part IIIKatrina Live Thread, Part IIHurricane Katrina Live Thread, Part I And a special hattip to our own NautiNurse who started and maintained the above valuable posts-- ================================================================================== First...
Christian family butchered in NJ -- big thread at 'I don't want you to join me, I want you to join bin Laden'(Paltalk connection to NJ murders?) See thread: here: for information. Four family members slain in their Jersey City, NJ home FAMILY OF 4 SLAUGHTERED 'ISLAMIC HATE' EYED IN SLAYS(threatened for making anti-Muslim remarks online) Slaying of 4 may be tied to (Islamic) religious extremism (NJ Christian family had throats slit) ISLAMIC HATE' EYED IN SLAYS Islamics suspected in multiple slaying in NJ Tension between Copts, Muslims also immigrated I...
Below is maybe the best summary of this treason. This is the most interesting thread I have been on in sometime. This is when FR shines if you ask me because everyone is adding more of the puzzle pieces-- THE 9/11 COMMISSION IN MORTAL DANGER -- The best summary I've read yet about this massive coverup. Anyone doubt what Sandy berger was trying to shove down his pants now? Archives Search Results.. Sandy Berger and SoxGate The Gorelick article index Agreed -- it is explosive. Therefore, the media will start making excuses and hide the facts. Folks in new...
WHO IS JOHN KERRY? (RNC RESEARCH)Posted on 01/22/2003 7:41 PM PST by PhiKapMom Who Is John Kerry? A Massachusetts Liberal Out Of Touch With America. “Kerry is . Vietnam Veterans Against John Kerry (apparently new web site)Vietnam Veterans Against John Kerry ^ | on or before January 21, 2004 | U.S. Veteran Dispatch What You Don’t Know About John KerryNewsmax. ^ | Jan. 20, 2004 | Chuck Noe It's about time somebody put together the real biography of John Kerry. All one hears nowadays is his "Vietnam hero" lines. Before this campaign is over,...
Use the keyword database to see all the articles: KEYWORDS: CINDYSHEEHAN; Drudge Focuses on Vacaville Mom ( Cindy Sheehan Responds with Lying Press Release) -- The original Vacaville Reporter article was first found by Freeper tgslTakoma Saturday evening on Cindy Sheehan's own Website. Cindy Sheehan's Website has now scrubbed the original article. He Acted Like It Was A Party’? (Cindy Sheehan Busted!) PROTESTING SOLDIER MOM CHANGED STORY ON BUSH (Cindy Sheehan) --tgslTakoma did the legwork on this story yesterday (as usual) on this thread:"** here, too: Freeper DrDeb compiled a good list of people...
The original, huge thread: BLAST AT CITY TUBE STATION - SEVEN EXPLOSIONS AROUND LONDON Live Media Links Here NEWS UPDATE: London Bombing (Preliminary Facts and Figures) Key points on the London blasts -- What's getting the biggest laugh is that these morons might actually think that a city that went thru the Blitz and the IRA campaign will EVER be defeated by a bunch of goat farmers. London explosions: Blair statement Blair vows terrorists won't win Blasts fit al-Qaeda pattern: analysts George Galloway: "Give in, Britain" Threat Matrix: Daily Terror Threat...
Supreme Court's illegal ruling (on cap punishment) should TRIGGER THE NUCLEAR OPTION -- The problem is, SCOTUS is basically immune to public opinion. Which can be a good thing or a bad thing. We can protest at SCOTUS until we are blue in the face - but I doubt Sandra Day O'Connor would care. Now, if governors told SCOTUS that their ruling was illegitimate and carried no influence on their state perogatives, now THAT would get the attention of SCOTUS. A MOVE TOWARD DEMOCRACY ... AND THAT'S A DANGEROUS MOVE The Supreme Court and Foreign Law...
This is a small collection of links, organized into four consecutive categories:1- A look back from now. 2- The 9-11 attack "as it went down, live..."3- The aftermath.4- Remembrance.As with all such posts, there are links within links within links, and to fully remember and inform yourself, you need to follow them all- but be warned! Some will take you to gruesome pictures and disturbing stories, so tread carefully.I honestly believe that most Americans need to view these things, and never forget, or forgive, what was visited on defenseless and innocent people on that black day.Use your own judgement, but...
Firsthand reports from days 5 and 6 of Minuteman Project -- The Minuteman Project takes this to a whole new level. There will be no denying that the border traffic can be stopped if there is someone there with the will to actually stop it. After incident, man asked to leave Minuteman Project -- Thanks for the info the MSM won't report... The Minutemen Will Make A Fool Of President Bush -- The Minuteman project is proving that the "Border Patrol" has not been doing their job - a job that has been rather limited by the "powers...
Normally, I link without commentary aside from brief quips or quotes. "You're Next..." Just keep that concept firmly in mind when you remember Terri. My links lead to much commentary and other links- use them all, and you will "get it," if you do not already. This is the Roe v Wade of our time. That is why so many are so angry at the GOP and Bush. Roe v Wade defined legally when life begins, at birth, now Terry will define life ends when you can no longer communicate clearly a desire to live. We...
