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Where It's 9-11 All the Time...
various links
| 09-11-02
| The Heavy Equipment Guy
Posted on 09/11/2002 3:30:23 AM PDT by backhoe
This is a small collection of links, organized into four consecutive categories:
1- A look back from now.
2- The 9-11 attack "as it went down, live..."
3- The aftermath.
4- Remembrance.
As with all such posts, there are links within links within links, and to fully remember and inform yourself, you need to follow them all- but be warned!
Some will take you to gruesome pictures and disturbing stories, so tread carefully.
I honestly believe that most Americans need to view these things, and never forget, or forgive, what was visited on defenseless and innocent people on that black day.
Use your own judgement, but look if you can.
A look back:
The Eve of Destruction - 9/10/2002
Free Dominion ^ | September 11, 2002 | Entropy Squared
"World War III started on September 11, 2001 as surely as World War II started with the bombing of Pearl Harbor. What you are seeing in these pictures is a sneak attack by enemies who want to destroy the freedom and liberty we enjoy, as surely as the Japanese wanted to destroy us and as surely as the Nazis wanted to destroy us."
The original "as it happened" --
"CNBC reports a plane has hit the World Trade Center in NY. No details..."
The Sierra Times - One Year Ago 09.11.01 Report by J.J. Johnson Published 09. 10. 02 at 21:36 Sierra Time
Then, the rest:
"The story of the victims who jumped to their deaths is the most sensitive aspect of the Sept. 11 tragedy. Photographs of people falling to their deaths shocked the nation...It was worse than people realize."
Fair warning- there are gruesome pictures on this post. You have been cautioned!
"When the whining, sappy, head-in-the-sand idiots at work say we shouldn't go to war, we should put all this behind us (and believe me, they have been saying these things) I've pointed to that shot and asked if they would feel any different if that was their mother, father or child."
And finally, remembrance:
TOPICS: Extended News; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: 2ndanniversary; 4thanniversary; 911; 911archives; fourthanniversary; frlibrarians; neverforget; reference; sept11; wtcattacks
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posted on
09/11/2002 3:30:23 AM PDT
To: kayak; glorygirl; honway; Pippin; elfman2; hammerdown; Tumbleweed_Connection; Redleg Duke; ...
All right, neighbors- here it is, my promised post of selected links about 9-11... the further you follow the links, the worse it gets- but we all need to look, bear witness, and remember...
posted on
09/11/2002 3:34:55 AM PDT
To: backhoe
"bear witness, and remember..." I always shall, my FRiend...and I look forward to perusing yer always informative links!!
To: Mudboy Slim
Thanks for stopping by... I have to go & do the househusband/driver thing for an hour or two, but I'll be back...
posted on
09/11/2002 4:11:47 AM PDT
To: backhoe
thank you.
posted on
09/11/2002 4:15:46 AM PDT
To: backhoe; sultan88; Landru; goldilucky; stand watie; jla; Snow Bunny; Libloather; ForGod'sSake; ...
"I'll be back..." So shall I...MUD
To: backhoe
To: MSSC6644
Thanks for looking...
"bear witness, and remember..."
posted on
09/11/2002 6:12:31 AM PDT
To: backhoe
Bookmarking this "keeper".
posted on
09/11/2002 6:39:46 AM PDT
To: glock rocks
Thanks for stopping by...
"Never Forget..."
posted on
09/11/2002 6:40:17 AM PDT
To: sultan88
Thank you. I have sent it far and wide across the 'net, and others will see it as well.
"Bear witness, and never forget..."
posted on
09/11/2002 6:43:52 AM PDT
To: backhoe; Pete-R-Bilt; Excuse_My_Bellicosity
Thanks for stopping by... thank you backhoe, for putting this together.
To: glock rocks
Appreciate the kind words, and the flags to others. I've avoided looking at the TV today because I figure it will be their usual "mile-wide, quarter-inch deep" coverage.
posted on
09/11/2002 7:01:10 AM PDT
To: backhoe; Mudboy Slim
Another awesome compilation backhoe. Your efforts are truly appreciated by this Freeper. BTW, I haven't had a chance to catch much of the teevee coverage what with domestic chores and all, but what I've seen has been passable. Which is about as good as it gets for most of our Ministry of Information ; )
God bless you and keep you.
Thanky fer the ping Mud.
To: ForGod'sSake
De nada, mi amigo...MUD
To: ForGod'sSake
Thanks for looking... my wife watched a little TV today before going to work, and she also thought it wasn't bad.
posted on
09/11/2002 8:30:47 AM PDT
To: backhoe
Thanks very much for this
To: RJCogburn
Thank you for looking!
posted on
09/11/2002 12:51:09 PM PDT
To: Mudboy Slim
bump this post and thanks for those threads.
To: goldilucky
Thanks for stopping by, and the comments.
posted on
09/11/2002 1:16:34 PM PDT
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