In the Blogosphere, Lightning Strikes Thrice O'Malley Blames GOP Plot For Rumors (MD GOVERNOR'S AID FIRED FOR FREE REPUBLIC POSTS) No Bids but Lots of Bite at Budget Panel Hearing (NCPAC Mentioned) Ehrlich: "Rogue Operation" (free republic/Gov. Ehrlich story about Mayor O'Malley's cheating) click here for more info back story licks there as well as better discussion :) Jim Robinson's short and cryptic reply re what really happened in the Md Gov mess and Free Republic: MD4Bush posted, "Yeah, he cheats on his wife. I heard that he is not allowed in the house and is...
Here is a pretty good current summary of the situation: The Shot Heard Round the World The echoes of the big Internet bang which annihilated a 60 Minutes story in under 12 hours are still resounding. The key riffs apparently started at Powerline and as Samizdata notes, the distributed intelligence of the Internet took over. Under the scrutiny of thousands of analysts, the CBS story began to melt down. The start of it all: Documents Suggest Special Treatment for Bush in Guard -more- The Thread that broke the Camels Back:Post 47, and the Freepers who busted C.B.S. Let us...
The beginning: Note date: Posted on 09/01/2004 2:52:44 Armed men seize school in Russian region on North Ossetia, reports say Cult of Death PUTIN ADVISER: SCHOOL TERRORISTS GOT ORDERS FROM ABROAD (DURING BESLAN SIEGE) Wesley Pruden : Time to Wake Up the Girlie Men Russia Buries its Dead-Toll Rises to 394, 260 Others Missing Shaking Up Islam in America From NRO---Regarding Beslan Just maybe opinion is stirring, a prominent arab journalist wrote this weekend that 'all terrorists are moslem' etc, wonder how long before he's killed, on the other hand an...
Here are the results of a boolean search of Free Republic for +corruption +fraud.Corruption, along with vote fraud ( already covered here: -The Vote Fraud Archives-- )...are the two most destructive forces working against a representative form of government like our own. Senate adopts new criminal penalties for corporate fraud, but NOT Union fraud (New Orleans) City Hall corruption sweep begins News/Activism by keyword FBI CORRUPTION Gene Giacumbo goes through the looking-glass [Free Republic] Scandal of HIV blood sold as safe by South Africans [Free Republic] Archives: Robert Ray's Prosecution and Conviction of Archie Schaffer (Before the Clinton Pardon) [Free...
Here is a partial selection of articles & stories we have on Vote Fraud-- you can, of course, click here: VOTE FRAUD; access the entire database. What is signifigant- perhaps critical and unique- about this election is how these stories appeared before the election. Normally, they surface too late to do anything about them. Click: MD. Dem Guv candidate summons dead earlyNBC eve. news "The reporter DID say that polls showed it may be "backfiring" some fifty-odd percent to twenty-eight percent...." IPOL TO USE HIGH TECH TO DETECT AND PREVENT VOTER...
Annan's son caught "No Blood for Oil"- bribery & corruption worldwidevarious FR links | 01-31-04 | The Heavy Equipment Guy Kofi Annan's son implicated in Oil for Food!Foxnews on air ^ | 3/11/04 | Foxnews Kojo & KofiNRO ^ | 3/11/04 | Claudia Rosett The Oil-for-Food Scandal ~ WSJ. The Wall Street Journal. ^ | March 11, 2004 | THERESE RAPHAEL AFTER THE WAR: The Oil-For-Food Scandal (long)The Wall Street Journal ( ^ | 11 March 2004 | Therese Raphael Mercenary intrigue...
Sea surges kill thousands in Asia -tragedia"9,500 people have been killed" -- Yahoo News now says the death toll is nearing 12,000. This is an enormous tragedy. Tsunamis hit south India; over 1,800 dead Bodies line south India beaches; tsunami kills up to 3,000 Personal reports from the Asian disaster Chittagong, Bangladesh has been hit by a 7.36 quake -- So, don't they say that when there's a big earthquake there's usually one on the opposite side of the globe? Because the closest big fault opposite this one seems to be the New Madrid... IRIS Seismic Monitoring...
- What they're saying about "Onward Muslim Soldiers" - An expose of militant Islam.JihadWatch ^ The FREEPERS Guide To Islamic Terror Websites - CYBERTERRORISM (And It's Sponsors) Palestinian Children Say the Deadliest Things ^ | 1/06/04 | Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook, Jerusalem Post The Myth of Mecca (oldie but goodie)pol usa ^ | 9/27/2001 | By Jack Wheeler ISLAM IN AMERICA, PART 1 WorldNet ^ | 1-3-04 | Sherrie Gossett Palestinian Authority Sermons 2000-2003(Barf Alert; CODE RED)Memri ^ | December 26, 2003 No.24 | By:...
The Manifesto of Pukin Dog The Dawn of New Media A New Era of Credibility A revolution in news Bloggers knew! Blogs: Halting the march of the mainstream media What is happening is that for the first time in decades, if not ever, the power of the mainstream media (MSM) in the United States is being seriously challenged by a mostly ragtag army of outsiders armed with little more than the internet. The age of the blogger is upon us. I think of it as a gestalt- the sum of the whole, together, is...